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November 20Th Community Hot Topics!


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the only reason i still play this game is waiting for dark sectors to come back as they were. i have spent 100s of hours prepairing for pvp in this game for it only to get removed repeatedly........ not happy with the way DE have delt with this issue as its wasted alot of my time. this pvp atm should b considerd nothing less than a side mini game seporate from dark sector pvp mode for people who do not like dark sectors, in my opinion. if u limit what people can use in dark sector pvp there is litteraly no point playing haf the game to get rdy for pvp...... u will lose a big chunk of your comunity.

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here's my opinions on the questions, if you care


> solar rails

I have no experience with those. I guess taxes on dark sector nodes kinda suck. but I'm interested in checking out dark sector conflicts


>vault pack

I initially thought I would be able to farm some of those older items again, but as I get it now it's kind of like prime access, which I have no interest in, it seems not worth the money for me, only reason I'd want those items is for the mastery points anyway



I use toggle to sprint and while I've gotten used to it, it really does untoggle often and when I don't actually want it to untoggle

I've adjusted to that by trying to land while sliding at all times as that seems to not make it untoggle while landing without sliding does untoggle the sprint I think. also after shooting or using melee attacks it untoggles I think.

someone earlier posted here that it should not untoggle unless you press the sprinting button again, that seems like a good idea to me.

even though there are those untoggling issues with toggle sprinting I still find it much more comfortable to use than holding sprint down.


>sniper rework

"What sniper rework?" haha, sorry, haven't read anything about that and I don't use any sniper rifles, tbh sniper rifles don't seem to fit into the fast and "mass-killing" warframe playstyle

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I would love dark sectors come back especially with the improvements to the game and the potential for new spectre regiment types with the syndicate spectres.  Imagine if Kubrow regiments could be thrown into the mix.


I think all the types of dark sector conflict had elements that I liked, even the PVE sabotage and Mobile Defense types of DSs.  If DE was able to bring back Dark Sectors with best of all DS types sewn together, that would be great.

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The sniper rework is perhaps the most interesting topic for me in this issue of Hot Topics and what I kept thinking was about the core issues that single target weapons have primarily. This is a horde game, there are a lot of enemies and they are more or less all in-your-face type of enemies. They ran towards you and then you are met with a hall of bullets and explosions everywhere.

The core issue with single target weapons once was that they were too slow to deal with a lot of enemies and I remember this being particularly a huge issue with bows at one point. What did DE do? They introduced damage buffs, innate punch trough to the bows and a Thunderbolt mod that is more or less effective but it at least leans over to the occasional AoE capability of the bows.

Now the thing is, I would not want the Sniper rifles to necessarily have innate punch trough mechanic because then they'd just be bows with scopes on them; more or less. Instead what I am thinking is that in addition to the current changes, why couldn't the sniper rifles have these sort of smart bullets that once and only if the bullet actually hits the initial target, then it would automatically ricochet to few nearby enemies if those enemies are close enough to the initial target similar to how for example the electricity proc already can spread to nearby enemies.

This would then eliminate one of the core issues that sniper rifles have which is the lack of killing a lot of enemies fast enough which is the core of the issues why people do not use sniper rifles in the first place. The other thing this suggestion would allow is that the sniper rifles would still remain a unique class of weapons with distinct features within that class of weapons. This would also avoid the sniper rifles having to need a mod like Thunderbolt because then it would make them rocket launchers with scopes.Additionally you could even further modify your sniper rifles and maximize its AoE capabilities by adding Gas and Electricity procs and Punch Trough mods to be able to take down waves of enemies if they are close enough to one another and are at the tract of the bullet itself.

Lore wise this could also be explained that the sniper rifle bullets (as large as they are), have inbuilt nanorobots that guide those bullets. They are like smart-bullets, similar to the smart rockets that modern day rocket launchers systems have except they are more advanced and able to be also built in larger bullets that are used by the larger caliber weapons. Of course exceptions like the Lanka would exist but it has an innate puncture already and I think that it should remain that way as it would make that weapon even more interesting alternative.

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Rails? I'd definitely like to see those come back, yes. But what IS it going to be? What kind of combat, the whats and hows and what exactly is Solar Rail conflict going to mean... I'd like to see them back, but after this long I don't even know what rail conflict looks like.


Vault Pack! I'm torn.

On the one hand, I already have Frost, Reaper and Latron Primes. I have no use for duplicates. So, sixty bucks for a thousand platinum, titan extractor prime, avatars, and the syandana. If there was a pack that didn't have the items once achievable in-game (the weapons and frame) and only contained the items never achievable in-game (syandana, extractor, you know, the accessories), I would absolutely buy that one.


