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Feedback Megathread: Saryn Revisited.


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I like the rework for the most part, though I think she still needs a little tweak. I don't use her 4 at all now. Maybe stronger health/arnor, maybe stronger Molt, and maybe more util in the 4, since they obviously don't want it to be the nuke. I haven't had energy probs though, but I've built for high effic, high range, low duration spores that I pop immediately with the Ignis or such.

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Although I can't judge the rework yet cause us console peasants haven't gotten the update yet from what I read the rework is pretty much hate it or love it. The people who love it make strong cases for it being a step in the right direction but I kinda read in between the lines of what they say and it's pretty much she needs to be stronger

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If there's one thing that I'd like to see to make the whole Saryn combo feel better? 


Toxic Lash changes:

No longer gives a bonus to blocking damage.

Now your melee weapon gains +40/60/80/100% base reach (additive with Reach/Primed Reach), affected by Power range.


This would put her more as a mid-range melee frame.  I would honestly like to also see an augment that adds Toxic Lash to ranged weapons with falloff for the extra toxin damage, mainly adding in shotguns into the intended mix.

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Why is this still pinned? DE said they're done with the rework tweaks for now. Everything discussed here now is now pointless for the time being. Can a moderator either lock it and unpin the topic of just unpin the God-forsaken thread?

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I feel like people who are saying Saryn is bad now just haven't built her right or have found the right way to be playing her now. 



On what content are you basing these observations, exactly?



Why is this still pinned? DE said they're done with the rework tweaks for now. Everything discussed here now is now pointless for the time being. Can a moderator either lock it and unpin the topic of just unpin the God-forsaken thread?



They're basically using it as a dumping ground for suggestion/feedback posts, just as it has served since it was first created. It serves no functional purpose.

Edited by Exodess
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Pre rework.

Entered room - nuked it -  next room

After rework.

Entered room - nuked it with badass combo - went to next room to nuke.

I see no problems.  I like it.

Readed the comments of rework hate.

People miss Miasma.

Edited by Data-Zero
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I thought they were all about build diversity. Forcing players into using certain weapons is pretty Silly, Hindering, Ineffectual, and Terrible as far as design choices go. The way she's built now her skills contradict each other. You want to build for duration so that spores can spread far, and range for a further spread. But then you're sacrificing power and/or range to do so. If you build for power you give up efficiency and/or duration and gimp any chance of spreading spores or dealing damage with miasma.


WHY on earth did they remove health and then give an unneeded emphasis on melee?

Why did they not give saryn, now reliant on a clunky "combo" to be anywhere signifigant on low-level stuff, a completely terrible energy pool?

Why is the 100+ feedback thread pretty much ignored?

Why was the huge "make saryn better" thread outright ignored?

How can they say that they're letting her "marinate" when they didn't even have the meat? It's just a bag of juice sitting in the fridge, and the meat's been nailed to the wall with a wooden stake. The bag even has holes in it!

What did saryn ever do to them?

Why are players that have never even used saryn allowed to chime in on the rework threads?



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I thought they were all about build diversity. Forcing players into using certain weapons is pretty Silly, Hindering, Ineffectual, and Terrible as far as design choices go. The way she's built now her skills contradict each other. You want to build for duration so that spores can spread far, and range for a further spread. But then you're sacrificing power and/or range to do so. If you build for power you give up efficiency and/or duration and gimp any chance of spreading spores or dealing damage with miasma.


WHY on earth did they remove health and then give an unneeded emphasis on melee?

Why did they not give saryn, now reliant on a clunky "combo" to be anywhere signifigant on low-level stuff, a completely terrible energy pool?

Why is the 100+ feedback thread pretty much ignored?

Why was the huge "make saryn better" thread outright ignored?

How can they say that they're letting her "marinate" when they didn't even have the meat? It's just a bag of juice sitting in the fridge, and the meat's been nailed to the wall with a wooden stake. The bag even has holes in it!

What did saryn ever do to them?

Why are players that have never even used saryn allowed to chime in on the rework threads?



why? because de is using the same mindless behavior that resulted in excalibur being absolute trash for a while and put mag in the situation she is in now. instead of investing in actually understanding how the frames work and interact with the games challenges (all level pools, functionality in diverse node types, viable group function) themselves they take their information from second hand sources like the community, and bits of numerical data that only gives them part of the picture and base everything on that. They see people complaining about her fourth killing too much, and the numbers show she's killing a lot, so the conclusion is she is way too devastating a frame and needs to be knocked down. They don't see how terribly the frame scales, or that that a huge chunk of those kills she's racked up are from low level enemies, don't realize she's only a one trick pony with a skillset that is only good at a very specific task, all those other aspects of the frame that aren't told by flat numbers or not overly descriptive players go entirely over their head, because they never bother to experience it first hand, to see more than just that single glaring aspect. 


i'll give it a few more months until saryn gets some proper balancing done, that is if the community keeps on this case until then, if not saryn will be waiting a long time for the treatment you and i hoped for. 




to the general thread, while yes its quite clear i believe this rework could have been much better i don't deny saryn is more interesting now. problematic certainly, but funner. (that isn't to say people who disagree are wrong in my eyes by the by, i prioritize fun over function which makes this rework progress to me. those of the function crowd, i don't deny in that area she seems to have fallen even shorter than how she was before)

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I would have liked to have her 4 be a toggle, so I can poison stuff around me rather than nuking them. It would also make it easier to combo her miasma with some other procs from weapons.

