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Survival Without Life Support

(XBOX)a salsa wizard

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One of my favorite missions to play with my friends is survival, we run around Grineer ships not searching for parts or resources, but fun. We have a great time fighting through endless waves of enemies as they get stronger and stronger. Every time we try different combinations of Warframes and see how their abilities react with each other, it's always really fun and we have a great time until we start getting low on life support. I know that is fairly balanced, but that isn't the point, I wish that a new gamemode where you didn't have to worry about life support or the thought of it existing. I know it would be too easy without the life support, but that's the point, it is easy to survive so you can have a good time. They could make it especially for people who are trying to have fun not resources. Maybe the enemies would drop less or there wouldn't be periodical rewards but I think that there should be a new survival mode like that. Do you guys agree?

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Well, u can always try high level Capture/Mobile Defense/Excavation , since enemies will keep spawning regardless of objective completion. Just not sure about the level increasing too, but it should at least happen in excavation since it is already a "endless" game mode. Hope i helped :)

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You are not alone! I always wanted there to be some sort of special node on each planet where you could just.... *ahem* FIGHT TILL YOU DROP. At the end when your team has been decimated, you keep any resources you found and that's that. It could be called "Last Stand" or something, I think it would be very cool.

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So what, endless waves of all, and I said ALL, the enemies in one faction without ever getting a reward, with the extraction open for anyone who want to leave at any time..
Endless ressource farming without having to worry about getting the objective done for more challenge. I
No camping whatsoever because there's no objective?
And with no precise objective comes HUGE waves of enemies... Not those cheap survival pack of 3 enemies following each other.

I ask for a NEW MISSION MY FRIEND. It... Is... Time

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Been wanting this for a long time as well... the more I think about the current survivals anyway, the less they seem to make sense. Sorry Lotus, but if your operatives were even halfway decent, we wouldn't need to provide some sort of distraction. And why does life support need to be cut again? Pure survival seems more attractive, if not logical.

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Life Support makes zero sense anyways. Does the map suddenly become an airless vacuum when it's cut? How are the enemies alive? Why send so many soldiers to their doom? How the actual clem do the infested know how to cut life support? Why does life support run out so quickly and these tiny air pockets give so much? Life support survival makes no sense and also pretty much sucks.

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I could play hide and seek for hours on end for survival rewards.


If we don't have something that drives us to actually do stuff we can just cheese it by picking a nice spot at a roof tile or some obscure tile and meditating till kingdom come.


A mission type that rewards you for the amount of kills you get would be much more appreciated.

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That game mode you asking for is called Excavation and you can stay in there as long as you want, enemies rank increase time passing and with the excavators you can get rewards faster then in a regular surv



Well, u can always try high level Capture/Mobile Defense/Excavation , since enemies will keep spawning regardless of objective completion. Just not sure about the level increasing too, but it should at least happen in excavation since it is already a "endless" game mode. Hope i helped :)

Well the thing about excavation is that it is only on a few planets and it is very open compared to the compact, tight corridors of a grineer galleon. I haven't tried capture missions before I will have to check that out though.

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Life Support makes zero sense anyways. Does the map suddenly become an airless vacuum when it's cut? How are the enemies alive? Why send so many soldiers to their doom? How the actual clem do the infested know how to cut life support? Why does life support run out so quickly and these tiny air pockets give so much? Life support survival makes no sense and also pretty much sucks.

infested emit toxic spores into the air or whatever dunno bout the others

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We need a gamemode like this. It can probably be called Stakeout or something like that. A bit like the Lone Wolf at the end of Halo Reach.



That game mode you asking for is called Excavation and you can stay in there as long as you want, enemies rank increase time passing and with the excavators you can get rewards faster then in a regular surv

Glorified mobile defence. Better than survival, that's for sure (if only we had Void Excavation) but you're still defending something other than yourself which isn't really that much fun at times.

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Trouble is, it would be easy to camp There are plenty of places the AI doesn't like to get to or shoot at leaving it pretty easy.

Why camp? you don't get any benefit from it. It's pure Charge and slash or Gun and run. There won't be any objective, no timer, no reward, the ressource drop will be as usual. Camping would just make it boring...

Most people camp because of the objective that they must complete... Either defend this or, survive this while grouping enemies and spamming abilities that gives 3 time the amount of ressource for life support. They are taking the easy way out.

Edited by (PS4)XxDarkyanxX
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The thing is you need to balance the difficulty to justify getting rewards. I like the concept of eximus style alpha squads.

Kinda wrote an essay, which i deleted, so instead I'll make my own thread and cross link it (drop a link here, link your thread in my OP). I'll do it when i get home.

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How about an extermination rework, where instead you're in an arena-like zone and tons of enemies just keep coming to you and you have to kill as many as possible before the time runs out or something like that. Enemies could come from all directions (including oneway trapdoors on the ground and jetpack enemies coming from the sky). Maybe add some stuff here and there like unlocking doors for more enemies to come by picking up a special datamass dropped by enemies in that mission.


Edit: Well i just reared my post and realised it went too far from the original idea of this post lol...

Edited by Catacomb
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a to the death all you can kill buffet sounds fun, but i cnt help but feel theres gonna be more people that try to cheese the mission instead of having a grand time pew pew ing. as in, more so than we have now since kills are the target.

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It's interesting because we have several variations on endless killing missions, but they all require some form of objective completion/defense.  I'm not precisely sure why, but DE seems opposed to missions where you do nothing but fight endlessly, you have to have something else to do. 

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