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New Warframe: Ivara [U18 Megathread]


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I like her, but i would like to see some work on the stealth abilities.


My biggest issue is that my character is allready nearly invisible to me when inside a stealth bubble or in ability 3. However other players become completely invisible inside the buble, making it hard to tell if someone is inside from some distance. Players should be properly outlined inside the bubble so its easier to get allied positions. It would also be neat if the muffled sound effect could be removed (at least optionally) as it is realy annoying.


Speaking of the stealth buble, it also seems that if the buble is attached to a player he is not allways in the center. It sometimes looks like he partially sticks out. Im not sure if this is just a server-client position issue.

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Hmm, how bout no? It's unobtainable. I can imagine all sorts of tortures and stuff to those who decided it should be a reward for a spy missions with it's low chances and awfully big drop tables. And here I thought it was a questionable choice to farm Limbo parts in excavation missions - but this is by far the worst thing they ever could came up with. Angry and dissapointed with them right now, nothing more. If they won't change her farming method, majority will see her in a year at best.


Total agreement with you here Nomen.  Spy missions for a warframe..  get stuffed.


I've farmed every warframe in my collection and this Ivara was the first one I brought because of 2 things


1) poor RNG on the drops.  lets face it alot of the loot tables have way to much pollution in them (*cough*Forma *cough*)

2) Spy Missions suck in general in my view..  I have never liked the Spy 2.0 and i do everything i can to avoid them as much as possilbe..

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In fact Ivara is the first non-prime warframe ever whose main blueprint needs to be farmed and not picked up from the lab or the market.

Given that, in addition, she costs a ton of plat, it can be concluded that DE must be desperate for money.


Now I don't have her yet, but my quirks with her, right now, from what I've seen, is simply that she tries too be an archer but fails at this. Only her ult has a direct connection to bow (not her 1, she could have been throwing knifes or devices which would have had the same effect), and as you all said it's very underwhelming. Can't hep but think the devs should have forgotten that archer thing and just gone for a "rogue spy" frame. Then release a battle archer, later, with skills like explosive (proc blast) or incendiary shots (proc panic) and an ult that shoots finisher arrows, blinding surviving targets for a moment.

Or do a mix, that would have also been interesting : keep zipline, cloak and sleep, replace lure with blast arrow, remove the Navigator in favor of something that increases utility or your primary weapon (tailored for bows, of course), make the cloak from Prowl more reliable (like, you can run but no spring), and give her the ult I've mentionned.

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So i decided to test Ivaras bow with a power strentgh build, despite calling it poor damage-wise i wanted to make sure i was correct


Bow mods



I play bows close to mid range so the HC doesn't bother me too much.


Ivara Build




Vs 100 Heavy gunner




2 more shots it was dead. This is without prowl


With prowl



1 hit killed


Interms of actual damage dealt, the combined might of them is pretty amazing even thought each one is slightly weak.



However, I am honestly, still unsatisfied. The ultimate plays more to a shotgun than a bow in terms of damage, each individual arrow itself is weak but only when most lands a target the damage is seemingly good. While the spread and multishot is good we need to be able to control how wide or tight we want the spread or if we want it to spread at all.  As a person who loves bows being able to send a single, focused shot into a crowd would be much appreciated.


I tried to replicate the above  at 25M+ Range, actual sniping/bow territory- Vertical shots were made most of the arrows land. Horizontal shots were horrible as at longer range the spread might make only 1 arrow hit your mark.


However because charge/uncharge shots do the same damage you can spam arrows into crowds with no damage penalty.


The little synergy it has with her second and third skill is not unique to it. It has no CC or special effects and it the most it has going for it is instant use to the first skill.



It's a very underwhelming ultimate for Ivara, for her i would take less damage  for more effects any day of the week.



Buff for the ultimate can include


1.Shots stagger enemies-Great CC




2. It slightly modifies properties of the first skill


a-Stealth arrow give enemies who walk through it a minor slow (10%?)

b.Enemies are able to trip over Dash wire if they walk through it (think of telsa augment but with a knockdown)

c. Noise arrows fired when enemies are aware will shift their attention from Ivara to the point of impact. If fired on allies they gain increase aggro if they can draw aggro (i.e placing noise arrow on invisible allies will not work)

d.Sleep arrows cause enemies to take slightly more damage while asleep (10%-15% unaffected by Power Strength is fine)



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Spy missions, which can be easily cheesed is the worst thing they could've done? Making her unobtainable?



Oh please

And why exactly does it matter that they're easy? It just doesn't drop. I spent all previous day (about 50 or so runs in total, maybe more) trying to get any of her part, and nothing. Got some more or less rare elemental mods from higher tier missions, and that's it. Drop rate in the spy missions is the worst, ever. Some times it gives you cores all day in level 30 spy, some days you get 5 vicious frosts and such in Cambria. Because the pool of items you get is very big there (or because mods and her parts are rare/uncommon). That's not to mention those missions (if you only do them in the order to get something) are boring and nothing more.