To me she still doesn't feel like the bringer of decay and disease, shes still the nuke frame, it's just more complicated now.

Edited by Jenvas1306
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It's pretty lazy and unimaginative bringing an obvious level of artificial difficulty to make her seem deep and complex. Simple minds will believe her to be "advanced" but that's not the case at all. Synergy =/= dependency. More buttons =/= complexity. Dots =/= functionality.


I struggled with the issue, I stated my opinion, the blind DE fanboys of the forums bashed everyone who dared go against their gods and now Saryn has been shelved in a "we know she has issues but we're just moving on" situation. So there's no need to worry about her anymore and nothing to be done at all ever again until they rework everyone and hope they don't sodomize her again.


We got ignored, we got insulted by all the blind people that, ironically, kept saying "I don't play Saryn but you guys are wrong and DE is always right", the threads about her were buried, the hotfixes were a pittance to try to calm us down and now we're nowhere and we are here, in limbo (da dum tsk) who's also ironically garbage. I've been playing for weeks now trying to make her shine, but she can't take hits, Miasma sucks, because of her hp toxic lash is ludicrously dangerous and spore is great for trash mobs and then it loses it's functionality on actual strong enemies. Molt is her best ability. That's sad. I don't think most people play alone or beyond Venus to understand how bad the situation is, how bad it is to get one hit and having Spore being your best skill and spend so much time to bring something down while miasma is now just a fart, a fart that sorta damages things (even with viral and toxic) and then fades away. For the amount of effort and energy and risk to pull the stupid combo off you should be doing epic amounts of damage, but nope! You're better off just depending on your weapons. A lot more efficient than her skills now.


At least the whiny community of "baaawpress4towin kills more than me! I want more kills!" got what they wanted. At least someone did, so that's a positive thing.

Edited by Heatnix.
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honestly two changes to fix the whole problem maisma base duration of ticks and stun doubled and molt gains 2 seconds of invulnerability that absorbs damage  to create a higher hp pool and increase the pop damage when its destroyed.  those 2 seconds modifiable by duration


3rd bonus change give her her HP back and dont you DARE give her prime the hp as the prime bonus her prime deserves energy capacity.

Edited by Prideswrath
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Viral Procs for everything means she is one of the few damage dealers who scale infinitely. That said, for most "normal" gameplay she isn't going to really stand out as halving the HP of enemies you can one shot isn't really a big deal until you can't one-shot them anymore. 


At least the whiny community of "baaawpress4towin kills more than me! I want more kills!" got what they wanted. At least someone did, so that's a positive thing.


You are easily the whiniest person in this topic right now. Pot and kettle. 

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Viral Procs for everything means she is one of the few damage dealers who scale infinitely. That said, for most "normal" gameplay she isn't going to really stand out as halving the HP of enemies you can one shot isn't really a big deal until you can't one-shot them anymore. 


You are easily the whiniest person in this topic right now. Pot and kettle. 

He's not wrong, though. When was the last time you saw a "plz nerf limbo" thread? And as a result nobody's even taken more than half a glance at him when he actually DOES need a rework. Instead saryn, who had a functioning but niche role, got blasted when it wasn't needed and her skills set at different ends. There's no synergy because the things needed for synergy aren't there. It's like needing to bake a loaf of bread every time you wanted to make a sandwich, when before you had bagels or sliced bread to choose from.


And viral procs everywhere doesn't mean anything when enemies that aren'y your focus are affected. They're still able to kill you and that offscreen bombard doesn't give half a rat's arse if his HP is halved; he's still shoving something yellow and explosive up somewhere tender and untouched.


The butt. I'm refering to the butt. It's where the missles are going.

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honestly two changes to fix the whole problem maisma base duration of ticks and stun doubled and molt gains 2 seconds of invulnerability that absorbs damage to create a higher hp pool and increase the pop damage when its destroyed. those 2 seconds modifiable by duration

3rd bonus change give her her HP back and dont you DARE give her prime the hp as the prime bonus her prime deserves energy capacity.

unfortunately that's what they are most likely going to do. A big kick in the $&*^ is you ask me
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unfortunately that's what they are most likely going to do. A big kick in the $&*^ is you ask me

God I wish there was a +1 on the mobile forum version. Consider this mine for your comment. Edited by NKDG
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and she benefits more from healing now due to the increased armor. 

i think you know how little difference that makes, since 20 Armor is peanuts.

every Hit Point is worth a tiny bit more, but now storing that 10 seconds of Healing in your Health can potentially not fit if you're someone that uses 2 Slots for Power Strength, so it's still a net loss.


(i want my Health back)


I would really like to see your saryn setups for comparison's sake.

well, i don't run out of Energy.

and maintaining your Energy as Saryn is actually easier as Enemy Levels go up, ala Spores & Toxic Lash.



Rage previously filled the slot that Steel Fiber is in. since i can manufacture Energy myself now, i don't really need Rage at all.

Rush used to fill the slot that Armored Agility is in, but then Armored Agility was released and it's Sprint Bonus is over my personal threshold so i'll take even an Underpowered Armor Bonus instead of extra Sprint Speed i don't care about, sure!

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