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June 4Th: Community Hot Topics


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June 4th Community Hot Topics!


1. RNG:


What can I say about this? Between facts (RNG Data) and fixes (Bandaids and an overhauled system entirely), a lot is going to change. A lot of posts this weekend have filled me with a sense that our players do not believe things are going to ever change. Or, if things do change, it’s for the wrong reasons or a step in the wrong direction. Although only a fraction of our players participate in our forums, it is these players that remind us the importance of balance, content, and fairness. Thank you all. It is our duty as developers to fix large issues, and with all the Update 8 revisions going on, it is becoming ever clear what can be fixed in a Hotfix, and what needs an overhaul entirely, namely RNG Drops.


When a system exists based on “Rare, Uncommon, and Common” tiers, the probabilities to drop something from these tiers as a whole remains the same, but as more content gets added to these tiers, the desired items become harder to get.  This is a problem – a player actively seeking Rare Drop X may get burnt out on the game and decide seeking Rare Drop X is no longer worth it.  Which brings me to my next point…


June 7 Edit:


Today we released an updated Defense Mission reward table. The previous issue was the dilution of the sought after mods throughout the entire solar system. We have now made rewards faction specific. Once you've had to chance to kill some baddies, no matter how tough, let us know what you think!


2. End Game and Diverse Content!


Complaints about grind & farm are being heard loud and clear, our players want more to do in the game. More complexity, more skill based objectives.  Lots of great ideas are being presented in the forums, thanks for the continued creativity while we make new content.


3. PlayStation 4


YES! It is true, we are launching on the PS4. This is a preemptive hot topic just to keep everyone in the loop! See our post here: (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/58974-playstation-4-warframe/)


4. Viper Sounds (& Sound Update in General)!

I spoke with our Lead Sound Designer (some of you know him as DE_George) and he said the following:

Sound is overhauling the weapon sounds. This Friday (or whenever our hotfix is) will bring a newer version of the Dual Vipers. It’s all very much a Work-In-Progress. The Root of the problem is that the weapon sounds are unbalanced, and they are doing a pass on all weapons in the game. They will get better with every update.


5. E3!

Warframe will be making its first E3 debut in a big way!  In exactly 6 days some of us will be flying to E3 (a lot of us for the first time *shakes nervously*). The team will be showing off Warframe to the global media and industry head honchos on both the PC and PS4.   Keep your eyes peeled for us,  we’ll be updating everyone with news as we are there (hopefully from the show floor!). 




6. New Trailer!


As part of our efforts to build hype and tickle some lore desires, we’ve released a new trailer. Timing in at over 4 minutes long, our team has poured their all into this. Take a look here: (http://ign.com/videos/2013/06/04/warframe-is-coming-to-playstation-4)

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3. What new stuff (i.e. weapons, exclusives, etc) can you confirm at this point? (i.e. yes, no exclusives, no new weapons, yes new frames, yes new areas)

4. What do you mean "unbalanced"?

3. Not much now other than what is in the IGN article (http://ca.ign.com/articles/2013/06/05/free-to-play-shooter-warframe-coming-to-ps4)

4. I'll follow up with George about that, the way he explained it to me meant the "weight" and such doesn't reflect the sounds he wants them to be outputting.

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I'm really happy for you guys you have worked hard and it's nice to see you guys expanding your platform base i just hope that you still keep a clear focus for the pc community.


Considering the place i am in this topic i should use this time to ask some questions.

1. Would it be possible to fuse dark sword and dark daggers together (duel dark or maybe it becoming a double ended spear)

2. When will we be able to see some fixes for the void and dojo with the whole falling through the ground glitch

3. Will there soon be a fix to actually see the full kill count for ember considering some of her abilities don't get counted

4. is it possible to soon see some fixes to getting momentarily stuck to the top of stairs (usually happens when moving fast)

Edited by RaidenSeishin
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3. Not much now other than what is in the IGN article (http://ca.ign.com/articles/2013/06/05/free-to-play-shooter-warframe-coming-to-ps4)

4. I'll follow up with George about that, the way he explained it to me meant the "weight" and such doesn't reflect the sounds he wants them to be outputting.

I didn't see any new stuff? Did I miss it? Could you post it here pretty please? And great work on everything.
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2. End Game and Diverse Content!

Complaints about grind farm are being heard loud and clear, our players want more to do in the game. More complexity, more skill based objectives. Lots of great ideas are being presented in the forums, thanks for the continued creativity while we make new content.

I hope you guys listen to the ones talking about how more lore and especially tying that lore into the gameplay would help alleviate the grind/farm complaints too.

As for the console... Eh. A lot of us are going to be wary because historically PC gamers get shafted when a franchise starts branching out into consoles. I'm hoping this will be an exception to the rule, and that the fact that PS4 is basically a PC in terms of hardware will let you port content easily between the two platforms, so we don't end up with situations where PS4 gets all the awesome content while PC gets shafted.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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Will be very interested in seeing how you guys work on RNG.  Not that I don't believe you guys can, it's just that it's a very... touch... subject lol.  Best of luck!


Ironically, I'm not minding the farm for materials for research weapons at all.  I see the stuff for the weapons and I think "oh, well, that's just a couple more control modules, that's not much more.  I'll have this by tomorrow."  Not that I'd complain about a price drop though lol.  Right now I'm at a point where I have more things than I have ranked so I don't mind the farm I guess.. I don't know.  Regardless, new and diverse content is always great!


And I for one am happy to hear about PS4 (maybe because I really got into gaming on the PS2 and have been on PC ever since?) and wish you guys the best of luck and hope to chat with people using controllers some time in the future.  Naturally, I'm at least somewhat skeptical, but hopefully this will work out for the best for everyone.  Good luck!

Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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@Rebecca, strap a camera to your shirt or whatever thingies you are going to wear when you guys and girls... Goes E3.

And stream it or maybe upload in YouTube. That way we can also see everything from your perspective and know what happened to warframe in E3

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A lot of posts this weekend have filled me with a sense that our players do not believe things are going to ever change. Or, if things do change, it’s for the wrong reasons or a step in the wrong direction. 

You WERE reading. It's a miracle


June 4th Community Hot Topics!


3. PlayStation 4


YES! It is true, we are launching on the PS4. This is a preemptive hot topic just to keep everyone in the loop! See our post here: (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/58974-playstation-4-warframe/)





5. E3!

Warframe will be making its first E3 debut in a big way!  In exactly 6 days some of us will be flying to E3 (a lot of us for the first time *shakes nervously*). The team will be showing off Warframe to the global media and industry head honchos on both the PC and PS4.   Keep your eyes peeled for us,  we’ll be updating everyone with news as we are there (hopefully from the show floor!). 

Let's hope Warframe does better than Dark Sector or that StarTrek game. I wonder how you intend to compete with other similar launch titles like

Killzone Watchdogs and Battlefield 4.

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