Sniper Rework! GET HYPE! This one I'm actually super excited about. Nearly every shooter game that exists is content to ignore the sniper as a combat role, just slapping a long range rifle in the game and calling it a day. TF2 comes to mind as an exception, but there are very few others.

But this? Heck yes this stuff right here!

Zoom control! A combo system! Saving Private Ryan as inspiration material! I am so stoked!

So stoked I had an explicit dream, woke up, only to find I had ruined the sheets. Spent shell casings littered the bed, gunpowder burns marked the pillows.

Parkour 2.0 makes sniping a lot easier, too.

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Can there be an alternate vault pack that omits the farmable items (frost prime, reaper prime, latron prime) in exchange for more plat or the like?  Those bits are going to be available from the void during the vault pack offer period anyway.  it's also more attractive to those of us that already have the farmable items in question.

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Dark Sectors Armistice


The system failed because it didn't rewarded players, we taxed them.


Players on normal Dark Sectors missions should leave with 100% of what they farmed, they invested time on it. And the system should award like a fixed amount, let's say 15% of what players farmed to the alliances as a reward for all the struggle of defending nodes FOR 12 FRAKING HOURS!!!(reduce time to 1/4 and decrease rail life o 3/4)


100% to the players. system generates another 15% the rail owner.


Also there should be a system to distribute the resources to the players in the alliance. Since there was not, planing "fake attacks" was the only one.


That change alone would fix the main problem that made so many players cry over.


That is my humble opinion.

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Solar Rail Conflicts need a championship-style classification/elimination tournament where everyone can play. 


Otherwise it's bollocks. 


The old rail conflict was nice, should be reintroducet as a plain PvP mode, and perhaps a PvE mode/alert vs. enemy syndicates. 


What broke it was the cartelization/hegemony meta which locked the rails with a few alliances. 

Edited by -TP-BrazilianJoe
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Solar rails.


No. No way in hell.

Taxes are way too high and relays did not change hands often enough and if they did it looked more like they were handed over to a branch alliance of the same alliance. It was just a few Alliances trading relays or monopolizing them.


Taxes were too high up to a point even blueprints were taken at 100%.

It was a bad idea and reimplementing it is an even worse idea.


The only reason I started playing DS missions was because the taxes were removed and the scamming with Battle pay during relay wars disappeared with the armistice.


Remove the taxes. And give the clan holding a relay something else to tide them over like a resource that generates when a relay is up.

Make it so winners do not win more when they succeed and attackers actually have a shot at taking down a bloody relay.


Vault pack:


Don't like it.


I should be able to buy just the misa syandana or any one part from the pack. Not the whole pack. The way this is presented screws over the consumer that already has parts of the pack. Change it.


Sprint toggle:


I toggled it on for a reason.

If it untoggles without my say so it has failed in its intended purpose.




Sniper Rework:



I will not increase the zoom ever.

Only one mission type would require it and that is Interception.

The game is a horde mode = Snipers have to be able to do some form of AOE like pierce through enemies.

We have no Sniper missions.

We need to stay on the move at all times or risk dmg or death = quick scoping will rule. Aiming and taking your time is discouraged. Maybe give a 90% DR while in scope for longer than 2 second.

Clip size is low. Ammo is low. RoF is low. Enemies are in large numbers.


This rework does not touch on the issues sniping faces in Warframe. As an owner of a 5 forma Vectis Prime this saddens me and will not make me dust off the ole' girl.


Give Snipers innate 20m Punchthrough give them something utterly ridiculous so they can compete with the king: AOE.

Edited by Ziegrif
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@ Everyone saying "No" to Solar Rails - The Forum isn't asking whether we want them back or not, I am pretty sure this means they will be coming back one way or another. What the thread IS asking for is what we want to see out of them when they return.


 On that note, I would not like to see Conclave 2.0 restrictions implemented into Solar Rails. Solar Rails used to be the only reason to actually level up things and forma them aside from the few mainstream PvE weapons that everyone uses and expects... that being said Solar Rails does need an effort to Balance the system. Something along the idea of a Power Cooldown timer and caps on weapon/power strength. One of the reasons WF is so great was that there were so many choices on weapons and how many things felt unique... to maintain that feel, there should be no restrictions on what weapons we use. Rather calibrate all weapons to do the exact same amount of "base damage per second" to build off of, so they should maintain a strength balance while leaving all of the unique options. 


