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The Ignore Function And Its Abuse


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The idea was that the "or" was actually a rhetorical question. the idea is that instead of the ignore button being where it is - instead have the report button there. also upon use of the ignore button it acts as the ignore function does. However it also flags them with the appropriate tag of harassment or any of the other options. 

No. Ignore is ignore. That's it.


Being ignored, you can "rhetorically" all you want. No one cares. Because for whatever reason is he/she just doesn't like to continue talking to you. And it's just that simple.


("Rhetorically" you are feeling rejected and are just trying to prove to the rejector that you should not be rejected... why trying to prove you're not a stalker only ending up to actually become a stalker yourself?!)

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Your so-called solution does nothing to alleviate your particular gripes OP.

All you would achieve with the suggested system is being reported as well as ignored. It would change nothing about how others operate within the Warframe community.

Congrats - you accomplished nothing and added to the backlog of needless reports for DE to sift thru!

Edited by MumblesMcphatty
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I understand your concern, but a Report button is much more apt for abuse than not (depending on whether DE will block that player automatically, a la YouTube, or read the report first. But, due to the chear amount of players, the first one is more probable). Ignore button might be used by stupid reasons, but that's the ignore happy person fault,choice, and ultimately, loss. Putting a timed ignore can lead to some degree of psychological abuse, and an easy report button is putting am even more powerful weapon in the hands of people that might not be that kind. Abuse of an easy to use report function happen, constantly, in any social network and/or game.

I don't think that your post is completely idiotic, though. Momentary block can be useful, in the way that it doesn't prevent future trades (when all is forgotten). But a limit on the number of ignores... No. Just no.

I suppose the block button could lead you to a menu that allowed you to choose for how long you want to ignore that person: 1h, 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month, permanently. Though this might be pointless complication.

Also, for those who defended it: Downvotes are just bad. It promotes a culture of hate and unspoken censorship. That's why facebook and twitter and tumblr don't have one, and now that Im older and dwelved more (probably too much) into forums and social networks, I totally get why.

Edited by tnccs215
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I was in a key share the other day and found a rare container with forma. I marked it on map, notified team, and everyone but one guy came to grab it. At end of match when everyone was extracting, he decides to go look for it but wp was gone (was another guy after me that put his wp up to make last longer also).

The other two go to extraction and start timer. I ask for them to reset to help the dude but they extract anyway.

End of match he leaves not fulfilling his promise in keyshare. I pm him telling him that was rude, and get a f%%k off message that it was rude to leave before he got forma then he ignores me.

I was the guy that found the chest, marked the chest, and tried to help him find again after he skipped it.

So I ignored him right back. I'm glad to never have to deal with this guy again. My ignore list is huge, over 100 players!

90% of them are from key jumpers. They agree to key share but steal instead. The cost of a key to never have to interact with these thiefs is worth it. I probably would not play if ignore list was limited to 100.

I encourage more use of ignore from all players. Anytime someone agrees to open key and leaves, they should be ignored. I don't care if player 2 skipped, it doesn't give player 3 a right to also skip.

How awesome would it be if the entire community ignored these players.

We must ignore more!

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Also, why the hell are people so aggressive on things like this? Seriously, you are giving OP waaayyyy too much hate. It's a bad idea, not the end of the world.

This is the intertubes, we must unleash all of our hate to get our points across!1!!




Kidding aside, I personally don't see how this is being abused.  If someone is petty enough to put me on ignore for something simple, then chances are good that I'll wind up putting them on ignore for being annoying or rude - they're just saving me the time and minimal effort.

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This is the intertubes, we must unleash all of our hate to get our points across!1!!


Kidding aside, I personally don't see how this is being abused. If someone is petty enough to put me on ignore for something simple, then chances are good that I'll wind up putting them on ignore for being annoying or rude - they're just saving me the time and minimal effort.

Exactly. You really want to Deal with someone that blocks you because... Reasons?

I mean, do you want to force those people into dealing with other humans? Its not fair for anyone. They will be forced to Deal with people, and people will be forced to Deal with them.

Ps:Guess Logic is why Noamuth is famous. I Guess.

EDITED:sorry for bringing this up. Was childish and you must be fed up with it. Do I keep it?

Edited by tnccs215
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No, I know EXACTLY how the OP's conversation went:


Jigoogly: WTS Arcane Avenger PM offers!

Random: how much for Arcane Avenger?

Jigoogly: I just said PM offers...

Random: but how much u want for it?

Jigoogly: ..... offer me

Random: fine...10plat

Jigoogly: LMAO wtf 10 plat you SRS BRO?

Jigoogly: Make me a REAL offer....

Jigoogly: Hello?

Jigoogly: u gonna b srs or wat?

Random: This user is ignoring you.


(Edited for sarcasm...this is not from a chat log or anything)


This exactly is why trade chat is so horrible. The seller obviously has a price in mind, but refuses to share even a ballpark figure. It feels like they simply want to waste your time, but actually they're just looking for someone to rip off charging them far more than its worth.


