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Anyone Else Annoyed With Tennogen Pricing?


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It kind of does make more sense to do it this way, though. I mean, let's face it, at some point they might not play Warframe anymore, but they should still get compensated for it in a way that's not tied to the game.


I'm going off what I've seen in the past with workshop-dependant games. The creator almost always gets a bigger cut. If anyone has any sort of confirmation what the profit cut is, though, I'll gladly admit I'm wrong. So far, I haven't seen any exact numbers anywhere.




you can see profit share percentages directly in steam workshop

Edited by weirdee
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you can see profit share percentages directly in steam workshop

Didn't know they displayed the cut there.

Checked Warframe's workshop. Creators get a 30% profit cut. I'm assuming Valve also takes a portion for providing the service.

In regards to my point about potential profit, there's still quite a bit of potential loss.

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As much as I'd like it to be plat purchases, the fact that is real money transactions is WAY better for the artists making the items and for DE in general, thou I do wish the price was a bit lower.


And depends from game to game: TF2 worshop creators get money by checks/bank transfers monthly, if I remember correctly, could be very wrong. A few people make a living out of selling DOTA 2 stuff, too. I have no idea what sort of deal the tennogen guys have.


steam wallet is not real money. it's a digital currency you can only spend on steam afaik. so actually most of the sale % goes to valve in the end as everything the creators make is bound to steam unless they choose to try various dodgy practices of getting cash out of steam which could potentially result in a ban.


i'm with OP on this one and i hope they can make them available for ingame purchase with plat asap.

Edited by ..atom..
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I can't honestly complain. I've made +4k plat just through trading.

I couldn't justify a plat purchase even with a 75% discount. Tennogen cosmetics may give me a reason to spend money.

Rhino skin, Saryn, Nyx skins (actual quality content) was practically free to me. It would be ridiculous to cry over these lower quality cosmetics.

Why the panic anyway? We got an AWESOME rhino skin for plat and a few sub par player made skins for cash. There is no indication that DE wants to sell the real items for cash.

I can't honestly complain. I've made +4k plat just through trading.

I couldn't justify a plat purchase even with a 75% discount. Tennogen cosmetics may give me a reason to spend money.

Rhino skin, Saryn, Nyx skins (actual quality content) was practically free to me. It would be ridiculous to cry over these lower quality cosmetics.

Why the panic anyway? We got an AWESOME rhino skin for plat and a few sub par player made skins for cash. There is no indication that DE wants to sell the real in house made items for cash.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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If the system was changed so that compensation was delivered through in-game plat, DE would inevitably make such a fact public to all content creators. If the creator decided to continue creating skins, they would do so under the knowledge that they would be doing so purely out of hobby/practice/etc if they did not actually play the game.


Isn't workshop profit transferred to your Steam Wallet anyway? Last time I checked, you didn't use it to pay real bills.


I'm sorry but this is a load of crap. So because YOU don't like the way it's handled the content creators are left &#! out? What if they don't want plat? if they want actual funds for other things? Oh well? See the issue here is your covering for your own sake, DE doesn't seem to have a problem with it (atm) so this is not for them, this is for you. "You" don't like it so you think of a system that would benefit "you" and that is just "eh". Now if plat could later be converted to real money then alright fine, this would work a-ok but it can't (unless someone corrects me on that?) without a out of house deal between 2 people. If people want to be paid for their work them let them be paid. What's even more selfish seeming is the fact your not even talking about the pricing itself but just the "inconvenience" it gives of having to buy outside of plat.



It's a shame the world has even come to this, that people have been burnt so much by the industry that any change is viewed with "doom and gloom".....I weep on the inside when I think about it ; o;

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I highly doubt them being a Steam-only, money-only, item was ideal.

I highly doubt that too but given Steam's system they probably found it to be the fastest, easiest thing to do at this very moment.


Not only that but think about the submission system, Steam has it layed out very nicely, easy to submit and browse through items like a catalog. Also the bandwith is held by Valve and DE won't be affected.


I was indeed hoping they pull a Sony scheme and make their own submission system and that may as well be the case in the future but right now, maybe, JUST maybe, this was the best option.

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The price is actually lower than the Normal Skins and Capes, I went to the Buy Plat of the Warframe Home Page and saw that:


75p I pay $9,99, with taxes and all that, I pay around $11 total.


Most of the Tennogen Skins are actually $10,49 since the taxes are already included, I'm paying less for those.


The Capes and Skins that drasticaly change the appearence of the Warframes? 90p and 150-165p


The ONLY thing that players are not liking is that they MUST have Steam to purchase those items and, unlike in-game where you can raise plat with a few hours in Trading, you MUST put real money to get them... or be a seasoned CS:GO player that has a lot of crates and/or skins of high value and made a lot of money in the Steam account.

