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When Did The G3 Become Such Pushovers?


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They're always what they have been.


Players, however, get better and stronger. Who knew? It is kinda why we play the game. Nevertheless, after you've had a number of goes at these guys, they aren't nearly so intimidating as they were back when. Let them catch you out with a new 'frame with freshly forma'd weapons and the terror is real again.


Same thing with all the special hunter types. Stalker used to make me sweat bullets, but now it's just like, "Oh, you again," just before you shoot him in the head and drive on without a second thought.

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since i know what i'm doing, they're usually not a problem to deal with.

that being said, the Explosive Marelok is pretty Overpowered and if it hits you it's almost guaranteed that you're just dead, since it deals nuts Damage while being almost Ray-Trace.


When you need to bring yourself down to their level than you know that this game has a poor end-game content.

what he really means, is fight them with your Player Skill and Mods that you had when you thought they were highly dangerous.

for every Thread that complains Assassins are way too easy, there's another that complains the exact opposite.


If say, the Stalker behaved like it was under a human player control, you would be running a mission and suddenly, you would be dead. DE can't really make the Assassins that nasty or coordinated or scripted because the tears in the forums would put out the Sun.

i think you know and would agree that would be s...ty and not fun or engaging as a Video Game though. so not really relevant, and nobody would actually think randomly dying by basically spess magic as you're walking would be something good in a Video Game.


the closest to that which is still kind've sometimes reasonable would be NPC Invaders in Dork Souls - because while they're probably going to stomp you earlier on, if you're a lot better at the game than From Software thinks you are, you'll be able to chip away at them and defeat them while being statistically at a huge disadvantage.

however, if the game does manage to yoink you with those Invaders - due to how powerful they are, the Player is just as likely to think it was unfair as they are to think "i'll get him next time".


and they wouldn't be wrong there, it was unfair. intentionally unfair. while Dork Souls is very fair with it's 'mechanics of the universe', the stat differences there are certainly not a fair fight early on :p


Reduce ability/status affectiveness on them

i'd definitely go for doing things vaguely like that for all Mini-Bosses, sure.


more interesting than 'diminishing returns' for CC options that things like Bursa's implement. that doesn't feel very good. consistently doing something still useful but much less effective is far better than the game deciding this or that thing now does nothing.

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I feel like I need to clarify again.... I use an extinguished key to limit my dps a fairly large amount of the time, and I WAS COMPARING THEM TO BACK BEFORE THEIR LEVELS SCALED TO THE PLAYER PARTY. Yes it was a long time ago, and yes I have gotten stronger since then, but now that they scale to the conclave lvls of the party they are significantly less threatening( and more fair admittedly). Back when I grinded out the brakk they would always spawn at a set lvl, one that was significantly higher than you will see them currently outside of raids.

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Well, I never found them that difficult to deal with, regardless of when.


They're easy to control and although they can do some nasty stuff, if you're good at avoiding damage, well, you're good to go. Of course, when they were after me, or more accurately, when I was on their List and doing grineer missions, I just generally ran Valkyr, because she's G3 kryptonite. I just wanted them DRT and get on to looting those parts, pronto.


Since I now have enough Brakk parts to make about four guns (and have my personal one up to 4 forma), I don't make any special allowances for them anymore. I just take them as they come and don't really have any issues.


Edit: Almost forgot: I did take them on in the NM raid and they kissed the dirt so fast and so hard, you barely had time to see them. If you're alert and dialed in, you simply shouldn't have any real problems with them...and that's how it should be.

Edited by Sloan441
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OMG you are THE WORST. The only thing that needs to be changed about G3 is the drop rate. (Iv'e killed the G3 about 12 times now and still have no brakk barrel!!!) 


HAHAHAHA 12 times and I laugh that way lovingly dear Tenno. Over a year of farming, 12 BPs, 15 receivers, and endless G3 mod drops later I finally got my hands on the barrel only to have the host leave and fail the mission. Luckily RNgesus smiled on me and I got it in a raid the next day. I don't think the difficulty should be changed but 12 is just a start. 

Edited by (PS4)jFresh215
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  • 1 month later...

HAHAHAHA 12 times and I laugh that way lovingly dear Tenno. Over a year of farming, 12 BPs, 15 receivers, and endless G3 mod drops later I finally got my hands on the barrel only to have the host leave and fail the mission. Luckily RNgesus smiled on me and I got it in a raid the next day. I don't think the difficulty should be changed but 12 is just a start. 

oh that's not helping.....uuuuuggghhh.... Detron wasn't that hard. It was actually pretty easy to get those parts. 


and stalker? I remember getting everything he used to give out, It took me a few weeks  But I got them.


Can we agree that having to farm for over a year FOR ONE THING is taking it a bit too far?

Edited by CaterHowlett16
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They're supposed to spawn and be challenging against players who are on a low rank frames and weapons. They have higher encounter chances.


I think the game needs a better difficulty scaling for bosses/assasins rather than buffing damage/hp. Maybe just make all damage dealt and received calculated by % of max HP. So no matter what mods you have equipped your bolter will only do 2% maxhp damage per shot. While taking a facefull of shotgun pellets deals 70% of your max hp.

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I agree with the whole drop rate thing.  Somewhere along the way, RNG really has to start cutting some slack.  I've been playing since the Cicero Crisis, which means that I got the Brakk and Detron from Zanuka/G3, but I did get them.


Last couple encounters with them have not yielded duplicate prints of any kind, as in no drops of value.  I know that these drops wouldn't have had value to me personally, but the fact that they even have the potential to drop nothing at all is troubling, in my opinion.


Stalker has been the worst for me.  I got Blind Justice about a month ago, I now have two.  Somehow, it eluded me for that long.  I still don't have despair, and that's an awful lot of kills to miss something that's been in his drop table since the start.  No War, no Broken War blueprints, but that seems more acceptable to me since I've killed him some, but not so much that the absence of these seems unacceptable to me.  Since his rework, I've had markedly more encounters with him than ever, but most of them aren't yielding a unique drop of any kind, much less the ones I don't have.


As far as difficulty goes, I tend to agree that I don't remember the G3 being so easy.  I'm not talking about the added DPS that I have in order to make them die faster, that part of the equation is something I can readily see.  I had the same survivability in the past, in terms of health/shields.  Heck I'm still running as Frost almost every mission, so my ability set hasn't really changed in a way that should have completely altered the fight.  But these days, I simply cold CC them and kill them. They aren't bullet sponges, they don't avoid or dispel my stuff, and I'm not certain that the G3 has even landed a hit on me in the last few encounters.  I really don't know what, if anything, changed.  If they silently spawned in the middle of a horde of Grineer I'd kill them in the group and barely notice they existed.  That seems different than in the past, somehow.

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When you need to bring yourself down to their level than you know that this game has a poor end-game content. Every Deathmark enemy is a joke, all bosses are a joke and to try and challenge ourselves we need to gimp our time / money and effort just so that we can have some fun again.

That is just sad.

Extremely sad.

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