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Mios - True Origins (With Pictures)


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RedSkittlez is a pretty big fan of Tsutomu Nihei's works (BLAME, Biomega, Knights of Sidonia, etc), and the Mios does pay homage to the weapon which appears in Biomega.


The original submission: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/147661-phase-1-melee-weapon-concept-submissions/page-15#entry1768218


From the snippets I've seen (Pax East TennoLive), the Mios is likely going to be something of a sword that doubles as a scissor. As far as complexity is concerned, it's extremely so. Sword, Scissor, Hook/Whip... I imagine incorporating all of its functions into an animation set and stance would be very, very challenging.

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RedSkittlez is a pretty big fan of Tsutomu Nihei's works (BLAME, Biomega, Knights of Sidonia, etc), and the Mios does pay homage to the weapon which appears in Biomega.


Where does pay homage end and plagiarism begin XD


Besides the scissor functionality (which for all I know could also be in Biomega) that's a 95% copy.

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RedSkittlez is a pretty big fan of Tsutomu Nihei's works (BLAME, Biomega, Knights of Sidonia, etc), and the Mios does pay homage to the weapon which appears in Biomega.


The original submission: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/147661-phase-1-melee-weapon-concept-submissions/page-15#entry1768218


From the snippets I've seen (Pax East TennoLive), the Mios is likely going to be something of a sword that doubles as a scissor. As far as complexity is concerned, it's extremely so. Sword, Scissor, Hook/Whip... I imagine incorporating all of its functions into an animation set and stance would be very, very challenging.



So remember me a definition of a art "plagiarism"  ???

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Where does pay homage end and plagiarism begin XD


Besides the scissor functionality (which for all I know could also be in Biomega) that's a 95% copy.

So remember me a definition of a art "plagiarism"  ???


Red isn't actually profiting from it in any way. Also, in Biomega, the weapon is just a sword with a hook on the end of a cable attached to it. It's not a scissor-sword.


In that sense, the weapon in Biomega is closer to a chain and sickle--albeit with a shortsword in place of the sickle. The two images up above are really the only two images of the weapon in the entire manga (I'm serious, it doesn't appear anywhere else other than those two pages).


The scissor function is something Red came up with.


Just saying, but it usually helps if you research the original piece or what something was based off of before you cry plagiarism. That's like saying Apple plagiarized the original Palm Pilot PDA-phone. If you're basing an idea off of another idea but then make significant changes to it, then it isn't plagiarism.

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Red isn't actually profiting from it in any way. Also, in Biomega, the weapon is just a sword with a hook on the end of a cable attached to it. It's not a scissor-sword.


He's such a talented artist, I just assumed he would submit his own designs. I also think it's disappointing and underhanded that he would submit something that is such a close copy of an existing design without mentioning it in the original post. It certainly changes how I look at it.

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He's such a talented artist, I just assumed he would submit his own designs. I also think it's disappointing and underhanded that he would submit something that is such a close copy of an existing design without mentioning it in the original post. It certainly changes how I look at it.

It's not really a close copy though. The weapon in the manga is significantly smaller and doesn't function as a scissor.


Also, while we're at it, let's not forget that Warframe as a whole is "plagiarising" Bio Booster Armor Guyver... in that it's not plagiarizing Bio Booster Armor Guyver at all, but borrows inspiration heavily from the Japanese manga.


In the same way that Warframe (and many, MANY things in it) get inspiration from other things, RedSkittlez too draws inspiration from Tsutomu Nihei's works.

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Also, while we're at it, let's not forget that Warframe as a whole is "plagiarising" Bio Booster Armor Guyver... in that it's not plagiarizing Bio Booster Armor Guyver at all, but borrows inspiration heavily from the Japanese manga.


Ohhh my god. You're obviously acquainted with RedSkittlez, so I don't think you're perceiving the situation clearly.


There's nothing you could show me from Warframe that would instantly make me think "that's Guyver" in the same way those images make me think "that's Mios". It's not a comparison at all. Warframe was inspired by Guyver - yes - but Mios is a a straight copy.


Especially when RedSkittlez's art on Deviantart had comparison shots of real-life daggers with chain attached to the hilts, as if those were what he used for  inspiration, when it was clearly this. He chose not to show this image though, because it would so clearly highlight what he's done.

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I may be a bit sour because my contest weapon did not win but at least some nunchucks made into Warframe and animations are good.


I guess I'll never know if my idea was considered to be implemented as a whole...


Some contest weapons got the design as close to the concept as possible, like Kronen or S&A. 


Mios presence and plagiarism controversy are a proof that sometimes fan concepts being a part of official game can be a proof of both poor taste and ignorance of developers.

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Need I remind people that Warframe takes inspiration from a LOT of different sources? The Glaive, for example, is explicitly based on the weapon of the same name from the movie Krull (a real glaive is a type of polearm). That's a hell of a lot closer to plagiarism than a weapon that vaguely resembles a weapon that's only seen in silhouette in two panels of a manga.

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Red isn't actually profiting from it in any way. Also, in Biomega, the weapon is just a sword with a hook on the end of a cable attached to it. It's not a scissor-sword.


In that sense, the weapon in Biomega is closer to a chain and sickle--albeit with a shortsword in place of the sickle. The two images up above are really the only two images of the weapon in the entire manga (I'm serious, it doesn't appear anywhere else other than those two pages).


The scissor function is something Red came up with.


Just saying, but it usually helps if you research the original piece or what something was based off of before you cry plagiarism. That's like saying Apple plagiarized the original Palm Pilot PDA-phone. If you're basing an idea off of another idea but then make significant changes to it, then it isn't plagiarism.




So what tath some tiny detalie are different .. the fundamental object stays the same .. that is  plagiarism . So what if that dude is not making taking profit for this ..  BUT YOU DO .. DE DO .. so. this is hmmm 


will DE  gonna pay royalties to the orginal maker of that weapon /anime 

will DE is paying royalties to the Guyver makers 


probably no 

and this is grounds for plagiarism 


why to crate better to copy 



this post was delete so im writing it from scrach  

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Need I remind people that Warframe takes inspiration from a LOT of different sources? The Glaive, for example, is explicitly based on the weapon of the same name from the movie Krull (a real glaive is a type of polearm). That's a hell of a lot closer to plagiarism than a weapon that vaguely resembles a weapon that's only seen in silhouette in two panels of a manga.


Go ahead and look at this and think about what you've said.



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The Glaive matter is just exaggeration.

The Mios matter may be some indirect influence, it happens often to assimilate the design of something and replicate it in another manner.

The Higuide's weapon from "Biomega" is also an anonimous common weapon, it's not like the legendary "Gravitational Beam Emitter" from "Blame!" which is a "signature" weapon.

I think you all are overexaggerating about this, get some common sense before snowballing after an hoax...

...Said in an educate manner.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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Well, excalibur's exalted blade is EXACTLY (i repeat, EXACTLY) the same of shadow warrior's nobitsura kage. I guess there's no problem to have some inspirations, right?


The weapon itself looks like a generic katana, which is nothing like Excalibur's. The only similarity is waves of energy being launched with each slash, which isn't exactly a novel concept. I remember that from Revenge of Shinobi on Sega Genesis.


This example however, is a very unique, distinctive design. Down to the shape of the blade, to the small 'eye' like glowing things on the hilt.

Edited by AM-Bunny
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