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[Endgame Content Concept] Smuggler's Refuge || Version 7.0 || The Road to Completion, Part 1 - Help Wanted~!


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1 hour ago, -Akeva-Banshee- said:




I've got the list for the art prepared! If anyone would like to assist with the art, please post in the Art thread or PM me or something. I have the list of unfinished art in the main post. Please note that the art document does not have all the descriptions yet, and I'll have those finished up soon. I just wanted to get a list together for now.

Edited by MissMarifire
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14 hours ago, MissMarifire said:

Well, I've worked on it for over a year now. Over a year's worth of ideas I've written, and it doesn't include some of the stuff I've got on the Google Doc :)

DE should really take note from this thread . Fantastic work mate !

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On 1/25/2017 at 4:52 AM, Darkmatt3r said:

DE should really take note from this thread . Fantastic work mate !

Thank you, aha


I've added a section for the physical changes to the Relay. This includes various areas being moved around, as well as new areas being added. There's also some minigames I have written up that I'll post after a bit... they're sure to be amusing.

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Been working on some drafts for weaponry on a whim. Not sure if I'll use it, because it will defeat the my main objective with this concept (That being, everything is optional for player progression), but I think writing up some weapons may help out with later ideas.

I've considered weaponry that the bands give out (A relic of an old vers. of the concept), and weaponry that the "blacksmith" creates. They would be unique in their lore, and depending on where they come from, will have unique gimmicks.

Some ideas I've had are various Corpus weapons that typically wouldn't be very conventional for them (Like a bow or energy claws) that Varmia may refurbish out of old/"acquired" equipment for the Tenno to use, a Grineer Bola (from another concept of mine) that Tireet may create for the Tenno, and a Tenno throwing lance discovered through Lares's studies.

Again, I don't think I may use them due to what I mentioned before, but I have these on the drafting document in the case I choose to.

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I like most concepts but if I'm reading this correctly, I must 1st earn and spend 5 million credits on segment in order to partake in anything in the relays¿ That my friend is obsured, Newer players could have serious amounts of syndicate items before they are even able to cash them in. Requiring upgrade segment to do anything just seems od, maybe changing the Segment into something like a relay identification card earned in early quest to go to relays seems more of a fit. Upon completing a part or entirety of early quest Lotus will tell you to head to a relay (for whatever reason) but to gain entrance you'll need an ID and that she has 1 for you. The ID will be delivered with this message. 

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16 hours ago, (PS4)CactusButtons said:

I like most concepts but if I'm reading this correctly, I must 1st earn and spend 5 million credits on segment in order to partake in anything in the relays¿ That my friend is obsured, Newer players could have serious amounts of syndicate items before they are even able to cash them in. Requiring upgrade segment to do anything just seems od, maybe changing the Segment into something like a relay identification card earned in early quest to go to relays seems more of a fit. Upon completing a part or entirety of early quest Lotus will tell you to head to a relay (for whatever reason) but to gain entrance you'll need an ID and that she has 1 for you. The ID will be delivered with this message. 

As much as I love suggestions from others, I'm afraid you're reading it wrong. It's meant to be nigh impossible to buy for newer players because it's a luxury for Veterans to gain access to any Relay service from their orbiter, meaning they don't have to leave their ship to go to a Relay just to turn in Medallions or check the next Darvo Deal. All the prerequisites to actually go to the Relays themselves are left unchanged; first three are unlocked on default, next three are MR4, and the next three are MR8. I'm not going to change that for now.

Edited by MissMarifire
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I've been drafting different versions of Zeribus's Folly, some versions more amuzing than others. What I'm curious to know about is the direction I should take it.

Generally speaking, Zeribus's Folly is meant to expand upon the relationship between Darvo and Zeribus; why they trust one another, and for what reasons Zeribus chose to mentor him. However, I'm rather stuck going beyond this, and I have felt like there should have more than just the whole thing revolving around the two if it is going to be significant enough to warrant its own quest. 

One of the biggest things I feel should be present is a conflict of interest between them. Recall the (albeit awfully written) blurb I wrote about Darvo and Zeribus. Darvo was tired of living the stuffy, political life that his father wanted him to have and chose to take the route Zeribus here has. Zeribus, on the other hand, saw Darvo as a means to an end to make some big bucks through stealing some of his father's stuff. Perhaps this could be brought up during Zeribus's Folly, the two may react poorly towards one another and invoke the conflict of the quest. However, I feel like the player may be set aside as a secondary character for far too long and that a player may be upset or bored from the lack of involvement they have with it.

It's a bit tough, and it's something I need to think about.

Alternatively, I've written a rather comical quest for now that involves the player doing various tasks for the two while they're under the influence of alcohol. Sabotage heists, high-adrenaline space segway chases, a Corpus Paul Blart... it's not meant to be very serious.

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2 hours ago, Ragingwasabi said:

The comical quest soundsthe most interesting

Tho maybe not appropriate for warframes atmosphere. :p

Yeah, I figured it would be. It was more of a for-fun kind of thing that my RP server helped me throw together to blow some steam.

The actual quest that I want to plan out is definitely going to take a while, though. When it comes to writing quests, especially ones that are more story-heavy, it's not something I'm quite used to yet.

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I've added the portion for "restaurants". 

