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[Spoiler] I Know Who We Are! I Finally Figured The Connection Out! (Stalker Also)


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I can't form a good train of thoughts right now because there's just so much information that I've put together, so it's gonna look messy, but I'll try my best.



The warframes are living beings themselves! In the second dream we found out at the end that (assuming you also picked those choices when talking to the Lotus) we were forced into cryosleep by the orokin because what came out of the Zariman project was too powerful to control, and thus we got connected to these "warframes" in such a way that WE, THE TENNO thought we ARE the warframes, but we are merely the vessel of their power and also their subconsciousness. (kind of like a wi-fi connection but only when we sit on those chairs that channel that power, or through direct contact)


The Warframe thinks their thoughts are their own, but they're not, their toughts are the tenno's thoughts but they act on their own will. Warframes are unaware they are being controlled and the Tenno have no idea their fragile human bodies actually exist (well, not until the Warframe and the Tenno meets in the Second Dream) That's why when the Tenno falls out of the pod, it crawls to the Warframe! He/She was THAT THING mere moments before, and never knew about he's/she's existence up until that point due to the fact that it lived as the warframe/warframes for so long, and it was just natural he/she wants to reach the only thing he/she knows.


One cannot live without the other, the Tenno powers the Warframe and the Warframe (from now on) protects the Tenno!




And from now on, the Warframe is aware of the Tenno's existance and vice-versa, a connection which will now allow us to become more powerful than ever before (Focus system).


A big revelation also, made by Hunhow himself is that the Warframes most likely hate the Tenno now, Hunhow says in the ship scene at the end "Only the Tenno's death will end your despair"...the Warframes want to live, but they probably want to be independent instead of needing to count on the Tenno to keep them awake, so for the time being they just go along with it since it's for their own good.


We also know the Tenno did not like what they became, Hunhow again says:"you still hate them...you still hate yourself..." , meaning that the Tenno hate the Warframes that they're forced to control because they never asked for that, but they can't do anything about it, because after the Second Dream the Warframes are the only things that can keep the Tenno alive, and the Warframes depend on the Tenno to move.

(EDIT: about the above 2 paragraphs, I believe that Hunhow was talking to the Warframe, because 



here at 0:18 he points towards the Warframe, talking to it, saying it's just a metal puppet, while Stalker obviously isn't. Hunhow would have no reason to taunt the Stalker. This also confirms that Warframes, even when not powered by the Tenno, are still alive and able to hear, they're just in a paralyzed-like state.)


As you can see a real love-hate relationship is being developed between the Tenno and the Warframe, something that they must overcome together, just like the Lotus said at the very end... "The war without...and the war within" it's SO clear now.




And now, about the Stalker and why we moved in our ship without the Tenno touching us.


In the trailer for the Second Dream, at 0:44 we can see that Hunhow is being bound with the Stalker, connecting in a way. But, at the reservoir Stalker refuses to kill us...wonder why? Well, the Stalker is special, he is probably the first Tenno AND Warframe ever, the Orokin created the first one as a prototype, and that's him.


At first the Orokin tried putting the Tenno INSIDE the Warframe...look at the reservoir scene again, the Tenno looks at his hand, and so does the Stalker...that's because Stalker (Tenno) never knew he/she existed up until that point, and once he/she realised that his Tenno is INSIDE the Warframe, he/she realised that he/she was once ONE of the kids of the Zariman project, the very first one, and despite Hunhow's mockings, he/she could not kill us, he/she knew that we are just like him, forced by the Orokin to be something that we never asked to be...meanwhile Stalker was probably brainwashed by the Orokin in hating the Tenno from the cryopods so much after the Tenno (us) started killing the Orokin (why, we don't know yet).



And now to the ship scene...the Stalker attacks because at this point Hunhow's bound/connection was too strong for him to control, Hunhow was controlling the Tenno inside, and by consequence the Warframe protecting him from the outside. (Hunhow says: "but you're asking yourself...was I one of these wretched things?") Hunhow is probably full of the energy that our Tennos also have (just an assumption since we don't know what/who Hunhow really is), and he made a VERY big mistake once he decided to impale our Warframe because that allowed the energy to seep into the Warframe, giving it the energy it needed to move, to come back to life, to it's REAL self, and it acted on instinct, breaking Hunhow's vessel (War) freeing Stalker from it's curse. 


Which brings us to this...ever saw why we never actually kill the Stalker when he shows up? He gets to low HP then he teleports away (disregarding bugs when he does die because of overkill damage lol), that's because we don't hate the Stalker, we know something is different about him, and we want to know what exactly, we just damage him enough to force him away.


Upon Hunhow's death, the Stalker's mind was being scrambled, and he probably teleported away to safety, most likely losing his mind again, hating the Tenno for what they are now, that they have the Warframes to control and can also move freely outside of that, while he isn't as fortunate, he is stuck inside the Warframe.


Stalker probably has one of the saddest stories ever if you ask me, if I was in his boots, finding out who I truly am would be a Dreadful experience, and I'd probably Hate the Tenno as well, the amount of Despair that must have caused him is why he will always hunt us down, and the only reason he didn't kill us at the reservoir, was because of the shock he had realizing who he was and who we are. 



