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Let Me Tell You A Story About My Time In The Void


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> Join someone's T3 survival mission

> Host's friends brings his rank 0 frame.

> Doesn't put either redirection nor vitality, has 100/100 shield/life.

> Dies every 10 second, I spend 50% of the time rezing him instead of shooting at enemies, putting myself at risk in the process

> Gets fed up and ask him why he didn't use Vitality or Redirection

> "It's a rank zero frame I have no points to spend"

> nevermind that a matching polarity aura gives 14 points, maxed redirection costs 14 point

> but no, intensify on a rank zero frame is a better idea

> guy runs out of revives

> we extract at the 20 minute mark


Why do you do this to me?


If this is you, I hate you.

Edited by Mastikator2
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This game is full of leechers and shamelessness which is why wou play solo as the guy above already pointed out. On a sidenote though, redirection and vitality are not needed on any frame if you wanna play highlevel. Vitality is ok on despoil nekros for bigger energy pool, steel fiber is good for snowglobe, and then theres chroma... but that frame is designed around an EHP system that doesnt have any application cuz all armor hp and shields do for you is you die at a higher lvl than you would without those mods. If you know what youre doing however these mods are obsolete since you do not get hit period.

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Ive got a worse one:

>Invited some randoms to join me on a Survival

>Host migration to Random1

>Reached 20 minute mark without problem

>Dual Kama Prime BP dropped

>Lost connection to Host (Random1)

>Random1 asks me to reinvite (thinking im the host, cause it was my key)

>Tells me his dad plugged out his router to troll him :/

Edited by Dawn11715
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Normally these days, when joining a public session or playing with people I do not know, I prepare my equipment for Solo runs. Also rescuing people will need to meet my crtieria:


1) not too far away, able to reach there to revive casualty

2) I will always make the area safe before rescuing anyone (unless the enemies are extremely low level)

3) duration left on bleed out timer if there are multiple casualties


That said, I will always advise the Low MR people ie MR 1 - 5 to stay close to me or at least 2 tiles away so i can get to them if they fall. Thus far, they either do not understand what I am saying or prefer to run off on their own.

Edited by ecwp1981
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If all the people in this thread are so good, why can't they lead the team, and pick up the slack?? i mean it was only 20mins in T3..... food for thought. ;)


I don't mind the occasional low ranked player. It reminds me of when i was a low ranked player and i wanted all the cool stuff everyone else was rockin'. I still vividly remember this mission on Jupiter where i did a massive '1' damage.... One whole damage point! can you believe the power i had at my disposal!? freaking mlg bro xD


However, 20mins is generally what pub matches go to since no one is quite sure of everyone else's skill level irrespective of the times downed. You don't want to reach for 40 and two people fall at 30.



just want to put a little disclaimer here that my post was a little tongue-in-cheek, lest people think i was being uber serious or something....

Edited by MillbrookWest
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@Topic Creator

Maybe the Dude doesn't have an Aura Mod yet.


>Joins a Orokin Derelict Defense

>Host stays AFK till Wave 15 Mark

>Host Finally starts helping after Wave 15 till Wave 20

>Wave 20 Us 3 players choose Extract , Host wants to keep battling

>Mission Fails due to IDK... "Reasons" I guess since the Host quit right before the Vote Timer finished.

Edited by Atomic_Noodles
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I'm probably gonna get a lot of flak for this but in this situation I would just let the dude die after the 3rd consecutive death. Why should I waste my time reviving multiple times when clearly the guy was of no help. If he was a noob what was he doing in a T3 survival. I'd only be OK with it if it was a planned "help the noob gets drops" thing. Besides I would still get the rewards from whichever minute they decide to extract anyway.

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Not only void, this also happens to raid a lot. I have once encountered this MR6 player, who pmed me when my recruitment requirement was MR15+ and experienced. I invited him to the game and found out he was MR6, then I asked him if he had read my requirements, and he confessed that he didn't even play raid once, nor was he experienced. He just simply wanna be in raid to farm maniacs to get Ash parts, and begged us to let him stay. I'm not saying every low MR players are leechers, but I just met too many of them.

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Not only void, this also happens to raid a lot. I have once encountered this MR6 player, who pmed me when my recruitment requirement was MR15+ and experienced. I invited him to the game and found out he was MR6, then I asked him if he had read my requirements, and he confessed that he didn't even play raid once, nor was he experienced. He just simply wanna be in raid to farm maniacs to get Ash parts, and begged us to let him stay. I'm not saying every low MR players are leechers, but I just met too many of them.

