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Nothing Says "toxicity" Quite Like Archwing Events/content


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I'm sitting in Region chat, as Guides of the Lotus are wont to do, and it's just filled to the brim with people who want nothing more than to see another relay be destroyed. Not even for a remotely good reason, mind you, like, "will they actually destroy a relay this time?"


Instead, players are wanting the failure for any number of reasons, ranging from "Archwing sucks", to "newbs don't deserve a relay". This game mode (and by extension, anything related to it) seems to bring out the absolute worst in people, and I just have to ask... why? Does Archwing seriously make people this irritable any time it's brought up in any capacity?


So you dont like that there are people that dont want to succeed in the mission?

You are mad that people have a different opinion?



This is how the whole world functions.

Some people like rap music and some dont.

Why would you pay attention at the ones that dont like it?

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I played the event back in January, I got my Imperator Vandal. The holidays in my country are all around January just when the event was, so there I was playing the event just to get the Arch gun.

I didn't enjoyed the event at all, we already seen this content, the incentive to play it again is barely there and on a top of all it's Archwing content which always splits the community in two.

That event was probably one of the worst ones that I have played ( played since Tethra's doom ) and they decide to do it again. I will skip this one, the rewards are lackluster and I still have void to grind.

Which is great for you, but I wasn't even playing in January.

Any event re-run is an oppurtunity for me to get missing gear and story.


I'm jumping at the chance, even if it's harder to do that the first time.

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Welcome to internet communities. Its a phenomenon thats here to stay and has been here for quite a while now. Pretty much every game out there is afflicted by this phenomemon and its scaring away decent folk from certain games as well.


On the internet theres only you and everyone else is a butt. Its like driving a car. when you are on the highway theres you and and a huge bunch of aholes. :-P

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So you dont like that there are people that dont want to succeed in the mission?

You are mad that people have a different opinion?



This is how the whole world functions.

Some people like rap music and some dont.

Why would you pay attention at the ones that dont like it?


I find that comparison weird - You wouldn't dislike Rap so much that you would -given the chance- eradicate it from the planet completely.


That must be a special kind of hate going on when you start thinking like that.

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I find that comparison weird - You wouldn't dislike Rap so much that you would -given the chance- eradicate it from the planet completely.


That must be a special kind of hate going on when you start thinking like that.


No, the comparison is that you want rap albums to have low sales so there can be no more rap music. 


Basically some one is just saying dont help rap\relay continue.

But just saying something isnt really some big thing unless they are actively doing something to make this happen.

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1 yes it is and i have the stats to prove it





I you see all those weapons and gear? I grinded my butt off for every single one of them. I have encountered so many bugs doing so I gave up sending bug reports.


yeah and thanks to player submitted reports like yours and testing this beta game gets better but those pics don't prove anything about the current state of archwing pertaining to bugs. i'm not denying warframe/archwing has them but at this time it's far from being "riddled with bugs". in this event i have encountered only 2 bugs, one that got me stuck in something because i ran into it too fast (which is not specific to archwing) and a visual bug on the spinning parts ot the core. that's it ... nothing gamebreaking. level up your gear and mods, don't forget to move and you can play archwing just fine

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Region = /wfg on 4chan both filled to the brim with scum and villainy.


Can't say I feel that way. I would rather put up with them than get whispered paragraphs from some uppity kid with MR20 about how he does the most damage in the world.


Which actually happened to me today.


Which makes me hate this community even more.

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yeah and thanks to player submitted reports like yours and testing this beta game gets better but those pics don't prove anything about the current state of archwing pertaining to bugs. i'm not denying warframe/archwing has them but at this time it's far from being "riddled with bugs". in this event i have encountered only 2 bugs, one that got me stuck in something because i ran into it too fast (which is not specific to archwing) and a visual bug on the spinning parts ot the core. that's it ... nothing gamebreaking. level up your gear and mods, don't forget to move and you can play archwing just fine

The picture is for you to see that I have leveled every bit of archwing stuff so you can see that I know what I am talking about.


5 times I had archwing crash on me, 2 of them were BSOD, the other three times were crashes to desktop.


I have gotten stuck reviving people

I have had enemies spawn so far away that the game aborts the mission because I flew out of the mission area.

I've gotten stuck in rocks,

stuck in buildings,

stuck with my camera zoomed out

stuck with my camera zoomed in

stuck gettting no energy,

stuck with gettting no ammo refilled which its suppose to do

stuck with no revives


you have experienced very little or rather next to nothing of what other people have experienced.


when I call it buggy I mean its buggy.

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No, the comparison is that you want rap albums to have low sales so there can be no more rap music. 


Basically some one is just saying dont help rap\relay continue.

But just saying something isnt really some big thing unless they are actively doing something to make this happen.


Disliking Rap music and not buying the Album is one thing.