Really amazing job DE, all these years of clues, codex entries, scans, synthesis targets, hidden lore in the world, enemies, boss lines and everything made me think you knew what you wanted from the very beginning...and that the Second Dream was just the beginning of what is to come.


There's still many questions that need answers, who really is Alad V? Who are the Grineer Queens, are they actually Orokin? Who truly is the Lotus? Why did Morgullis do what she did? Why do the sentients hate us so much? Why did Hunhow wants US killed, when he knew they were at war with the Orokin and not with the Warframes/Tenno, and he knew that we killed the Orokin at the end of the war? What exactly ARE Warframes? Since they're obviously things that can think for themselves.....and so many more questions, that I will gladly await to be answered in the years to come, thank you yet again DE.

Edited by Sebastianx
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I had the same thought.


What triggered the realisation for me was, the operator sending messages during missions.

Even in solo, so who are they talking to, if not the Warframe?

The Operator is talking to the Warframe, the Warframe is it's own Being/Person.


If the Warframes didn't posses any form of thought or will, there would be no point in the Operator talking to them in the first place.


At leasts that's what i think atm :)

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We also know the Tenno did not like what they became, Hunhow again says:"you still hate them...you still hate yourself..." , meaning that the Tenno hate the Warframes that they're forced to control because they never asked for that, but they can't do anything about it, because after the Second Dream the Warframes are the only things that can keep the Tenno alive, and the Warframes depend on the Tenno to move.


Just want to point out - that statement was directed at Stalker. He's the only one that hates Tenno, and the idea of being a Tenno; it's not universal amongst all of them. However, the truth is apparently difficult to receive, and Lotus worried that we'd feel the same way. But we don't, obviously.

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I disagree with the conclusions here. I think the Tenno was moving the Warframe themselves. Also just to point out that Void energy is toxic to Sentients so there is no way Hunhow was providing Void energy to the Warframe. I think it's more likely that Hunhow was connected to the Stalker and his equipment (fragments) and the Tenno was pushing Void energy into War via the Warframe which was poisoning Hunhow hence the escape order.

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There's still many questions that need answers, who really is Alad V? Who are the Grineer Queens, are they actually Orokin? Who truly is the Lotus? Why did Morgullis do what she did? Why do the sentients hate us so much? Why did Hunhow wants US killed, when he knew they were at war with the Orokin and not with the Warframes/Tenno, and he knew that we killed the Orokin at the end of the war? What exactly ARE Warframes? Since they're obviously things that can think for themselves.....and so many more questions, that I will gladly await to be answered in the years to come, thank you yet again DE.

The Sentients despise the Tenno for slaughtering them. At one point in the Old War, the Sentients adapted to such advanced weapons, that they couldn't handle a simple sword/gun combo of the Warframes. Now, as we have read in Excalibur's Codex, the Warframes are the twisted survivors (of possibly Technocyte, given Hayden's situation).


Now, about the Corpus. Starllord did some extensive research about the Corpus. I'll give you the links:

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I disagree with the conclusions here. I think the Tenno was moving the Warframe themselves. Also just to point out that Void energy is toxic to Sentients so there is no way Hunhow was providing Void energy to the Warframe. I think it's more likely that Hunhow was connected to the Stalker and his equipment (fragments) and the Tenno was pushing Void energy into War via the Warframe which was poisoning Hunhow hence the escape order.

If not Void energy, then something from Hunhow powered the Warframe, look 

here at 1:21 the moment Hunhow snaps, the Warframe falls back down in the exact same fashion is when the Tenno fell out of the chair, it's obvious the Warframe was powered by Hunhow.
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If not Void energy, then something from Hunhow powered the Warframe, look 

here at 1:21 the moment Hunhow snaps, the Warframe falls back down in the exact same fashion is when the Tenno fell out of the chair, it's obvious the Warframe was powered by Hunhow.

I don't know how to say this without it coming off extremely cheesy; but as you said, the Warframes aren't just empty suits. They usually need an operator to direct them but in this case it seems like it somehow forced itself into action when sensing the severity of the situation. Once the threat was dealt with, it simply reverted to it's standard state.


(the following is just my own theory, it might be wrong)

the Warframe - Tenno bond isn't a universal one, when the frame is made (grown, built?) it's linked with it's specific operator. This means that even when they aren't properly linked they can still vaguely sense each other.


I really should stay away from lore... I just can't get my ideas down on paper without it sounding silly or cliche. 

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You're jumping to too many conclusions with the little new information provided.

However, here's a tidbit for you.

My impression was that it was being suggested that Stalker was remote controlled like us, nothing at all specifically suggesting that there is a Tenno actually inside the Stalker frame. Wasn't ruled out though, I suppose.

Hunhow refers to the Stalker as Shadow.

Umbra relates to Shadow. Perhaps Stalker is an Umbra.

Pie in the sky speculation: maybe Umbra are warframe without operators, puppet without strings.

Or maybe Umbra is the general term for the being that resides in the actual frame.

