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Am I Noob Or Is Building Clan Dojo By Myself Hard?


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It is hard to do it by yourself but that's why a clan is a group effort. I recommend inviting a few friends or some randoms in the recruit chat that are willing to help the clan start out with materials. If you want to keep decorations set up in a specific way then just tell the members to not move it around and only have the max amount of members in your current tier in order to minimize the required materials. Hope this helps.

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Clans are supposed to be for multiple players. What you are trying to do is build a working fortress with a single Dwarf. Do it. :3

People build them on their own all the time as I did mine. It isn't supposed to be for a bunch of people but just for anyone that wants to. But to the op, if you don't have enough resources then it is likely because you haven't been playing long enough. You will get there, it may just take a lot of time and some prioritizing over other things you want to build. It is only easy for people that have been playing for a year plus I'm sure.
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In progress, with 2 (one's away for a couple months though) buddies.  The forma part is pretty rough.  Rewarding though, my dojo looks freaking amazing.  Working in waves has been going well for us.  Oh, and don't bother with Knux research until you need a lot of fusion cores, and have all the other archwing stuff done.

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Currently i am in a ghost clan with me and my brother. We are mastery ranks 17 and 19. For the most part i can build everything by myself without it taking a hit on my components. (I needed helps with woukong, itzeal< and the knux. and all of those words are spelt wrong XD) If your somewhat newer a dojo will be a heavy drain on your income. If you can find a buddy to or two to join but do not upgrade from a ghost clan, it will multiply the requirements of everything.

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Short answer: it is technically straightforward and logistically easy if you have been playing a long time (i.e., have a lot of resources). I recently built my own dojo, completed all research and still had a surplus of every resource.


I think it is worth thinking carefully why you want to do it - there are much easier paths....you could simply join a clan than has completed all research and get it straight away (without having to contribute anything - obviously not the intended spirit of communal living).


I had three reasons for building my own dojo. First, I had done everything else in the game (i.e., maxed all available weapons/frames) and dojo building was an aspect of the game that I hadn't yet explored. The second reason I had for building my own dojo was (in my opinion) a significant increase in the research requirements of new items. It is MUCH easier for me to get the requirements for a high requirement item in a one man dojo than it was in a 100 person dojo where only a handful are actives. For example, I was able to complete Knux requirements in my one man dojo straight away. There was little chance of that happening where I was previously. Finally, I'm not particularly social.


If you are not phased by the idea of building 20 (or so) forma (can't remember the minimum requirement) then sure.....if the idea fills you with dread then I'd suggest waiting.

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Pretty much solo'd 90% of the dojo. I even reconstructed the layout almost from scratch once. Only had help with nitain (when they just got released). What you'll find is that you will need alot of formas. If u have no intention of rushing any forma bp or your not gonna buy from the market, it takes around a month's time to get everything operational.

Edit: should point out that i started my clan when i was still mr5-6 ish, so i had quite a few resources at my disposal.

Also, polymere bundles and plastid felt like a huge demand back when i was building everything.

Edited by 321agemo
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I built mine over a long period of time, then rebuilt it after deciding to actually make a floor plan for it. Its not "hard" just takes time. My dojo is my clans home and i put alot of love and time into that home to make it as good as possible and we always get complimented on how big and nice it is. If you like doing it and have a reason its not hard at all.

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The title I am out of most components

To answer your title, you're a noob.

Just kidding, but seriously, I think the hardest part is figuring out what you need to build first, where to build it, and amassing the Forma needed for EVERY SINGLE HEKKIN ROOM.

I've had my own clan for about 6 weeks now, but I've got all research done, all rooms built with the biggest Hall, and barracks being the exception. It's doable

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As a vet who had an abundance of resources when dojo was introduced it was quite easy, even did all the research solo.  Definitely not something newer players are going to want to try unless they like having a long term goal and enjoy farming resources for this kind of thing lol 

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I'd say you need to start recruiting people. if you're lucky enough to find a veteran player who left their original clan, they might be able to solve your resource problem straight away. I would also recommend focusing on resources that you need most and recruiting squads to help you farm without getting bored (you never know, if you take the time to talk to them, you might be able to persuade them to join your clan).

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