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Why I Dislike The New Quest/tenno Thing (Spoilers)


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Anyone find it weird for the operator to call the Grineer ugly? 


When the Orokin regarded them as outcasts and rejects (the Tenno)?


Granted, the Grineer insult us Tenno all the time.


Eh...some of this operator dialogue needs a tweak or two. What I'd like is for the operator to converse more with Ordis and the Lotus, or hell, at least other operators/Tenno, and not with, well, his own warframe. It's still weird.


If the link is stronger than ever now, the operator should just think of what he wants to do, and the 'frame should respond. Telling the 'frame it's time to go on the offensive...when I'm already wrecking everybody...is redundant and weird.

Edited by Rhekemi
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Did not use that word in what you quoted there.

And people don't care about making stuff out of bacteria due to an invalid mind, I pointed this out already in prior posts. Undermining the mind of the surrogate is how stories make this idea presentable. Though this does not make one feel so bad about their vessel dying.


Last word in what I quoted previously is "alive"


Bacteria doesn't have an "invalid mind" any more that hair has an "invalid mind" it has no mind at all. None, "alive" including "truly alive" does not imply _any_ sort of mind. If you doubt this statement I suggest you check wikipedia on the topic of "life"


If you're talking about any form of mind then you are looking for the terms "sentient" and/or "sapient" not "alive" "life" or the antonym "lifeless"

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Out of curiosity, do you know the Spiderman villain (or I guess hero nowadays?) Venom or his red counterpart Carnage? If yes, what's your take on them?

Are you just going to name every symbiotic relationship in fiction, as if it makes a point? I have been pretty clear, I don't want my my custom identity having head mates. It's pretty simple really. Venom and Carnage are not custom identities of the viewer and interactive media is not their source material.

The symbiotes of Venom and Carnage are corrupted symbiotes, no better than infested, I care as much about them as I do those. Don't have any pity for those symbiotes dying, though the symbiotes are borderline immortal and their minds live on through remote strains.

Venom and Carnage are also sad relics of the Extreme era of the 90s that I would prefer to forget. Well, Carnage anyway, Venom merely gained more popularity in the 90s.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Are you just going to name every symbiotic relationship in fiction, as if it makes a point? I have been pretty clear, I don't want my my custom identity having head mates. It's pretty simple really. Venom and Carnage are not custom identities of the viewer and interactive media is not their source material.

The symbiotes of Venom and Carnage are corrupted symbiotes, no better than infested, I care as much about them as I do those. Don't have any pity for those symbiotes dying, though the symbiotes are borderline immortal and their minds live on through remote strains.

Venom and Carnage are also sad relics of the Extreme era of the 90s that I would prefer to forget. Well, Carnage anyway, Venom merely gained more popularity in the 90s.

Actually, I haven't taken part in the specific conversation you're referencing - I was just curious on your take of those specific characters after reading the tail end of it. Sorry if that agitated you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
After the second dream, more doubt arise. The war frame look like a eva doll controlled by some character that claimed to be the real 

tenno(regor: "Would you look at you? Worthless, ugly freaks!"). Second dream was a astonishing update, I run it solo so I can enjoy every little 

bit of it and I enjoy every moment of it until I'm back to my liset to customize my tenno look(I can even use male voice over female char LOL oh! my).


DE can please make thing clearer about the frame, lotus, the old war and how player come in place if the tenno it selves wasn't the player or my previous post were right as there where 2 entity was use to control the frame.

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After the second dream, more doubt arise. The war frame look like a eva doll controlled by some character that claimed to be the real 
tenno(regor: "Would you look at you? Worthless, ugly freaks!"). Second dream was a astonishing update, I run it solo so I can enjoy every little 
bit of it and I enjoy every moment of it until I'm back to my liset to customize my tenno look(I can even use male voice over female char LOL oh! my).
DE can please make thing clearer about the frame, lotus, the old war and how player come in place if the tenno it selves wasn't the player or my previous post were right as there where 2 entity was use to control the frame.




I wish this thread wasn't brought back...

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I can't stop thinking about the irony of people complaining about the game as if they are the most special person in the world!

Plus i find it pretty fun that the true Tenno are actually kids controlling a warframe, like they're gaming just like us.

If you don't like it, just deal with it or play something else is the sad message.

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I can't stop thinking about the irony of people complaining about the game as if they are the most special person in the world!

Plus i find it pretty fun that the true Tenno are actually kids controlling a warframe, like they're gaming just like us.

If you don't like it, just deal with it or play something else is the sad message.

