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Feedback Megathread: Saryn Revisited.


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What if instead of buffing her HP back up they added a small %lifesteal to spore? So she has constant small healing. Would have to be incredibly small and not scale off strength at all, though. Something like .1HP per tick or something. Many DoT based characters/classes in other games have something like this.

Edited by Racter0325
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After playing Saryn 2.0 for a bit, I have some suggestions to further improve on her new direction:


- Spores on enemies affected by Miasma also have a chance to proc Corrosive on each damage tick and on explosion.

- Molt exploded by Miasma guarantees Corrosive proc as well as Toxin.

- Molt heals Saryn by a percentage of damage dealt to Molt's health, making Regenerative Molt optional rather than mandatory.

- Toxic Lash procs Corrosive as well as Toxin when melee-attacking enemies affected by Miasma.

- Miasma energy cost is reduced by half when cast on at least one enemy affected by both Viral and Toxin procs.

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One thing I want clarification on is whether or not popping a spore will copy ALL existing toxin procs, or just one instance. If yes, awesome. If not, meh. Miasma's damage scaling still isn't great, and I now use it as a stun to set up the rest of her abilities or clear out fodder. 

From my own testing, I can't say that every toxin proc is carried over. 

When an enemy's spore is popped, it takes every Toxin proc instance on them, divides tick damage by 2, and then takes the sum of those and forms a new proc on each target that ticks for half of that sum.  Read the wiki article for a more detailed explanation: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Spores

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I want your build, but please repeat in level 70 to make it a fair test to the first video

she is still a one trick pony, spores


Sadly it is not my video, but with those procs and damage over time, alongside whatever weapon you'll bring. I'm sure you can take down anything especially since their HP is halved for a long time.

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I found a very interesting and creative way from a german youtuber how to play Saryn now.At 3:26 gameplay.He uses Acrid with Radiation.Raditation that the enemies put the Spores on other units.Acrid for poison dot.

Edited by K0bra
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Sadly it is not my video, but with those procs and damage over time, alongside whatever weapon you'll bring. I'm sure you can take down anything especially since their HP is halved for a long time.


Halving HP is nothing special,  Nova does same with Molecular Prime, and added to that nova has VERY strong antimatter drop ability.

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Reading all comments who is defending new saryn looks like people who never use saryn outside draco or were so annoyed about her P4W that don't even want to undestand the problem of her. They will be happy for every bone that DE throws to them if only Saryn willn't nuke


Saryn now is ember with 3 accelerants and one fire blast but ember accelerant is not crucial to use while DE forces you to use 1-3 abilities to do dmg...

About what mastery are you talking? It's still P4W mechanic. 
Old saryn: Run into room with full of 40-50lvl enemies press 2 for distract, P4W repeat if somebody alive.
new saryn:Run into room with full of 40-50lvl enemies press 2 for distract and +100dmg for miasma, P4W repeat if somebody alive.
So where is mastery? In pressing 2+1+4? if you think that it's hard you was playing on draco too long.
By the way you can still use saryn on draco: Saryn+ Rakta weapons+blight melee mod press 2+4+F repeat. Mastery ya.

What is "mastery"? Nova with antimeter drop +augment where you can use it not only as nuke ball but as a shield against CB rockets, null-snipers in the same time trying to colect max dmg and don't blow it  exedantaly blow it. One skill but not PtW.

There is no use from casting 1,3 power if you don't have energy for miasma.
First don't do enough dmg for 40 lvl, even against 20lvl, mobs and don't have good utility and 3rd you can't feel diference when it's on.
Right now sary have only one build where you must have molt augment, rage, primed flow, streamline( remember FE will hurt you your miasma) strech(15metres max), continuity(NM will hurt your 15m rage) and  Strength...and you have left with only two free slots that you use for health.

While not long time ago frost rework allowed him to use deffensive and offensive builds.
And this is not whole list.

People please take off pink glasses DE. released unfinished product and are happy about it...This is not a rework it's direction where de should go with saryn. 
DE should work more on her. They released saryn revist. profile too early.

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I want your build, but please repeat in level 70 to make it a fair test to the first video

she is still a one trick pony, spores

I replicated his build to the best of my ability and it performs the same vs. lvl 40 Corrupted Bombards. Against lvl 70 Bombards it doesn't hold up at all.


Maximum Strength/Duration with just enough Range and no Efficiency. The Bombards are tickled.


Edit: even Miasma wombo-combo barely makes a dent.


Edit 2: Yeah, if I reduce the lvl back to 40 it actually deals some damage and kills them in less than 10 seconds.


Edit 3: Yup, against lvl 40 Corrupted Bombard it goes almost exactly as the video posted earlier and takes less than 10 seconds to wipe a group of them.


Edit 4: My D.Nikana outperforms this build without a single ability buff - just build her tanky instead and maybe use 1 Viral proc from spore.

Edited by MaverickZero
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Not as a Miasma machine, but as an infectious disease spreader. I believe this is how DE intended her to work with this entire rework.

So far most people have been trying to constantly combine abilities just to use Miasma all the time again. But that isn't even the most fun and rewarding way to play her. She's incredibly fun as a melee frame, spreading viral procs everywhere.



Her damage dealing ability and overall team utility lies in Spores and Toxic Lash.


Go to a group of enemies, get Toxic Lash ready, cast a spore on someone, and melee them. Toxic lash pops all the spores in a large radius, spreading them to others in the group. Because you hit them with Toxic Lash, they are all now getting toxin procs every second. This spreading is made even easier with something like a Galatine or Orthos Prime with Primed Reach on.


These procs per second pop MORE spores. As long as enemies keep coming, the Spores can spread over a long distance, and the toxin procs keep building up on enemies that you haven't yet killed.