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It says in the stalker codex that he was with the low guardians when he saw the tenno destroy the Orokin, Now whether or not that means he actually was a low guardian or was just hanging out with them has yet to be seen. For all we know he could be in the same boat as other Tenno, A midwiped proxy running around with a golem suit thinking that is who he really is. Or it could be something entirely different. I can't wait to find out.

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2 holes to poke in your theory:


1) Until officially redacted, Hayden Tenno (dark sector) is still officially the first Tenno.

2) Just for the sake of giant awkward plot holes: Lotus tells us that learning of our true nature could drive us to madness like it did the Stalker. It's then heavily implied that Stalker was a Zaramin in the last scene.

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2 holes to poke in your theory:


1) Until officially redacted, Hayden Tenno (dark sector) is still officially the first Tenno.

2) Just for the sake of giant awkward plot holes: Lotus tells us that learning of our true nature could drive us to madness like it did the Stalker. It's then heavily implied that Stalker was a Zaramin in the last scene.

Didn't DE state already that Dark Sector's lore doesn't have anything to do with with Warframe?

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A theory I'd like to throw out there is that maybe the Stalker is a Warframe that manage to go on without a Tenno.

Ever since that separation he just got crazy on warframe killing. Maybe by assassinating a warframe he might by chance gain that slain frame's Tenno connection. I know that's a bit of a stretch and kind of sappy. But I'd like to think that the Stalker is a sad Warframe that just wants to be with the Tenno again.


Also, I think Hunhow's reason for killing us was already said in the "Natah" quest. He just wants the last remnants of the Orokin gone.


Another theory I have for what Warframes are is that maybe they're the perfected form of the Infested. It has been mentioned numerous times before that the Warframes are somehow connected with the technocyte virus. That would also explain the existence of Prime Warframes. They're what the Orokin intended for the Tenno. And that the base warframes are just mass produced frames for general use.


And I think the next update is going to be Corpus related since Alad V now knows the reservoir is important to the Tenno somehow. That'll give him a reason to mobilize a corpus armada to the moon and take for them. Last thing, are the Corpus an evolutionary offshoot of the Orokin? Hunhow kept calling Alad V orokin.

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A theory I'd like to throw out there is that maybe the Stalker is a Warframe that manage to go on without a Tenno.

Ever since that separation he just got crazy on warframe killing. Maybe by assassinating a warframe he might by chance gain that slain frame's Tenno connection. I know that's a bit of a stretch and kind of sappy. But I'd like to think that the Stalker is a sad Warframe that just wants to be with the Tenno again.


Also, I think Hunhow's reason for killing us was already said in the "Natah" quest. He just wants the last remnants of the Orokin gone.


Another theory I have for what Warframes are is that maybe they're the perfected form of the Infested. It has been mentioned numerous times before that the Warframes are somehow connected with the technocyte virus. That would also explain the existence of Prime Warframes. They're what the Orokin intended for the Tenno. And that the base warframes are just mass produced frames for general use.


And I think the next update is going to be Corpus related since Alad V now knows the reservoir is important to the Tenno somehow. That'll give him a reason to mobilize a corpus armada to the moon and take for them. Last thing, are the Corpus an evolutionary offshoot of the Orokin? Hunhow kept calling Alad V orokin.

Corpus is not even "eolutionary" offshoot of the Orokin. 

They ARE what remains of the orokin culture through straggled survivors organizing and gathering together into different "Corpus".... the catchall orokin word to describe a family or clan-type unit of sort. In fact, synthesis lore even hints how the original Corpus "family" units and possibly Orokin society in general might have been close to be almost as much vatgrown than the Grineer. The only difference being that while Grineers were built from the getgo to be clones of each others, actual members of the Orokin might have been grown(and designed) as individuals instead.

When Orokin society collapsed, so did such infrastructure which led most people to reproduce the "normal" way again except for the Grineer who went at some point to try and recreate the big cloning vats(which would be understandable, especially if the original grineers were already designed as sterile being a servant caste) but failed to completely master the technology leading to their gradual decay.

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Another theory I'd like to throw out there would be: Stalker originally wasn't a Warframe,but just a random "lower guardian", after infected by technocyte, the Orokin somehow made a Warframe out of him or made him into a Warframe, and now the Tenno that controls that frame can also sees memories of the guy and thought it was his own (since he didn't go into cold sleep so no memory wipe for the frame), after learning that a Warframe needs Tenno as power source to operates, he asked himself who he really is and hesitated but then Hunhow comes into play and you know the rest.


Kind of like X-COM's Ethereals I guess.

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A theory I'd like to throw out there is that maybe the Stalker is a Warframe that manage to go on without a Tenno.

Ever since that separation he just got crazy on warframe killing. Maybe by assassinating a warframe he might by chance gain that slain frame's Tenno connection. I know that's a bit of a stretch and kind of sappy. But I'd like to think that the Stalker is a sad Warframe that just wants to be with the Tenno again.

That sounds pretty plausible as well. I originally thought about it also, maybe he's the first Warframe that was made in such a way that he doesn't need a Tenno, and acts on his own will, thus the blind love towards the Orokin that created him, or as you said, his Tenno was killed and he somehow still lives (how, we don't know)

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