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Is It Necessary To Nerf Warframes Til They Are Renderlously Useless!?


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Dear Devs and Tenno, I understand people want the abilities to be balanced but to make a frame weaker than they are suppose to be is bs. Excalibur or any Warframe to Nerf them to the point that they can't do mission levels that are 30 and higher(even in squad) defeats the purpose of being a Tenno. Tenno have evolved from the Void, therefore the void has limitless energy. The Corpus and Grineer try to copy the Frames power source because they see value in the Tenno. Realistically to Nerf every frame seems invalid unless you get captured by enemies like the harvester and others. I understand the Conclave needs to be even but the main game itself seems like rubbish. My point is can you stop making the warframes useless!? How are we to complete the missions that excel beyond our max levels? Better yet will the leveling systems improve in future updates to where we can go beyond lvls 30. Or can you restore all frames Power strength by rebuffing them?

Edited by GlaiveZERO
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I get the feeling that you're only seeing the nerfs, and conveniently ignoring the buffs.


Frames are getting buffed just as much as they're getting nerfed.


Is this about Mesa? That seems to be the 'nerf' that everyone is whining about nowadays, she is more than capable of handling level 30+ content.

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No, it's necessary to nerf warframes until they're renderlously balanced.

You don't hate all nerfs. That's just ridiculous and childish. If you denied DE the ability to never nerf anything again, the game would become completely unplayable horrifically quickly.
You hate poorly applied nerfs. If I was to hit someone in the face with a hammer, that would be a poor way to use a tool. If I was to nerf something into the dirt and make it completely useless, that would be a poor way to use a tool. If I hit someone in the face with a hammer, the hammer is not the one at fault.
Buffs can be misused as well. If a buff is too extreme, everything except whatever was buffed becomes obsolete. I can nerf something into the dirt and make it useless; I can buff something into the sky and make everything else useless. I can hit someone in the face with a hammer; I can stab someone in the eye with a screwdriver. All are poor applications of perfectly okay tools.
If we want to have any sort of sensible discussion on game design whatsoever, we first have to acknowledge that it's actually is possible for something to be too powerful.
Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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Dear Devs and Tenno, I understand people want the abilities to be balanced but to make a frame weaker than they are suppose to be is bs. Excalibur or any Warframe to Nerf them to the point that they can't do mission levels that are 30 and higher(even in squad) defeats the purpose of being a Tenno.



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I don't have Mesa neither do I have Loki.

I get the feeling that you're only seeing the nerfs, and conveniently ignoring the buffs.


Frames are getting buffed just as much as they're getting nerfed.


Is this about Mesa? That seems to be the 'nerf' that everyone is whining about nowadays, she is more than capable of handling level 30+ content.

Edited by GlaiveZERO
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Volts abilities can't, assuming nullies and bombard are factored in


Sure sure. He is pretty trash, apart from the invincible damage boosting shield, decent CC with his #2 augment and a #1 that can stun a whole group of enemies.


But yeah, he totally can't handle 30+.

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Sure sure. He is pretty trash, apart from the invincible damage boosting shield, decent CC with his #2 augment and a #1 that can stun a whole group of enemies.

But yeah, he totally can't handle 30+.

I main volt and Excal, his augments doesn't work too well if your in a nully bible, or surrounded by guns, and I said the sheild because the explosion isn't blocked and the nullies screw over the sheilds
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I main volt and Excal, his augments doesn't work too well if your in a nully bible, or surrounded by guns, and I said the sheild because the explosion isn't blocked and the nullies screw over the sheilds


Nobody's augments work in a nully bubble, moot point.


Surrounded by guns? Run away to somewhere better. Blind. You as a Tenno have plenty of options open to you.


The shield is great if you know where to put it, stand a few metres back from it so that the explosions don't hit you.


Volt can take on 30+ content if you know what you're doing. The fact that you think Excal can't either is kind of funny.

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There aren't many frames without a damaging ability that can demolish 40+ enemies. The only frame that doesn't actually kill enemies with abilities is Loki, and even his Radial Disarm can deal damage to certain enemies. Maybe your problem is you want abilities that do the work for you. Right now the abilities as they are aren't supposed to nuke things as much as they're meant to fill some kind of role, such as locking down an area, beefing fire damage, increasing damage, etc.

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Premise is wrong, IMHO.  All Warframes are perfectly viable up to 40 waves/40 minutes and beyond.


It's mods that matter most re. whether you're "viable" late-game.


For the super-late game (60/60 and beyond) then yes, some frames fall behind (those based on raw damage obviously - at this point, you want frames with abilities that scale on percentages rather than absolute figures), but that's not a standard by which to measure all frames, since most people play mostly up to 20/20 or 40/40, simply because it gets boring after that, because you can't run around like a loon slaughtering things any more.  (Or, it gets interesting if you've got a planned team and strategy.)

Edited by Omnimorph
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I know right. Considering Calibutt is currently up in the top tier with the ability to gain finisher damage, a raw damage and AS buff passive, 2 large AOE skills one CC and one fairly okay damaging nuke, and some ludicrous damage with his 4(which can be used through walls) which can be sustained for the entirety of a T4 void.

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My point is can you stop making the warframes useless!? How are we to complete the missions that excel beyond our max levels? Better yet will the leveling systems improve in future updates to where we can go beyond lvls 30. Or can you restore all frames Power strength by rebuffing them?

Players routinely take on enemies who are level 60+ with relative ease, and even higher levels if they're a solid team with a good composition.


Are we even playing the same game?

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