So, in your opinion, no-one should give feedback or share their thoughts if they didn't like something.



I'm sure that's what the Devs want.


It's not like they could possibly want to know what their players think of a huge monumental turn in the game's lore and tone or anything, baka!

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It is what kept me from doing this quest for a long time (along with a terrible archwing bug, but I'll just swiftly gloss over that). I think that the Warframe lore is something which wasnt really thought through at the start and is now a bundle of patches trying to build something out of a loose construction.

Though I didn't care about that loose construction, since you could decide for yourself what to choose. However now after they let us think for ourselves they force us to a lore, one which is not in line with what many of us believed in.

Now I still don't care too much as long as it isn't dominantly in the game. And really, those lines said and the way you're shown as a cripple which can barely move by himself. The hell

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It is what kept me from doing this quest for a long time (along with a terrible archwing bug, but I'll just swiftly gloss over that). I think that the Warframe lore is something which wasnt really thought through at the start and is now a bundle of patches trying to build something out of a loose construction.

Though I didn't care about that loose construction, since you could decide for yourself what to choose. However now after they let us think for ourselves they force us to a lore, one which is not in line with what many of us believed in.

Now I still don't care too much as long as it isn't dominantly in the game. And really, those lines said and the way you're shown as a cripple which can barely move by himself. The hell

There's your problem right there.


Also someone doesn't know what muscular atrophy is.  Like most of this very vocal, and very minor minority.

Edited by Shinigami_Greed
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I knew someone will eventually bring this up.... 




As of now, I feel like the Tenno in my liset has replaced me. Not too fond of that, since he doesn't look or act the way I do.


Wait what now ? Don't you think you are playing a bit too much of Warframe ? I am all for immersion but when you start mixing third perspective and putting yourself in first perspective, that means you should take a break from a game.


Jeez people, this was bound to happen sooner or later.You were asking for story, plot behind tenno and other factions, world itself. Then you got fraction of it and now all of sudden you are upset that it didn't live up to your imagination ? Guess what, welcome to the world of narrative, things are not always as you would wanted them to be.

Edited by Senteliks
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If you didn't want this ending, then you should've ignored the quest and kept it as the "old" Warframe.

I like the operator, I only dislike the way he says random stuff every know and then in missions, since I can't tell if he's talking to me or himself (Either way, he's doing one thing)

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emmm nope its clear we arent...


if we were... were do you go when the operator changes frame



On all your messages you always said the same thing: The kid it's us


Thing is, i don't play videogames to see ingame myself playing the character. there's one myself too much, and i don't think it's the real one...


The tenno, meta-joke bullS#&$ in my opinion, it's still a character, it's the meta-joke: "hey, we heard you play warframe sitting on something, so we created a character that it's actually using the character you played for years, because you get it? it's supposed to be you!"

BUT, it's still a character inside a story, that thing it's not me as i DON'T WANT to be me on warframe.


i created my account during closed beta, i was actually hooked to the game because the "badass space ninja", what if now on every spot of warframe they put: "thousands of years old atrophyzed kid using badass space ninja's" instead of the first one? would you still go there and try that game?


(that doesn't mean i stopped playing the game, im just less interested in the "Operator" lore, because I DON'T LIKE the "Operator" lore)







Endlessly amused.


Well, the stalker it's right on that image, here's a quote of hunhow (if i remember it correctly):


"Were you one of the wretched things? of cource you still hate them, you still hate YOURSELF" or something like that.

This was said when Stalky was chocking the tenno, he WAS a tenno, and he still hates Tenno, that's why he still hates HIMSELF.



emmm nope its clear we arent...


if we were... were do you go when the operator changes frame


To the invisible bathroom, OBVIUSLY! (jk)


thing is, you shouldn't always see every In-Game bit as Lore, because then i would ask why Grineer lancers have Warframe mods with them, i should ask why Bombards drop Shotgun ammo, i should ask why Eximus have ONLY oberon parts with them (and they tried saying "Grinner boss that i don't remember, probably Vay Hek didn't had enough space on his Warframe trophy room, that it's a little bullS#&$ in my opinion, as he could just make or take a bigger one) 



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On all your messages you always said the same thing: The kid it's us


Thing is, i don't play videogames to see ingame myself playing the character. there's one myself too much, and i don't think it's the real one...


The tenno, meta-joke bullS#&$ in my opinion, it's still a character, it's the meta-joke: "hey, we heard you play warframe sitting on something, so we created a character that it's actually using the character you played for years, because you get it? it's supposed to be you!"

