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Representing ship as the character and not the pilot, who is in the thing, not some remote location. Fans don't know whats best for story , just look at Eve Online, derp. People care more about tools than people in a story, duh.



But nevertheless the pilots are immortal so just like with our situation, supposedly, THERE'S NOTHING AT STAKE, right?


I can go with writers hired by dev teams generally making better stories than those arising spontaneously from the mulch of a game like EVE, but the argument is about how involved players can get playing as characters that have "no stake", and whether they love their stuffs.


In fact, the original comment by whoever it was above that people don't get attached to their death-dealing tools, is laughable nonsense, story context or not, good story context or not.  Anything you as a player put time and progression into, you're going to get attached to.  If you "are" that thing in a weaker sense (as per EVE) even more so.  If you are that thing in the stronger sense of an Avatar/Evangelion scenario, even more so.


Similarly for the in-game character, anyhing an in-game character is using day-in-and-day-out, is building affinity for, etc., they're likely to get attached to.  And even actual immortality and "no stake" doesn't seem to make any difference.


So I hardly think it's going to be a problem for this game.

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You act like 4chan is a niche place. You must be new.


I dont bother to deal with people who force their point on others while ignoring every other fact like a plague. If that makes me new I'm glad I'm not old one. It must suck to be you then.

I just mention you would like that place as it probably satisfies your needs, however questionable it is...

Edited by Data-Zero
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But nevertheless the pilots are immortal so just like with our situation, supposedly, THERE'S NOTHING AT STAKE, right?


I can go with writers hired by dev teams generally making better stories than those arising spontaneously from the mulch of a game like EVE, but the argument is about how involved players can get playing as characters that have "no stake", and whether they love their stuffs.


In fact, the original comment by whoever it was above that people don't get attached to their death-dealing tools, is laughable nonsense, story context or not, good story context or not.  Anything you as a player put time and progression into, you're going to get attached to.  If you "are" that thing in a weaker sense (as per EVE) even more so.  If you are that thing in the stronger sense of an Avatar/Evangelion scenario, even more so.


Similarly for the in-game character, anyhing an in-game character is using day-in-and-day-out, is building affinity for, etc., they're likely to get attached to.  And even actual immortality and "no stake" doesn't seem to make any difference.


So I hardly think it's going to be a problem for this game.



Forgot to say, I don't care for Eve online so its moot, just pointing out how you were saying silly things. I don't care about whatever other stuff you mentioned either because you are again, ignoring details.


I dont bother to deal with people who force their point on others while ignoring every other fact like a plague.


Thats all you guys are doing. Accept that some people don't like the doll angle.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Forgot to say, I don't care for Eve online so its moot, just pointing out how you were saying silly things. I don't care about whatever other stuff you mentioned either because you are again, ignoring details.


Your "pointing out how i was saying silly things" consisted in sarcastically implying I was saying silly things, with no supporting argument, and a curious lack of this "detail" you seem to insist on everyone else laying out.


(And what the hell does whether you like or don't like EVE Online have to do with an argument using EVE Online as an example?  Do I look like I care whether you care for EVE Online??)

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Your "pointing out how i was saying silly things" consisted in sarcastically implying I was saying silly things, with no supporting argument, and a curious lack of this "detail" you seem to insist on everyone else laying out.


(And what the hell does whether you like or don't like EVE Online have to do with an argument using EVE Online as an example?  Do I look like I care whether you care for EVE Online??)


No it was accurate.

Anyway, why would I care about Immortality in a game that does not concern me? I don't want Warframe to be about piloting ships the whole time either. I just pointed out that the ship is not by itself, they have pilots. I'd like this to be the case with Warframe, as in Tenno actually inside them.

Edited by UrielColtan
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No it was accurate.

Anyway, why would I care about Immortality in a game that does not concern me? I don't want Warframe to be about piloting ships the whole time either. I just pointed out that the ship is not by itself, they have pilots. I'd like this to be the case with Warframe, as in Tenno actually inside them.


aaaand if your pilot dies with your ship it means you either failed your job miserably or was fighting inside interdiction buble...


and then also warframe is not exacly perfectly "by itself" it has a pilot - pilot using remote controls to pilot a thing is other thing - i'm perfectly sure that if eve needed drones being player-piloted they would easilly employ remote controls of sorts as well


if we are dragging outside comparisions lets grab mechs from Guilty Crown Anime series - sure technically they were big enought to contain pilot - but yet all of them were remotely controled using similar neural sync like warframes - one may ask why.. well I suppose its better to keep experienced pilots alive when you are dealing with war machines that in dedicated situations can be totally obliterated by already existing and mass produced weaponry...


so sure orokin could possibly build suits for zarimans children and send them direct combat but why should they knowing that each tenno is irreplacable being while they can instead send disposable warframes that are remotely piloted?


and seriously dude in your last post you sonded nearly like a kid who have got the toy other than the one which he wanted "I don't like it, I want the other one"

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(I know I know, I've posted this in multiple topics, but every other one I have done seemed to have died off on me. So just bear with me on this and hopefully it will work out fine?)


