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Dragon Nikana Vs Broken-War Sad


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So the infamous Dragon Nikana with an MR8 requirement and the time investment into research and crafting deals less damage than a freely awarded and potatoed MR3 Broken-War? Either boost Dragon Nikana or nerf Broken-War until it's not... broken.  They have the same speed, and while DNikana has more crit damage and status to even things out, that still only puts it on par with the Broken-War. I don't see how this is fair. As a Dragon Nikana fan this makes me sad :-(

Edited by frohdoe
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theres a bunch of weapons that beat the dragon nikana to death and beyond. why so focused on broken war.


edit: I just realized how narcissistic your post sounds. you don't want other people to have fun with their weapons because you feel its overshadowing yours? 

Edited by evil_m3nace
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I kind of was wondering wth DE was thinking making a completely free weapon, like the broken war, better than several weapons that take/took time and effort to build and have similar rolls/styles (d.nakana, Dakra Prime).  Giving out a good weapon isn't bad, but I think they made it too good. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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"Only" as good as the Broken War. "Only" on par with the Broken War.

Nevermind the fact that Broken War is locked behind something like three quests, one of which requires you to do a bunch of submarine missions in order to scan a certain enemy. Which means you'd br at Uranus.

Never mind that there were a whole lot of weapons that were competing with the Dragon Nikana before (Jat Kitty, Galatine, Scindo Prime and Dakra Prime) and you didn't complain about those weapons.

No, perish the thought. This is definitely a travesty. This is totally unfair. This is totally an injustice, that your favorite melee weapon's got another weapon that can compete with it.


Edited by AsCaLus
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Broken-War itself is fine.  Only thing that makes it "OP" is Crimson Dervish. If you wanna nerf something, nerf dervish, or give other weapon stances just as good damage bonuses. If it wasnt for that Id call it a sidegrade to the D Nikana.  Also this is coming soon


(Dragon Nikana -> Nikana Prime)
Increased Slash (72 -> 85)
Decreased Puncture (8.5 -> 4.8)
Increased Impact (4 -> 4.8)
Increased Status Chance (15% -> 20%)
Increased Crit Chance (15% -> 20%)
Increased Attack Speed (1.0 -> 1.1)
Edited by Daruru
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The thing that still saddens me to this day is: why the hell would broken war be THAT good. like i mean, THE GODDAMN SWORD IS IN HALF! like seriously? half an OP sword? I KINDA wanna cry right now. i am also a big Dragon Nikana Fan (though it should be the Dual cleavers cos i am MrEvilMexican. i like slaughtering stuff) pls DE nerf broken war too OP


Also, why Nikana P? isnt there better weapons to Prime-ify than Nikana? like Tonbo?

Edited by MrEvilMexican
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Broken-War itself is fine.  Only thing that makes it "OP" is Crimson Dervish. If you wanna nerf something, nerf dervish, or give other weapon stances just as good damage bonuses. If it wasnt for that Id call it a sidegrade to the D Nikana.  Also this is coming soon


(Dragon Nikana -> Nikana Prime)
Increased Slash (72 -> 85)
Decreased Puncture (8.5 -> 4.8)
Increased Impact (4 -> 4.8)
Increased Status Chance (15% -> 20%)
Increased Crit Chance (15% -> 20%)
Increased Attack Speed (1.0 -> 1.1)


Hmm.. interesting, where did you find that?  Wouldn't be surprised if I missed it in an obvious place.

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Broken war is arguably one of the most powerful melee weapons atm, beating dragon nikana and dakra prime by quite a lot. You get it for absolutely free after you have done series of quest chains:

Archwing, Natah ( you need AW to have access to uranus tileset ) and then the Second dream.

For new players it is not that easy to get it, since they need to do those 3 quest chains that are quite time-gated so it is not as much of a problem. The bigger problem are older players who did the previous quests and got this weapon quite easy, compared to farming Dakra prime in void ( when it was available ) or grinding for MR8+Crafting Nikana and then getting Dragon version crafting.

This weapon is broken level powerful, and it does not have any time-waiting on the Second Dream quest so that is why people think it is easy to get it, while if you look at it you need to beat 2 previous quest chains.

And yeah, the Crimson Dervish is insane stance but I haven't seen a lot of people complain when you use that stance on Dakra prime or Prisma Skana.

Edited by Ognj
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I'd be more inclined to complain if the Mastery system were anything remotely resembling a proper tiering system.


For anyone who is trying to exaggerate this into a simple "Katanas are Just Better" argument, the problem is that the D. Nikana requires twice the mastery rank, research time for the Nikana, a crafted Nikana, and additional resources on top of that for a marginal stat difference that is more than canceled out by the damage multiplier on Crimson Dervish.


