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De Might As Well Add A Draco Tab Since Its The Only Thing In The Recruit Chat


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sure there is alot but everything i see these days (in europe recruiting)

''H T1S Keyshare''

''LF Keyshare to T4''

''hosting T3E keyshare''

''H ODD keyshare''

''H T1C KS''

the keyshare plague is 100 times worse than Draco (idk why even people farm that place, must be incredible boring, allthought i farm secura instead)

Wait what, endless mission key share? But why? And in derelict to that? Are people seriously doing that?

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All small maps in high end missions suffer from this and viver tilseset still exists in alerts, if you see a corpus ship interception on a high end planet, then that's viver all over again.


No one likes the grind, many ppl like me just want to maximize the weapons to see what they are capable of, draco happens to be easily accessible altough not many ppl can make efficient farming.


Slow mesas, subpar trinities, half baked excalls and players that use interception mechanics incorrectly plague draco, these pretenders make draco a normal mission, so it's rather pointless to have a draco tab as draco is just as good as any other missions.

For those that show results while playing, then yes, draco is great and pretenders are always trying to get into these games as they are far more profitable than the mess they are usually in.


When the new star map comes, interception on ceres will exist, just like corpus ship interception alerts do now, but it will be likely be on a rotation, one day you'll have to grind for something else besides exp and then another day you will take the opportunity to farm exp.

However if the ability to craft our own missions comes with the option of interception on ceres, the mission will be available at all times.

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There is one immutable law that governs all MMOs: Like electricity, players will always take the path of least resistance. That means they're going to use the easiest and/or fastest route to farm the most affinity, the most credits, the most mods, etc.


Draco is unique in that it is one of the highest-level standard map nodes (meaning not only higher affinity yields in general, but also more special enemy types that are worth much more affinity in the first place), uses a relatively compact tileset, has a fast and completely reliable spawn rate (because it's Interception), and there are no nullfiers.


I'm just as annoyed by the constant Draco spam as anyone else. What bothers me the most are the meta strategies so often used on Draco. I did a fair bit of Draco in the past, but almost always with friends and clan mates. I never spammed for it and we actually played the map as Interception, actively clearing out the doorways and such. I typically used Mirage with some explosive weapon.


There is at least one method that's almost as fast as Draco, and somewhat less restrictive in terms of meta strategies, too: Loki or ideally Ash w/ maximized Smoke Shadow chaining stealth attack bonuses on high-level Exterminate missions. Two- or three-person Spy missions aren't as fast as Draco, but are still pretty fast. Both of these methods require active play and a certain level of competence and coordination, though.


I don't really understand keysharing, either. I have all Primes, have sold a bunch of Primes, and am currently sitting on 14 Prime sets I have yet to sell, and never once have I asked for a keyshare. I guess having friends who just all automatically share keys with each other without having to plan or ask amounts to the same thing, though.

Edited by Kastorius
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Looking to get recruited and play the slave (mesa for example, gets not a single bit of XP) in Draco surely is cancerous. But IMO playing with other random people in a public match  where everyone just wants to level up some gear and rek some enemies (and not leech) is actually pretty ok.

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Let people play however they want. I'm not Dracoing a lot but come on, who are you to enforce a certain playstyle? Plebs really? -.-

im just ranting tbh, i was mad at the time.because the chatt was filled with nothing but draco recruiters. people can play how they want, but its impacting the rest of the community in a toxic manor.

i bet that the ones who protested against starchart 3.0 is the ones who recruit all the the time for draco and they dont want it to disappear 

I usually dont go to draco that much ( only few exp and t4 keys) like about twice a week. 

Hang in there guys.

i do it too. but i dont spam in recruiting chat making it difficult for actual groups to find S#&$ that matters

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But I understand that players like it for the Exp and that people will find some other way to farm exp even

This guy gets it. I'm not sure if anyone will view this, but yes, I have done Draco, and I hated it. In fact, I only used to do Draco for Orokin Cells, not the exp.


But you may be thinking, "Why weren't you doing it for exp?"


Well, I went to Draco and tested something. This test was done back when Mesa ruled Draco, so this number might have changed, which I believe Saryn rules Draco now. In one Draco mission I got a weapon from unranked (Weapon had a Forma in it) to level 18 in one Draco run with an infinity booster with the Draco run lasting about 17 minutes. I did it again, got it frrom 17 to 26 with Draco run lasting about 15 minutes, then did it again and got it fully ranked with the Draco run lasting about 17 minutes again. For those asking, yes I only had this one weapon equipped. If my group was doing something possibly wrong, please tell.


Here is why I don't do Draco for exp:

17*2+15=~49 minutes of gameplay to get a fully ranked weapon with an exp booster.


Now, there is this one missions I doubt anyone here has heard of call Sao. It is a high tier spy mission found on Neptune. With an afinity booster, each data terminal can give you 24K exp if you get it without the alarms; this number is 12K without a booster.


Now let me switch the topic and say that people want to actually play Limbo?