Really, go try it. I've seen Saryn in a whole new light after not trying to use Miasma all the time. The spreading of the viral procs is amazing, and not many people seem to pay much attention to what Spores and Toxic Lash can do. I think it's time to focus more on the infection aspect of Saryn, rather than Miasma. I believe it's what was in DE's mind when this rework was created.


The main concern with her is survivability. Life Strike and Regenerative Molt still doesn't cut it once enemies start damaging you heavily. Molt dies insanely quick and you have very little CC to keep yourself alive. Considering melee was in mind during this rework, i'm not sure why they made Saryn easier to kill. It makes no sense. Other than that, she's great fun to play when you're able to spread viral procs across the room. And as an added bonus, you're of credit to the team as a great DoT debuffer.


I think if we start to look at her this way, this rework becomes much more appealing. She suits her theme a lot more, is more active, and therefore fun. Once we get the lack of survivability sorted, she'll be amazing.

Edited by XxCurtennoxX
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Hate to tell you, but they are merging for a reason be the tone of topics good or bad. I do agree though. There is something wonderful about seeing that viral damage spread across a map. In addition it opens me up to more modding options for damage types on my weapons so I can have a veritable rainbow of status affects.

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Hate to tell you, but they are merging for a reason be the tone of topics good or bad. I do agree though. There is something wonderful about seeing that viral damage spread across a map. In addition it opens me up to more modding options for damage types on my weapons so I can have a veritable rainbow of status affects.

It's more the fact that people need to start thinking of her in this way. Merging this will get the topic lost, and i really believe that this rework is brilliant for reasons other than Miasma.

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Venom/Spores has always been the reason I played Saryn... Lovin the rework.

This rework is great when you see it in a different way. As a DoT debuffer, spreading disease everywhere, it's an amazing rework. For people still wanting her to be a Nuke frame, not so much. 

I personally prefer this active playstyle. It brings more to the team and is very effective in its own right. 

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I replicated his build to the best of my ability and it performs the same vs. lvl 40 Corrupted Bombards. Against lvl 70 Bombards it doesn't hold up at all.


Maximum Strength/Duration with just enough Range and no Efficiency. The Bombards are tickled.


Edit: even Miasma wombo-combo barely makes a dent.


Edit 2: Yeah, if I reduce the lvl back to 40 it actually deals some damage and kills them in less than 10 seconds.


Edit 3: Yup, against lvl 40 Corrupted Bombard it goes almost exactly as the video posted earlier and takes less than 10 seconds to wipe a group of them.

At level 70 they're taking slightly less than half the damage they did at level 40.  A 7770 damage Miasma (185% power strength and both procs) deals 1103 damage to level 40 Corrupted Bombards while at level 70 they take 520.  Their health goes up with level while the amount of damage they take goes down.  That's why it takes so much longer to kill them, and why armor scaling in general is stupid #*($%%@ up.  Grineer effective health rises exponentially, and all we have to deal with that are bandaids and overtuned weapons.  If more people understood why armor scaling is so stupid, we could maybe make DE actually do something about it instead of drugging the masses with stupid-powerful weapons that should not be OK.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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At level 70 they're taking slightly less than half the damage they did at level 40. A 7770 damage Miasma (185% power strength and both procs) deals 1103 damage to level 40 Corrupted Bombards while at level 70 they take 520. Their health goes up with level while the amount of damage they take goes down. That's why it takes so much longer to kill them, and why armor scaling in general is stupid #*($%%@ up. Grineer effective health rises exponentially, and all we have to deal with that are bandaids and overtuned weapons. If more people understood why armor scaling is so stupid, we could maybe make DE actually do something about it instead of drugging the masses with stupid-powerful weapons that should not be OK.

that DE claims they are working on it

I bet it arrives soon

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Finally a positive thread about Sayrn. Mm now I should remod her for Toxic Lash & Spores when she hits consoles. Whats an ideal build for her utilizing Spores & Toxic Lash. Power strength & range??

Yep. it worked for me. 

Edited by Magnulast
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So when other one ability frames will  be reworked? Frost (Globe), Atlas (Insane Landslide - unranked wrecks 40-50lvl grineers like nothing), Excalibur (Exalted blade) and basically every frame in game.


P.S. Im not crying about nerfing ulty spam, but that she is meant to be used for close combat now without cc or decent damage. And isnt that she can actually tank enemies with not so much armor, yes there is augment for molt, but that takes an extra mod slot.

Edited by AnnoyingBanana
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I really say they should revert her base HP back to 150, it was a really uncalled for nerf now that she's been given a lot of melee incentive. Her armor could even be buffed a bit more than 20.

No matter what people say about her kit, I like it a lot now, especially how spores are so much easier to spread, but her survivability has been compromised and that's a bummer. I really like the concept of a poison-dot that can be so tanky she just basically outlasts everyone rather than just nuke everything out of existence.

So yeah, remove the HP nerf, DE, please.

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Her damage dealing ability and overall team utility lies in Spores and Toxic Lash.


Seriously, go to a group of enemies, get toxic lash ready, cast a spore on someone, and melee them. Toxic lash pops all the spores in a large radius, spreading them to others in the group. Because you hit them with Toxic Lash, they are all now getting toxin procs every second.


These procs per second pop MORE spores. As long as enemies keep coming, the Spores can spread for a very long time, and the toxin procs keep building up on enemies that you haven't yet killed.


Really, go try it. I've seen Saryn in a whole new light after not trying to use Miasma. The spreading of the viral procs is INSANE, and no one seems to pay much attention to what Spores and Toxic Lash can do.


Her major issue with the lack of survivability.

Or you know, kill everything with guns that don't use energy and do things faster. Right now, Combustion Ignis clears enemies better than Saryn.

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