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Feedback Megathread: Saryn Revisited.


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Where are people getting this idea that Saryn was a 'caster' frame? She was clearly a mid-range/melee frame. Her only real 'caster' power is her Ult.

Who says she was a caster?

Give her a shotgun like the (old) Strun Wraith or the (old) Boar Prime and the (old) Saryn could go for some rioting.

Oh wait I get the patern.

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Saryn's is a buff actually.

People just gotta figure out how to combo the abilities out and make full use of her kit.

Might sound harsh but, lazy people will not enjoy Saryn anymore.

Here is a combo for yu guys to try out : Molt > Spore Molt > Molt again when enemies are near to trigger both boom booms > Miasma > Magic



This guy gets it.

I like you.


So what you are saying is i have to use 3 abilities to set up a 4th ability to do enough damage to be in any way "competitive" with my guns.

Great. No really. Wasting energy to use a single ability that is already overshadowed by most other forms of damage is amazing.


Forced synergy is not a buff.

Also stop using the word "lazy" this community has lost the meaning of the word.

Pressing 1 button vs pressing 4 does not make you some gaming athlete that is super active and not lazy.

Saryn just went from 3 meh abilities and 1 decent one to 4 meh abilities with forced synergy.

The same problem Ember has , where instead of reworking the whole kit to be synergy friendly and good , they rearranged the kit to support a single forced synergy.

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1st of all i must say the skin looks awesome, good job on that :D


Regarding the ability rework i understand why these changes were needed, there was no rly use on other abilites besides miasma due to modding in order to max its damage output.


This new saryn has some problems that in my opinion and experience are molt and miasma. I expected molt to slightly scale in high lvl enemies to be more reliable, which is disapointing it doesnt and miasma isnt dealing enough damage.


After casting all abilites, spreading disease to the enemies and finally using and waiting for miasma its surprising how bad damage it is...spending all this time and energy into feeding 1 ability that at the end does not justify it.


My suggestion is buffing bonus damage with miasma on enemies under viral/toxin proc as well as the ability duration. This way other powers would still have their utility instead of directly increasing base damage and making her again a one ability frame.

Molt could be affected by warframe HP mods and have 2/3 seconds radial stun after being destroyed by enemy fire. Another idea to increase its health pool could be stealing highest halved target health by viral proc or making toxic lash heal molt with each melee strike.



Molt needs better scalling and miasma damage doesnt make up for all the trouble into feeding it (time, energy casting all abilities and spreading disease)

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Actually that be around 150 with Streamline installed.

I think that's a fair cost.


It's actually 175 if she didn't throw in the 2nd molt, but it's 200+ with the 2nd molt so no. 


Also you going to need power str so getting 175% means nerfing your power str to undesirable levels, at best ppl with ideal builds will hover around 150%+ effi


150 energy cost for an ability that does worse than every ult in the game, when every other ult can do better for less than 60 energy cast is saying alot, it speaks volumes.

Edited by --Sensei--
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Now, your last comment about Mirage is literally the one it should have got the tinfoil hat picture. Mirage did cause HUGE issues to performance, if you didn't notice it before, then you have never hosted a party and play everything on low or you are probably using an i7 with a GTX 980.


I7 and GTX 660.

Started to get problems after I put on PhysX and started spamming hall of mirrors slam attacks with a Jet Kitty usually 10-15 sharp FPS drops.

Changed to Borderless Fullscreen and it's been a lot better.


The game generally runs better in Borderless Fullscreen.

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Summery of a reasent mission:


Saryn (while looking cool in her new flower dress) casts all kinds of abilities in hope that something, will kill the incomming horde´s


A frost passes by, throws out one ability 4, and saves the dame in distress.




The syndicate aura burst from a weapon i was using did more dmg on mobs lvl 35+

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Um, doesnt that mean that you probably have no range at all?

Which is the whole point.

Saryn is no longer good with a Overextended nuking build.