Well guess what, if you are willing to try this you will finally now have a reason to, since Sao is a Corpus spy mission, Limbo can ult a spy vault to destroy all cameras, Rift Walk to regen a bunch of energy, take no damage from nearby enemies and walk through spy vault laser barriers. The only time you should never be in the rift is if:

1.You are hacking a terminal you can't hack in the rift

2.You are destroying grates that lead to the spy terminal the fastest.

3.You are completing a 10K exp challenge that requires kills.

4.The Stalker is after you

5.The Harvester is after you


Now that I described the mission, let me tell you how more efficient this is. In one Sao mission I got a weapon from unranked (Weapon had a Forma in it, again) to level 15 in one Sao run with an infinity booster with the Sao run lasting about 4 minutes. I did it again, got it from 15 to 23 with Sao run lasting about 5 minutes, then did it again and got it from level 23 to level 27 with the Sao run lasting about 4 minutes again. I did it one more time and got it fully ranked with the Sao run lasting about 5 minutes.


4+4+5+5=About 18 minutes to get a fully ranked weapon with an exp booster.


Not only do you get a weapon to fully ranked, but I also gained the same amount of rewards as I did in the Draco run, 12, with one reward always a T2 or T3 Void key, so four void keys.


I did the math, and Sao for me is ~272% more efficient than Draco is.


I typed this up to show people that Draco is not the only exp farm; if someone wants to try this, go ahead.

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I personally don't get why people recruit for draco on the recruiting tab. You don't need a key for it and each time I just go to it without a squad I end up in a good team.

You must be really lucky. 9/10 times I jump in on my Trintrin and Ignis and find 3/4 members being either unranked frames or a Frost/Trinity/Nekros carrying 3 unranked weapons.

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What about killing the taxi all together? Would any have heartburn with that (other than the new players that is LOL)? I mean, honestly, if you can't be bothered to unlock the nodes yourself or join a good clan to help you out, why should I waste my time to taxi you there?!?! Easy fix to the majority of the issue, just make it so if you don't unlock it, you don't go. Period. I've helped people and taxi'd people, I then preceded to volunteer to help them clear nodes and got told "nah". To me, if it isn't important enough for you to unlock them to be able to get there yourself, then you don't need to be there to begin with.

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I hate to say it but until rewards for normal missions are balanced out and it no longer feels like the Lotus is throwing garbage and pennies at us, there will always be a Draco. It's an odd thing, because lots of "rare" mods don't feel rare, but some specific mods or parts are just so much of a pain to get you throw your hands up and either quit the game for a few days or end up trading for them. 


What I do notice though, which may be due to how unaware of the meta I was a year ago, is that it feels like the amount of farm groups for just about anything has exploded. It seems that the more people the game gets, the more obvious the flaws in the game design become. 


Don't get me wrong, I love Warframe and prize it as my favorite multiplayer sandbox shooter, but the issues are rather glaring and can't be ignored.

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seriously, every other person is a "lf draco farm" "taxi me to draco" "draco here" "draco need frost" this is a serious plague now. its not even recruit tab anymore, its just draco tab


And this is all DE's fault.


I use Draco to level weapons quickly. Why? Do I lack the patience to just let my gear rank up as I run normal missions? 


Glad you asked. Because, yes, I DO lack patience. AFTER THE FIRST TIME I RANK A WEAPON. 


I am more than happy to just run the missions I like doing and let a weapon rank up. 


Then I have to Forma it.


THEN I go to Draco. Because I cannot stand the need to rank gear multiple times. Its a stupid, insulting, contrived waste of time created to artificially increase play time. so I use Draco to level gear instead. 


DE created this Dragon. Only they can slay it. And only by getting rid of Forma resets and/or offering more reasonable Affinity bonuses on other missions or for other objectives.

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You must be really lucky. 9/10 times I jump in on my Trintrin and Ignis and find 3/4 members being either unranked frames or a Frost/Trinity/Nekros carrying 3 unranked weapons.


I could not possibly care less if Trinity or Frost are carrying ANY weapons AT ALL, more less what rank those weapons are. So long as they keep towers protected and occasionally provide CC Support (Frost) or keep healing and energizing (Trinity) they can leech off my kills for XP all they want. Though honestly, I usually provide soft CC in the form of Nyx, cause she buys space and time in keeping enemies tied up with one another.


People really need to get over this idea that Draco or teams in general need to consist of multiple killer frames. 


This is why the initial version of Mesa was in fact the PERFECT frame. Sure she was insanely powerful - in the right mission type, with a team built around her. That's the VERY DEFINITION of BALANCE. On her own, unprotected, she was...not so good. But with proper support and a team, she was amazing. Alas, she was hurting selfish players' kill counts so they demanded a nerf...


...but I digress. By all means, bring a support frame. Play a support role on Draco. I often do myself, though I always bring on weapon sufficient to the task. So long as you pull your weight in some way I am good.

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1. Dragons are sexy. Don't slay them.


2. Perhaps the costs to build forma could be greatly inflated or require multiple parts (for building one) so it is more of a resource grind than an XP grind.


3. Please lrn2 multiquote.

Edited by Xcedis
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