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Why Is F2P An Excuse, Not A Feature? (Anymore)


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- snip-

I see your point, but that doesn't explain the War and Broken-War cycle. Maybe I was hasty about Wukong. (I never complained about Ivara and Nezha iirc).



The Broken War and War thing just doesn't make sense to me. Stalker drops his weapons, not part of them. We're basically taking apart War to remake it with Broken War. Technically, we shoukd still have half of War laying about afterwards.

Ivara and Nezha are the only other two frames that use Nitain or are insanely grindy to get right now. Tossed them in to cover my bases.

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OP doesn't know how to use trade chat. But on a serious note, when you have all the mods you need to make a decent build most of the plat you earn from trading goes into cosmetics. So saying that you need to shell out real cash for Hunhow's gift or to get a newly released frame early is just simple bs. I haven't spent a single dime on this game yet I'm able to get whatever skin or bundle I want. Why? Because we can trade for plat. Why can't people like OP understand this? It's your choice whether or not you want to spend cash on this game. Don't have the cash? Well then use the god damn trade chat, it's that simple.

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"I wasn't able to get content in 10 minutes so i think this model isn't working"


That's what i read from the OP

This, pretty much.

Warframe isn't "turning int a Pay2Win". Important content isn't being "locked behind paywalls". The core of the system hasn't changed. So you can't have both War and Broken-War at the same time, oh, big deal. Wukong only exposed the issues with big, inactive clans - if that's not your situation then all you need to do is wait until you and your clanmates have collected enough Nitain. And Ivara ? How is playing spy missions to get her parts any worse than looking for Vauban, Mesa or Hydroid, or Banshee before lab research ?

The only complaint I can understand is the one concerning Nezha, as each day only provide one chance of getting her parts - that's not farming by definition, but lottery. Nonetheless, he cannot really be considered as essential to "win" or simply enjoy the game, no more than primes. He is just another frame.

Once a player has gained enough ressources and mods not to be considered as a beginner anymore, he will always have the choice about how much grind he wishes to go through. It's hardly mandatory.

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You don't need proof for an opinion. You can point out a problem and have no solutions.

If you disagree so strongly, why are you camping this thread? Go participate in a conversation that suits your requirements.


Pointing out a problem...you do need proof. In this case, the "problem" is Warframe F2P downgrading. Where is the proof of that problem? Or is it just snatched out of the wind type of opinion?


If you don't need proof and say something is problem, why don't we return to the middle ages where all red heads were witches?

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I get what you're saying. You're seeing a shift in the way to obtain content. Time walls/drop rates/alertium/adding frames and built weapons to sorties

While I don't agree with several of the ideas they've made recently, I can still say that warframe is a great game with a good F2P model. As long as they don't venture too far from where they are now, things should be fine.

As for calling OP lazy or a whiner - you guys are better than that. I've heard whining and that isn't it. It's open discussion

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yea but they dont need to attempt to screw you over at every turn. There are lots of games that do the F2P model far better than Warframe.



warframe has the best f2p model


if a 7 day time wall is to much dont bother playing guild wars 2. without premium currency it took me a whole year to get ONE accended  weapon. that weapon only does 5% more than the weapon I had that I got as a random drop. I gotten all the warframes by hand without spending a single plat after nova prime. All I hear is people wanting to make it easier. The content wasn't designed to be gotten in a single session. They have listened we have gotten more reward for effort just look back at u7~11 patch notes to see what I mean.

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warframe has the best f2p model

if a 7 day time wall is to much dont bother playing guild wars 2. without premium currency it took me a whole year to get ONE accended weapon. that weapon only does 5% more than the weapon I had that I got as a random drop. I gotten all the warframes by hand without spending a single plat after nova prime. All I hear is people wanting to make it easier. The content wasn't designed to be gotten in a single session. They have listened we have gotten more reward for effort just look back at u7~11 patch notes to see what I mean.

I made the guild wars 2 reference in another topic myself. God is it horrible to grind for the best skinned weapons and that silly 5% boost that oddly makes a massive difference.

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Thank you for this insight. At least for now DE allows you to switch between the two (arguably) best weapons in the game, depending on your playstyle.



There is stilla problem. Using weapons to craft weapons removes forma and catalysts. So you will need to sacrifice a potato to switch. 

Edited by (PS4)hardworkgenius
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For People calling me lazy and whiner. 


I am sorry if I worded my word to sound like that. I never intend to say we don't have to work hard for our contents. I just want hard work to be rewarded, and not locked behind timewall unless I pay for that.


For Crafting stuff, I understand the 3 days time wall, because it make sense. But if it were only me seeing how Nitian is testing the patient that would be one thing. A lot of people disagree with me, so I'll admit it's a problem from my part, but there were people who knows my pain too, those who belong to a Moon Clan before downgrade appears.


For Tubsie, I have reasons for my claim, but you choosen to ignore it. I have stated that DE in the pass never pulled anything like this. They never require Event-only weapon to craft something, unless I pay.

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DE needs to make money, did you complain when Hydroid you had to farm beacons before he became a mastery locked boss on earth ? did you complain when Mesa you had to wait for invasion rewards before they became recently farmable? Or Nezha only dropable in sorties which can only be done once a day (unless you want to trade) I'm probably missing more but Wu kong is no different even with your point nitain extracts are behind a wall until DE puts one on alert. There's about 3 a day give or take if you're in a clan and everyone does it then it gets done really damn fast.

