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Rare, Reinforced Containers And You! A Strategy Guide To Mantis Hunting.



After finally getting the last Mantis piece, I figured I'd share some strategies for finding rare/reinforced containers that worked for me, and hopefully you can put to good use.

First, a caveat and warning; its not quick, or easy, but you CAN make it reliable on a long enough time scale.

Now, to the basics.

Playstyle: First, you must decide if you want to go solo. Having others around is great, but if they're not on the same page, it will make your rare hunting very chaotic to say the least. My personal play style during this was going solo, and "break every container, open every locker". You get more rare resources, more credits, and generally can have a very relaxing play session, even if at times you feel like you're just farming the Juggernaut. <3 Viver

The basics: You're going to want, at a minimum, Thief's Wit, Loot Detector, or Animal Instinct. This allows you to see containers on your minimap. My personal reccomendation is Loot Detector or Thief's Wit AND Animal Instinct. This gives you a huge loot radar, with the benefit of some enemy radar as well. Seriously consider this combo when you're on an unfamiliar tileset.

Suggested additions: Master Thief, to make your farming more tangibly rewarding, and a Syndicate Primary or secondary. The Syndicate proc's will break all containers in their radius, and can be used to easily clear the clutter on your map. If a container turns into a mod icon, congratulations, you might have found a rare container! More likely, you killed a mob near it, and it dropped a mod. (I believe they will also break reinforced as well, but am not certain.)

Frames: Any, but do note that Loki's Invisibility, and Valkyr's Hysteria both have an audio layer that muffles the game sound. Haven't used Limbo in an age, but if I recall correctly, his Rift Walk had an auditory layer as well. Only use them if you're extremely comfortable in your knowledge of the tileset you're on, or are hunting exclusively by the minimap.

Mantis Component Drop Locations:

Avionics drop from Orokin Rare/Reinforced containers.

Fuselage drop from Grineer Rare/Reinforced containers.

Engines drop from Corpus Rare/Reinforced containers.



Now, some final info, before the walk-through of how I got it. Tileset knowledge is key. Know, and be prepared to continue to learn the tilesets inside and out. Specifically, where rare containers can spawn. The short answer is hit EVERY loot room. Follow the "dead legs" on tilesets, and if you're running Thief's Wit + Animal Instinct, spin around periodically, watching your minimap. I can guarantee there are loot rooms you haven't found yet. As for knowing where rare containers spawn, do your Syndicate dailies. All of them. They'll take you all over the star map, and Syndicate medallions do two things; first, they show up on your minimap like a container, and secondly, they spawn in "high value" or "rare container" locations. Knowing where medallions spawn will give you greater tileset knowledge, and in turn, help you find rares more reliably.

Go Everywhere, Loot Everything

As for mission type, I had abysmal luck running exterminations. As in, close to zero of the 20+ containers I found were on exterminates, despite being a large percentage of the missions I ran. Could just be RNG, given the low chance of rare's to begin with, or it could be indicative of exterminates not being a good way spawn them. They are, however, a GREAT way to learn tilesets. So, its up to you how you want to go about it.


My suggestion, and what I did, is to start by farming the Avionics in the Orokin Derelict Sabotage. I had three reasons for this; first, it will get you accustomed to hearing the resonant chime of the Sabotage Caches, which is the same noise made by rare and reinforced containers. I used this to get my music dialed in so I could have something in the background, without overwriting the chime of a rare/cache. Second, I had the impression that this would be the hardest to find. Most void runs are just sprints to the finish, with players rarely stopping to loot. Finally, its a great tileset, that I wanted to enjoy at a slower pace.

Once you have the Avionics, its up to you which to go for next. My suggestion, would be to just keep running your Syndicate dailies, and let the loot gods decide which you get next. Play new tilesets. Have fun. Take everything that isn't epoxied to the floor. You're going to be rich by the time this is over, unless you have amazing luck. Once you have one of the two remaining pieces, I would recommend limiting your play sessions to the final Faction's tilesets. Its... annoying when you accidentally do Grineer mission, and have a rare spawn, when you already have the Fuselage.

For the Fuselage, I combined it with Simaris Guardsman scans. 82 scans, and not a single rare/reinforced container. I just got lucky on a Syndicate daily.  Apparently, you can cheese this part by running the original Trial, or you can just keep looting.

For the Engines, I limited my play time almost exclusively to Corpus tilesets. One thing to note; Eris is a Corpus tileset, in terms of what containers spawn. If you go that route, and want a break from Jupiter or the Ice Planet, watch out for the Juggernaut. He is the death of sentinels and Kubrows.  That said, I love the infested ship tileset. And Hive missions are a wonderful change of pace from rescue/capture/carrythethinghere missions. Just load up someone tanky, slap Master Thief and Thief's Wit on them, and bring a shotgun, or flamethrower. And a big sharp pointed object. But the basic idea here is the same as ODSab. You're listening for the caches, and you get used to knowing where they spawn, which will show you where rare's may spawn. As noted earlier... 'ware the Juggernaut.

