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Why Do People Despise Draco?


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The people saying play what you want are defending both sides of it. They are basically saying you leave us alone and we leave you alone. The complainers are the assaulters on that philosophy by trying to mess up the balance, so again, there is no hypocrisy. It's people trying to defend their way from people who want to take it away. You can still defend yourself and hold the let bygones be bygones belief. It's not hypocrisy.

I'm only going to say this once . It's hypocrisy because to the complainers you speak of want balance and blah blah . Now to them in this case Draco is making a problem in the game that is affecting them personally because of how players are creating bad habits to them and so on and so on. So it is affecting their game not as direct but is is. Bam that throws out your argument periode and if your too closed minded to see it that's your fault I just called you on your hypricsy . What you do with the info is up to you . Edited by (PS4)wonderwoman814
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This. I've seen countless people end up thinking that Draco is the end game and ignoring most of the map and then burning out. The players who continue to enjoy the game hate draco as it's the distilled accumulation of the grind and efficiency issues, or non-issues, with warframe.


But what do I know. That's just my opinion.


Let me put it this way. I am going to be going away to the Army very soon, and I still have a lot of weapons and frames I need to forma. Draco is the most efficient way for me to do it in a timely manner instead of the slow ! way everyone else wants to do it. 


I'm only going to say this once . It's hypocrisy because to the complainers you speak of want balance and blah blah . Now to them in this case Draco is making a problem in the game that is affecting them personally because of how players are creating bad habits to them and so on and so on. So it is affecting their game not as direct but is is. Bam that throws out your argument periode and if your too closed minded to see it that's your fault I just called you on your hypricsy . What you do with the info is up to you .

I am still going to say defending proper balance whether you think it is or not is hypocrisy. Truth be told, I don't give a care if your way or someone else way is messed up. I am getting what I want, and that is all that matters to me.
Edited by (PS4)Jaztok
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Let me put it this way. I am going to be going away to the Army very soon, and I still have a lot of weapons and frames I need to forma. Draco is the most efficient way for me to do it in a timely manner instead of the slow ! way everyone else wants to do it. 




Then I would consider you an outlier... The trap is the average player ends up running draco and nothing else.

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Let me put it this way. I am going to be going away to the Army very soon, and I still have a lot of weapons and frames I need to forma. Draco is the most efficient way for me to do it in a timely manner instead of the slow ! way everyone else wants to do it.

I am still going to say defending proper balance whether you think it is or not is hypocrisy. Truth be told, I don't give a care if your way or someone else way is messed up. I am getting what I want, and that is all that matters to me.

well taking the fact that

that you couldn't defend your stance I'll take that as win lol. But seriously if you really don't think draco is a problem than debate it with out phrases like let people play how they want etc etc it's redundant and not a valid argument . That's what I was really trying to say I just get annoyed of hypricsy when I see it .

Edited by (PS4)wonderwoman814
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I said already, Draco isn't broken because it is the best, it is broken because it is so inconceivably better in every way than any other xp grind. If it was just a little better than other levels to make up for it being just a little harder, I wouldn't care. But when 30 minutes in appolodorus equates maybe two rounds on Draco, there's a problem.

Hate the player, hate the meta, but you can only change the game. There will always be a cheapest, easiest option that people will take. The goal is to bring the gap between that and the lesser options down and to scale the gap according to actual difficulty, not the accidental happenings of interception giving xp every cap and draco happening to be a small map.

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Because I hate seeing MR 18s, 19s and 20s not understanding the basics of the game. I've had to explain basics like modding and stats to friends of friends who just rank up stuff on Draco all day (and still they'll keep putting stretch on Trinity so Blessing covers a greater area ¬.¬). Plus let's not forget the mentality of grinding away (sli theghtly faster) on Draco, then complaining that you've maxed your gear and there's nothing to do in the game... as opposed to playing the game and enjoying it.

Trust me. Were these people to get their ranks anywhere else - result would be the same. Some people just not into theory. Even more to it, I'm pretty sure, that at least in case of Trinity, people who use her to farm Draco will know her much better than people who level stuff other ways.
Draco itself is a very good thing. It provides people with a reason to theorycraft, to work together. Perfect Draco setup can be used to do void defences in a more fun (yes, everything is funnier than a regular Void Defence) and efficient manner. Draco setup also is the only setup in the game, where Oberon can be useful.
I would honestly prefer if there was even more setups with specific purposes like Draco setup, LoR setup and resource farm setup. 
Yet, filthy casuals deem these setups unfair, as they want to get the same affinity, resources and arcanes while doing nothing and solo-running exterminations with Loki on Earth.
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Trust me. Were these people to get their ranks anywhere else - result would be the same. Some people just not into theory. Even more to it, I'm pretty sure, that at least in case of Trinity, people who use her to farm Draco will know her much better than people who level stuff other ways.


Draco itself is a very good thing. It provides people with a reason to theorycraft, to work together. Perfect Draco setup can be used to do void defences in a more fun (yes, everything is funnier than a regular Void Defence) and efficient manner. Draco setup also is the only setup in the game, where Oberon can be useful.