 Also would not mind the entire mechanics of Solar Rails being transformed into something different... maybe something along the lines of a MOBA style game. The way it is now, it is very close to being one already by having the 4 power set ups, a objective based match with AI minions everywhere, and a large selection of characters and weapons. What would be needed would be "multi-lane" and "multi-objective" maps. This also provides there room for more meaning for clan tiers, which could affect some attributes of maps... such as cosmetics, stats or layout (may or may not be a good idea). Also would NEED to implement the power Cool downs and play with WF stats to balance stats like Health and Energy pools... 


 Also with this new system, you could enter the Solar Rail close to how we used to, with no items and base gear (even gear could be set by character), and as you level up and earn xp/currency, you could purchase the mods to outfit your character the same way you would purchase items in a MOBA to strengthen your characters stats and damage. Idea obviously still needs alot of work, but I think it would be a big enough change to bring the old players who have hated and written off Solar Rails back, while staying familiar enough to maintain the majority of current Solar Rail players.... it would also be the first "Mobility MOBA" lol. 

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Hoping Sniper 2.0 lives up to expectations, just ranking them is a grind because its a close quarters game. Not even bothered building Vectis Prime yet as theyre so unweildy.


Potential red crits, consecutive shot buffs and differing level of zooms though sounds ideal. Need to try it for myself but im happy with what ive heard so far.


As for rails they REALLY need to restrict how many an alliance/clans within can hold. Xbox has suffered a monopoly for too long... alliances hit capacity and create a NEW one just to further control any and all of them. How does this benefit any but themselves? Till this i addressed im happy for them to suffer 0% taxing of the community.i

Edited by (XB1)Skode
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Opinions on the solar rails:


The biggest problem players are not looking forward to is the taxing system established to the rails. Say team A has the rail and requires you to give up 85% of your earnings for using their rails, players would rather go to the void in that case or just avoid all rails. Say team B defeats team A and abolished the tax (0% tax), players are more inclined to fight for team B due to the benefits team B is giving versus team A.


The driving point is that the taxing system will still drive the solar rails, please think about this


Opinions on the Prime Vault:


Please add a bit more to the vault or decrease the price by at least 10%. So far frost and frost prime are no different even after the changes that had taken place. There needs to be more in the prime vault that would drive players to buy this. An (horrible) example would be including a pack of 50x gold fusion cores or one legendary core (you can only get one per account).


Opinions on the toggle switch for sprinting:


I find my sprint toggling off more than usual but this is due to repeated bullet jumps. 

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As for rails they REALLY need to restrict how many an alliance/clans within can hold. Xbox has suffered a monopoly for too long... alliances hit capacity and create a NEW one just to further control any and all of them. How does this benefit any but themselves? Till this i addressed im happy for them to suffer 0% taxing of the community.i


There has never been a complete game-wide Monopoly ever on Xbox 1.... Not even for a single day. Or on any other console either I don't think...? Might want to check the definition of Monopoly before using that word. I think Warframe Bro's came closest on PC...? Not sure to be honest. On Xbox1, The Order held 16 Rails and that is the closest we came before they got taken down... and now we hold 8 Alliance rails and 1 Clan rail as AoW. Not to say of course we aren't going to try to conquer all of them because we love that aspect of the game, but it still hasn't happened yet. Besides all of this banter above, Xbox 1 players have had no real problems with the community tax like PC or PS4 has. The main controlling factions have never raised their tax beyond 20%-25% and AoW hold at 15%.... all of the serious problems with the tax denomination have been taxes above the 50% mark and up to 99%.

Edited by (XB1)Xodus03
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I think the Prime Vault should be made into two packages. The first with the previously farmable items (i.e. frost prime and the prime weapons) and plat. The second with the syandana, extractor and avatar with some boosters. I was able to farm the prime frost and weapons before being vaulted but wasn't playing Warframe when the accessory pack was offered. I can't be the only person that falls into this category of players. I won't pay for something I already have just to get a couple things I can't get otherwise.

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There has never been a complete game-wide Monopoly ever on Xbox 1.... Not even for a single day. Or on any other console either I don't think...? Might want to check the definition of Monopoly before using that word. I think Warframe Bro's came closest on PC...? Not sure to be honest. On Xbox1, The Order held 16 Rails and that is the closest we came before they got taken down... and now we hold 8 Alliance rails and 1 Clan rail as AoW. Not to say of course we aren't going to try to conquer all of them because we love that aspect of the game, but it still hasn't happened yet. Besides all of this banter above, Xbox 1 players have had no real problems with the community tax like PC or PS4 has. The main controlling factions have never raised their tax beyond 20%-25% and AoW hold at 15%.... all of the serious problems with the tax denomination have been taxes above the 50% mark and up to 99%.