I brought up the question about how this update would probably work in the Chinese version of the game and a fellow player posted a pic from their Warframe ads that showed Mag (with a full hand) removing her helmet and only having her hair showing a bit. Then I remembered the pic of Excalibur with his back cut showing his skin underneath it all. I know that the versions (chinese and global) will have differences, but I wonder how DE might pull it off for them trying to make it seem like you are a kid in a chair in charge of a "meat puppet" instead of a human/humanoid inside of the actual suit?


And if they decide to change the mission so there is a different take on that, how would some of the people who are in the "The lore can't and won't be changed" camp handle the fact that in order to sell the game in China, the lore HAS/HAD to be changed?


Oh and as for the Tenno "not being children / child like, only that in looks", it would be one thing if they actually sounded older and wiser than they look. But, like many others have said here and in the other topics, it doesn't help when the words coming out of their pie holes sound like something a child would say. I don't care how many legions of enemies a Tenno has slayed with their Warframe, when they say lines like "My Warframe is Strong" or "The Grineer are ugly" or anything else like that while looking like that, they are exactly that.


For goodness sakes, in the DC animated series Justice League, they have the magical version of the Tenno in Mordred. Looks, acts, and sounds like a child but is centuries old, with a doting mother to boot.

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aaaand if your pilot dies with your ship it means you either failed your job miserably or was fighting inside interdiction buble...


and then also warframe is not exacly perfectly "by itself" it has a pilot - pilot using remote controls to pilot a thing is other thing - i'm perfectly sure that if eve needed drones being player-piloted they would easilly employ remote controls of sorts as well


if we are dragging outside comparisions lets grab mechs from Guilty Crown Anime series - sure technically they were big enought to contain pilot - but yet all of them were remotely controled using similar neural sync like warframes - one may ask why.. well I suppose its better to keep experienced pilots alive when you are dealing with war machines that in dedicated situations can be totally obliterated by already existing and mass produced weaponry...


so sure orokin could possibly build suits for zarimans children and send them direct combat but why should they knowing that each tenno is irreplacable being while they can instead send disposable warframes that are remotely piloted?


and seriously dude in your last post you sonded nearly like a kid who have got the toy other than the one which he wanted "I don't like it, I want the other one"


The puppet angle makes me not care about them. Wasting your time telling me your interpretation of the lore and love of the concept, is not going to convince me if I personally don't like the concept itself. And no, I sound like an adult who has contributed much of his own money into this and simply want another in-game option. You seem to want to control people's minds, a futile effort typical of most kids. Though you can calm down as no one is threatening to take your bottle from you.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Personally, I think the Tenno being kids is pretty awesome. It puts a lot of stuff into perspective, like Lotus's mothering instinct.


It kinda puts the Warframes themselves into perspective, too. I mean, if you're a military scientist, and you're designing a weapon to fight an existential threat to your nation... you're not gonna make a suit of armor with a top hat. You're not gonna make a suit of armor that looks like a court jester, with powers to match. You're not gonna make a suit of armor that looks like a pirate. It makes no sense.


But if you assume that a bunch of kids are somehow involved in the process, you start to see what might be hints of why Warframes take the shapes that they take.

Edited by motorfirebox
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At first when it was broken to me that i was not the warframe but a kid controlling a warframe i struggled to accept it. But then it dawned on me.

We thought we were the warframes.

The tenno thought they were the warframes.

We struggled to accept that we were a void-mutated human child.

The tenno struggled to accept that they were void-mutated human children.

We are the tenno. We are the operator. (Ordis is the cephalon. Ordis is the ship.)

Second dream 2.0


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What if we thought we were the tenno sitting in a chair thinking they were the warframes, but  they were unconscious of the fact that they were still tenno simply sitting in a chair convinced they were the warframes, but we were the tenno sitting in a chair thinking we were the warframes, but  we were unconscious of the fact that we were still tenno simply sitting in a chair convinced they we were the warframes...


