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The New Raid Though... Wut?


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so I just watched Mogamu's guide to the Jordas Verdict. i enjoy his videos, and decided to have a look at what raiders are up to now.


holy moly..... that raid.... is complex as HELL.


I'm not the best guy at paying attention, but I can't be the only one that struggled to keep up with what you're supposed to do in this raid. it's unbelievably complex, to the point where I wonder why anyone would put themselves through it, especially considering that Arcane rewards can be obtained in LoR, with much less hassle.


unless DE give it unique rewards or tone it down, i don't know how people on console are gonna cope. I'm not saying that Console Players are dumb (even if they sometimes intend to prove me otherwise), but just.... wow.


to make it a drinking game, take a shot each time he says "Vaporizer" or "Break the Glass". if you make it to the end, you're likely Russian or have a mechanical liver.

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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Actually the Jordas Verdict is the easiest Trial by far, at least now when most of the bugs have been fixed. You only need to look around a little. The only hard part is the coordination with others, which doesn't differ at all from running the other Trials.

Also it's really good that the JV Trial forces the players to extract the mission on the first try before finishing it and to build the antiserum injectors. This way people have a better possibility to get used to the new mechanics. Once you have the injector, you'll always have enough those fragments to build new ones. This also works as 'manual' matchmaking system so it's easier to find the right group to play with.


But yeah, it might be quite a lot harder to play with gamepads considering that the inner parts of phage 3 might seem like a labyrinth of hell in all directions while you need to go back and forth all the time to get more boxes for vaporizers; compared to LoW which is basically a flat plane with some buttons. Just play calmly, take your time and coordinate. You don't have to rush it in 20mins. The infestation isn't really a problem at all.


What comes to the rewards there are actually unique Arcanes in JV Trial.


...filter by Drop Location

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Yes stage 3 inside jordas is a huge mess. Knowing what to do is incredibly complex, and overall much more time consuming.

Half your team is outside rocket league-ing the spore into his forehead, while the other is running around like a headless chicken.

Directing people is chaotic as they don't know what they did to pass it (because its extremely hard to observe the process).

My first sucessful raid took over 2 hours and im sure my teammates had no idea how we pass the puzzles.

Edit: i actually had some concerns with jv raid and made a post about it a few days ago: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/561351-jv-trial-current-problems/

Edited by 321agemo
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-raises eyebrow- i havent done it yet but the videos seem fairly straight forward do this then that then reward. atleast less of a pain in the neck than stage 2 of the regular raid on nightmare how many times have you failed the first half of stage 2 or had your raid end abruptly because scorpions are a thing?

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