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New Stalker Is Awful


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Alright so, I'm tired of losing to stalker because he starts to cheat 3/4 through the fight. Im also not taking a magnetic weapon to fight the grineer or radiation to fight the corpus. I always leave the room when he shows up and completely ignore him. The old stalker was perfect to come at you. He was much harder too. Id rather see this new worse stalker on his own boss node than randomly showing up and ruining the mission because he dispels you from 6 miles away. He's not fun to fight when u dont have what it takes to beat him. There should always be a way to win against him without the proper loadout like before.

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 He's not fun to fight when u dont have what it takes to beat him. There should always be a way to win against him without the proper loadout like before.


Nope - that's basically the entire point of his in-game existence.


Having someone who is always beatable no matter your loadout is hardly someone that poses a dire threat to a Tenno.

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If you are not afraid of the Stalker, he is not doing his job.



Also, you have three weapons available to you at any time. It's not that hard to make one of them have a different damage type. I always keep a Corrosive weapon on me at all times anyways to burn through New Loka's bullet sponges.

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I've seen him twice since the changes and I couldn't really tell what was different, because I was with a well-equipped group both times and we made him bathe in his own vomit in seconds.


Interestingly though, during the second fight, we got his drop (the usual crappy blind justice mod) and yet he was still fighting for another second or two before he died.

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Alright so, I'm tired of losing to stalker because he starts to cheat 3/4 through the fight. Im also not taking a magnetic weapon to fight the grineer or radiation to fight the corpus. I always leave the room when he shows up and completely ignore him. The old stalker was perfect to come at you. He was much harder too. Id rather see this new worse stalker on his own boss node than randomly showing up and ruining the mission because he dispels you from 6 miles away. He's not fun to fight when u dont have what it takes to beat him. There should always be a way to win against him without the proper loadout like before.


No radiation on Corpus?  Shame.  Radio/toxin is actually a pretty good combo, with toxin's shield ignore hurting most of the enemies badly and radiation's bonus to robotics hurting those oxium osprey sponges.

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I typically solo. When he shows up i just quit the mission because he is annoying. I'm not afraid of him I'm irritated by him just showing up.



Nope - that's basically the entire point of his in-game existence.


Having someone who is always beatable no matter your loadout is hardly someone that poses a dire threat to a Tenno.

That isn't what I mean. I'm saying yes it should be harder without the proper loadout. But still possible. Being completely unbeatable? That shouldn't even be possible. Leaving the room is beating him to me. Its not worth fighting an enemy that has made itself completely unfair to solo players. He was fair before now im just disgusted by his design. All i can say about him is his visual upgrades look pretty cool.

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No radiation on Corpus?  Shame.  Radio/toxin is actually a pretty good combo, with toxin's shield ignore hurting most of the enemies badly and radiation's bonus to robotics hurting those oxium osprey sponges.

If you were to fight corpus with radiation/toxin then you would bring all radiation toxin weaponry. Don't shame me for my loadout choices when the broader scale for the thread is written in the topic: "Stalker"

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Old stalker was ridiculous : hey i'm the spooky stalky stalker ! ... ho no you shoot me, i'm leaving :((


but yeah DE should add a timer on his elemental immunity and a slight health regen so that the fight doesn't end on a status quo and without making it too easy

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If you were to fight corpus with radiation/toxin then you would bring all radiation toxin weaponry. Don't shame me for my loadout choices when the broader scale for the thread is written in the topic: "Stalker"


No, I'd have one of my weapons modded for Radiation and Toxin, one for Corrosive (because New Loka), and my melee with whatever because I probably wouldn't be using it.


The only time I'd be worried about the Stalker is when I'm fighting Infested because I'll probably have both my primary and secondary modded for Corrosive and Blast (one weapon for general Infested and one for focus-firing down the Juggernaut).

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Old stalker was ridiculous : hey i'm the spooky stalky stalker ! ... ho no you shoot me, i'm leaving :((


but yeah DE should add a timer on his elemental immunity and a slight health regen so that the fight doesn't end on a status quo and without making it too easy

A timer is a perfect balance. I find this a great idea. He's not one of the sentients. Hes just a dude who got some stuff from a sentient. he shouldnt be able to use their full powers. It makes him not fun to fight at all.

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Think this is bad wait until he gets hysteria RIP forums.


Bladestorm ?


EDIT : actually yes bladestorm : after 3 min of fight he kill you and your squad if you are unable to beat him :D

Edited by Syln
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No radiation on Corpus?  Shame.  Radio/toxin is actually a pretty good combo, with toxin's shield ignore hurting most of the enemies badly and radiation's bonus to robotics hurting those oxium osprey sponges.


You are waaay better off using Viral + Electricity for that.

Edited by -BM-StormVanguard
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You have to use different damage types, because they adapt and become immune to your weapons after a certain amount of damage/hits/etc. The problem is that if you don't have an optimal loadout, they'll adapt to everything you have and you'll be reduced to dumping ammo at 1% damage until you kill them. However, if you're going to be fighting sentients, you can be expected to have the right gear.


I don't think you should be expected to carry full 'endgame' sentient killing gear with you everywhere, every mission, just in case the shadow stalker decides to show up.


As it is, the fight with the Shadow Stalker is not a challenge. It is a gear check. Dodging his attacks is easy. Shooting him a bunch is easy. The only problem is that if you aren't carrying the right gear you'll run out of ammo before you can kill him. The fight should not be a gear check. If the stalker (and sentients for that matter) lost their resistances over time, or when they gained resistance to a new weapon, then you could gear juggle to make fighting them possible with more variety of kits.

