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Hitsu San's Workshop - Octavia Youkai is finally here!


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Your Ash is very interesting. One thing i like with your work, it's always full of surprises. Nova Visage was quite a daring choice, for example.

Did japanese deities inspired you for the Ash helm ? (Yeah stupid question i guess, but who knows, maybe i missed something.)

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10 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

Your Ash is very interesting. One thing i like with your work, it's always full of surprises. Nova Visage was quite a daring choice, for example.

Did japanese deities inspired you for the Ash helm ? (Yeah stupid question i guess, but who knows, maybe i missed something.)

I know i'm complicating my life and most people would be just fine if i'd make an alata or caduto version of everything... but where's the fun in that? Sometimes is good to poke DE with something like this or visage XD It might open directions they weren't considering, especially for the Deluxe skins cause those are not really "in lore" and more for fun kind of things for what i can tell.


About Ash, yeah there's definitely some asian inspiration, not necessairly japanese though, the demon features are in common from all over the east asia (curvy fangs, horns, animal features) but the helmet structure recalls the typical samurai helmet with scaled padding on the back :) I gave him a chinese name but the whole tiger demon look it's something i've took from vietnamese folklore, a vietnamese friend of mine once told me (while i was doing research for a personal project a couple of years ago) that tigers in vietnam are considered to be the devil and in the demon lore they have nothing more evil and fear worth (which really makes sense if you consider that where most people have like... a raccoon or a snake as the worst animal they can find in the backyard they've got fking tigers XD). So i took interest in the armors the vietnamese people used back when they fought against a new invader every 5 minutes and i found out that sometimes they used a demon mask that's very similar to the most popular japanese and chinese oni. So it's all connected as you can see and yes, artists are big nerds XD


I hope i didn't bore you out of your mind XD

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Woow, thanks for this answer.

8 minutes ago, HitsuSan said:

I know i'm complicating my life and most people would be just fine if i'd make an alata or caduto version of everything... but where's the fun in that? Sometimes is good to poke DE with something like this or visage XD It might open directions they weren't considering, especially for the Deluxe skins cause those are not really "in lore" and more for fun kind of things for what i can tell.

Exactly. Keeping this spirit is a good way to renew your inspiration and keep your work fresh, surprising. +1000. 
I don't know how they consider the creation process about the Deluxe skins, but yeah, it makes sense.


8 minutes ago, HitsuSan said:

About Ash, yeah there's definitely some asian inspiration, not necessairly japanese though, the demon features are in common from all over the east asia (curvy fangs, horns, animal features) but the helmet structure recalls the typical samurai helmet with scaled padding on the back :) I gave him a chinese name but the whole tiger demon look it's something i've took from vietnamese folklore, a vietnamese friend of mine once told me (while i was doing research for a personal project a couple of years ago) that tigers in vietnam are considered to be the devil and in the demon lore they have nothing more evil and fear worth (which really makes sense if you consider that where most people have like... a raccoon or a snake as the worst animal they can find in the backyard they've got fking tigers XD). So i took interest in the armors the vietnamese people used back when they fought against a new invader every 5 minutes and i found out that sometimes they used a demon mask that's very similar to the most popular japanese and chinese oni. So it's all connected as you can see and yes, artists are big nerds XD

Oookay, indeed all this parts of the world share a still very dynamic animistic culture. The tiger and demon theme with a touch of samurai fits great with Ash. (Good idea to make him blind, too. Seems to me Mesa got a challenger.) Thanks for all the details.


8 minutes ago, HitsuSan said:


I hope i didn't bore you out of your mind XD

You kidding, it's a pleasure. I'm talking with the creator of 3D skins i'm fond of ! I'm a unicorn on a coconut cloud.

By the way, i'm not an expert, but your skins are always incredibly clean, technically speaking. What softwar(s) you and other Tennogen artists use ? Does DE impose you to work on a specific software, or you are totally free ?

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35 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

By the way, i'm not an expert, but your skins are always incredibly clean, technically speaking. What softwar(s) you and other Tennogen artists use ? Does DE impose you to work on a specific software, or you are totally free ?

Most of us are professional freelance artists so we work with professional grade software. All of us are probably using Zbrush, the rest is interchangeable really and some free programs like blender are as good as the 2-3k dollar ones. As for the clean quality it's just a matter of doing enough mistakes and solve them until you eventually learn how to make as little as possible ^^"

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On 28/09/2016 at 11:47 PM, HitsuSan said:

Thanks for helping :)

I didn't had more time to work on that ^^ it had to be done in that time so i've made it happen. If DE keeps rejecting it i need to know the reason why though cause it's a lot of risk to just go back and spend 2-3 more weeks on it if then the reason is just that they're not adding more Frost items at the moment... that would make me want to jump out of the window.