It's unobtainable because in order to get all her parts you need to be lucky to complete 4 different tiers spy missions to get all of them - and lucky to get her part as a reward 4 times. How's that easy? In the case with the bosses, they're at least always drop one part of the frame. Not perfect, but way better, even for equinox or nekros. 

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This looks more and more like an Ash/Ash Prime situation with every failed Spy mission.

See, Ash Prime is actually easier to get than plain ol' Ash, because Ash only drops from Manics, which are stupidly rare and hardly drop a thing, while the Void's drop tables are pretty much nothing BUT Prime Parts and Forma.

In this case, Ivara was shoehorned into a mission type which has a frankly bloated rewards pool, and given an obnoxious drop chance which continues to screw people out of actually playing her.

And ON TOP of that, she needs not just Argon on 2 parts, but Nitain Extract on 2 as well, necessitating a frankly chore-ish amount of farming.

Please buff the drop rate and just put the BP in the actual market instead of throwing it in the same mission level as the Helmet. I've been farming for ~15 hrs each yesterday and today, blowing my credit boost on Ciphers to cheese as fast as I can, and I can't even move on to Nitain yet. If I ever do get all of her components, the Nitain farming will actually be pleasant in comparison, being a guaranteed drop up to 4 times a day.

Edited by Dreddeth
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For any haters, I went 40 min on ze moon survival with a 2 forma Ivara. 173% duration, 130% efficiency, 250% range (due to Cunning Drift), 40% strength.

Strength does not significantly affect the Artemis Bow at this time, leaving most of the damage to come from the primary and it's mods. From this build I was able to use a combo of Prowl, zipline, sleep arrows, and navigator to shred enemies, including the sentients.

Squishy? Possibly. Hardcore tested? Absolutely. I even walked in on a friend's sortie last night for the rescue mission, and I thought it was a Venus mission until halfway through because Ivara made sneaking past and killing the enemy so much easier. 


Only thing to keep in mind is that while she can deal a little bit of offensive, she is mainly utility and support for the squad.


My build, and the success of the survival. Probably also the most Focus I was ever able to get out of any mission.


Edited by AirKrakenSupreme
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For any haters, I went 40 min on ze moon survival with a 2 forma Ivara. 173% duration, 130% efficiency, 250% range (due to Cunning Drift), 40% strength.

Strength does not significantly affect the Artemis Bow at this time, leaving most of the damage to come from the primary and it's mods. From this build I was able to use a combo of Prowl, zipline, sleep arrows, and navigator to shred enemies, including the sentients.

Squishy? Possibly. Hardcore tested? Absolutely. I even walked in on a friend's sortie last night for the rescue mission, and I thought it was a Venus mission until halfway through because Ivara made sneaking past and killing the enemy so much easier. 


Only thing to keep in mind is that while she can deal a little bit of offensive, she is mainly utility and support for the squad.

I haven't played much of her yet, but I've not seen any reason to use duration mods on her, as it only affects the Cloak Arrow. Does it affect anything else? It is kind of fun to shoot them at team mates and they're ball of invisible death!

Also does range decrease power consumption of Prowl?

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I haven't played much of her yet, but I've not seen any reason to use duration mods on her, as it only affects the Cloak Arrow. Does it affect anything else? It is kind of fun to shoot them at team mates and they're ball of invisible death!

Also does range decrease power consumption of Prowl?

Range only affects the radius of the quiver and prowl significantly, which are both useful.

Duration works on the entire quiver (except zipline because that's not going away unless you put out a fifth zipline) and allows both navigator and prowl to be more efficient, since duration increases the efficiency of drain abilities.

I was not concerned with strength, as I wanted to focus on the wide array of utility she has to offer, rather than trying to get better damage when we have tanks in the squad for that.

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After the fix to Navigator's energy drain problem, the only real issue left is her ultimate. Its probably the weakest ultimate in the game right now, which is sad considering how nice the rest of her kit is. My suggestion at this point would be to toss the multiple arrows, as it doesn't synergize with the rest of her skills. Instead, just make it a supercharged bow with a good damage tap fire, and a very high damage charge with immense punchthrough, probably around 5m like the Lanka. Currently, my Rakta Cernos is more of an ultimate then Artemis Bow is. I just want something comperable to the other weapon type ultimates so it actually feels ultimate.

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Having levelled Ivara to 30 and planning to Forma her soon, I can say I really enjoy the tactical prowess of this Warframe. She can stay in stealth for the longest time thus far, well versed in the art of subterfuge and provides ranged support from high above well out of harms way. Her kit grants all aspects of sniper and spy gameplay I expect from a Warframe designed for stealth. She is almost perfect for me.

That said, there is always room for improvement, which I will highlight below:


- As of now, her selection of arrow types requires a quick glance to the bottom right and button memory for the order of arrow types to quickly rotate between desired bolts. It takes practice to discern bolt type at a moment's notice, something I appreciate as a skill to hone for Ivara's gameplay.

- Noise arrow, with its large area of effect, should serve to distract alerted enemies in combat rather than just being of any use only when Ivara is alone and cloaked, or enemies unalerted. At the very least, cause alerted enemies to momentarily turn towards the sound and return to whatever they were doing while in a gunfight.


