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A Call For Proper Science, Or At Least The Ceasing Of Improper Science.


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I like your idea. Though frankly my idea would be to rename it the MAGNOMATIX and every time you throw one your vaunban booms out MAGNOOOOOMATIX in a thick french accent.

And as far as my name goes... when I was a wee tiny baby nerd back around 1992-3, I picked a nickname from some book of kids' poetry that I had back then, referring to an entirely harmless beast that lurked behind sheds called the Dry-Land Shark. That got shortened to LandShark (character limits in ye olden times, don't y'know) and many many years later I came to dislike how much the name sounded like it was trying to be badass. So in a spirit of laziness and at-least-no-one'll-think-I'm-trying-to-be-badass-ness, I pulled 'flan' out of my &#! as a silly prefix and then discovered I quite liked the image of a shark's fin circling around menacingly in a pie tin full of quiche batter or something.

...wow, apparently I was secretly waiting for someone to ask about my dumb name, huh

How would we make MAGNOMATIX into a neat acryonym. Magntized Agitation Generator Normaly Optimaly Matched Aganst The Ineffective Xenos

The problem is the device is just a Magnitized Agitation Generator or MAG.


I more envisioned the kind of flan in a pudding cup that you flip and pop on a plate. The tall standing kind seen in anime and like.

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Take a look at this image. It looks like a laser, doesn't it?

It's not. In reality, it's actually a hypervelocity kinetic impactor. This one is from NASA I believe. Edit: Yes, I just checked. It's a test that NASA ran to simulate the impact of space debris on a space ship's hull.


Ill take that then and admit defeat in the rail gun moa

So lets try something else, why do some of the laser weapons have recoil.

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Ill take that then and admit defeat in the rail gun moa

So lets try something else, why do some of the laser weapons have recoil.

Well rail guns look like lazers but its a single long beam. Railgun moa fires a lazer burst which does not look like a rail gun.

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Hi, I'd like to give my 0 cents worth as a hard science student:


I am in total complete and absolute opposition to the idea of bringing accurate science to this video game. I play video game to get away from the real world, if/when I play the coming anti-matter frame I definitely don't want to be calculating pair production, I want to be making stuff collapse upon itself in awesomeness which yes is closer to planting a black hole in something than any anti-mater phenomenon. Yes a rail gun is just basics electricity and magnetism + some vector principles.....so what? If the animation is a laser, whatever. 


I like this game being scientifically inaccurate, so what if the anti-mater frame has nothing to do with actual anti-mater? If I wan't to learn about anti-mater for real I just go read one of Richy's papers, much more effective to that end, and that's how I see it good bye.

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Well rail guns look like lazers but its a single long beam. Railgun moa fires a lazer burst which does not look like a rail gun.

Well, if we're going all-in for scientific accuracy here, I'll point out that "LASER" is an acronym, derived from "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation", whereas 'lazer' is merely a funny-sounding made-up word. 


And now Silliness is +1.

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So lets try something else, why do some of the laser weapons have recoil.

Which weapons would this be? Dera is a plasma gun by the description (and also has no recoil), and Supra says it's a laser but acts more like a green Dera, leading me to think that 'laser' is being used as a colloquialism in much the same way we call a long arm laser a 'laser rifle' even though that's technically inaccurate.

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This is the kind of thread I could see Sheldon starting.


Seriously though.


Realism and scientific correctness in a game that has you running along walls in supersuits that grant magic level abilities while shooting at infested zombies, clones and guys that run around with buckets on their head?


Come on. If I wanted realism and correctness, I'd go outside and you know, play life.

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This is the kind of thread I could see Sheldon starting.


Seriously though.


Realism and scientific correctness in a game that has you running along walls in supersuits that grant magic level abilities while shooting at infested zombies, clones and guys that run around with buckets on their head?


Come on. If I wanted realism and correctness, I'd go outside and you know, play life.

^THIS!!!!  ThisThisThis!!!

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Take a look at this image. It looks like a laser, doesn't it?

It's not. In reality, it's actually a hypervelocity kinetic impactor. This one is from NASA I believe. Edit: Yes, I just checked. It's a test that NASA ran to simulate the impact of space debris on a space ship's hull.