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DE needs to make money, did you complain when Hydroid you had to farm beacons before he became a mastery locked boss on earth ? did you complain when Mesa you had to wait for invasion rewards before they became recently farmable? Or Nezha only dropable in sorties which can only be done once a day (unless you want to trade) I'm probably missing more but Wu kong is no different even with your point nitain extracts are behind a wall until DE puts one on alert. There's about 3 a day give or take if you're in a clan and everyone does it then it gets done really damn fast.

Well I admit on some post above that complaining Wukong is a mistake. But you see, with Mesa, it's only you who has the problem. But with Wukong, it's an entire clan behind us. Same goes for Nezha. If people don't want to work for Nezha or Mesa, they could choose to skip them and not affect the rest of us. But with this, if they decides they don't need Wukong (but donate everything else) we are basically have to carry them for nothing.

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Well I admit on some post above that complaining Wukong is a mistake. But you see, with Mesa, it's only you who has the problem. But with Wukong, it's an entire clan behind us. Same goes for Nezha. If people don't want to work for Nezha or Mesa, they could choose to skip them and not affect the rest of us. But with this, if they decides they don't need Wukong (but donate everything else) we are basically have to carry them for nothing.

That sounds more like internal clan issue than something anyone outside said clan should even care about. Wukong shows how dedicated and cooperative your clan can be.

If this clan is inefficient and people prefer to leech and hoard the nitain for themselves while a dedicated few busted their Tenno behinds to get the resources needed, then it proves that said clan is rotten on the inside and needs purging.

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Free game = grind = pay money to get stuff faster. That is just how money works, it isn't nice but it isn't bad. There are worse things that Warframe could do. Anyone here ever played clash of clans? Did you like those week long build times? That limited number of simultaneous constructions? The one improvement Warframe should have is that unranked weapons shouldn't take up inventory slots in order to facilitate crafting. But that is pretty much it.

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It is immature players like OP who keep moaning about time locked stuff and being unable to have two weapons at the same time. Well boo-hoo so you can't get what you want easy peasily ? You can't unlock everything in 24 hours so you complain and see it as a design fault?

Here's something eye opening: you don't NEED Wukong or War.

You WANT them.

But because you can't get them in a few clicks without paying you complain.

It does not take long to get the parts for Wukong, heck he is easier to get than Ivara, Oberon, Equinox, etc.

And about this War thing, yeah you can't have both but you can change between them.

Either pick the best two-hander weapon or best one-hander weapon. It is YOUR choice.

I agree. The OP seems to forget that DE needs to make money; they're not a charity. That being said, WF is one of the best Free to Play games ever made. Other F2P games lock content behind pay walls. Everything in WF can be obtained without paying anything. 

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I agree with the thread as a whole, I don't even feel the need to read a lot of the posts, this game is massive, it is constantly going through changes, the devs really show their love for this game, it is their baby, I will even be so bold to say that besides the big name mmorpgs, warframe could be the largest game I have ever had the pleasure of playing... anyone who complains about a game, let alone a game that has almost anything an action rpg player could ask for, can go jump on call of duty where their misguided, unwanted ramblings will be welcome. Btw this game is free... that makes it the best game that you should have had to pay for.

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That's a hyperbolic statement if i've ever seen one.  Care to name 3?


Easily. Path of Exile, WildStar, Firefall.


Fact of the matter is, Warframe's F2P model is not the best on the market - that title belongs largely to GGG's Path of Exile, which is one of the most consumer-friendly games you can ever pick up and play. The fact that it is thriving, despite being a niche dungeon crawler, is also quite telling.

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Easily. Path of Exile, WildStar, Firefall.


Fact of the matter is, Warframe's F2P model is not the best on the market - that title belongs largely to GGG's Path of Exile, which is one of the most consumer-friendly games you can ever pick up and play. The fact that it is thriving, despite being a niche dungeon crawler, is also quite telling.

Yeah. People are so under the illusion that Warframe is the best F2P model that they are afraid to try anything else, thus knowing absolutely nothing about other games, and went deeper with that illusion.

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F2P model is a model when you can play the game for free, but since those games made by companies that require their products to have income - there must be something that player could spent his money on.

And there are 2 mistakes that you can make here: make purchasable content too valuable OR too unvaluable.

In first case: Pay To Win is the most obvious case here. Content gets too valuable, so valuable that it seems you can't play without it. Or even worse: YOU CAN'T PLAY WITHOUT IT. I've had a game like this before and oh god, please no.

People hate P2W with passion and you might end up with without any player base at all.

Second mistake: make content too unvaluable.

Your paid content seems useless to player, he doesn't feel good about purchasing it and he doesn't really need it. People might love the game, but income will end up to be too low and the game will have to be droped.

Warframe, as far as i'm concerned, exceeds at holding the line here.

Skins like Palatine or Orchid do not contribute to the game much, but it feels good to have them.

Reactors and Catalysts are very valuable, but their market price is fairly low and you can randomly find them in starchart as alerts / invasions, just gotta be on the look out.

Broken War -> War -> Broken War issue is aknowledged and being adressed. Nothing is set in stone and will be changed, just be patient and give DE time.

TL:DR Everything is fine. Not perfect, but fine.

Edited by Artek94
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