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Genuine Concern: Pvp Mods Usable In Pve?


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Let's assume I wanted to try and get some of these mods by playing PvP........(even though I dislike PvP to put it mildly)


Do I actually have to score kills to get the mods or are they just awarded at the end of the mission as certificates of participation? If I have to actually score kills then I'd rather just buy them. If they are awarded for participation then I expect whoever plays me to get an astounding KD ratio (and I couldn't care less).


Just participating is enough to earn mods IIRC.

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I think the best solution to this would be to allow our conclave Sigil to accumulate exp outside of conclave, and be usable in tandem with our regular sigeis

Actually, that's a nice idea. Maybe conclave sigil in PvE should give xp for certain actions? Reviving players, capturing capture targets for example?

I think that's a good long term solution: basically, PvP shouldn't have any exclusive items at all. Only items that can be obtained far more easily in PvP. It already exists specifically for the minority of people who like that specific type of competitive game. Shouldn't have any exclusive rewards.

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So the forcing of players to do pvp begins.

Good, humanity's success is conflict. We have never been a peaceful species, and never will be.

Look at what has been done in the name of equality, the greatest peacemakers are nukes, not words.

Your refusal to fight, to be victorious is laughable here, given you still must fight in PVE against forces, save that they can not be savvy and present reliable threats through cunning and skill.


Hail pvp, and with it soon that we may have permaloss, our dead frames with no revives lost to us forever.

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If people will accept an ammo drum for these mods, I'll take trading as a valid option. Otherwise, I don't want to be pushed into PvP (or raiding) in what was originally a solo-friendly game.


But yeah, a thread made just to bait out an opposing opinion. Why am I even replying?

Lol if only people would trade these mods for that.

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None of them are really worthwhile in PvE.  Aside from the daikyu mod you're giving up a slot that could have a damage mod in it if you use one of these mods.

that's true for now. however the point is if it's usable in PvE it should be obtainable in PvE

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Why people complain when they can trade those mods for other mods or prime parts obtainable from PvE (no plat required) ?



You do not have to trade with Platinum.



Send me a message I'll sell them for plat. Teshin knows I got plenty of standing...

ba dum tss

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This kinda feels like the Stats on Cosmetics arguments all over again. It will be all fine until something comes along that tips the balance of play on the PvE side... and not everything can be foreseen on its impacts. What is a minor side grade today, could become very important in six months with as yet unknown and undesigned combinations.


It would be better for DE to just get in the habit of putting PvP mods that can be used in PvE, into the PvE system. Just make it a step in the design process, and avoid future headaches.


The obvious solution would be to dump them into Simaris' Syndicate shop, at increased standing cost of the mods.

Edited by CrimsonBlasphemy
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There was a brief time when PvP rewarded Catalyst BPs.

I didn't play it then, and I won't play it now.

I don't welcome being "gently urged" to play PvP by DE.

I signed up to play a PvE game, if I wanted PvP, Warframe certainly would not have been my first choice.

Maybe it will convince some people to try it and enjoy it, good for them, but I'll make do with PvE available mods.

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Name ONE gun that would benefit from a PVP mod. Which one is worth giving up damage on for holster speed?


The only mods that seems worth while would be the "reload while holstered" mods...but only cuz you'd be able to empty a grakata, swap to dual grakata, empty the clips, then swap back to grakata, and repeat.  Clem would be proud.


Style points, yo.

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The only mods that seems worth while would be the "reload while holstered" mods...but only cuz you'd be able to empty a grakata, swap to dual grakata, empty the clips, then swap back to grakata, and repeat.  Clem would be proud.


Style points, yo.

I had no idea that I wanted to do this until you pointed out this could be done.

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While they are not game changers by any strech of the imagination, I'm worried that there will be those that will claim that DE is forcing them to play PvP so they can get these mods like they did when Arcanes and Exilus Slots came out (there are those people out there, we all know it).


Call me one of them. Mods usable in PVE should be available in PVE.

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really? perhaps you would be willing to make such a trade? is anyone willing to trade them for other syndicate mods? or is everyone speculating the fact that not many players have access to those mods and are asking for big amounts of plat?

Most players wanting to aquire these mods on the market will have to pay plat. Only a tiny fraction of players will find suitible trades. That's how trading works in WF on most things.


due to rarity, low % of player base plays pvp, there is no draco equivelent in pvp to max daily rep and it takes much longer + rewards in pvp are garbage for time invested, they should be worth more than augments.


Fact is the majority of players wanting to trade for these will have to use plat. Anyone saying otherwise is probably not trading these mods for augments/whatever and if they do have copies for sale will ironically be wanting plat not trades.


I will certainly be selling these for plat. I bet I will get it too.

Edited by Ghogiel
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They're only screwed over if the mods are actually good, none of them really are.



Name ONE gun that would benefit from a PVP mod. Which one is worth giving up damage on for holster speed?

that's not the point. things may be different after the damage rework. the point is IF IT"S USABLE IN PVE IS SHOULD BE OBTAINABLE IN PVE!

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You guys realize that it's relatively easy to farm plat via trading, right? And literally the only mod worth using out of the ones now enabled in PvE is the Spring-Loaded Broadhead for Daikyu. Everything else is worthless as you'd be sacrificing damage for utility.

this has been addressed already in this topic but i'll reiterate. bad thing about this is the precedent it creates and mod's usefulness will probably change with the damage rework.

also try finding one spring-loaded broadhead in trade for a reasonable price please. hell even make it 100p ... nobody sells it because very few players have it and if they do and are willing to trade it you can bet the price will be huge. not cool



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that's not the point. things may be different after the damage rework. the point is IF IT"S USABLE IN PVE IS SHOULD BE OBTAINABLE IN PVE!


this has been addressed already in this topic but i'll reiterate. bad thing about this is the precedent it creates and mod's usefulness will probably change with the damage rework.

also try finding one spring-loaded broadhead in trade for a reasonable price please. hell even make it 100p ... nobody sells it because very few players have it and if they do and are willing to trade it you can bet the price will be huge. not cool



Precedent only matters if it's followed.  This doesn't have to be.  Speculation that it will be bad because of the damage rework is pointless fear mongering.


Teshin mods are going for well under 100p (20-30p max); challenges+syndicate cap allow people to grind out enough for a mod each day if their mastery is high enough.  Most PvP players barely spend any standing since content hasn't been added often enough to teshin's offerings for people not to be able to fill up their standing pool if they play regularly.


Your argument can easily be turned around and applied to primes in PvP, but I bet people would get super mad if a way to grind for primes would added to PvP.

Edited by Aggh
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