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Hitsu San's Workshop - Octavia Youkai is finally here!


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3 hours ago, Lord_Azrael said:

No no, I know that. I was just trying and failing to describe some of the texture qualities.


3 hours ago, DeadNexus_ said:

The Ash helmet looks great, but the overal skin texture could use some depth, the skin would really benefit from this. It is true that ash doesn't have a lot of detail but his texture does have depth in it and looks quite realistic in warframe standards. Try it out and see how it turns out, if you don't like it you don't have to change it. 

Oh hey DeadNexus_ i've just answered you on the workshop but i don't mind it. Are you talking about the materials or just the amount of details? Cause to me when you say depth it means actual depth on the 3d space, highs and downs, etc. We are probably talking about something different so it's hard for me to really understand the issue. Would you guys care to take a look at the 3d model in here https://sketchfab.com/models/017953f371c641ee982beb3f0e8a4d80 and try to describe me what i could improve? Lord_Azrael you were talking about materials, could it be that the look too soft on Bai Hu compared to my other skins?



30 minutes ago, AzureTerra said:

Looks good

Thanks :D

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1 hour ago, HitsuSan said:


Oh hey DeadNexus_ i've just answered you on the workshop but i don't mind it. Are you talking about the materials or just the amount of details? Cause to me when you say depth it means actual depth on the 3d space, highs and downs, etc. We are probably talking about something different so it's hard for me to really understand the issue. Would you guys care to take a look at the 3d model in here https://sketchfab.com/models/017953f371c641ee982beb3f0e8a4d80 and try to describe me what i could improve? Lord_Azrael you were talking about materials, could it be that the look too soft on Bai Hu compared to my other skins?



Thanks :D

that is some sick detail.

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3 hours ago, HitsuSan said:


. Would you guys care to take a look at the 3d model in here https://sketchfab.com/models/017953f371c641ee982beb3f0e8a4d80 and try to describe me what i could improve

Improve? Sorry to go all fanboy here but IMO it looks amazing as is.
The only ball to be dropped here is the bug that shows up with color texturing like the Excal skin had,
and of course the issues of using Tennogen skins on the Primes.

This might be my favorite skin yet... ;-)

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12 minutes ago, Rolunde said:

Improve? Sorry to go all fanboy here but IMO it looks amazing as is.
The only ball to be dropped here is the bug that shows up with color texturing like the Excal skin had,
and of course the issues of using Tennogen skins on the Primes.

This might be my favorite skin yet... ;-)

Thanks :) Well people are saying it need some improvements so i'm try to figure out where and if i can do what they ask (cause it might not even be physically possible).


About the excal skin are you talking about the problem that's been corrected already? ^^ if it's something new i don't know about it!


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13 minutes ago, Shadow8600 said:

I have wondered Hitsu, if you take primes into consideration when making these? Because to me they look great on them regardless. I know some people complain it doesn't look right, but I haven't had this issue yet.

mine look fine (well what xb1 has gotten ....)

now I (im)patiently await these additions

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20 minutes ago, Shadow8600 said:

I have wondered Hitsu, if you take primes into consideration when making these? Because to me they look great on them regardless. I know some people complain it doesn't look right, but I haven't had this issue yet.

Yeah i secretly do ^^" Not as much though, i just try to keep in mind where the prime parts are and if i can make some minor changes to not have some major line to be cut out i know it will work better but that's about it. I don't design the skins around the prime parts cause it will look pretty bad on the vanilla models. On this Ash the back and armguards should look pretty ok but i can't be so sure about the leg guards.

It would be better if we had just a button to turn them off with a custom skin though, so that people could choose : \ 

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4 hours ago, HitsuSan said:

Lord_Azrael you were talking about materials, could it be that the look too soft on Bai Hu compared to my other skins?

It's hard to see well. I'm going to look again later and try to pin down how I feel. Briefly I'll say that I love your mag and zephyr skins as much for the textures as for the color map and details. It's hard to describe, but the skin texture for those appears to have depth, instead of just being a thin curved surface. Like, look at the default mag skin: that skin has little depth. It looks like the skin texture is "flat," almost shiny except that it doesn't reflect light. The alata skin has an actual texture, and when you look at it you'd think you could feel it, like you can imagine what it would feel like to the touch. That's kind of what I like about your skins, and what I was hoping Ash would get. But it's hard to tell whether it's there or not on bai hu. I'll look later and be more clear (maybe). I don't know anything about modeling, so I don't know the right words.