Might come down to just restarting it entirely and going for a different design. Sometimes you can keep tweaking it but due to the rest of the design, you'll find yourself limited in what you can do and make work. May just require a full restart and concept so the scope and freedom for alteration is larger.

I do remember airing my concerns over Frost soon after his revealing, but wondered if I was in the minority and could see why Frost was kinda difficult to work with, though it seems even DE are encountering issues with acceptance too.

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6 minutes ago, HitsuSan said:

Most of us are professional freelance artists so we work with professional grade software. All of us are probably using Zbrush, the rest is interchangeable really and some free programs like blender are as good as the 2-3k dollar ones. As for the clean quality it's just a matter of doing enough mistakes and solve them until you eventually learn how to make as little as possible ^^"

Thanks !

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4 minutes ago, Naith said:

Might come down to just restarting it entirely and going for a different design. Sometimes you can keep tweaking it but due to the rest of the design, you'll find yourself limited in what you can do and make work. May just require a full restart and concept so the scope and freedom for alteration is larger.

That will never happen if i don't get any feedback. Last thing i want is to make 2 viable frost skins that will compete with each others. Literally making a second one for no reason is a huge waste of time for me but if i get some direction i don't have any problems on spending extra time on something to put it on the right track ^^ It's simple though, cause i can work on a new warframe instead of blindly reworking one.. especially cause Emperor, after Alata, is the skin with the highest rate of positive votes i've ever had among all of them. I wouldn't think twice on remaking it if people didn't like it ^^"

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I'm still working on Bai Hu for one or two days, i'm looking into tweaking the depth perception a little bit cause some people think it's too flat. I already know there's very little i can do about that but i can probably make it feel like... 5 to 10% more solid, so i'm going to try cause in the end i need you to be happy with it :) Then if i can't get any feedback on Frost i'm going to start the new female frame texture ;)


PS: Oh and also i'm doing a material pass too on Bai Hu, adding some wrinkles, consumption lines and i'm strengthening all the surface materials too.

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2 hours ago, HitsuSan said:

That will never happen if i don't get any feedback. Last thing i want is to make 2 viable frost skins that will compete with each others. Literally making a second one for no reason is a huge waste of time for me but if i get some direction i don't have any problems on spending extra time on something to put it on the right track ^^ It's simple though, cause i can work on a new warframe instead of blindly reworking one.. especially cause Emperor, after Alata, is the skin with the highest rate of positive votes i've ever had among all of them. I wouldn't think twice on remaking it if people didn't like it ^^"

Ahhh right, I was going on the assumption that DE had given you feedback about it. Yeah naturally if there's no DE feedback I wouldn't bother adjusting anything yet (unless it's fixes/natural alterations ofc). Hopefully DE do give you feedback as it would be nice to know whether it's coming or not.

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19 hours ago, -----LegioN----- said:

Not sure what happened to your screenshots, but since I can't see them, here they are fixed for those that can't see them either:


  Hide contents





Looking great btw [Album]


thanks for the fix and fixed the broken one sorry about that xD 

14 hours ago, HitsuSan said:

That's a badass Hagoromo :D love the green!


Also, you're welcome AlphaPHENIX :)

yes , and its thanks to you !

10 hours ago, (PS4)tater9tot06 said:


wow *-* beautiful colors

thank you 

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13 minutes ago, HitsuSan said:

I haven't touched the materials yet but this is about the best it can be done in terms of depth... which is more or less about 10-15% improvement, maybe less. The material wear and usage i've resculpted in though i think it's helping.

What do you think?download?id=EpeKqz3dGExntDymzDPHpQ9sEwKy

Is that old on the right and new on the left? It looks much better! The wrinkles add a sense of depth to it. I can't wait to see the result of the materials pass!

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I like how the left one looks, but my thinking is, are WF supposed to have cloth suits to them? Or are those all some form of alloy made to resemble cloth, in which case they would not have any wrinkles? Then again Tennogen I think isn't binded to the same rules as official content. Visage skin for example. In any case, I really like how there's some stress to the cloth from use, but love the previous version just the same. BTW did DE give you any feedback on why the awesome Frost skin was not accepted? The due date wasn't it, as it was submitted before September even. apologies if you addressed this already, Hitsu.

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