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Some Kind Of Auction House? [Megathread]


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That has nothing to do with the seller and a Auction house will NOT fix that problem, if anything it will actually make it worse.


The reason Mods like that sell for so much is DE fault for not introducing event mods in to the loot tables. If there was way to obtain the mods they would not sell for unacceptable amounts.


The inverse could be done though - players offer what they'll pay for mods they're interested in.  However, then the opposite occurs - people will be willing to pay 1p more than the last guy.  The difference here is that when the seller posts his wares, people have an idea what's on the market.  When buyers post what they desire to buy, we just know what is desirable for the community.  Of course, how the economics will diverge between the two methods is entirely theoretical.  Neither is a bad approach to an auction house per se, and both are still leagues beyond spamming the mess that is trade chat.


No in game economy has crashed because of an auction.  They only crash because there's nothing to sell that's worth buying, which is why gamers are generally happy when a game doesn't have bind-on-X rules for equipment.

Edited by Littleman88
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That has nothing to do with the seller and a Auction house will NOT fix that problem, if anything it will actually make it worse.


The reason Mods like that sell for so much is DE fault for not introducing event mods in to the loot tables. If there was way to obtain the mods they would not sell for unacceptable amounts.


DE's drop tables aside, an auction house would definitely fix the issue of outrageously priced mods. You put the item you want to sell for a given minimum price at an auction, if people want it they go ahead and bid on it. But if they find a better, i.e. more reasonable, offer than yours they can choose not to bid on yours and opt to bid on someone else's mod. That way, sellers still make a profit, buyers will always get what they want.

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i would be fine with an auction house. in fact i would like it. all the useless WTS in trade chat are annoying. i gotta search for all the WTB's so i can make them a reasonable offer. sometimes i spend all my time looking for buyers than actually playing the game. 


i think what could be a better way to do this, is instead of being charged credits to post them, would be to charge ducats. i think 10 ducats per day per posting would be reasonable. ( we could say it's ran by Baro, and 10 percent of ducats spent can go towards purchasing his wares when he surfaces) DE could still limit how many transactions per day. 


i say limit the postings to 5 per tenno. the limit of 5 can be increased by a new type of ranking system. the more you buy from baro or sell/buy from the auction house will increase your rank. the rank could be capped at rank 10, while each rank provides an extra posting, capping at a total of 15 postings. if you're a wallet warrior you can simply purchase the ranks using plat. this way DE can still get an income for their hard work making an easy to use interface and auction system. maybe 5 plat per rank?

Edited by shoopypit
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i would be fine with an auction house. in fact i would like it. all the useless WTS in trade chat are annoying. i gotta search for all the WTB's so i can make them a reasonable offer. sometimes i spend all my time looking for buyers than actually playing the game. 


i think what could be a better way to do this, is instead of being charged credits to post them, would be to charge ducats. i think 10 ducats per day per posting would be reasonable. ( we could say it's ran by Baro, and 10 percent of ducats spent can go towards purchasing his wares when he surfaces) DE could still limit how many transactions per day. 


i say limit the postings to 5 per tenno. the limit of 5 can be increased by a new type of ranking system. the more you buy from baro or sell/buy from the auction house will increase your rank. the rank could be capped at rank 10, while each rank provides an extra posting, capping at a total of 15 postings. if you're a wallet warrior you can simply purchase the ranks using plat. this way DE can still get an income for their hard work making an easy to use interface and auction system. maybe 5 plat per rank?


You know we'll probably never get an auction house, despite the majority of the playerbase wanting one? UberVeterans that have farmed everything in the game a million and a half times want to dominate the market. The only people complaining against the auction house mechanic are people who probably still have 10 Frost sets that they want to sell for 600+ plat.


And sadly, it seems that DE favors the opinion of the small percentage of veterans over the rest of the playerbase. You gotta feel bad for new players who started playing a few months ago and have no access to the prime parts that have been retired other than spending money and buying them with plat from the veterans.

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I'd just simply like to suggest, since a lot of people really dislike trading in this game, a huge update to it.

I'm sure I'm not the first to suggest it... but we should have an auction house! We can of course keep regular trading, but wouldn't it be easier to do bulk trades and selling off of an auction house? It could even still work off the same limited trades system, posting an auction consumes a trade, buying an auction does too. It's easy enough to keep the credit tax involved, and auctions could simply be for plat trades. I think it's a great addition to the system we have. Not to mention we already have a mail system to receive auctions and payments.

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No. Auction houses kill economies- and games. If you want my logic and long winded explanations that I have to type out to everyone every single time this is suggested, you can go search for it. On that note- this has been suggested (and denied) a thousand times, why does noone use the search engine?

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A simple tweak will make relays the social hubs they were designed to be and make people meet more people and make more friends:

Make trading face-to-face possible in relays.

