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Things You Like But Everyone Else Seems To Hate


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What are the things that YOU like but everyone else hates?


I'll start, Ordis. I like Ordis, I don't find him annoying, if I made an AI autopilot I would probably give him a silly personality to lighten the mood.

I like nerfs too, nerfs get a bad rep but I like them


What about you, what do you like?

Edited by Mastikator2
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Void trader

Damage mods

Current split chamber



T4 interception






Triggering salty kids to rage mid mission without effords or anything offensive or harrasing. (Lmao)


Warframe would have little to no content, or sense of accomplishment, without it.

. And this Edited by Deejudanne
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People say it has no use, and has been replaced by Bullet jump.
But I say it's much more than just a Jump Pad.
It's a bounce trap, a repulsion pad. You don't have to set it on the ground. Set it on doorways and edges of obsticles to prevent people from moving through that space. set them on the bottom of a snowglobe to keep things out, or set it further up to create, well, Anyone play Sonic?


And you can put it on more than just a snowglobe to create a cannon that sends you flying SO FAST, anywhere it hangs off of the object you put the ball on and you can jump through the back side of the pad, you can create a dash ring.

It forcibly moves enemies and recudes shields by 75%. It is the best, most fun, ability I've ever used.

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Boltor Prime, i can see that alot of people don't like it, but it's a very powerfull and a very satisfying weapon, i'd even say it's really well designed. The only flaw it has is that it's too easy to get.

Russian players that doesn't speak english <3 


Best feature in every MMO

Some people here seem to not understand the meaning of this thread...

Unless if you really enjoy playing with russian that can't speak english.

Edited by Trichouette
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