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24 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

It's hard to see well. I'm going to look again later and try to pin down how I feel. Briefly I'll say that I love your mag and zephyr skins as much for the textures as for the color map and details. It's hard to describe, but the skin texture for those appears to have depth, instead of just being a thin curved surface. Like, look at the default mag skin: that skin has little depth. It looks like the skin texture is "flat," almost shiny except that it doesn't reflect light. The alata skin has an actual texture, and when you look at it you'd think you could feel it, like you can imagine what it would feel like to the touch. That's kind of what I like about your skins, and what I was hoping Ash would get. But it's hard to tell whether it's there or not on bai hu. I'll look later and be more clear (maybe). I don't know anything about modeling, so I don't know the right words.

Yeah that would be a mix of the two things, Ash being flat and my materials not being rough enough. I can definitely do something about the materials, but about the flatness look of the whole suit there's not a real solution but i might have a nice trick that can help but i'll have run some tests for that. Let me know if you have some other things to report :)


And thanks for your help!

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5 minutes ago, HitsuSan said:

Yeah that would be a mix of the two things, Ash being flat and my materials not being rough enough. I can definitely do something about the materials, but about the flatness look of the whole suit there's not a real solution but i might have a nice trick that can help but i'll have run some tests for that. Let me know if you have some other things to report :)


And thanks for your help!

Next skin is Frost or Volt?

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1 hour ago, HitsuSan said:

Yeah that would be a mix of the two things, Ash being flat and my materials not being rough enough. I can definitely do something about the materials, but about the flatness look of the whole suit there's not a real solution but i might have a nice trick that can help but i'll have run some tests for that. Let me know if you have some other things to report :)


And thanks for your help!

Okay, so after looking at it again, I can see some roughness to the skin. Personally, to me it seems like it could stand to be slightly rougher, but I'm just one person. I happen to like the rough, textured look, it's specifically why I bought alata instead of that other good mag skin (knaita?)(I didn't even realize it was a hitsuSan, I just liked the texture better). The "flatness" is actually better than I expected, considering the proto excal skin, which has a belt that's basically just painted on. The details (on the chest for example) are a little flat but do a better job of hiding it than proto-excal, and of course that's mainly a limitation of the model (we all know that).

Some thoughts about the back: The back of Bai Hu is the typical hitsuSan level of detail and complexity that I really appreciate about your skins (since that's a part that I look at a lot). It doesn't have as much complex shading as Alata, which I still regard as your best work, but it's much better than some other poor excuses for tennogen skins.

Another big problem area for warframes is the stomach. Most frames have huge patches of unbroken color on the stomach that makes it hard to color well. For reference, here's mag prime's stomach (primary color chosen to show texture):



Here's what you did to this area (this is my mag):



The complex shading makes it look significantly better. There's "ripples" and texture that makes it look real and not flat.


Now regular ash's stomach looks like this:



And Ash prime's stomach doesn't improve on this at all:




I can't figure out how to post images from sketchfab. But what you did for Bai Hu's stomach is a big improvement on these. However, in my (totally irrelevant and meaningless) opinion, you didn't do as much for the stomach as you did in the Alata skin. There's still a long section of unbroken color, it's just really skinny. There's isn't as much complex shading, or very much unevenness. The texture does have some roughness, though.

Or look at Caduto. It has a lot of the same sort of complex shading as Alata. For example, on the back there are white-ish portions along the spine and kidneys that have grey streaks of shading running through them. That shading makes those sections look much better, and more complex. There's more going on, and somehow the skin seems more real because of it. In fact there are very few "unbroken color patches" on caduto, they are all shaded or broken in some way. Come to think of it, looking at caduto on sketchfab, I think I'll pick that one up. I didn't realize how good it looked! I love the texture!

Overall, I'm sticking with Alata as your best skin, or at least my favorite one (I don't have Caduto yet, but that one may become my favorite after I get it). Bai Hu looks good though, and I may end up buying it (at this point I might just make it A Thing and buy all of them). I just don't see as much shading and texturing as on your others.