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because translating plat into money is literally impossible right? right


and to track how many skins have been bought and auto transferring money to the skin creators is completely impossible right? wait it isnt, its a choice that was made


its f**king over many players, and literally every single warframe player that does not use steam, plat is now not used for everything anymore and that indirectly devaluates it, especially considering many many many many more skins are gonna come, one day maybe 50% of all cosmetics are steam (or whatever consoles use) only, leaving plat only to buy items of usage, such as frames and potatoes

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because translating plat into money is literally impossible right? right


and to track how many skins have been bought and auto transferring money to the skin creators is completely impossible right? wait it isnt, its a choice that was made


its f**king over many players, and literally every single warframe player that does not use steam, plat is now not used for everything anymore and that indirectly devaluates it, especially considering many many many many more skins are gonna come, one day maybe 50% of all cosmetics are steam (or whatever consoles use) only, leaving plat only to buy items of usage, such as frames and potatoes

All this panic and being "f#ed over" after DE just released a quality cosmetic pack for plat.
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I don't see what "him not playing the game" has to do with it, he still took the effort making the skin, people liked it and that skin won. it's pretty simple 


Apologies my sun lord BUT that comment was aimed at the whole OP wanting all these things to be bought with plat and any creator that didn't want that to be left as making them for free. 

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I'm sorry but this is a load of crap. So because YOU don't like the way it's handled the content creators are left ! out? What if they don't want plat? if they want actual funds for other things? Oh well? See the issue here is your covering for your own sake, DE doesn't seem to have a problem with it (atm) so this is not for them, this is for you. "You" don't like it so you think of a system that would benefit "you" and that is just "eh". Now if plat could later be converted to real money then alright fine, this would work a-ok but it can't (unless someone corrects me on that?) without a out of house deal between 2 people. If people want to be paid for their work them let them be paid. What's even more selfish seeming is the fact your not even talking about the pricing itself but just the "inconvenience" it gives of having to buy outside of plat.

Oh, I apoligize. I didn't realize that, as one of the frequent purchasers of various promotional packages of this game (and as a consumer in general), I was not at all entitled to freely expressing my dissapointment when the $100 worth of cosmetics I purchased becomes conditional. Screw what the Platinum purchasers and Prime Accessers think, right? They haven't contributed at all up to this point. Myself and others are just a bunch of overly-entitled babies. Screw the consumer, especially the loyal ones.


Pardon the sarcasm, but I'm tired of the whole "screw what you say because it's your opinion" philosophy that tends to plague this community. Just a heads up, I'm not trying to say I'm the final word just because I put money into the game; I'm saying that, as a whole, this may be unappreciated by many loyal Platinum purchasers, not just myself. Additionally, I have already pointed out that allowing Platinum trading via Steam Market would hugely amend this issue. I'm not against creators getting paid for their work. I just don't like it when it compromises an already-secure purchasing system like this.


It's also worth noting that DE could simply allow players to purchase the items with both Platinum and Steam funds. In turn, they could turn an even larger portion of the latter to the content creator. Something along the lines of a majority, preferably.

Edited by Nitresco
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I'm not referring solely to the price itself, by the way. I'm referring to the fact that it requires a direct cut of Steam funds rather than platinum.


I have viewed Platinum up to this point as a direct translation of real money into virtual buying potential. When I spend $50 on Platinum, whether it be Prime Access or not, I tend to think I'm getting my money's worth in items, cosmetics, etc. Because that's what Platinum is. It's a versatile in-game equivalent to real cash that can be used to purchase cosmetics, components, pretty much anything you desire in-game whether it be from the store or another player. The fact that it's tradable means that any non-paying player can eventually achieve a purchase of any item they like. That's what Free2Play should be. That's why Warframe succeeds. Everything is accessible without paying, with the few exceptions related to high-tier loyalty packages (founders, prime access).

The inclusion of TennoGen items that are only purchasable via Steam Wallet has changed this. Usually, players can farm mods and parts to trade for Platinum. They can then use this Platinum to buy cosmetics they want. This is not the case with these items; the player can ONLY purchase them with real money.

You might be saying "So what? They're just cosmetics. Who cares?"

I care. I regularly buy Platinum, mostly through Prime Access. When I spend money for future in-game buying potential and find out that the buying potential I payed for is conditional like this, it's slightly irritating.

TL;DR "Hey, thanks for pouring money into the game. We're going to let you buy any cosmetics you want. Except these ones. For these, you need to pay again."

Edit: Apoligies, I realize this might belong in feedback. I posted it in General Discussion because I actually intended it to start a discussion.

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  Overpriced **, although I have no problem with them being steam money only.