But hitting up the official Forum/Chat Channels of that Artist and wishing that person witnesses 'a fiery, exploding death' not only displays their apparent hate of that person, they also get a drive out of the fans of that Artist, effectively trolling them.


And that is not okay.

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The picture is for you to see that I have leveled every bit of archwing stuff so you can see that I know what I am talking about.


5 times I had archwing crash on me, 2 of them were BSOD, the other three times were crashes to desktop.


I have gotten stuck reviving people

I have had enemies spawn so far away that the game aborts the mission because I flew out of the mission area.

I've gotten stuck in rocks,

stuck in buildings,

stuck with my camera zoomed out

stuck with my camera zoomed in

stuck gettting no energy,

stuck with gettting no ammo refilled which its suppose to do

stuck with no revives


you have experienced very little or rather next to nothing of what other people have experienced.


when I call it buggy I mean its buggy.

have you experienced any of those things in the current event? or since the latest archwing overhaul? can't u tell they are actively developing the game? what the hek are you talking about? past bugs are not the object of this conversation


i expect warframe to have bugs (especially new content) since it's beta and we are the ones doing most of the testing.

sounds to me u don't like archwing mode and that's ok but it's in the game and it's here to stay so you can either help improve it (like you seem to have) or you can wait for more fixes which i assure you will come. but bashing it with false claims is not the way to go about this

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have you experienced any of those things in the current event? what the hek are you talking about? past bugs are not the object of this conversation

this event is exactly the same as last years event with the exception of the lack of being able to use powers in the fomorian core area.

bugs in general are part of this conversation because of how many people dislike archwing. that is what this discussion was about.


I was stating facts about why people don't like archwing and because you like it, you came to defend it.

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Just set people who's region chat annoys you onto "ignore".  Simplest solution, best solution.


I wouldn't worry about "toxicity" in forums or region chat.  It's not like people are delicate flowers put off by some random racket, everyone knows that EVERY region chat in EVERY multiplayer game is a waste of time for anything other than the occasional bit of random entertainment if you're bored and/or drunk.  Most newbies know it too.

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Exactly. You signed up for the job. It's your job to deal with it, not complain to everyone else. This is exactly why I didn't personally volunteer. If at any point it becomes too much, I'm sure they'll let you quit, and understand completely.


So you dont like that there are people that dont want to succeed in the mission?

You are mad that people have a different opinion?



This is how the whole world functions.

Some people like rap music and some dont.

Why would you pay attention at the ones that dont like it?

So are we just glossing over the fact that my original post specifically mentioned people being purposely hostile because it's Archwing?


This has absolutely nothing at all to do with "different opinions", and everything to do with the fact that some players are using snobbery and elitism as an excuse to let the only relay open to all players get destroyed.

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this event is exactly the same as last years event with the exception of the lack of being able to use powers in the fomorian core area.

bugs in general are part of this conversation because of how many people dislike archwing. that is what this discussion was about.


I was stating facts about why people don't like archwing and because you like it, you came to defend it.

i like the game and dislike bs arguments. i called out your bs claims about archwing being "riddled with bugs" making it sound like it's unplayable when the truth is that in it's current state it's no different from any other part of the game bugs and all (bit more grindy tho). you need to put in the time to make it work and move around to not get shot down.

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i like the game and dislike bs arguments. i called out your bs claims about archwing being "riddled with bugs" making it sound like it's unplayable when the truth is that in it's current state it's no different from any other part of the game bugs and all (bit more grindy tho). you need to put in the time to make it work and move around to not get shot down.

claims? you see any of my 'claims' being false?

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I could be way off-point in much of what I'm about to type.  These are my thoughts on the type of situation we're in regarding Archwing and folks' thoughts regarding it as an entity within Warframe.  As with anything this is all based on my own obervations which are then placed out as a "generalization" of sorts to attempt to reason out why things haven gotten to this stage.


Basically, take it all with a grain of salt.





Anyways from the outset Archwing was something that did indeed spark interest from the community at large.  Within region chat the notions being expressed varied though most of them that I saw were overall positive/excited.  However things took a rather harsh turn when Archwing actually released due to the reality of playing something versus player expectation of hypotheticals/trailers.  As many know, first impressions are a hard thing to overcome.  Even though Archwing now has had some solid levels of polishing (it could use more) it's got to fight against the less than stellar first impression it made with the playerbase at large.



But rather than go forward here, we'll take a step back and look at the issues at play;  Why is it, that Archwing hit a somewhat sour note with so many players?



At its most initial outset Archwing had some expected hiccups, one glaring one being where a player's frame choice made a huge impact on survivability levels within this game mode.  Basically one who didn't pick a frame with high Shielding and Health was at a stark statistical disadvantage.  While Warframe is indeed a PVE oriented game, players hate (with the passion of a thousand fiery suns) being notably outclassed by their peers.  Because of this folks flocked to choosing such frames to play to this gain.  Then, in the interest of removing  "a correct choice" which invalidates player choice, DE swapped things up so that Archwing HP/Shielding was its own thing independant of frame choice.