I have took a MR5 Ember Prime and gave her Firequake as a gift ... So we got through and he did die only 2 times ... On pad part. So ... MR is hardly an excuse, I look up the profile. Like right click-> Profile .. But I don't look exactly at MR . I lok at msot played , Completion rate (Mine is lower that anybody's , and 9% quitrate :( )

Edited by pavlo555
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Not only void, this also happens to raid a lot. I have once encountered this MR6 player, who pmed me when my recruitment requirement was MR15+ and experienced. I invited him to the game and found out he was MR6, then I asked him if he had read my requirements, and he confessed that he didn't even play raid once, nor was he experienced. He just simply wanna be in raid to farm maniacs to get Ash parts, and begged us to let him stay. I'm not saying every low MR players are leechers, but I just met too many of them.


Raid is a hit or miss with MR though. I once played with an MR 20 guy who cost us the Nightmare Raid on the Hijack part. I was driving the core and saw that there was electricity so I stopped. The MR 20 guy kept moving around with me even though I specifically told him there should only be 1 driver in the Hijack. When I stopped, he didn't so he caused the core to explode making us fail the raid.


After this I pm'd him. He told me he was looking for rare containers. What the effing Ffffffccc**** Apparently rare containers are more important than the mission, MR effing 20 did this on a Nightmare raid.


On the opposite side of the spectrum I've played with pretty good MR 8-12 Raiders.

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Raid is a hit or miss with MR though. I once played with an MR 20 guy who cost us the Nightmare Raid on the Hijack part. I was driving the core and saw that there was electricity so I stopped. The MR 20 guy kept moving around with me even though I specifically told him there should only be 1 driver in the Hijack. When I stopped, he didn't so he caused the core to explode making us fail the raid.

After this I pm'd him. He told me he was looking for rare containers. What the effing Ffffffccc**** Apparently rare containers are more important than the mission, MR effing 20 did this on a Nightmare raid.

On the opposite side of the spectrum I've played with pretty good MR 8-12 Raiders.

I'm not saying low MR players are not good in raids, I'm saying most of the players who wanna leech are low MR players.
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I'm not saying low MR players are not good in raids, I'm saying most of the players who wanna leech are low MR players.


True. I admit to judging people based on MR from time to time although I'm not selective if it's void/starchart since I can usually carry. I try to get rid of the habit but too many noobs prove the MR requirements in recruiting right most of the time.

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if his frame is rank 0 and he keeps running out and dying just leave him there. He is probably not contributing very much anyways. If he rages in chat put him on your ignore list. GG move on. When i do Draco and i see someone with all rank 0 stuff trying to leech i just leave them there to die. At least hide and bring 1 weapon to kill things

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You could of looked at their gear they had on, before they even started the mission.

And simply leave the session.


All would of been avoided.

The only mod you can see is the aura, which he did have. He wasn't a low rank player and did have decent enough guns. But he got one shotted by everything because he stupidly didn't bring health mods.



If all the people in this thread are so good, why can't they lead the team, and pick up the slack?? i mean it was only 20mins in T3..... food for thought. ;)

The problem isn't that he isn't contributing, the problem is that when I spend 50% of the time rezing people I'm not contributing either. The game doesn't allow me to shoot enemies while rezing people. Have you not played Warframe or something?

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I'm probably gonna get a lot of flak for this but in this situation I would just let the dude die after the 3rd consecutive death. Why should I waste my time reviving multiple times when clearly the guy was of no help. If he was a noob what was he doing in a T3 survival. I'd only be OK with it if it was a planned "help the noob gets drops" thing. Besides I would still get the rewards from whichever minute they decide to extract anyway.

After playing the famorians event the last few days you won't get no flak from me. The amount of players that turn up with the most pathetic archwings and expect to be carried is amazing. I just stopped picking them up in the end. Sounds harsh but I was there to farm cores not baby sit. Their selfishness was just dragging the missions back and I got fed up reviving leechers.

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this is why I go Solo, or with friends who know what they're doing.


guys, at least have the decency to put on a Vigor mod if you want to go all power. even 120% more health and Shields is better than nothing. if you're not gonna put health mods on, then you better get good at dodging bullets. if you're not good at that, put on a Vigor.


it's no good having amazing powers if you aren't alive to use them!

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Raid is a hit or miss with MR though. I once played with an MR 20 guy who cost us the Nightmare Raid on the Hijack part. I was driving the core and saw that there was electricity so I stopped. The MR 20 guy kept moving around with me even though I specifically told him there should only be 1 driver in the Hijack. When I stopped, he didn't so he caused the core to explode making us fail the raid.


After this I pm'd him. He told me he was looking for rare containers. What the effing Ffffffccc**** Apparently rare containers are more important than the mission, MR effing 20 did this on a Nightmare raid.


On the opposite side of the spectrum I've played with pretty good MR 8-12 Raiders.


i am MR 18 i dont like raids i have played only 3 (win all) and in all raids having the proper equipment

have followed instructions from lower mastery players to accomplish the mission


mastery dont count in all situations only respect and see as a team the other players

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