- It would be awesome if Ivara can guide multiple multi shot projectiles while piloting one projectile. For example, two rockets were shot from my Ogris, I use Navigator to take control of one, the other rocket then orbits around the controlled projectile as I pilot it around, allowing me to land both rockets at the destination.

- For balance, only the controlled projectile would gain bonus damage.


- I understand that as a balancing factor of the ability, Ivara is brought out of cloak when using ranged weapons for a moment to give enemies any chance at all to strike her down, her having the longest lasting invisibility ability in the game.

- I would like to control when I deactivate Prowl. Not having to recast it whenever I (accidentally or otherwise) sprint, slide and bullet jump.

Artemis Bow

- Her bow charge rate should not be so dramatically negatively affected by her primary weapon, as some weapons cause it to take around 30 seconds to charge Artemis Bow into horizontal volley when fire rate mods are not installed.

- An innate stagger on hit by Artemis Bow arrows would make this a much better ultimate with some degree of crowd control.

- As mentioned above for Navigator changes, Artemis Bow would hugely benefit from being able to guide multi shot projectiles.

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Prowl should get some additional utility in addition to the long duration. The speed debuff, constant drain when moving, and inability to fire are already incredibly limiting factors.


Give her the ability to avoid damage from eximus auras and the like, as well as laser grids. In order to better reflect these abilities, change the name to something like 'Camouflage' and have Ivara actually shapeshift into an enemy soldier. That way, it makes sense that she can't fire her weapon or move around quickly - she's hidden in plain sight, and doesn't want to perform any activity that draws attention to herself. This also serves as a means to help set her apart from other stealth frames like loki and ash.

Edited by Stigmergy
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No clue why everyone is crying about Ivara being so difficult to get...

Probably the hardest part is the fact she needs a total of 9 nitain and 5 neurodes to build :(

Getting the parts itself is rather easy, though I bought Ivara myself (I mean DE needs to get some money in return of what they have created).

But I have farmed all her parts with 2 of my clan members who wanted her but didn't have enough platinum.


The only downside with this frame are the colours, certain parts of her remain light gray. Even the darkest black I have still showed light grey on her...


So to all you cry babies: Wake up and start farming or stop being cheap and support this game by buying platinum!


And to DE: thanks for this awesome update!

Edited by Odeusus
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No clue why everyone is crying about Ivara being so difficult to get...

Easy to say for someone who was lucky enough. It was luck and nothing more for your teammates. After two days I only managed to get her systems, it's just not worth it. Yes her abilities so far is great, but **** those spy missions. Wasted too many hours of my life on that already.

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Did you have to make her do UGLY?  I have not tried the Ivara yet but she dose not look anything remotely human. She looks like one of the Star Wars Droids! Seriously what is up with that? the last WF the "Monkey King" is pretty hideous as well. I would really like to see more human looking WF's in the future! For example the first ones, like the Mag, and Excalibur made sense. You can picture a human in  that. But many WF's are too bizarre to think of them as a battle suit (which is what a warframe is supposed to be). These two are just the latest in "What the ____" looking WF's. I hope this is a trend that is reversed in future updates.

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Did you have to make her do UGLY?  I have not tried the Ivara yet but she dose not look anything remotely human. She looks like one of the Star Wars Droids! Seriously what is up with that? the last WF the "Monkey King" is pretty hideous as well. I would really like to see more human looking WF's in the future! For example the first ones, like the Mag, and Excalibur made sense. You can picture a human in  that. But many WF's are too bizarre to think of them as a battle suit (which is what a warframe is supposed to be). These two are just the latest in "What the ____" looking WF's. I hope this is a trend that is reversed in future updates.


Idk about you, but I think she looks pretty nice. She's the first Warframe besides Nekros to have a hood, and if her body doesn't look like a human could fit in it I don't know what is. Personally, I think she is the coolest looking frame, aside from Saryn, Excal, and Frost.

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Prowl should get some additional utility in addition to the long duration. The speed debuff, constant drain when moving, and inability to fire are already incredibly limiting factors.


Uh. You can fire your weapon while Prowl is active. It won't break your stealth if it's silenced.

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Did you have to make her do UGLY? 

Dunno, she looks kinda cool. The "hat" is a little too big for my taste, but still. The only frame that looks ugly is Trinity (from the back). Maybe Ember too, kinda,  both the regular and prime version. But definitely not that one. 

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I really like her visual design, #1 and the ultimate

the one thing that I dislike is that the ultimate doesn't work well with navigator

if Artemis bow has a concentrated shot that works with navigator, than she is almost perfect


maybe a 2 stage charge for a concentrated shot?

Edited by akira_him
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My only complaint is her terrible ultimate. Ivara could have summoned giant aoe arrows. This is sad.

Or she could have shot arrows made of Void energy that would blind foes and inflict finisher damage to them. If the devs has strayed a little bit from the "spy/scout" theme, to make her more of an actual archer, anything could have been possible. Blast arrow instead of lure arrow, bow-related combat skill like faster fire rate/slo-mo/ammo regen etc, instead of Navigator...

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