BUT, it's still a character inside a story, that thing it's not me as i DON'T WANT to be me on warframe.


i created my account during closed beta, i was actually hooked to the game because the "badass space ninja", what if now on every spot of warframe they put: "thousands of years old atrophyzed kid using badass space ninja's" instead of the first one? would you still go there and try that game?


(that doesn't mean i stopped playing the game, im just less interested in the "Operator" lore, because I DON'T LIKE the "Operator" lore)




Well, the stalker it's right on that image, here's a quote of hunhow (if i remember it correctly):


"Were you one of the wretched things? of cource you still hate them, you still hate YOURSELF" or something like that.

This was said when Stalky was chocking the tenno, he WAS a tenno, and he still hates Tenno, that's why he still hates HIMSELF.




To the invisible bathroom, OBVIUSLY! (jk)


thing is, you shouldn't always see every In-Game bit as Lore, because then i would ask why Grineer lancers have Warframe mods with them, i should ask why Bombards drop Shotgun ammo, i should ask why Eximus have ONLY oberon parts with them (and they tried saying "Grinner boss that i don't remember, probably Vay Hek didn't had enough space on his Warframe trophy room, that it's a little bullS#&$ in my opinion, as he could just make or take a bigger one) 




Whether intentional or not on the part of DE, stalker literally lampoons people like you who cannot handle the reveal.


He found out what he really was while still dreaming of being a warframe and went insane. And is now lashing out at fellow warframes and siding with someone who should be an orokins worst enemy simply because he couldn't handle the reveal.


What with Clem and now Stalker it seems DE do have a sense of humour after all.

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I think that the Warframe lore is something which wasnt really thought through at the start and is now a bundle of patches trying to build something out of a loose construction.

Though I didn't care about that loose construction, since you could decide for yourself what to choose. However now after they let us think for ourselves they force us to a lore, one which is not in line with what many of us believed in.

Archwing, sentients, the dangerous void powers, the fact that they were children when it happened, that they were somehow able to stop a warframe like thing; all of the was referenced in lore drops beforehand to set things up.

They didn't force lore on you any more then any other game has lore. It just happened not to be big on thier list of priorities at the time. Then people asked for it so they took some time building and teasing what they came up with.

You, me, and many just guessed or assumed wrong based on what they teased; thats all.

Edited by (PS4)Lowk721
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I always loved warframes just because they were so misterious, no voice, no face and we couldn't know anything about them. Excactly as many already said, we had the possibility to figure out what we were, that makes the game more immersive, NOT A BORED CHILD WHO WANTS TO PLAY WITH SOMETHING AND STARTS CONTROLLING BADASS *PUPPETS*. The most random ending DE could ever imagine... Btw in a way or another even if you don't do the quest... you will know the truth, it's inevitable everyone talks about it... I hope something will bring the old game back.

I spent 1600 hours for nothing, i won't be playing this game anymore :(

How do you think the operator feels? They also went this whole time thinking they were the warframes. They are us, because they believed everything we did, and when we found out about them they also learned what they are. You have more in common with that kid than you believe

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How do you think the operator feels? They also went this whole time thinking they were the warframes. They are us, because they believed everything we did, and when we found out about them they also learned what they are. You have more in common with that kid than you believe

Depending on the person, that last line you said can either be closer or very very far from the truth. For every choice given for the Operator, they are just peachy with everything. Even the "negative" responses are very tame compared to what is offered in other games with that situation. Other games with a narrative that even is close to this tend to have at least three to four responses:


-  I am 100% behind this. You can count on me.


-  I am 50% behind the idea, but I got more questions before I go further.


-  I don't care, just give me stuff and I will go along with this whole thing.


- I don't care about you, your mission, or anything else that involves you. We are done here! *insert headbutt or face punch!*


While this mission had the negatives going along the lines of "I'm mad, but I am on your side." or "I hate everyone else but you Lotus!". Where is the outrage about being lied to? Where is the option to at least seem like the Operator doesn't want anything to do with Lotus? At this point, the Tenno are far from "honorable" because their crippled bodies are in chairs away from the action. When they finally get fit enough for actual combat instead of the whole "plug into the Matrix" thing and actually kill a mob with their own two hands, then they can get their "honor" back.

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Oh dear, it's back.

If you don't like the development of the Operator, sucks. That is all I can say. Preference is a matter of opinion and arguing over why someone's opinion is "wrong" is a waste of time. IMO, I liked quiet Tenno turning to one another at the start of a mission. But my opinion means nothing to yours. That is all.

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