It would also be faster, no longer needing to travel to dojo, then have the other guy tell you he wants to invite you, then for 'failed to join host' to appear, then for you inviting him, then for him DCing, and then finally getting to you just to realise he ran out of trades for the day.

Source: My Guild Wars 1 experience, made a lot of friends trading stuff because you were face to face with the person you traded with.

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1. No auction houses.


2. You not being able to sell something is a matter of your personal luck and skill. Do not try to sell something that no one wants to buy- and you will have no issues. Most stuff everyone already has or does not want.


3. NO AUCTION HOUSES. They kill economies.

Sorry my friend , but i have to tell you that properly made auction houses greatly increase economy of a game instead of killing it. Runescape is a good example how this can be done. Diablo 3 in the other hand was a good example how you can kill whole game with wrong type of auction house.

Currently, if you want some platinium through market, you have to either write a bot for it, or you have to spend your whole day in trade chat. Which is really annoying and hurts eyes.

In fact with coming of auction house DE could really do some fancy tricks to make economy really active and well, such as dynamically chancing drop rates of specific prime parts through a whole year, which would effect their prices on auction house aswell as having a very dynamic / fun to follow economy. Runescape is not what its once used to be, but if you were there, you would know how good it was.

Edited by Navhkrin
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Sorry my friend , but i have to tell you that properly made auction houses greatly increase economy of a game instead of killing it. Runescape is a good example how this can be done. Diablo 3 in the other hand was a good example how you can kill whole game with wrong type of auction house.

Currently, if you want some platinium through market, you have to either write a bot for it, or you have to spend your whole day in trade chat. Which is really annoying and hurts eyes.

In fact with coming of auction house DE could really do some fancy tricks to make economy really active and well, such as dynamically chancing drop rates of specific prime parts through a whole year, which would effect their prices on auction house aswell as having a very dynamic / fun to follow economy. Runescape is not what its once used to be, but if you were there, you would know how good it was.

Runescape's item/loot gathering/progression/etc systems are NOTHING like Warframe's. You cannot say "it worked for this game" that is nothing like warframe and say it WILL work for warframe. Auction houses would KILL warframe. Period. I'm not going to keep discussing this because in the end everyone gives up anyways because they cannot out-logic it. I'm tired of everyone using the same "it worked in this game" or "where's your proof" arguments. If Auction houses happen, the game will die, and when it does I hope everyone can look back to my posts and think "we should have listened to him, he knew what he was talking about"- but 90% chance the game will NEVER get an auction house, because DE is smarter than that.

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I'd like to also point out Warframe.market and that sharking in auction houses isn't really a thing. Someone mentioned price controlling by a clan? Okay, let's say X item sells for 50p on average but a clan buys up all of them and tries to sell it for 100p each. Who cares? The people that wanted 50p still got their 50p.


All DE needs to do is make so you can only buy ~2-4 amounts of a certain item in the AH and boom, perfect seller/buyer system and no to little sharking.

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I don't think an AH is the solution necessarily but some prices definitely need to be set or something. I'm sick and tired of seeing messages such as

WTS Sicarus P set 100p


WTB Volt P set 25p

The opposite happens as well. Someone who doesn't know what they're doing will sell a Primed Continuity for 50p and suddenly everyone seems to think that that's the actual price.

Something NEEDS to change, just not sure if an Auction House is the best solution.

Edited by Moghul
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Hahaha I get in game messages all the time from people mad that I sell way too cheap. If it sits in the inventory it's a waste to me. I love undercutting. I really don't get why anyone needs to send a message telling me to sell volt or a mod for more. If I see someone selling I will sell for less right away.

And i still get people trying to lowball be even when I am selling for dirt cheap "I don't have any plat" says the guy in the 60$ prime syandana.

And sometimes I pay way too much for something. It is fun to deal with all the mess and chaos. I don't like jerks that abuse people on purpose but more power to you for trying to get what they can.

So no auction house. This game deserves all the horror if what we have now.

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Just read through all 8 pages before posting this.  Noticed a couple proposing similar stuff on the previous page, but I'm gonna go ahead and share my take on this.


Now they way it currently works as I understand it(haven't traded much so correct if wrong) you post a WTS or WTB in the trade chat wait then repost then wait and repeat till someone messages you wanting to buy/sell.  All this time you have to stay on your ship, playing with your Kurbrow, telling Carrier how much  it sucks, or just sitting...  wait forget that last one we don't appear to have any chairs.


Now what I'm imagining is a kind of trading board in design a little like the market.  You go in choose a category and have a look at what's currently being offered.  You find a item your interested in click it you get a pop-up "User964 Would like to sell "Blah Blah" with the traditional purchase button replaced with a message button.  Then you proceed to your regularly schedule haggling and trading at "Trading post".