The Broken-War is handed out for free and potatoed after a quest that requires MR 4 to unlock. 


I still say just let it be unless DE is finally going to get around to sorting weapons into appropriate tiers and establishing proper gear progression.

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I kind of was wondering wth DE was thinking making a completely free weapon, like the broken war, better than several weapons that take/took time and effort to build and have similar rolls/styles (d.nakana, Dakra Prime).  Giving out a good weapon isn't bad, but I think they made it too good. 

Don't forget the questline you have to go through to even access The Second Dream is work in itself. Not everyone already had Natah completed months ago, so it's not like you don't have to work for Broken War. It's not "completely free".


It's also technically a different weapon type.

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Dakra Prime, Prisma Skana, Galatine, Scindo Prime, Tonbo, Jat Kittag, and even the Karyst with Covert Lethality already easily contend with or surpass the Dragon Nikana, just to name a few. And honestly, lots of other melee weapons totally smash the Dragon Nikana's optimal damage per second with the right modding. Dragon Nikana is great whether you take a Spoiled Strike route or an elemental damage build, but there's no evidence claiming it to be the most powerful and no promises that it would be the most powerful. I use it regularly and eagerly await Nikana Prime, but Broken War doesn't break any new ground when it comes to surpassing Dragon Nikana's damage output. It's just plainly not the most damaging melee.

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"Only" as good as the Broken War. "Only" on par with the Broken War.

Nevermind the fact that Broken War is locked behind something like three quests, one of which requires you to do a bunch of submarine missions in order to scan a certain enemy. Which means you'd br at Uranus.

Never mind that there were a whole lot of weapons that were competing with the Dragon Nikana before (Jat Kitty, Galatine, Scindo Prime and Dakra Prime) and you didn't complain about those weapons.

The quests are a joke.


You're missing the point, Jat Kittag, Galatine, Scindo Prime are totally different weapon classes and all require at least to craft them or farm the void, and Dakra Prime, which is also absolutely dwarfed by Broken War by the way, being a comparable weapon class required farming the void and has less damage than DNikana.


What pissed me off is that Broken-War, which comes free after a few quest missions with a catalyst has the same damage as an MR8 weapon which required investment. If they made it a void drop or craftable with a higher MR requirement I wouldn't complain. I just don't see how this is balanced. So any reason to research and craft Nikana, then DNikana 5 MR levels after you get the Broken-War - the looks. Or speaking of Dakra Prime from your example, a prime weapon (of the same class) vaulted with significantly lower stats than a free one, which you don't even have to potato. So it's not so much a post about DNikana, it's more about how Broken War is broken in terms of effort to get it in comparison with its stats.

Edited by frohdoe
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Dakra Prime, Prisma Skana, Galatine, Scindo Prime, Tonbo, Jat Kittag, and even the Karyst with Covert Lethality already easily contend with or surpass the Dragon Nikana, just to name a few. And honestly, lots of other melee weapons totally smash the Dragon Nikana's optimal damage per second with the right modding. Dragon Nikana is great whether you take a Spoiled Strike route or an elemental damage build, but there's no evidence claiming it to be the most powerful and no promises that it would be the most powerful. I use it regularly and eagerly await Nikana Prime, but Broken War doesn't break any new ground when it comes to surpassing Dragon Nikana's damage output. It's just plainly not the most damaging melee.


That's not the point. I never said anything along the lines that DNikana is the most damaging weapon, it's not. Read my reply above.

Edited by frohdoe
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The Dual Raza requires me to craft two Kamas (each requiring 5 neural sensors per Kama and 40,000 credits per BP) which I then have to turn into Dual Kamas (which also cost 40,000 credits for the BP) then finally I can use that to craft Dual Raza and it isn't even very good. Doesn't help the  fact that Dual Sword weapons don't have a good Stance unlike Nikanas. Also Dual Raza require MR 6. At the very least D.Nikana is still a top tier weapon even with Broken War around.


A new player would be better off crafting Dual Cleavers (25,000 BP price and only requires MR 3) which offers better synergy with Berserker for less effort in crafting.


The point of this is Weapon crafting in Warframe is hardly ever fair. Just be glad all your work in crafting D.Nikana still rewarded you with a good melee weapon. Imagine crating the Kama---> Dual Kamas---> Dual Raza only to find out that it's outclassed by something as easily craft able as Dual Cleavers.

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I think you guys all see the problem through the wrong lens. The weapons themselves are fine, the stances are the real problem. Crimson Dervish is kinda ridiculously more potent compared to any other sword/nikana stance in the game (don't even make me start on the machete one). What we need is either buff to the concerned stances or a simple nerf to C.D. 

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