Taking inspiration from the Pokemon Center Cafes in Pokemon Sun and Moon, two of these little restaurants are situated in each Relay, with their own set of foods that can be ordered by the player. Like the Cafes, they have no noticeable affect on the players themselves, but after a certain number of orders have been placed, the player will be rewarded with certain items, from small things such as random mods to fully built Orokin Catalysts, Reactors, or even Exilus Adapters depending on the number of orders that the order has placed at a particular restaurant. To prevent players from attempting to farm orders, there would be a limit to how many orders can be placed at each restaurant each day. Each type of order will have its own little blurb, describing its faction of origin and key trivia to know about the dish. These blurbs will be written eventually.

Once I have the writing for the boutiques finished, I will begin writing the quests on full force. Currently, the concept introduces a total of 16 unique quests. Some of them, such as the shop quests, will likely be equal to or shorter than A Man of Few Words or Another Favour for Darvo, while others may be more longer in length, and may even potentially feature cinematics. The higher-requirement quests will be more involved in the lore itself, but at the current moment I'm not quite sure how they will affect it.

I am still considering the idea of introducing weaponry to the concept, and have even consulted a few Discord servers I'm in for ideas on how to implement these ideas.

Designs and redesigns for the current characters are in the works as well; a work in progress of Faus's revised design has been posted on my Tumblr, and I have various sketches of Arbis Ceg and Celsus that aren't quite ready to be shown yet.

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6 hours ago, nightstryke17 said:

somoene send this man to the devs

As much as it would be an honor to visit the [DE]vs, I don't think Steve would be very fond of me with my Taco Bell bribes.


I've added some information on a couple minigames: Kubrow Racing and Nyx's Nemesis. I'm not quite done writing them up, but I am looking for ideas for both of them. I've also added some blurbs on a couple of cosmetics as well. The drafts document has also been added to the main post; any ideas that I'm culminating will be there.

Edited by MissMarifire
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OH. MY. GOD. This would bring so much live to the relays!!! Yes, yes, and a thousand times yes. I really hope DE reads this post and if this changes can be implemented, the amount of improvements for the relays would be massive. Your idea is simply awesome. Is there any way we can draw DE's attention to this?

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27 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Tancros said:

OH. MY. GOD. This would bring so much live to the relays!!! Yes, yes, and a thousand times yes. I really hope DE reads this post and if this changes can be implemented, the amount of improvements for the relays would be massive. Your idea is simply awesome. Is there any way we can draw DE's attention to this?

Taco Bell bribes don't work, but I haven't tried Chipotle bribes yet. I'll try that and get back to you.

Food bribery aside, thank you my dude. I'd say it's a hefty bit after a year of development.

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   So, went for a stroll around your weapon's gallery, and I gotta say, dem it! Beat me to the punch with a few of these! Gonna need some more music to find replacements. Seems we we're accidentally operating on the same wavelength.

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Update: Chipotle doesn't work, either. I'm gonna have to really try hard. Could opt to bribe with the power of the only redeeming thing about Ohio: Buckeyes. Here's to hoping Steve likes candy.

37 minutes ago, (PS4)WlanslerRanger said:

Hope DE notice this :(

They kind of have; Aaaall the way back on Prime Time #131, an older version of the concept was featured. While I'm proud of it, at the time I had hoped it would be featured once it was in a more finished state, and admittedly, I still do. A big chunk of what needs to be done is art and quests, and both of those take a while to write since it'll be including dialogue as well.

Just now, Unus said:

So, went for a stroll around your weapon's gallery, and I gotta say, dem it! Beat me to the punch with a few of these! Gonna need some more music to find replacements. Seems we we're accidentally operating on the same wavelength.

Implying that's a bad thing, aha! ;D

Weapons are probably going to be in the works for a while until I figure out where to put them. I imagine some may be quest rewards, while others can be obtained through one way or another. I also think I'll be writing up some more weapons as well in addition to what's already there, so it'd be best leaving them be.

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10 minutes ago, MissMarifire said:

Update: Chipotle doesn't work, either. I'm gonna have to really try hard. Could opt to bribe with the power of the only redeeming thing about Ohio: Buckeyes. Here's to hoping Steve likes candy.

They kind of have; Aaaall the way back on Prime Time #131, an older version of the concept was featured. While I'm proud of it, at the time I had hoped it would be featured once it was in a more finished state, and admittedly, I still do. A big chunk of what needs to be done is art and quests, and both of those take a while to write since it'll be including dialogue as well.


Implying that's a bad thing, aha! ;D

Weapons are probably going to be in the works for a while until I figure out where to put them. I imagine some may be quest rewards, while others can be obtained through one way or another. I also think I'll be writing up some more weapons as well in addition to what's already there, so it'd be best leaving them be.

    A fellow Buckeyevian? Don't tell me your from the land of Cinccinatus as well? Also, ah, but because you thought of it first, I will not touch your answers with a 20 foot pole out of respect. As an aside, certainly. I feel that it wouldn't be to much to have a few tools of destruction stuck in in a place or two as a goal. The carrot-and-the-stick approach is among the easiest to draw folks in with.

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4 hours ago, MissMarifire said:

Along with dialogue lines, I've been working on ways to overhaul Darvo's shop. Considering that he gets an overhaul in the looks of the shop himself, why not also change how he works?

I always found it weird that darvo was in 3 relays at once. Why not station him in 1 relay and in other relays he has other people running the shop for him?

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