They way I see this working is go to the "Trade Module" on your ship and make a post either advertising a item you wish to sell or that you are looking to purchase a particular item.  With the number of posts you can make dependant on how many trades you have left that day, I say trades left rather then limit it by your Mastery Rank because trades are already limited by MR and there's no point making a trade request if you can't make the trade is there? 


The idea being that these post remain for as long as your logged in to Warframe, disappearing the moment you log out.  Allowing you to go play Warframe and still being able to advertise you buying/selling needs.


Now I hear you asking "Doctor. What if I'm in a mission when they message me?"  Well in case message them back politey saying "I'm in a mission right now do you mind waiting how ever long?"  If no, then you're really no worst off then you were with current system.  If yes, well you just made a sell you wouldn't have been able to with the current system.


As for seeing prices, I don't think the posts you make should include a price on them, rather the buyer/seller would message the postie to find out what they're willing to go for. To avoid people automatically buying the cheapest or selling for the most expensive asking price.


As for keeping the buyer/seller informed of the current going prices of a item, I would say when you click on item it also show the average price  over the last 48 hours or something.  But that would all depend on whether DE can pull that sort of information from trades.  I supposed they could have it flag trades of items posted on the "Trade Module" so only those trades are used for creating the average.


Also just to clarify when I say post I not talking of a permeant "Trade Chat" post, but rather just the items inventory icon.

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First I would like to make it clear that I am in favor of an auction house if implemented in a non-gamebreaking manner. *looks at diablo 3*

Second, I would also like to keep trading chat at the same time.


Here is my proposed auction house: to begin with, the auction house is accessed in the dojo, either through the preexisting trading post, or through a new, similar decoration.


There are two main types of posts that can be made on the auction house; WTS and WTB. There is NO trading of items for items on the auction house.


The poster pays a credit tax in order to post, which is nonrefundable. I imagine the credit tax as being between 100,000 credits and 250,000 credits. On posting, two (2) trades are consumed (also nonrefundable). One transaction (buying or selling) can contain up to 5-6 items, allowing for sales of sets. (In the case of 6, set + stance, or a syndicate weapon pack)


A post will stay up for 24 hrs from the time of posting. If the post is not fulfilled in that time, the items (in the case of selling) or platinum (in the case of buying) are returned and the post is removed.


Optional: rather than posting one exact price, you may have the option to post a price range (e.g. 35+ for selling, -50 for buying) and a "buy it now" price (e.g 50p for selling, 35p for buying).


The "customer" must also pay a credit tax when completing a transaction, but this tax would be much less than the posting tax. The same two (2) trades necessary for posting are required for the customer, however. Once the transaction is confirmed by the customer, the platinum/items are sent directly to the correct inboxes.


Optional: a method for cancelling a post. The credit tax and trades for the post would have already been consumed, but this would allow items/platinum to be returned, if one changes their mind. This would only work before any customers have made a bid/completed the transaction for the post.


This is just my working model for an auction house, feel free to criticize/tweak it.



Edit: it would be nice in my opinion it you had a "sort by friends" function in the AH. I do not know about everyone else, but I would rather have my plat go to a friend rather that a complete stranger.

Edited by Nomayonnaiseinireland
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I don't get why people hate AH so much... no one ever played Wow? GW2? Rift? Runscape? or any MMO at all? The only AH that was a disaster, was D3 because of the real money involved. If the AH is done right, the only people that gets hurt are the ones that had all day to spam chat for trade. It's FANTASTIC for us that have a life and can't sit all day in front on the game to sell/buy virtual stuff in a video game. Life's to short for that non-sens.

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here. http://warframe.market/


theres your dam auction house


Want to Buy

1x "Jolt"(0 - lvl) for 25 Platinum each.


"AH's work agnist ripping off peeps"

uhm. yup. yea...

currency based AH end up always the same way: cheap stuff becomes worthless, expensive stuff becomes unimaginably more expensive.(how much you think prime primed chamber would cost with AH, those 15-30k ppl offer?)

but there is ONE way to introduce kiosk-based-afk-experience auction house and with only one restriction to make it almost unexploitable: remove plat form AH. Yup, that's it. Fine tradition of barter, commodity to commodity trade without using middle-medium of currency.

Edited by 5HV3N
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Idea: Sorta like an auction house without auctions. Click on "Traders Market" tab to bring up a UI screen. You can list 10 items and desired plat. You must be on your Liset or Relay to accept whispers from people who click "Whisper/Message" on the listing in the "Traders Market" screen. They whisper I want to buy/sell x item/set and you or they invite one another to dojo and trade. This would limit so many items on the market by players having to be logged on to trade stuff and still have that social interaction. This system is just and easier "Trade Tab". Also they could just not add a set plat amount and have the "Traders Market" use keywords to searches for desired items.

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