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Top 5 Most Annoying Bosses.


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since my first top 5 got people talking, i'll try and make this a regular thing (maybe). this time, it's bosses.


Rules: None really, any boss from the Star Chart, Raids or Void are allowed. they can be annoying because you hate fighting them, or simply because you've done it too many times to care any more.


my top 5 (just my opinion)


1. Vay Hek - multistage, dysfunctional, just a downright pain. there's many reasons why only those desperate for Hydroid bother to fight him (at least outside of a raid.)


2. Tyl Regor - his reworked fight is actually good.. unless you're me and have done it dozens of times daily because you're helping people get Equinox. Mullti-stage draws it out, and Manic Bombards aren't exactly helpful either.


3. Lt Lech Kril - don't you just hate bosses that have an invincibility mechanic? so do I. Kril can be beaten, but when he suddenly forgets how to perform downward swings with his hammer after you shoot his pipes, all you get is a frustrated tenno bashing at Kril till his blades go blunt.


4. Corrupted Vor - did I ever tell you about the Janus Key? probably not, since Vor's already got that covered. even if you insta-kill him, you still have to listen to his same old speech about the Key's Wonders. maybe if it made him shut the Hek up, THEN I'd call the key "wonderful"..


5. the Stalker - there is no middle ground with this guy. either he takes off my Head like William Tell (fun fact: Tell actually used a Crossbow), or he gets killed straight away. what's most annoying is that he always gets the last laugh when he's like "you know my Scythe, the awesome looking one you want?, yeah, you're not getting that! trololol!"


so what about you, Tenno, which 5 Bosses make you mad, or sap your will to finish the fight?


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Anything with the "Invincibility phase" is annoying enough to take the first place on mine. It just break the feeling of fighting like : Oh hey, I know you've been dealing many many damage and you've been dying to use that opticor bullet up in my face but, guess what... It's.... Invincibility time ;D. And then you just waste a very powerful bullet on a wall-like body showing that blue "0" that everyone despise.

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1. The Sgt - this pathetic place holder boss needs to be replaced ASAP - capture targets offer more of a challenge, hard ot think of him as a "boss"


2. Stalker - why the hate? Because he gives me no hate... he does give me heavy impact though... all the damned time.


3 G3 - love these guys in everyway but theyre annoying because they only show up for me on interception when im not in a full party, by time theyre dead the objective has all but failed.


4. Ambulas - as bosses go hes boring as hell. Less as annoying and more so unoriginal. Rework would be nice.


5. Lech Kril - really easy but if noobs are stupidly trying to melee etc he NEVER shockwave freezes himself. A minute and a half fight lasts forever as no one heeds  me saying "back off and let him shockwave". Cant help  randoms sure but his AI doesnt help. Ceres level boss should be much tougherr.

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#1 login reward

I never win.

#2 Baro ki'teer

He is true evil.

#3 Grineer power fist

They are the only enemy that can "kill" me no questions asked if they land a hit.

#4 corpus capture target holding a glaxion

Beam makes death orbs look like child's play.

#5 sky box

Because it's in my way.

Edited by (XB1)Skrewyluie
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1. The Sgt - this pathetic place holder boss needs to be replaced ASAP - capture targets offer more of a challenge, hard ot think of him as a "boss"


2. Stalker - why the hate? Because he gives me no hate... he does give me heavy impact though... all the damned time.


3 G3 - love these guys in everyway but theyre annoying because they only show up for me on interception when im not in a full party, by time theyre dead the objective has all but failed.


4. Ambulas - as bosses go hes boring as hell. Less as annoying and more so unoriginal. Rework would be nice.


5. Lech Kril - really easy but if noobs are stupidly trying to melee etc he NEVER shockwave freezes himself. A minute and a half fight lasts forever as no one heeds  me saying "back off and let him shockwave". Cant help  randoms sure but his AI doesnt help. Ceres level boss should be much tougherr.

The Sergent is Just a placeholder while nef Anyo gets his bossfight reworked with his new persona, which i believe comes in u18 or 18.5

Edited by Demonfr34k
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Hyenas here yet. They're insanely annoying to deal with in a full party. You constantly get stripped of energy, have a constant freeze proc on you, and some of the Hyenas deal insane damage. They're also impossible to hit, as they're constantly spinning and jumping around everywhere.

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1. Stalker.


The degree to which this guy needs a rework cannot be overstated. At higher levels he is tedious, because he always catches you when you're trying to level something. Its like...he knows. And for new players he is just blatantly unfair - like annoyance and trolling, as a game mechanic. Stalker is something other studios and devs would do to pirates, but here, its a mechanic.



2. Tyl Regor:


Minions with powers, invincible stages and multi-stage boss battles. ALL things that need to die in gaming, and DE put them ALL in ONE fight. No.


3. Corrupted Bore (Vor): IF I never hear that speech again...that will be ok, actually. Can we AT LEAST mute the dude? Thanks.


4. Lech Kril. Pipes. On his back. What did he do, forget about those? Wraps himself in armor bathed in flame and ice and leaves the piping exposed. Seriously?


5. Ambulas/Sgt: They arent bosses they are place holders and I wonder why they didnt get a replacement before existing bosses got an overhaul.  


Honorable Mention: Vay Hek, because both the pseudo-raid on Earth and especially the trial raid, are terrible tedious, scripted affairs we could do without.

Edited by BlackCoMerc
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