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Liset Support And Spy Sorties (Nerfed?)


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I'm wondering if the Liset support has been nerfed or has just always been this bad in Warframe.


While in the spy sortie I deployed one and I swear it only stopped the countdown for at least 5 seconds if not less before it started going again, compare that with the fact it takes 10 mins before you can even use the thing again it's in need of a serious buff.


Spy sorties are already more difficult than pulling teeth out with a spoon. 3 incorrect choices and the alarms go off and on one occasion that was just trying to open the front door to the spy tile.


Even if Sorties are end game I think they need to nerf the spy missions for it or in the very least have Ordis buff the Liset support power.


I'm too tired to list anything and everything wrong so I just hope you guys will agree with me on this.

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The spy mission in sortie are realy hard and even worst with random ( i rly like random ) .


tyny89 said the right thing the best idea is to take your time.


Having a buff on Ordis hacking it would be cool if its just to hear him sayin "Who's in control now SUCKERSSSSS" more often i'm totaly in.

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If you're doing a lv60-100 spy mission then you probably should know the vaults by then and to be honest vaults aren't hard once you know their non/alerted layouts.


Yeah it is easy to fail a Sortie spy mission but they are also probably the easiest mission for Sorties.

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If you're doing a lv60-100 spy mission then you probably should know the vaults by then and to be honest vaults aren't hard once you know their non/alerted layouts.


Yeah it is easy to fail a Sortie spy mission but they are also probably the easiest mission for Sorties.

after survival with limbo ?

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If you're doing a lv60-100 spy mission then you probably should know the vaults by then and to be honest vaults aren't hard once you know their non/alerted layouts.


Yeah it is easy to fail a Sortie spy mission but they are also probably the easiest mission for Sorties.


While I do agree I just suck at grineer consoles. That's my biggest error.

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myself and my usual suspects complete Spy Vaults in Sorties just fine.


i fail to see why the Liset should be able to trivialize the Game Mode.

at all.


While I do agree I just suck at grineer consoles. That's my biggest error.

a suggestion:


hit the trigger points in pairs of two. start with one pair, and you can basically mash the button twice to get two of them. repeat in some direction around the circle.

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Grinner consoles needs to change, i dont want to play guitar hero all the time with them.....

i can see how they do cause people a lot of trouble but if you are in a safe area, it shouldnt be a problem because there is no time limit. I tend to fail corpus hack console more often then grineer because of this fact. (if you tripped the alarm, then im sorry and feel your pain, the grineer already won)

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I know the vaults and everything I'm just awful at the Grineer consoles. I'm amazing at the Corpus ones though, I guess that doesn't say much though...


Says a lot actually. One is pattern recognition, the other is hand eye co-ordination. Both take reaction times into account to some degree.

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Actually in spy it is hand-ear coordination because the hacking is orange and the vaults are orange too, so you can hardly see them.


I've noticed that in other games as well. Skyrim's lockpicking is an example. Some people use the visual stimulus, while others use the audible one.


EDIT: Way to go getting my games mixed up. I was thinking of Oblivion lockpicking. Skyrim took a different track.

Edited by Kihana
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