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Console Gersemi Skin


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If anything you need to blame your console network.


Unlike PC, where the developer can just release patches whenever (unless they are on something like Steam).


Consoles need to go through their approval first before it can be distributed.  Plus on some systems the developer have to pay the console network to release updates.



A: NO MORE PC VS CONSOLE! We're done with it, any more and drew will come back and lock this.


B: It is not delayed due to technical reasons. As Drew stated that it was intentionally delayed despite already being in the code and fully usable as soon as it unlocks after a week.


C: The outrage was not over pc getting it first, but the fact that the reason why we had a delay out of nowhere with no explanation, was not explained, it has been explained, end of story.

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Instead of complaining about how we don't have the skin now, I'm instead going to thank DE for making a Pre-Corpus Valkyr skin. (something a lot of us have wanted) And I'm also going to thank them for continually releasing awesome content to us all of the time, as well as being very aware of their community and taking the time to respond to them.


I can wait a week for a skin, Thanks for all of the hard work DE it's much appreciated. 

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It does make sense, us console Tenno do go through the whole famine or feast experience, spreading new content isn't bad per se.

Only problem is when the thing you want is towards the end of the spread, I can see that being frustrating. Didn't bother me this time but I'll probably throw my toys out the pram if it delays temple guardian :)

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I didn't say seriously I said precisely, either learn to read or how to use quotation marks correctly. If he had said in exactly 1 week you would have a point but most reasonable people would just take week to mean following week, which they are doing. That's all I'm going to say, if you think they are being unreasonable, that's your interpretation, most sane people wouldnt agree with you but hey ho. Enjoy the skin when it arrives.

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For clarity, my exact words when the update deployed were: "This unique skin will only be available for 14 days and will release approximately one week after the update deploys." - the inclusion of the word "approximately" was entirely intentional because I did not know an exact date at the time.

I don't think debating the limitations of my original statement are worth the energy, but rest assured that we're taking note for future skin releases. (Also, we're planning to release the Deluxe Rhino skin on all platforms simultaneously in the near future.)

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For clarity, my exact words when the update deployed were: "This unique skin will only be available for 14 days and will release approximately one week after the update deploys." - the inclusion of the word "approximately" was entirely intentional because I did not know an exact date at the time.

I don't think debating the limitations of my original statement are worth the energy, but rest assured that we're taking note for future skin releases. (Also, we're planning to release the Deluxe Rhino skin on all platforms simultaneously in the near future.)

Drew is there a possibility of the saryn skin releasing on consoles same time as pc?

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