I really hope this didn't sound too negative. You're really good! I love your skins and hope lots of people buy them, you're definitely my favorite tennogen artist. I'll enjoy Bai Hu no matter what, I'm just explaining how I personally feel (which means nothing because I'm just one guy).

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27 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:


About the roughness of the materials i could definitely improve it with some simple clicks so i will do that probably tomorrow if i have time :)

For the rest, what you're talking about is a different design language. I'm trying to change that with every skin i'm making to keep things interesting instead of just a version of more of the same for every warframe (like an alata version of everything). This type of skin (which is similar to Visage) is actually way harder to pull it off cause everything has to connect, very element starts at something and goes somewhere else that makes sense etc while the more "organic" looking designs are way easier to put together cause no matter what shapes i use i can just change it on the fly and make it fit what i need instead of having to stick with a particular shape and figure out how to make everything work (like all the straight stripes on the chest, that was a nightmare) ^^ So it's way harder on the design side and the result is a solid tight and functional look which is cool but on the other hand if i'm doing the organic design it's much easier and things doesn't necessary have to make sense so i can fit more details everywhere that makes it look more complex. If i could spend double the time on one skin like BaiHu i could work it so much to make fit the same level of details as the organic ones inside of it but it wouldn't be a viable option for me. This is just cause i'm not fast enough though XD Eventually i hope that i'll become so fast that i would be able to make a skin like this in 2 weeks, so if i'll spend 4 weeks on it i can make it double as good! (that's completely unrealistic btw XD).


24 minutes ago, sushidubya said:

My steamwallet is ready.  Great work Hitsu.  ;)

Thanks :D

10 minutes ago, Shad0wWatcher said:

So...Hitsu, after you're completely done with Ash's Bai Hu skin...what's next? Any upcoming syandanas? Or are you gonna do another skin, or are you perhaps just gonna take a break?

Ugh, i feel like i've made way too many unpublished syandanas already but yeah i have some others in mind that i will eventually make XD Next though is going to be a new set of lady frames ;) we're done with the boys for now!

11 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

ember would be nice....

Look for Ember on this post and you'll find me ranting about what i would like for Ember >_> It's a nope btw .

11 minutes ago, Vlada91 said:

Oh yea,meeeh. look the Excal and Ash vs Frost. Frost looks bad :D and Excal and Ash ara amazaing :D

You say that though Emperor has the highest most positive votes above them all XD which is awesome btw (just less in numbers than Alata but i think it's just a matter of time)... 


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3 minutes ago, HitsuSan said:

Ugh, i feel like i've made way too many unpublished syandanas already but yeah i have some others in mind that i will eventually make XD Next though is going to be a new set of lady frames ;) we're done with the boys for now!

Well i'm happy as all hell that Ash made it into this round of your male frame skins :D

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19 minutes ago, HitsuSan said:


Look for Ember on this post and you'll find me ranting about what i would like for Ember >_> It's a nope btw .

You say that though Emperor has the highest most positive votes above them all XD which is awesome btw (just less in numbers than Alata but i think it's just a matter of time)... 


First of all we all know you are good in this work,and second your Frost looks lot more as the same at Hailstorm Frost http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=590630820&searchtext=

and helmet comon -_-  its too simplistic and you can do it much better,I have faith in you.Maybe you only need an right inspiration at the right time.  I just hope you know what I mean...

And Emperor need to look more like Emperor   







Don't be mad :smile: I do not want to teach you how to do your job just give an idea and that's all.... :smile: 

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33 minutes ago, HitsuSan said:

You say that though Emperor has the highest most positive votes above them all XD which is awesome btw (just less in numbers than Alata but i think it's just a matter of time)... 

To be honest I'm not a huge fan of Emperor skin either. I think it has a lot of positive votes just because it's an improvement over the standard skin and there are not many other good Frost skins out there. He is however not interesting enough for me to spend my money on, I'd rather wait for a deluxe skin. 

His crown also doesn't appeal to a simple pleb like me. :D


As for the new BAI HU skin - well.. that's a lot of straps. I hope DE will not have a problem with this. I agree with others, that more "depth" would be nice, but I like how it all comes together and I can already see in my head, how will I customize this skin to look great on Ash Prime. ^^ 

By the way, aren't you worried that the new Ash deluxe skin (coming "soon") may have a very negative impact on Bai Hu sales?

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