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Quick Thoughts On Where The Queens Are (And A Sidenote On The Solar Map Update)


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So, I got to thinking about this... again.


A long time ago I came up with the theory that the Queens would be on the Moon. To me it made sense at the time - the Moon was in VERY close proximity to the "jewel in our crown" (Vay Hek Cicero Crisis) of Earth and also fit the description of a "cold, dark asteroid" (Frontier Regulator) fairly well. Of course, with U18 coming we now know that the moon is certainly NOT the home of the Queens and has even been "missing" for the past few centuries.


But, I have thought of another: Sedna. And it lines up a bit better.


First of all, it fits the description given by Vey Hek over the Frontier Regulator, but it gets better:


1) Kela de Thaym is set up there. She's already been stated to be a direct creation of the Queens, and given the look of her update it definitely seems that she's got a MUCH higher standing than ANY other Grineer - I mean LOOK at her! Those are the MOST efficient and sleek augments of ANY Grineer to date.


But that just might be because she has a close relationship with the Queens, not because the Queens are on Sedna. This becomes more relevant when you take into consideration the second aspect:


2) The Nightwatch Corps will be located there. Now, THIS is a bit more speculation, but both myself and others have pointed out the vast similarities between the color scheme of Kela's redesign and the Nightwatch skins/units that were recently added.


Because of this, we've postulated that Kela is in fact the leader or at least a leading member of the Nightwatch, and HERE'S where things get interesting.


Because of Kela is a leading member of the most powerful Grineer unit in the Empire, and she is a direct product of the Queens, one starts to wonder: why is she on Sedna? Is that just the Nightwatch's base? Makes sense, set up far away to be able to maintain a level of covertness.


But, maybe, just maybe, they're ALSO set up there because they're protecting something? After all, doesn't it make sense to have the greatest squad in the Empire be the ones that protect its supreme leaders? Doesn't it make sense for (one of) the highest ranking leader(s) in said Corps to be personally around to monitor the defense of her Queens?


"But Morec!" I hear you starting to type "It's a level 15-20 planet!"


In the OLD star chart, my friends... And it's honestly not like that even matters - Vay Hek on Earth?


But, anway; in the OLD star chart. NOT the one that's going to be revised, reworked, and broken up into new areas. I think, and I think we can all agree, that in the new Star Chart's going to mean more than a few level reworks for the planets - based around their sectors. Earth, Mercury, Venus, all within the core, all the lower-level planets. Mars and Phobos outside, slightly higher level, slightly more outside of them. Ceres, Derelict, outside of them more, and while the current Ceres is the highest-level Grineer planet I think it'll be lowered to match up a little more.


By the time you work your way to the Madurai Sphere (or whatever they call it) I think you'll be facing the strongest of the strong, the toughest of the tough, the highest level enemies there are - and doesn't that make MUCH more sense based on how we saw the Nightwatch during that last Tact Alert?


Similarly, Pluto will retain it's high-level standing, and Eris as well.


Similarly, again, I think we've figured out what the Sedna tileset update will be: Grineer Palace.


Makes sense to me, but only time will tell.



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One small thing, ignoring all lore:


Since the Void is getting "blown up" in the solar map rework, and the Moon is being made into an Orokin base, I would expect (some of?) the void tileset to be moved there. I also doubt the Grineer Twin Queens would reside in an Orokin outpost likely crawling with the Corrupted, so Sedna makes sense.

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One small thing, ignoring all lore:


Since the Void is getting "blown up" in the solar map rework, and the Moon is being made into an Orokin base, I would expect (some of?) the void tileset to be moved there. I also doubt the Grineer Twin Queens would reside in an Orokin outpost likely crawling with the Corrupted, so Sedna makes sense.


I think the Orokin Moon itself will be getting its own look - certainly inspired by the Orokin Void/Derelict, but with a "ravaged by time" kind of feel to it. Whereas the Derelict is "overgrown" and the Void itself is "pristine and unchanged". Would LOVE to see Void rooms in a dilapidated state, though.


But, yeah, as soon as the Orokin Moon was announced as being... well, Orokin I too realized that it was unlikely the Queens were there.

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Think of the name "Nightwatch."


What do they do? They are the night watchmen. People who are awake while others are asleep, watching over them.


The "Nightwatch," then, sound like they would be a-pro-po to certain knowledge and access. Access and knowledge to fight enemies others aren't meant to fight.


Enemies such as the Sentient?


What if they are based on Sedna as an FOB to a Sentient attack? Rather than being a guard of the queens, what if they are the elites meant to fight the Sentients?

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Think of the name "Nightwatch."


What do they do? They are the night watchmen. People who are awake while others are asleep, watching over them.


The "Nightwatch," then, sound like they would be a-pro-po to certain knowledge and access. Access and knowledge to fight enemies others aren't meant to fight.


Enemies such as the Sentient?


What if they are based on Sedna as an FOB to a Sentient attack? Rather than being a guard of the queens, what if they are the elites meant to fight the Sentients?


Aye, I thought about that as well (see the link). It's a possibility, especially with the Queens coming from that time, most definitely, but with how long the Sentients have been MIA for so long I think even IF they had been originally made for that their duties will have spread out a bit - in fact this is more than apparent with the NW hunting down Maroo.



I think the Queens reside on the Sun....mind blown....I know I know....lol

Interesting read on a serious note.


They must be REALLY hot, then.