 You can safely add anyone in trade chat that says "PM offer" to your ignore list and save yourself tons of time.

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If you want to ignore someone, you should be able to ignore that person. End of story. At no point should the game ever force me to receive messages from someone I no longer want to receive messages from. You do not have the right to force other people to listen to you because you feel like they should have to. Whether or not they want to listen to you is 100% their decision, and insisting otherwise is disrespectful at best and harassment at worse.


Most of the time when people post "PM offers," it is for an item with high demand/low supply - either because it's incredibly rare or brand new. The seller doesn't know what they should be able to sell it for any more than a prospective buyer knows what they should be able to buy it for because the market is too small and too volatile to have stable prices. Instead of slapping a price on it at random and either losing a ton of plat or making a ridiculously overvalued posting everyone will ignore, they say "PM offers" and hope that the unseen competition (from multiple people sending in offers blind to one another) will force buyers to make "fair" offers and protect them from being ripped off.


Do you get angry at people who post WTB without a price? They're doing the exact same thing - asking sellers to compete for their platinum without knowing what other sellers are offering them.


Do you get angry at people who sell things on eBay? They're doing the exact same thing - asking buyers to compete in their auctions without knowing what other buyers' autobids are set to.


There is no reliable compendium of Warframe pricing information, and as a result whoever puts the first number onto paper - whether it's the buyer OR the seller - is taking a substantial risk. There's no moral argument for why it should be the seller who takes that risk - the act of trading is completely symmetrical. In practice what you see is that when it's a buyer's market the seller lists prices and when it's a seller's market buyers often PM offers. And that's exactly as it should be; it's a negotiating advantage governed by supply and demand.

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I would say abuse is using a game function for a purpose not intended in way that creates a negative experience for everyone else. I think people should have the right to ignore one another if harassment occurs not simply because they don't like one offer you gave them over a year ago.


Uh, no because even without the function they can still ignore you.... by simply ignoring you. the game lets them simply automate ignoring you. You are arguing that you should be allowed to pop tabs on their chat that they will then chose not to read, and you will keep popping tabs and they will keep closing them without reading them.


This is rediculous. If they are going to ignore you they can, there is no reason to change the ignore fucntion to allow you to keep bothering someone who wants to ignore you.

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To put it blatantly it is abused.

que random scenario from trade chat:


Me: WTS Arcane Avenger pm offers!


randompmdude: how much for avenger?


Me: I asked for people to pm their offers :) But I take other things than just plat.

randompmdude: -no response-


Me: ?

randompmdude: This user is ignoring you.


. . .


Just my 2 cents on the situation 


Absolutely not.  If someone doesn't want to talk to you, well that's a basic human right. 


Simply put - it not possible to 'abuse' an ignore list.

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Putting a limit on how many people you can have on your ignore list? Lol, no. If someone is being rude or toxic, then i have every right to ignore them. Btw, the scenario you listed isn't "abuse" Its a player using the ignore function as intended. Sure, they were rude, but its their right not to talk to you. 

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Also, why the hell are people so aggressive on things like this? Seriously, you are giving OP waaayyyy too much hate. It's a bad idea, not the end of the world.

Also, why the hell are people so aggressive on things like this? Seriously, you are giving OP waaayyyy too much hate. It's a bad idea, not the end of the world.

Yeah your right, people instead of saying that you can't abuse the ignore system( which is easily false) try to be a helpful tenno and actually try to help him and instead of letting go on cliff to kill him you should instead help by bringing him up

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This is the intertubes, we must unleash all of our hate to get our points across!1!!




Kidding aside, I personally don't see how this is being abused.  If someone is petty enough to put me on ignore for something simple, then chances are good that I'll wind up putting them on ignore for being annoying or rude - they're just saving me the time and minimal effort.

I have to assume that you have very little abuse, so you wouldn't understand our pain

But from my personal experience I have been ignored over and over again for the things I did nothing wrong they should have said there feelings to me and instead of being mature they decided to ignore me, that leaves a bad taste in mouths of the players thinking of terrible things on the ignored person because of something he/she doesn't like which is completely terrible for a social game like warframe

Putting a limit on how many people you can have on your ignore list? Lol, no. If someone is being rude or toxic, then i have every right to ignore them. Btw, the scenario you listed isn't "abuse" Its a player using the ignore function as intended. Sure, they were rude, but its their right not to talk to you.

Your right the op should have thought of a long term ignore something thats not permanent like a temporary ignore not a permanent one

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This exactly is why trade chat is so horrible. The seller obviously has a price in mind, but refuses to share even a ballpark figure. It feels like they simply want to waste your time, but actually they're just looking for someone to rip off charging them far more than its worth.


 You can safely add anyone in trade chat that says "PM offer" to your ignore list and save yourself tons of time.