So basically, if you're going to complain about how Warframe doesn't follow real science, at least get your science right. :(





This is a light gas gun, not a railgun. Though, I don't know anything about it to know if the projectiles should behave the same in both cases.

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"Vauban's Vortex generates a singularity to suck in enemies" is okay. It's not explained science or anything, but I have no problems with this, because suspension of disbelief stretches enough to accomodate "we have sufficiently advanced technology to create a temporary singularity".

If, however, you say "Vauban's Vortex uses quantum tunneling to pull in enemies", I'm going to look at you like you just grew a second head. Would probably still get over it, but that's silly. Scientific accuracy isn't necessary in that it's not really necessary to explain anything and everything - but if you are going to explain something, I'd prefer it if completely unrelated scientific concepts weren't used to explain it.

This does explain why so many people were saying antimatter was too similar to Vauban and his Vortex, though. That was admittedly baffling to me. That's more of a gravity frame than an antimatter frame. An antimatter frame would be more of an explosions frame.

Side note: There are black holes with tons of gas swirling around it as the gas gets sucked in, which causes the gas to heat up and release light and other forms of radiation. Correct me if I'm wrong; it's been a while since I last read up on that stuff.

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  • 4 months later...

I just saw this thread and got curious. Actually, not curious, but challenged. I'm no doctorate or scientist, but I'm a business consultant and consider myself a Jack-of-all-trades as needed by my career.


If you guys want to ask about the current or possible science (please note the word possible) that could explain in-game technology, I'd gladly answer your questions to my utmost capacity.


To start the ball rolling, for the OP, not to nitpick, but please understand that antimatter is not limited to just be able to destroy matter. Yes they do destroy each other when they (matter and antimatter) touch, but it has to be their counterparts. Anti-hydrogen will annihilate Hydrogen and so on. Second, you have to understand that anti-matter science is not limited to explosions and whatnot, but also delve into the understanding of the creation of the Universe. Please refer to the Baryogenesis theory of creation as opposed to the Big Bang Theory.


And as for the actual application of anti-matter in-game, have you realized that Volt and Mag came first before Nova came out? This can be understood as an evolution in the technology of the frames because Electromagnetic Fields (you would need electricity and manipulation of magnetic fields) are used to contain decaying matter that can produce Anti-matter. As of the current times, CERN has been able to isolate and contain Anti-Hydrogen for more than a few seconds. So far, efforts are in the works to produce, isolate and contain Anti-Helium, but it has been a hard journey so far.


If you want to expound on the Mag technology, it's easy, just rewire Volt to direct the flow of electrons and you can have magnetic fields. I guess that's what those things on her arms are for. If you're still going further back to explain Volt's frame, think of it as supersized electric eel, magnified by technocyte technology. Explain ember? Evolved glands (or organs) produce ignitable gasses. Same explanation for Saryn. Explain Rhino's Iron skin? Look at Hayden Tenno's right arm. You can even use Newton's laws of Energy to explain the Rhino stomp.


The thing is, just remember that we are talking about thousands of years into the future here. If we can create black holes now, I think we can at least accelerate kinetic energies for Slash Dash and discharge photons for Radial Blind. Oh wait, camera flashes do that today already.

Edited by ErudiusNacht
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The railgun looks like a laser to

a. Warn you

b. track where the shot came from

c. to create a mechanic that allows you to counter attack the threat instead of randomly getting knocked around the room till you die from an unknown location... This is an online game made for you to learn and take advantage of it. Not Halo 2 legendary mode where the snipers just insta kill you from no where.

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I totally don't care about science in gaming. MGS use nanomachine for everything in it's plot. Mass Effect use ... Mass effect for everything in the plot. Borderlands give you gun that shoot sword that explode and produce more swords, science?

I think mechanic and gameplay that the front seat in gaming. Science and pseudoscience can be made to make them slightly believeable. As long as it's believeable in within it's own universe, it's fine.

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Wants realism on a futuristic science fiction game. Got to love these people :D

Yeah, well I get where you are coming from and yeah these things do not always make sense but I really don't care about that personally. Yeah, at some point they could be fixed but it doesn't bother me enough to be a huge flaw so I would only suggest fixing those type of things if DE does not have anything other to do, but we all know that is unlikely to happen or it will take a long time before that happens.

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