Hopefully this helps! Happy hunting Tenno.

Edited for Tileset info, and primed flow.

Edited by IamLockeJaw
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I for one, need corpus/void container/reinforced scans. I wouldn't want to use the proc from syndicate weapons to destroy them.


No worries, they're scannable even if broken. Well, the orokin ones are :l



The corpus rare ones are not scannable when broken


Edited by Raniu
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Oh, wow, thank you. I had no idea each part dropped from different tilsesets.  I guess this is why I have 4 fuselage from running raids.  I'm not quite so upset now.


Great post.  Thanks.


Edit : Suggestion on helping with breaking containers en masse.  concealed explosives + spira. The ignis is quite effective too.


Other ideas if those don't work for you, nyx's absorb, quanta with shred (or nearly any weapon with shred but quanta cubes explode nicely.  Good luck, tenno!

Edited by Xekrin
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Note that Valkyr's Paralysis will break containers within 23.5m with maxed Stretch and Overextended, and only costs 5 energy to cast by default. The Synoid Simulor, Ignis w/Sinister Reach, and Hikou Prime w/Concealed Explosives are also excellent at breaking containers. The Simulor obviously gets Syndicate procs as well.

Edited by Kastorius
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No worries, they're scannable even if broken.


The corpus rare ones are not scannable when broken, they disintegrate completely. Orokin and grineer ones are safe to scan after opening.



To the OP: nice guide with good tips, this should help out a lot of people in their mantis farming.

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I believe that Equinox's Maim ability breaks containers as well with a maximum range of 42.3 meters. As long as there is some built up damage,you should be able to cover a large area of the map. No need to fill up a syndicate proc meter and only get 25 meter radius.


Carrier is also a good utility to have as it can get you loot from unreachable places if a secret door doesn't open.


An Orthos (prime) with (primed) reach can also help clear rooms with its large attack radius.

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Hunting for the reinforced storage container atm... 


Found 5 "rare" corpus containers in the past 3 days.... 1 in an Eris mission, 4 in a corpus archwing mission. 

No reinforced ones yet :( 



Are you sure Mantis parts can drop form "just" rare containers too (anyone got a short video which proves it)?

Read some comments who say only reinforced containers drop them. 



Good tips in the starter post btw! :)

Edited by (PS4)Sonic_CeAzz
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Are you sure Mantis parts can drop form "just" rare containers too (anyone got a short video which proves it)?

Read some comments who say only reinforced containers drop them. 



I'm wondering about that too. I only found 2 of the orokin rare containers since they removed the mantis main bp from the droptables and they only dropped the 20 minute booster and a built forma, no bps of any kind. 


Maybe its a lower chance with the rare containers and the reinforced one have a high chance or something like that?

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Hunting for the reinforced storage container atm... 


Found 5 "rare" corpus containers in the past 3 days.... 1 in an Eris mission, 4 in a corpus archwing mission. 

No reinforced ones yet :( 



Are you sure Mantis parts can drop form "just" rare containers too (anyone got a short video which proves it)?

Read some comments who say only reinforced containers drop them. 



Good tips in the starter post btw! :)

Honestly this is something I cut from the final copy of the post.

To my knowledge, I ONLY received Mantis components from Reinforced containers, and even then it wasn't a high chance. That said, we're talking about a low chance for a rare (referring to either container type) spawn in a mission. I just didn't have enough data to guarantee that it ONLY spawned in reinforced containers. 

I'd be happy to edit the OP with this conjecture, but as it stands, that's all it is. Conjecture from a single players experience with a rare phenomena. If we can get more people chiming in that they got it from rares, or from reinforced, that would be phenomenal, and I'd feel better about starting to draw conclusions w/ more data. :)

Can anyone verify that these rare containers have a higher probability or possibly show up in greater numbers during nightmare missions?

Cannot verify. I ran a LOT of nightmare missions during this quest, and didn't notice a higher chance after running probably 50+ nightmare exterm, spy, capture, etc.

Edited by IamLockeJaw
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  i have only received the parts bp from reinforced containers(only seen grineer and corpus).  found corpus reinforced on pluto spy, also found rare and had no drop. grineer reinforced was found during trial, and dropped bp, and rare did not drop bp. so far only found 1 rare orokin during t1 sab, and no bp drop.

  now i just need that orokin and running a bunch of sabos.  anyone have a better mission to run in the void?

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Take Helios, especially when your Codex is nearly done except Containers

I didn't want to make more suggestions than necessary, even the Syndicate suggestion was a close call for it making it into the final draft. As for sentinels, yes Helios is very useful, as is Carrier. Or, you could go Kubrow, especially if you want a decent chance of taking down the Juggernaut on Eris.

The reason I didn't suggest one, is that I felt this was much more a matter of player choice.

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Every forum post I see talks about the fuselage being in the raid. Whereas with me, I've gotten two engines from the raid.

After Hotfix 18.2.3

Fixed Mantis Landing Craft blueprints and parts not properly dropping from rare Grineer, Corpus or Orokin loot crates.


Grineer drop engines and corpus drop fuselage

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