They wait for a tenno who doesn't know the proper prices and maybe offer 2x-3x more than the actual price. I always tell my prices in the trade chat or in PM.


DE should improve the ignore function so ignored tenno also could not invite me.

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I have to assume that you have very little abuse, so you wouldn't understand our pain

But from my personal experience I have been ignored over and over again for the things I did nothing wrong they should have said there feelings to me and instead of being mature they decided to ignore me, that leaves a bad taste in mouths of the players thinking of terrible things on the ignored person because of something he/she doesn't like which is completely terrible for a social game like warframe

Your right the op should have thought of a long term ignore something thats not permanent like a temporary ignore not a permanent one

I assume you've never been harassed. Believe in me, that leaves a much worse taste in your mouth.

Plus, its not really up to you to choose whether what you said is offensive to that person or not. It's like saying its up to the criminal to choose whether what he did was a crime or not (not saying you are a criminal, just comparing). Plus, do you truly want to socialize with a person that refuses to listen to others(if what they said was, indeed, harmless)?

And to consider your statements because someone got offended to the point of blocking you is not cruelty of the part of the ignorer. Is an essential part of self-judging and improving how you deal with people. Pointing out your own mistakes is constructive if they are mistakes, and an incentive to keep that person off your life if it wasn't.

Edited by tnccs215
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I have to assume that you have very little abuse, so you wouldn't understand our pain

But from my personal experience I have been ignored over and over again for the things I did nothing wrong they should have said there feelings to me and instead of being mature they decided to ignore me, that leaves a bad taste in mouths of the players thinking of terrible things on the ignored person because of something he/she doesn't like which is completely terrible for a social game like warframe




No one is required to interact with you, no one has to play by your guidelines.  From my personal experience, people that out me on ignore for things like, not having Greedy Pull, I've found I'm far better off not interacting with them, ever. 


Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I haven't had similar experiences. 


You aren't being victimized by someone ignoring you nor are you being abused.  There are at least 1 million people playing this game, a handful of them putting you on ignore is not hurting your game play at all. 

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No one is required to interact with you, no one has to play by your guidelines.  From my personal experience, people that out me on ignore for things like, not having Greedy Pull, I've found I'm far better off not interacting with them, ever. 


Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I haven't had similar experiences. 


You aren't being victimized by someone ignoring you nor are you being abused.  There are at least 1 million people playing this game, a handful of them putting you on ignore is not hurting your game play at all.

Ahahahaha! Sorry if I sound dramatically salty for being ignored, at the very least make it a temporary ignore like a one month ignore time is enough



No one is required to interact with you, no one has to play by your guidelines.  From my personal experience, people that out me on ignore for things like, not having Greedy Pull, I've found I'm far better off not interacting with them, ever. 


Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I haven't had similar experiences. 


You aren't being victimized by someone ignoring you nor are you being abused.  There are at least 1 million people playing this game, a handful of them putting you on ignore is not hurting your game play at all.

You are absolutely right I rarely see tenno who have ignored me in fact I have completely forgotten that I have been ignored warframe

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I assume you've never been harassed. Believe in me, that leaves a much worse taste in your mouth.

Plus, its not really up to you to choose whether what you said is offensive to that person or not. It's like saying its up to the criminal to choose whether what he did was a crime or not (not saying you are a criminal, just comparing). Plus, do you truly want to socialize with a person that refuses to listen to others(if what they said was, indeed, harmless)?

And to consider your statements because someone got offended to the point of blocking you is not cruelty of the part of the ignorer. Is an essential part of self-judging and improving how you deal with people. Pointing out your own mistakes is constructive if they are mistakes, and an incentive to keep that person off your life if it wasn't.

Fair enough, you are absolutely right but the ignore system should be at least temporary, temporary enough that you have forgotten you have ignored someone in the firstplace at the very least

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Ahahahaha! Sorry if I sound dramatically salty for being ignored, at the very least make it a temporary ignore like a one month ignore time is enough

You are absolutely right I rarely see tenno who have ignored me in fact I have completely forgotten that I have been ignored warframe


Fair enough, you are absolutely right but the ignore system should be at least temporary, temporary enough that you have forgotten you have ignored someone in the firstplace at the very least


Ehhhh, at most I'd suggest a temp ignore list alongside a permanent one.  I shouldn't be forced to repeatedly put someone on ignore just so I don't run the risk of running into them again.


Something like /ignore <name> in addition to /tempignore <name>

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Unfortunately it would pretty much lead to the same outcome, but in which there would be an abundant amount of "empty" or hollow reports.

Even going as far as to use your "ultimate ignore" feature (or report function) as a treat.


It is more likely for them to not fill a complete and coherent report on why that person was upsetting him and even LESS likely for them to actuality do it for legit reasons. That is pretty much where your idea drops and falls really hard. Pretty much a no for me.



TLDR; it wouldn't change the community for the better, just be a means to augment the nature of the community.

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