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Aye, I thought about that as well (see the link). It's a possibility, especially with the Queens coming from that time, most definitely, but with how long the Sentients have been MIA for so long I think even IF they had been originally made for that their duties will have spread out a bit - in fact this is more than apparent with the NW hunting down Maroo.

Aye, they did hunt down Maroo.


Also think, what did Maroo come into contact with and know the locations of? The Arcane Codices.



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Aye, they did hunt down Maroo.


Also think, what did Maroo come into contact with and know the locations of? The Arcane Codices.




Potentially not, but the Tactical Alert described them as having picked her up despite refusal to "disclose the location of the missing blueprints", and given what we're given it seems more to me like they're acting as a secret police, controlling anyone seen as subversive to the Empire's demands, rather than just folks watching out for anything related to the Sentients.


Seems more like they picked her up because of the fact she got the Grineer and Corpus to start attacking each other and stole from them because she knew anything.

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Do you think our beloved Lotus already knows the location of the queens? I remember cephalon Cordylon talking about this. This pretty much is what I got out of it. "We aren't saying we know or don't know where the queens are and we aren't saying we have or don't have a plan but Lotus thinks a lot of Tenno would die and that's no good so don't expect to go up against them anytime soon." Now that I think of it this may have already been said in a devstream too.

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Do you think our beloved Lotus already knows the location of the queens? I remember cephalon Cordylon talking about this. This pretty much is what I got out of it. "We aren't saying we know or don't know where the queens are and we aren't saying we have or don't have a plan but Lotus thinks a lot of Tenno would die and that's no good so don't expect to go up against them anytime soon." Now that I think of it this may have already been said in a devstream too.


Could you point me towards that? I tried looking it up but couldn't find entry in which he talked about the Queens. I DO remember there being talk of "the reason we can't just kill them is because we simply aren't prepared for the fallout" sort of thing, but it's entirely possible we do know where they are if that's the case.

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Imagine a Grineer power vacuum. It's bad enough with them vying for mere attention; I'd hate to see them fight for control.


It would certainly keep them at bay, if my reading of the Kuria Poem is correct that's the one reason the Orokin remnants were able to hold out against their sheer number (the infighting and disorganization between the various groups), but the people caught in the middle of it all just wouldn't make it worth it.

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It would certainly keep them at bay, if my reading of the Kuria Poem is correct that's the one reason the Orokin remnants were able to hold out against their sheer number (the infighting and disorganization between the various groups), but the people caught in the middle of it all just wouldn't make it worth it.

Judging from how the Queens were alive during the fall of the Empire, I would like to speak to them and learn from them, rather than grind their entrails for L00t.


But that's just me.

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Judging from how the Queens were alive during the fall of the Empire, I would like to speak to them and learn from them, rather than grind their entrails for L00t.


But that's just me.


Well, given what they wanted Vor to do I can't say they'd likely want to do anything but the latter to you.

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Could you point me towards that? I tried looking it up but couldn't find entry in which he talked about the Queens. I DO remember there being talk of "the reason we can't just kill them is because we simply aren't prepared for the fallout" sort of thing, but it's entirely possible we do know where they are if that's the case.

Well that's what Cordylon actually told us. I was saying what it sounded like to me. Honestly I don't think the fallout would be that bad. We could get a new kind of mission out of it: Protect the colony! :D

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Well that's what Cordylon actually told us. I was saying what it sounded like to me. Honestly I don't think the fallout would be that bad. We could get a new kind of mission out of it: Protect the colony! :D


Aye, and I was asking for a link to that particular "Ask a Cephalon", the wiki didn't have anything relating to that "power struggle" bit.

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Could you point me towards that? I tried looking it up but couldn't find entry in which he talked about the Queens. I DO remember there being talk of "the reason we can't just kill them is because we simply aren't prepared for the fallout" sort of thing, but it's entirely possible we do know where they are if that's the case.


I think they're mentioning to this one https://warframe.com/news/ask-cephalon-36 this is the only one I could find currently while browsing all the ask a cephalon entries.

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I always thought that the Queens would be on Earth, since it's the Grineer Homeworld. it's also where Vay Hek is, and he answers only to the Queens themselves. I reckon they're just in a really secure palace somewhere, Guarded by the Toughest Grineer troops in the galaxy.


This is something I keep seeming coming up, but given the state of the Earth and how it reacts to pretty much everything the Grineer have built thus far I don't put much stock in it. And, again, the noted "cold dark asteroid" quote from Vay Hek implies, to me, that they're holding up in somewhere that isn't NEARLY as lively as Earth is.

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  • 2 months later...

I always thought that the Queens would be on Earth, since it's the Grineer Homeworld. it's also where Vay Hek is, and he answers only to the Queens themselves. I reckon they're just in a really secure palace somewhere, Guarded by the Toughest Grineer troops in the galaxy.


Earth was the Grineer homeworld back when it was also a toxic wasteland (i.e., Ceres). I doubt it's that anymore.

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Considering that the star chart is not fixed and that DE can introduce new locations anytime they want (Phobos, Luna), they could be anywhere including in places not yet introduced.

For all we know they could have made their own Moon as center of power.

Maybe the Grineer picked a few massive asteroids from the belt between Mars and Jupiter or from the asteroid cloud around our solar system. Then they fused them together with a bunch of massive connectors (see the mining asteroids) and dragged them to Earth's orbit as new satelite.

Afterwards they hollowed them out and turned the whole thing into a massive fortress colony guarded by a fleet of Formorians.

What better way to show the powers of the Queens than to give Earth a new uglier moon?

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