  View the items as the payed mods steam was talking about some time ago, player made mods/additions to the game that can be acquired by purchasing them with real life money. Plat is a currency for Warframe only -> can you use plat to buy for example some cool 500x500 meter building mod for Cities : Skylines ? No ? Well... Here's an answer.

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Oh, I apoligize. I didn't realize that, as one of the frequent purchasers of various promotional packages of this game (and as a consumer in general), I was not at all entitled to freely expressing my dissapointment when the $100 worth of cosmetics I purchased becomes conditional. Screw what the Platinum purchasers and Prime Accessers think, right? They haven't contributed at all up to this point. Myself and others are just a bunch of overly-entitled babies. Screw the consumer, especially the loyal ones.


Pardon the sarcasm, but I'm tired of the whole "screw what you say because it's your opinion" philosophy that tends to plague this community. Just a heads up, I'm not trying to say I'm the final word just because I put money into the game; I'm saying that, as a whole, this may be unappreciated by many loyal Platinum purchasers, not just myself. Additionally, I have already pointed out that allowing Platinum trading via Steam Market would hugely amend this issue. I'm not against creators getting paid for their work. I just don't like it when it compromises an already-secure purchasing system like this.


It's also worth noting that DE could simply allow players to purchase the items with both Platinum and Steam funds. In turn, they could turn an even larger portion of the latter to the content creator. Something along the lines of a majority, preferably.


Apology accepted, i'm so glad we came to such a civil finish. At any rate you being a consumer, customer, messiah, the pope, or god himself doesn't change the whole idea was "crap". You are entitled to your opinions same as I am entitled to say it was crap. Apologies if that leaves you feeling  "some type of way". Also as a plat & PA buyer you can toss that last bit of crap as well.


Also if your tired take a seat then and pause for a moment because you got it messed up a bit. I'm not saying "screw what you say" at all let alone because it's your opinion. Once again I was bringing up a fuss because the solution in question was crap opinion or not. I know your not making final decisions, I know this makes you feel a way because of whats happening but to even suggest if people are not ok with with plat they would have to settle for doing it for free, then taking offense because someone calls you out on it? Really? 

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Yeah they do seem a bit overpr-


Wait wait hang on


You get them for $5? They're FIVE POUNDS in the UK. That's 50% more! And there certainly isn't delivery charges or customs to worry about, so what gives? I guess if I want to buy one I can send my friend in the states a few quid by PayPal and they can send it to me as a gift? Good lord.

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Yeah they do seem a bit overpr-


Wait wait hang on


You get them for $5? They're FIVE POUNDS in the UK. That's 50% more! And there certainly isn't delivery charges or customs to worry about, so what gives? I guess if I want to buy one I can send my friend in the states a few quid by PayPal and they can send it to me as a gift? Good lord.

that has to do with valve, it as always been like that, they don't care much about currency actual value

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Yeah they do seem a bit overpr-


Wait wait hang on


You get them for $5? They're FIVE POUNDS in the UK. That's 50% more! And there certainly isn't delivery charges or customs to worry about, so what gives? I guess if I want to buy one I can send my friend in the states a few quid by PayPal and they can send it to me as a gift? Good lord.


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Apology accepted, i'm so glad we came to such a civil finish. At any rate you being a consumer, customer, messiah, the pope, or god himself doesn't change the whole idea was "crap". You are entitled to your opinions same as I am entitled to say it was crap. Apologies if that leaves you feeling  "some type of way". Also as a plat & PA buyer you can toss that last bit of crap as well.


Also if your tired take a seat then and pause for a moment because you got it messed up a bit. I'm not saying "screw what you say" at all let alone because it's your opinion. Once again I was bringing up a fuss because the solution in question was crap opinion or not. I know your not making final decisions, I know this makes you feel a way because of whats happening but to even suggest if people are not ok with with plat they would have to settle for doing it for free, then taking offense because someone calls you out on it? Really? 

You're really that worked up over that single suggestion? If they don't like the payment offered, they don't have to do it. If somebody really wants to do optional weapon skins for a living on a game they don't actually play, they would hunt down a game that offers the tender they desire (not to mention skinning for a living is probably the least stable paying job you could ever think of, worse than working waitress/waiter in an American restaurant). Even if they didn't do it for a living, there still would be plenty of paying options on the Workshop. Options that notably pay more, both in amount AND consistency.

Is this really such a monstrous suggestion in your opinion? If it is, I disagree, and I leave it at that.

I've offered alternative suggestions, regardless. Ones that are equally friendly to skinners desiring money and players desiring a consistent system.


That's 50% more!

Yet another downside to running the system on multiple international currencies instead of the exchanged psuedo-currency that's already proven faithful. Utterly terrible.

Edited by Nitresco
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