Edited by Haldos
Removed vulgarity.
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More like "Shadow Stalker is not challenging to fight, he's a gearcheck." If you aren't carrying the right weapons, you can't kill him. Period. How dare your try and rank up a sniper? How dare you not bring 3 weapons with different damage types into every mission? I can dodge the Shadow Stalker all day. When he becomes immune to my weapons, to the point where I can't even break his shields? That's not a challenge. that's not a "git gud" situation. That's a "F*** you."


That IS supposed to be the Stalker. His existence in itself is supposed to be a giant middle finger to the tenno, but for the longest time he was just a joke. Now he can go back to cutting Loki heads.

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That IS supposed to be the Stalker. His existence in itself is supposed to be a giant middle finger to the tenno, but for the longest time he was just a joke. Now he can go back to cutting Loki heads.

I think this is the wrong way to go about it, though. Making him become essentially invulnerable is not a fun or adrenaline-pumping fight. Either you have the gear to kill him, or he gets tanky enough that you can't break his shields, and get to jump around the map avoiding him until you get bored and leave the mission or let him kill you.


Winning against impossible odds is fun. Losing a close-fought battle can be fun. Losing a fight you had literally 0 chance of winning is not fun. I'm not opposed to the Stalker being a terrifying fight... I just want it to be one that is won with skill, not gear. Especially since the stalker seems to only show up when you dare to venture out without maxed gear.

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me personally, tend to find it rather game breaking that i cant beat an rng enemy because he needs a specific loadout to beat, there has to be a better way than to making him practically immune to what ever you throw at him due to not having enough variety in attacks just because you didnt expect him to be there.


people would bring up this "adapt" argument, but no matter how much knowledge you gain, if your weapons for what ever reason dont contain enough different damage types, your screwed. And theres no way to turn the tables over because the stalker forces you to have the right gear instead of the right tactic to beat him.

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I think the temporary invincibility is a great idea.


I find that the stalker spawns more often when you're leveling/not at your best. example: ran into him 3 times in a row leveling primary and farming vengeful revenant. Word of advise, exalted blade is useless against stalker. Temporary resistance to your damage would make the fight better, prolonging the battle, yet keeping it still possible.

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I don't know, every time I encoutered Shadow (3 times already), I was either with a team, or I was with high level equipment. So that was an easy win. Most of the time I am playing Cali, and his dispel are like a joke. Launch EB again and kill him easily. Once he dispeled your ability, you shouldn't be able to use it again until you defeat him. That would be better.

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Ok I was stupid enough to read the comments on this Post (at this point I think I prefer Youtube's comments). So let me get this straight half of you want to argue that Stalker is too OP and are salty that he kicked your Tenno behinds, the rest of you are griping about how easy he is. With all due respect to all parties may I just say you're both wrong. 


For the first time in ages, Stalker is challenging....not impossible...not a wimp...but challenging. Before you assume, yes I have solo'd the new stalker a few times actually and no I don't consider myself an elitist or MGL player, just experienced. Stalker's new mechanics force me to carry a secondary (as I usually just carry a primary and melee to maximize on syndicate proc & a secondary is kind of useless to me if I am soloing with no intention of being downed) His "invincibility" buff as you call it is nothing more than a pain resistance to an attack you are using excessively, simply moving on to another weapon and constantly alternating is more than enough to beat him, heck if you are adept enough at the new parkour a MK1-braton Lato and Skana will do the job (although I don't suggest it as I have no patience to sit there picking away at his health that slowly) 


Stalker doesn't demand that you have a "good" loadout, he simply demands you have a diverse loadout (and basic know how in terms of Warframe maneuvers) If you are really going to gripe and moan about having to bring a diverse arsenal to a solo run than excuse me you don't get how to solo. A squad brings diversity because each person is a different play style, if you are brave enough (or stupid enough in my case) to solo you better be a good enough player to bring this kind of diversity to the table by yourself, hence why solo play is more demanding. 


Stalker's new rework strong-arms players to actually plan and fight on the basis that there opponent is an equal not just a tank with armor or a mindless AI with massive health. I almost prefer his powers and consider him more end game than the lvl 100s we fight on sorites. 


To end, yes Stalker is supposed to kick your butt, that is why he was made. He is a Tenno assassin aka a space ninja that kills other space ninjas. Think about it here, we are viewed as the galaxy's best mercenaries because we can kill anything, Stalker is our assassin how strong should he be to reflect his position as an assassin of assassins.


So no I don't believe he is easy to fight and that is why I love his rework because when he shows up I don't know who is going to win. I don't believe he is hard as he is killable even while soloing with less than end game gear. So what do I believe? "I believe that Aang can save the world"..........#AvatarTheLastAirBender

Edited by BB360
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I think this is the wrong way to go about it, though. Making him become essentially invulnerable is not a fun or adrenaline-pumping fight. Either you have the gear to kill him, or he gets tanky enough that you can't break his shields, and get to jump around the map avoiding him until you get bored and leave the mission or let him kill you.


Winning against impossible odds is fun. Losing a close-fought battle can be fun. Losing a fight you had literally 0 chance of winning is not fun. I'm not opposed to the Stalker being a terrifying fight... I just want it to be one that is won with skill, not gear. Especially since the stalker seems to only show up when you dare to venture out without maxed gear.


I defeated the Sentient Stalker when he randomly spawned and I was solo without maxed gear. It might have been a little challenging, but for a full team I am sure that is nothing at all.

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I defeated the Sentient Stalker when he randomly spawned and I was solo without maxed gear. It might have been a little challenging, but for a full team I am sure that is nothing at all.

Thank you, I was starting to feel alone on this forum

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