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The Alt-4 Solution...could It Be The Answer And Add Variety?


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4th powers are Frame-defining.

DE is putting tremendous effort into balancing frames, but have run into the hornet's nest that is fanbase attachment to original frame ability "4" concepts.

Extensive reworks to kits are affecting a very personal part of the Warframe experience and I'm worried the cost to balance isn't worth the negative impact on the fanbase.

Is the answer as simple as A/B variants for 4th abilities?

Obviously this would hinge on successful pro/con balancing but imagine the powerful versatility that players could gain to benefit the quality of the gameplay experience!

A simple example:

Give old-school Saryn lovers their Nuker with "Variant A Miasma". Dial back the range or increase power cost if there is a balancing issue.

New-Age Saryn users will get their new Miasma and infectious kit with the upside being Superior synergy.

Or how about Mesa?

Some players like to have the simple, powerful execution of her original Peacemker. So what? Tweak range, energy consumption, and damage if game-breaking, but let

people have their Nuker.

New-age Mesa would offer superior synergies and strengths.


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With all respect I am completely against this. 


Those abilities/frames were changed for a reason. Because they want to remove mindless nuker stuff. Allowing people to still chose to use the P42W setup still means you solved nothing, and spent a bunch of extra time coming up with a "variant b" that most people won't even use -- because the average warframe player seems to go for the path that requires the least amount of thought or effort. 


Pure nuker frames with little synergy or required thought are being phased out. I don't think trying to cater to people who can't accept that does anything but slow down the improvement of the game, and would probably actually set it back by a lot. 


We all need to be playing the same game on the same page, for better or worse, we don't need a bunch of extra frame variants running around. With all respect to people who "want their nuker", perhaps they should look for a different game. That is not the direction warframe is going. 


I like the spirit of what you are trying to do here, but I think in the end it's just trying to cater to spoiled brats who will never be happy until they are playing a cookie clicker simulator where they are quite literally 100% invincible and able to kill anything of any level without effort. I think players who are obsessed with playing as a totally OP, invincible hero that requires no thought or effort to use, are not good for the long term health of the game. If they won't adapt and accept that DE wants warframe to actually be somewhat skill based, they won't be missed. We don't need them. Warframe has millions of registered users. 


Addendum: I'm not saying everyone who doesn't like a rework/change is a spoiled brat. I'm not saying people don't have valid complaints about certain reworks -- especially recent ones. I'm saying if someone's sole reason for being super angry and demanding change is because they can no longer use their frame as a no thought nuker/invincible god, then I don't think their view is valid, and if they are that upset they can go. That's not the direction the game is headed, and they will have to catch up with everyone else or be left in the dirt. 


Extra addendum: Saryn users I'm not talking about you specifically many of you are upset about the rework for a whole lot of reasons and have offered great ways to make her better. I'm talking generally about people who pretty much make it clear that they will take their ball and go home without their radial nuke no thought frame of the week meta. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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the answer is as simple as Players not thinking this is League of Legends.


Warframes should be defined by their stats, their [size=5]4[/size] Abilities, and how those all work together with each other and what tools you therefore have.

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