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Your Top 5 Endgame Warframes


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  • 3 weeks later...

1. Frost-Pretty obvious considering he can spam snow globes and cheese the hell out of anything defense related

2. Valkyr-She is the tank of this game with her hysteria. Easily one of those frames to do naturally anything with

3. Trinity-The support frame is generally good for a team. Since her abilities are so useful in general, it's clear she's a good frame

4. Ash-Kill absolutely everything. He can take down a bunch of enemies in mere seconds, no matter what their level is. Plus his stealth is more efficient than loki's

5. Inaros-He can self revive himself and if you have really good mods such as rage and undying will on him he can't really ever die. Considering his health can go probably to 5 thousand and have max scarab armor on him, plus additional armor if you have a max steel fiber. Undying will is there for when he is trying to get health to revive himself so he has plenty of more time. And rage is there because you're going to constantly get energy considering he has no shields. Energy=abilities=more health=infinite loop. And his devour ability can make him immune to all damage for certain things and you can devour a bursa! Yah I know that's @(*()$ amazing. The reason I have him at the bottom is because while he is a tank, he can't kill everything when he needs to. Still, he's nasty if you mod him right.

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1.) Chroma

If I don't have any reason to select any of the ones below, or this one is more viable... I enjoy playing as tanky warframes that don't rely on absolutes more then those that do.  He's got one job, and that job is surviving.  Usually I only use this frame on survivals or intercepts.



My go to 'stealth'/Archer frame, always bringing her to spy missions, the only mission I don't bring her to is really just defense missions.


3.) Mag

After her rework I definitely am enjoying her damage capeabilities.  Every one of her abilities feel useful. 

Her # 1.) CC at all levels. (I.E: Pulls off enemies from capping points, or heavies or even balisticas)

Her # 2.) Bread-and-butter  good early on, good later on, can be used as a makeshift shield vs ALL projectiles.

Her # 3.) Good damage early-on, later on it provides a minor damage boost vs armored enemies and farther on it just gives a decent jump-start to shield recovery.

Her # 4.) Good panic CC with max or close to max range, best paired early on with her 3 for a good lockdown wombo-combo as her 3 helps boost the damage of her 4 too.

4.) Saryn

A very good DoT frame, which you could say to yourself is a Oxymoron in warframe as TTK is precious when people can wipe maps... but even with that going on, I find myself high on the damage charts AND imagine what it will be like afterwards.  Though she does need a nerf on her Spore stacking on molt...  it seems like a new cheesy tactic is emerging with that.


5.) Wukong

He's my 'absolute' tank, with Defy.  Although I do personally believe that Defy is balanced.  I am one of those rare people who build for Primal fury and actually use his combos, and enjoy for once having a non button mashy melee character.  Ironically... NOBODY is appreciating him even though once I get 10-15 kills with him I can reach a good length with his combos and do wonderful amounts of damage.  It's fun but I DO need to stress that he needs MORE time on his combos or a way to preserve it... :c

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1.Ash p - exterminations and spy master

2.Frost p - mobile defence, excavation and static defence master

3.Wukong - survival machine / sortie defence + furis + winds of purity have never been so easy for me. 

4.Volt p - speed captures / deceptions / sabotages

5.Vauban - infested have never been so easy ...


Edited by k1sam3
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1. Inaros thoughest Mofo who gives a shiett about Nulliys, Bombards ...even Baro is respecting him

2. Equinox shes a mad buffer massmurderer also a gentle healer & gives CC. That farming was a pain in Uranus but total worth it

3. Nyx is very underestimated, but u will love her when she Mindcontrolled Bursas & save sensible Targets like excavator or Fomrian core on LoR

4. Banchee enemies lv over 9000 no problem thx sonar, & speed running T4 Def why not

5. Loki been stealthy is also some change paste, he also makes your sindicate jobs hell easyer


Edited by 1N33DM0N3Y
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In no order

Defence Frames.

1. Frost

2. Nova

3. Mirage

4. Mesa

5. Trinity


1. Valkyr

2. Chroma

3. Ivara

4. Inaros

5. Trinity


1. Loki

2. Ivara

3. Ash

4. Ember (Corpus only, kills everything out of sight!)

5. Rhino (Why care about stealth, when you can run through the lasers?)

Speed Running

1. Volt

2. Loki

3. Ember

4. Mirage

5. Nezha

Sortie Speed running

1. Mirage

2. Rhino

3. Nezha

4. Valkyr

5. Loki


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  • 2 months later...

Honestly Trinity is pretty good but I would recommend having these 5 frames they are pretty good:

Nova prime: bye bye everything also spy missions with teleport

Frost: great defense capabilities, very good for assassination missions snow globe the boss easy to kill

Ash Prime:SupER awesome ignoring armor great for grineer tons of slash damage super awesome.

Volt prime: The bane of corpus, simply high offense pretty awesome.

Valkyr: great for meleeing things super powerful it's a great tank.

Honestly I don't like the trinity or nyx but that's my opinion.


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On 1/7/2016 at 6:56 AM, Noifurz said:

Hello I am currently looking for the best endgame frames

And I am curious about the list of other players


My list

1.Loki/Loki Prime

I believe this one was a obvious one since loki is very useful even at high lvl with his radial disarm + augment mod for it.

2.Frost/Frost Prime

With his rework I found frost very strong in defense and mobile defense missions with his Snow Globe (augment mod can go in there aswell)+ since you build for  power strength(more hp for the globe) he will be dealing a lot of damage with his Avalanche and Ice wave

3.Trinity/Trinity Prime

Trinity offers energy for the whole team and energy + healing


Some might disagree with me since Limbo was used as a troll frame with rift walk but recently I realized that he is a really great frame to save allies in most situations 


I really like him for his Reckoning ability and his kit in general since he has everything that a frame needs to survive (I even made T4 Survivals with him to min 40 -it was a hell of a pain!-)


Now tell me which is your top 5 list for endgame warframes :)

minute 40 isnt endgame....

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