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Reward Leechers


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Whats stopping the guy who can nuke a whole room with one press of a button from also delivering power cells, and performing other functions... so that he gets the majority of rewards?


Well some things generally those nuking skills are given to frame that have junk for def or shields.


Besides Saryn but then again she has it all.

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So I've been noticing this (alot more in the jordas golem boss fight) where players just dont play and let the other players do the work for them. So me and my bud were running the jordas precept for the helmet l, he didnt have it i was helping, we got 2 extra people from the recruitment tab and we were off. Everything was wierd when i noticed 1 of the guys(no name shaming here) killed 5 enemies and ran back to the spawn. I thought he was picking something up. But we got to the juggernaut and we couldnt initiate it. So we had to wait till this guy died, he left himself there at the beginning the whole time, and then the juggernaut fight started. Then the Jordas golem phase was a nightmare. The entire time we were fighting Jordas he was running away from the fight and avoiding enemies. I called him out and he said "he was recharging his ammo and shields" complete lie i had player health on and he didnt lose 1 shield. So after like 30 min we killed the golem. He then messages the squad. "You guys are terrible at this imma go find a better farming group" he then leaves. To say the least, me and my squadmates were irritated. is there ways of dealing with players like this.?

It's annoying, yes.


There isn't much you can do about it, yes.


Personally, I just remind myself it's a game and then put them on ignore. 

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So we should be forced to wipe and reload? How is that fair to those who want to play vs leechers or afkers.

You can't play VS anyone, this is not PvP, if you get so annoyed by them - restarting a mission only takes like 10 seconds (you will have to wait longer at extraction).

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As long as humans are human, there WILL be those who are too lazy to contribute unless forced to. Who feel that simply because they EXIST, they are entitled to whatever they desire and everyone else just has to give it to them.


Nothing we can do about it until or unless DE adds a vote-kick option. So, not worth getting upset over.

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You know how you punish leechers? Invite them all to a T4S for 40 mins. And watch them all drop like flies without reviving them

I'm just over here with my Valkyr... if you irritate me a ton and are constantly dying.. I'm not going to revive them, unless they're the party leader xD

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Draco is a very poor place to use as a leecher example, given it is the current affinity and leveling spot.

As for fixes, easy answer is kill the friendship doors and all squad for the boss. Presto, you got rid of the big issue that griefers are using, leave leechers to deal with whatever as you tromp merrily on alone solo.

There's really not much that you can't solo in this game on the starchart, and on endless, well it sucks but is rare for there to be griefers or other issues at high level. I know I've had to leave mid round, but I do put it out in chat of a problem and try to get back quickly.

An alternate fix would be to drop the additonal a rotation so matches go faster, making the leech and grief less of an issue when you need to stretch the hell 35-40 mark. Instead you are now done twice at 30, making it much more pleasant to all.

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They should add a new afk rule where if you are not within 15 meters of an enemy and unloaded at least half a clip into them(in case of op enemies for them) then they shouldn't get rewards. A 40 second wait time.

Archwing-increase the range.

Ext, sab, cap-don't implement this new rule.

Hosts should be the only ones with a kick option.

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They should add a new afk rule where if you are not within 15 meters of an enemy and unloaded at least half a clip into them(in case of op enemies for them) then they shouldn't get rewards. A 40 second wait time.

Archwing-increase the range.

Ext, sab, cap-don't implement this new rule.

Hosts should be the only ones with a kick option.

Sweet, I'll be bringing a nuker frame, tonkor, and rush+armored agility.

Stop crying that you went AFK and didn't get any rewards, you deserve it for not killing anything.


Yes, your plan, its as brilliant as the inside of an orokin derelict.

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I'll admit to leeching sometimes on the higher level content/alerts. Mainly when I am leveling a weapon I'll just go with a support frame (Trinity/Oberon/Equinox Night Form) and heal my team while they do the dirty work, but I never go AFK.


So for anyone trying to go off of the "you didn't do enough damage" that would disable all quick leveling possibilities and turn the game into a bigger grind (granted, if too many people do that in one match, then we have a problem and fail)


Also, if you want to kill/punish/have fun with a leecher, have:

valkyr/loki pull/switch teleport them out of their hiding spot

Equinox day form to spur enemies (best are infested) into activity and lead them to the afker


For the most part I don't mind leechers unless it's a void mission or an endless mission

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With the state the matchmaking has been since... well, always, adding ANY kind of kick option would turn public games into utter garbage.

Even a voting system would be easily abused with such a small team size.


You'd end up with people denying access to anyone not using warframe X and weapon Y to run mission Z.


A private blacklist would solve most of the problems.

You could ban whomever you don't want to see in your games ever again without messing up an ongoing mission.


The only problem left is double-activation doors, but those could simply be removed from most missions without any detriment to the content (if the guy isn't afk but is VERY SLOWLY exploring every nook and cranny of the map, your problem can't be solved)

Edited by Darkwings83
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Leechers are everywhere in Archwing, especially with the new J3 and with this past tactical alert.

I stopped complaining though. I'll drag every enemy toward that player until they either start playing or use up all their revives. I've got the time to "troll" if they got the time to leech.

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