Whoever tries to go for the Overextended nuking build will be in for a very very very sore result.

For now, I am more than happy with nuking whatever I can see.

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Which is the whole point.

Saryn is no longer good with a Overextended nuking build.

Whoever tries to go for the Overextended nuking build will be in for a very very very sore result.

For now, I am more than happy with nuking whatever I can see.

Pretty sure can fit in stretch without overextended my build is literally all positives with power str at 180% and effiency at 158% Or was it duration at 158%? Idr I don't feel like logging in to check.

Edited by --Sensei--
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I've made a few run tests and so far I could only suggest that molt receives the globe treatment (as others have also suggested too). I think it will greatly increase the survivability of Saryn, specially when enemies only need 2 shots to destroy it. It will also allow to regain some health back with molt augment and few seconds of breath.

The new skin is great, thanks for the hardwork

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Pretty sure can fit in stretch without overextended my build is literally all positives with power str at 180% and effiency at 158% Or was it duration at 158%? Idr I don't feel like logging in to check.

I tried that too but I needed a slot for Regen Molt because...my playstyle lol

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Saryn's is a buff actually.

People just gotta figure out how to combo the abilities out and make full use of her kit.

Might sound harsh but, lazy people will not enjoy Saryn anymore.

Here is a combo for yu guys to try out : Molt > Spore Molt > Molt again when enemies are near to trigger both boom booms > Miasma > Magic

But why waste 10 seconds on setting up something like that instead of firing 2 shots of a Synoid Simulor?

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i dont want play warframe anymore ... 

why ? because she is my favorite frame .. and look what you have done with her .. :|

what happen to her miasma ? Seriously not good 

what happen to her HP .. 20 more armor and less hp .. are you kidding ?

people change things to make them better not make them useless ... 


what are you doing ?


and by the way sorry for my bad english im still learning and practicing..


i am realy angry now :|

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But why waste 10 seconds on setting up something like that instead of firing 2 shots of a Synoid Simulor?

Because weapons > powers by default and powers are only good for utility, otherwise they become OP.

This is the case with Mesa, this is the case with Ember and this is the case with Saryn.

Simple as that.

Gotta wait for the day when Serration and others will be reworked to not give weapons x10 more damage, if not deleted entirely.

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It seems like everyone's already saying it for me, but...

This was terrible for Saryn because it really broke her one main thing, and that was her ability to press 4 to melt everyone. 

Now she can't do anything better than anyone and she got her health nerfed for no reason. 

The synergy needed to make Miasma do anything is almost impossible to mod for because it requires good power strength, efficiency, range, and duration. The reason a lot of warframes can become really good is because you don't have to mod for all of those to be considered decent. 

Overall the skins look nice, but they don't do anything to make Saryn better, and now Saryn is going into the back of the fridge to go hang out with Mag, who also got nerfed to death.

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tsk tsk tsk

 u guys are all basing it off the dev stream arent u? 

because DE rebecca had trouble killing them?


didnt they say that there were some issues with it right after or even while she was testing it? 


try to have a open mind for a change eh? 

for me im loving the new rework. 

all of her ablities can actually be used  instead of just one 

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Spores should stun enemies each time they spread, killed enemies spread spores. (because sometimes they dont spread and enemies are just killed too fast, so waste of energy)
Molt should get 4 seconds invurnerability after cast. On higher level this ability goes crazy fast down.
Toxic Lash should reduce enemies armor and energy cost changed from 75 to 50.

Her armor or health should be increased. Bring back old 150HP or armor buff to 225-250.

I think it will ge good enough.

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Guys just give Saryn a chance, she doesn't need a degree to unlock her full potential but she does need some effort.

I sure will. Just gotta build her now, put potatoe in there, around 5 formas...

Oh boy, i'm gonna go insane from all this Draco.

And then they will release Saryn Prime and all this effort will be wasted and i will have to go to draco AGAIN.

Oh boy, i'm in for a ride aren't i?

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