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Rino Nerfed


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I have many complaints with this last round of nerfs this last patch that ironicly was called a gift, but since i play a rino prime the most out of all my other frames I will kep it to just the rino,

The iron skin preventing the enegry build up in missions, why was this needed?

It's not like iron skin made it speed up, now i find my self just sitting in a safe corner of the map to get my enegry up inorder to start the misson. A total waste of time.

This is a totaly BS change that has absolutly no point in being installed into this game. \

Also i see people complaining about afk players and this is only going to get worse, I for one will not start a new high level mission with out the ability to gain energy, all it would lead to is a needless death.


I could undertsand the change if it was over powered but this makes no scence!


also with this change having an operator that i cant now use(unless i stand around for 180 seconds) serves nothing but to add frustration that i already have with this game and i am concidering quiting now and at the least i will no longer buy any platinum.


I had also noticed that the first thread that had the new nerfs listed had so many complaints that it was locked and others just plain deleted.


To clarify I am refering to the focus build up that is needed to use your operator, not the energy needed for the standard skill set


i know this mission of this game for the DE team is to make money and gain/keep players and this is not the way to do it. this WILL cause people including my self to leave



Please disreguard this post, i was unaware this only effects pvp content,  and yes i mispelled the title

Edited by chrysophylaxtherich
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also with this change having an operator that i cant now use(unless i stand around for 180 seconds) serves nothing but to add frustration that i already have with this game and i am concidering quiting now and at the least i will no longer buy any platinum.


If you don't like waiting, ignore it.  It has had absolutely no negative impac ton your gameplay other than taking up a little bit of screen space witha slowly filling circle.  That is really a terrible reason to consider quitting.  Just ignore it unless you are running a long mission.  Load up with a couple of passives and then trigger it 5 minutes into a Survival.  For the rest of the mission you've got a buff.

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Op is lost, afaik, the rhino change is only for pvp to avoid players spamming iron skin to keep it permanently. I wonder how i didn't see pne if these topics threatening to quit when iron skin got a decaying over time on pvp. Read first, complain after you have full comprehension of what you have just read

wtf is a "rino"?

Might be a short name for Rinoceronte, spanish word for rhino

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I play Rhino Prime myself. I've noticed no deficits to these latest changes. 

Iron skin is stronger with armor mod -I've gotten my iron skin from 3k to 5k (estimated, not exact numbers)

no longer need duration or range mods. charge used to go further with duration and stomp had a larger field radius with range.

While duration does still effect roar, and the time suspended from stomp neither is necessary unless in a group and then only duration.

I have 3 slots to use, one of which now holds an armor mod. 

Rhino is not only not effected adversely by the latest changes, I'd say in some ways its more effective allowing me to have more diversity in my build set up.

I use energy siphon for general energy build up and medium restores for quick bursts if needed, which most times I do not since I don't spam powers. My energy regenerates continuously as long as I am on a map.

the addition of flow gives me 300 power so my pool is usually adequate to the task.

The new operator skill is at this point in my opinion an interesting option but neither required for use or detrimental if not utilized. Personally I'd like to see some adjustments to that entire concept How ever I won't write a mile long post detailing my thoughts on it here. To the point of how long it takes to build up that energy, I have no problems with it. I get roughly 2-3 uses out of it on a standard simple exterminate run. Kiling mobs gets energy, don't run past them, kill them. 

Edited by Babellon
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