To note this, DE made the absolute correct choice here, but this shift in parameters available to player hit on the negative to those among the playerbase who already favored defensively potent frames.  Unlike those who played "squishy" frames, these player who already had been utilizing the heavier frames saw this as a sort of detraction from them in a way.  "Why should other people get to have the same defenses I get?"  alongside "Why shouldn't I get better defenses since I'm the defensive guy?"


So that wraps up one bad impression hit on for a number of players.  Again as noted I saw some of these exact complaints parakeeted in region as well as having seen threads on such a subject hit on the forums from time to time.  While not everyone has/did feel this way, many did.



Nextly we'll go to something which hit a much broader selection of the playerbase;  The disjunction of game modes.  This is the one which hits home for me for instance.



For those in the newer crowd this one wasn't felt, but instead imagine those who'd dumped a fair bit of time into progressing themselves in power across their time playing Warframe.  Archwing isn't an airplane space jet thing, it's your frame with wings.  Your frame, the one with whom you're a proverbial "master of awesomeness and unstoppability" who laughs in the face of dangerous foes with your stacked up and potent guns and majestically amazing mod pool.


And now you're a schmuck who's statistically no better off than a guy who started playing super recently.  Now this luckily didn't hit me all that hard, but I won't lie that it feels a little annoying when you go into Archwing knowing that nothing you do there matters to the normal game, and that nothing in Archwing is going to matter to your main game.  This in turn leaves a bad impression on any who feel this way, leaving them with this notion that Archwing isn't a real part of Warframe at all.  Instead being a tacked-on side thing.


In summation there;  In a game where time and effort all go to the grind over a long term, having to literally chuck all that time and effort out the window and start from the beginning can be a very painful thing.  Fact is, up till we got Uranus swapped over into the underwatery goodness that it is now, there wasn't any real link between Archwing and Warframe.  So with this you're left with a handful of "veteran" players who look at Archwing as this diabolical thing which serves only to take away valuable time that they could spend on actually improving their standing in Warframe.





I could add a few more generalized observations like how the control feel of Archwing is a bit wonky for some players.  Where they (myself included) didn't expect to be locked on an axis and instead expected it to control more like an actual flight game.  Or how the weapon part grind slowly eroded away at some players who wanted to or did like Archwing (I've seen many in chat who gave up due to this) which in turn transformed them into players who hate Archwing.


Basically it all, in the end, boils down to one simple thing;  Resentment, and when people resent something they want to see it fail.  So now how does this tie into the "Let X Relay fall!" you may wonder?  Well I've still got a bit of droning on left in me so I'll cover my thoughts on this progression now.


So we've got a bunch of players who, for whatever reason, feel a deep resentment towards Archwing and thusly want it to fail.  The Relays are an addition to the game which have an overall more positive "vibe" across the playerbase.  They're also (alike Archwing) something DE themselves worked on for many long and hard hours to get up and running.  This causes those who resent Archwing to want to pit them against one another as a way to try and display their feelings to DE in a direct way.


By trying to get most/many/all of the Relays destroyed.  They can in turn convey this thought that they were destroyed not because of "fun" or for kicks, but because players didn't want to suffer through Archwing to save them.  Basically making a real world (game) impact based on their own ideals in a hope to see action.  Putting it at a choice;  Keep Relays as a part of the game?  Or scrap them and keep Archwing.  Of course with players hoping that Archwing is the game piece which ends up taking the vital blow when the dust settles.


Basically they desire to let something which is widely deemed as good/useful to fail to show how much they hate another thing.  Utilizing Relays as a dagger with which to stab Archwing right in the heart.  Of course not everyone who wishes to see some Relays fall will fit into this generalization.  There are going to be elitists out there who just like holding things above newer players.  Players who wish to see how things play out purely out of curiousity (assuming DE won't let a whole fragment of the game just die) and want to satiate their curiousity.


But alas, as I noted at the start of this little wall of text, all of this is nothing more than my thoughts on the matter.  Thoughts based upon observations within Region chat as well as the forums over the course of events regarding the conception, implementation, and furthering of Archwing as a part of Warframe.  It's possible that I've hit home somewhat here, but it's also possible I've gone off the deep end and am wrong about all of this.


Now if you'll excuse me I should probably put in some work towards saving those Relays as all this fingerwork is doing them no good.  While I still have some of those same less than stellar first impressions of Archwing (I wish it wasn't so partitioned off) I also still have hope for it as a part of Warframe.  So I'll still foray into it now and then, because while it's not the most enjoyable thing to me now, I figure it will do as the rest of Warframe has and improve over time.


Edit;  Because there's always at least one typo isn't there?  [size=1]Also forgot a small portion of formatting.[/size]

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