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I'd prefer that the operator responds to Lotus or vice versa.



L: "Reinforcements are inbound. Hold the line."

O: "They can take their time. The [faction] are a joke."




L: "There is a large platoon of Grineer Marines stationed here. Leave no one standing."

O: "Time to go to work." or "There will only be silence in my wake." (Ok the second line is meh, but you get the idea.)



L: "You've found a target. Capture them quickly before they escape."

O: "He's not going anywhere."

Edited by TonyWong
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Personally, I think the Tenno being kids is pretty awesome. It puts a lot of stuff into perspective, like Lotus's mothering instinct.


It kinda puts the Warframes themselves into perspective, too. I mean, if you're a military scientist, and you're designing a weapon to fight an existential threat to your nation... you're not gonna make a suit of armor with a top hat. You're not gonna make a suit of armor that looks like a court jester, with powers to match. You're not gonna make a suit of armor that looks like a pirate. It makes no sense.


But if you assume that a bunch of kids are somehow involved in the process, you start to see what might be hints of why Warframes take the shapes that they take.


If i where a military scientist that designed tools of war they would not be so underdeveloped as they are now. 


Nor would they have a useless bipedal locomotion. 


there are plenty of other forms of locomotions that are more effective and can carry a heavier load without the disadvantages of bipedal motion. 


Not to mention that there would be no need to use such useless low powered weapons at all. 


I would start with orbital bombardment following by off site artillery and then follow up with heavy duty clean up crews. 


then once the place cool down enough skeleton crews can sweep the place for usable resources. 


War is not fun and games and the way its handled in game is extremely ineffective and wasteful of resources.


So yes your idea of inept naive kids being involved in the process fits.


I doubt DE would let us see the sentients try to adapt to tungsten rods the size of telephone pole striking them with the kinetic energy of the pull of a planets gravity. 

Edited by GhostLacuna
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If i where a military scientist that designed tools of war they would not be so underdeveloped as they are now. 


Nor would they have a useless bipedal locomotion. 


there are plenty of other forms of locomotions that are more effective and can carry a heavier load without the disadvantages of bipedal motion. 


Not to mention that there would be no need to use such useless low powered weapons at all. 


I would start with orbital bombardment following by off site artillery and then follow up with heavy duty clean up crews. 


then once the place cool down enough skeleton crews can sweep the place for usable resources. 


War is not fun and games and the way its handled in game is extremely ineffective and wasteful of resources.


So yes your idea of inept naive kids being involved in the process fits.


I doubt DE would let us see the sentients try to adapt to tungsten rods the size of telephone pole striking them with the kinetic energy of the pull of a planets gravity. 

You are taking this from perspective of fighting humans not sentients that can take over technology, gain immunities. Main thing that they were worried to get those void demons attacking sentients. If your way would work why would they bother with those they consider void demons.

Also if you have to remote control they way they do creating humanoid makes sense as operators would not have to learn to use 4 additonal legs and 12 inbuilt cannons.

And orokin are quite given to marking everyting with gold so why would not make frames fancy figures representing mythology of past.

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You are taking this from perspective of fighting humans not sentients that can take over technology, gain immunities. Main thing that they were worried to get those void demons attacking sentients. If your way would work why would they bother with those they consider void demons.

Also if you have to remote control they way they do creating humanoid makes sense as operators would not have to learn to use 4 additonal legs and 12 inbuilt cannons.

And orokin are quite given to marking everyting with gold so why would not make frames fancy figures representing mythology of past.


And taking over tech is exactly what your little lotus was doing. She seemed good enough at it that she stopped with her mission when the main threat the orokin where destroyed. 


She just didnt like killing the kids and took the mother role and went to town with it. 


Good luck taking over a 6 meter tungsten rod hitting you with enough kinetic energy to equal the destructive power of a bunker buster missile if not more.  

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And taking over tech is exactly what your little lotus was doing. She seemed good enough at it that she stopped with her mission when the main threat the orokin where destroyed. 


She just didnt like killing the kids and took the mother role and went to town with it. 


Good luck taking over a 6 meter tungsten rod hitting you with enough kinetic energy to equal the destructive power of a bunker buster missile if not more.  

1. If Sentients can take over/control void abominations that are poison to them what would protect simple ships from them? That tungsten rod was likely to hit your own ships after takeover

2. In defensive war, that orokin were likely to be experiencing, orbital bombardment would do their enemies work for them

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