Knew you would defend your right to seek a complete monopoly yet fail to say why its even close to a good thing. DE controls the game, i dont sit comfy with your alliance(s) controling one aspect of it instead of them. Its anti-community and DE Steve has said as much as his reasoning theyre not back yet... hell most alliance threads gave moderators migranes at all the silly bickering and taunting.

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Knew you would defend your right to seek a complete monopoly yet fail to say why its even close to a good thing. DE controls the game, i dont sit comfy with your alliance(s) controling one aspect of it instead of them. Its anti-community and DE Steve has said as much as his reasoning theyre not back yet... hell most alliance threads gave moderators migranes at all the silly bickering and taunting.


 ...Yes... because immature sore losers who choose to show up on our threads are our faults... and really have a whole lot to do with Solar Rail Mechanics... thanks for that input lol... 


 And yes, I am defending my right to seek and EARN a complete monopoly. If you don't want us to have it, it should be on you to stop us, not DE. You are the one who is complaining that you have "suffered a monopoly for far too long". I never said that it would be a "good" thing, nor have I implied it would be a "bad" one. Good and bad are relative to which side you are on, and that is as far as the would effect go if some measures were put in place such as tax caps, more motivations to play, ect. It is the game mode, what it is based on, and what it is meant for.... War and conquering. Besides the community has no idea what we have in store for it, and it isn't fair to assume anything. Take the taxes and cap them, fix bugs, and what else do you have to worry about? We don't actually control the game contrary to popular belief. #AoWilluminati.


  Jeeze, I'd love to see all these people with fears of the monopoly playing the board game "Monopoly". Player: "Hasbro! Hasbro! Please Help! They almost have everything and their taxes are too high... they are playing the game how it was designed and winning!" Hasbro: "Oh no! One sec lil buddy, just let me shut down the part of the game where you acquire territory and compete... there we go. Now all of you play nice". 

Edited by (XB1)Xodus03
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Lol. People don't want alliances to form.monopolies but they're number 1 solution is to complain to DE. And yes it's the other people who come onto our threads and leave the immature comments not the other way around. We have no reason to. We have been successful with the rails. We don't need to go onto other threads and leave those types of comments. You know who comes onto the clan threads and starts leaving those comments?? You guessed it people who complain.

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Just give us Rails back that don't effect PVE in anyway but where the clan/alliance in control of a rail still gets some sort of benefit equal to what we had before. I'm so disappointed that DE thought completely removing the main type of play that plenty of the Tenno focus on the most was the answer to the issues that existed. All I see is non Solar Rail players complaining about taxes. DE, couldn't you have just put a tax cap of 10%-20% up until you guys figured out what direction you were going to take it? New mastery rank fodder is NOT going to keep me playing.

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I really dislike the fact that you're vaulting Warframes / gear then selling them back to us at an expensive price. Putting content behind a paywall like this is sucky business practice.


On the topic of snipers: Without punch-through they'll always be as worthless as they are now. 4m Innate punch-through on all snipers please.

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-Dark Sector :


taxes were a bad idea, it brings the worst from the players


-vault pack :


No opinion


-toggle sprint :


If it weren't so bad i would use it all the time (i guess that's why people answered they push to run). My pinky hurt. We should be able to run all the time. Even better, make the sprint toggle a walk toggle instead where we choose to walk when necessary.


Sniper :


need to test it first, look promising


Use sniper more often ?:


Sure, i mean you did an amazing job with the shotgun rework so if it's on par with that rework, i will surely use sniper more often.

But sniper need maybe more, like some map adjusments to be able to use them at their full potential.


side note :


Please do something about weapon swap. No change have been made and it still feel awkward

Edited by Gilmaesh
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The only thing I want to comment on is the sprint. I haven't used toggled sprint but the "it untoggles too often" choice caught my attention. Pressing to sprint has its own times that it stops working even when you still have the sprint button held down. It would be really nice if that was fixed/changed too.

 +1 This is really annoying!

Alos regarding the Vault pack, i´m not gonna get forced into buying a whole set of equipment i allready own or do not need just to get one item (Misa Prime).

I´d like to buy it but with the way it is set now, i´m gonna skip the Vault pack. Maybe some 12 year olds will shell out all their christmas money for a digital scarf and some useless junk, but i feel like DE is missing out on purchases from a lot of the more mature players for whom the value of this set is just not worth it to justify the price and that´s a damn shame.

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