I would honestly prefer if there was even more setups with specific purposes like Draco setup, LoR setup and resource farm setup. 

Yet, filthy casuals deem these setups unfair, as they want to get the same affinity, resources and arcanes while doing nothing and solo-running exterminations with Loki on Earth.

"We should not reward people who play the game to have fun"

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I am getting what I want, and that is all that matters to me.

This statement tells me your drill sergeants in basic are going to have a field day with you because they will have you do things their way and only their way and that is all that matters to them. Any armed service relies on you and everyone else in your squad, platoon, company, brigade to be selfless. It's not just about you but what is good for the whole, you start only worrying about you and someone else will pay for your selfishness.

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I personally can't stand Draco because public games are full of people who run all over the map, cap all four towers and block all of the spawns. Then they leave after one round. The xp is less than 1/10th of that of a semi-organized squad.

Since I do not like playing like a headless chicken, I make the choice not to do public draco games. If you dont like a game play style, don't play it.

Edited by Pyus
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I personally can't stand Draco because public games are full of people who run all over the map, cap all four towers and block all of the spawns. Then they leave after one round. The xp is less than 1/10th of that of a semi-organized squad.

Since I do not like playing like a headless chicken, I make the choice not to do public draco games. If you dont like a game play style, don't play it.

If you joined public Draco it means you are there not for the farm, as it requires a minimum of two specific frames. Hence, I see no reason why would you be bothered by random people going cap 4 and leaving.
If you don't want to powerfarm Draco with an optimal setup, yet want to have a long run on it - write "H > Draco casual run" in Recruiting - you'll get plenty of people wanting to join you.
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I don't see a problem with draco... maybe the older players who had to grind endlessly to put 4 or 5 forma on a weapon dislike it, but that is not how most players I have contact with feel.  


Draco is a great way to level up weapons and frames that need multiple forma.  Without draco or a similar map, the grind would STOP many players from playing the game to upper levels. 


Perhaps people who vocally dislike draco are the common forum whiners of every online game :))


imho, draco is an asset to players who want to enjoy the game, and not grind endlessly. 

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This statement tells me your drill sergeants in basic are going to have a field day with you because they will have you do things their way and only their way and that is all that matters to them. Any armed service relies on you and everyone else in your squad, platoon, company, brigade to be selfless. It's not just about you but what is good for the whole, you start only worrying about you and someone else will pay for your selfishness.


Actually, I will show respect to my superiors because they have earned their place to be that rank. Even the people in basic who are starting off as E3s I will respect because they took the time for the college credits. What I won't show respect is people who have not earned it, or any random stranger who I have no clue about.  

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Because I hate seeing MR 18s, 19s and 20s not understanding the basics of the game. I've had to explain basics like modding and stats to friends of friends who just rank up stuff on Draco all day (and still they'll keep putting stretch on Trinity so Blessing covers a greater area ¬.¬). Plus let's not forget the mentality of grinding away (slightly faster) on Draco, then complaining that you've maxed your gear and there's nothing to do in the game... as opposed to playing the game and enjoying it.

MR has nothing to do with mastery, with or without draco.  


MR is simply how many weapons or warframes you've leveled up.  Mastery of the game has very little to do with MR. 

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Guest NinjaFresh007

*I put on my Update 3 Orokin glasses and don my Orokin gold-plated cane*

Back in MAH day, we didn't even HAVE a proper ship!

We selected NODES on a Universe map and could see the nodes for ANY planet with ease!

We didn't have no fancy dandy system key lockouts!


Back in the early days, Mag was super-exploitable (and a Starter Frame) and 'Pull' was not only the first ability for Mag but it was the best.  People begged me (a Rank 0 Mag at the time) to join their runs and they'd 'taxi' me along.


After my first high-level run?  Rank 10 or 15.  After about 10 runs?  I was maxed at 30.  Game got super boring super fast since there was zero effort to level up anything at that point.  Sure it is FUN to use a standard vanilla 'Pull' on an entire Corpus room and watch EVERYTHING get CC'd to death all around me with zero effort but it stopped being fun after a while.


So I left.  That poor poor Mag account is floating in the void on DE's servers with info I don't even remember anymore.  250+ plat unspent.  How sad :(

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The problem with draco is that there's no reason to play any of the maps for exp because the affinity gain is so S#&$ that you need to play a small map with insane spawns. This is the problem and something that has been in the complaint box for quite some time DE needs to make it so that the higher level the enemy is is the more exp you'll get from it. I'm sure that'll open up another can of worms but it would be far easier to balance out instead of just leveling it at more enemies = more exp so why play bigger different maps when you have the small tileset that draco is on.

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If you joined public Draco it means you are there not for the farm, as it requires a minimum of two specific frames. Hence, I see no reason why would you be bothered by random people going cap 4 and leaving.

If you don't want to powerfarm Draco with an optimal setup, yet want to have a long run on it - write "H > Draco casual run" in Recruiting - you'll get plenty of people wanting to join you.

This is a logical fallacy, if pubs are not there for the farm, why are they there? What are they getting out of it? There is a whole star map full of fun, why come to the best farm spot in the system and run it in a way that activly reduces the farming efficientcy.

Anyways, that was why I don't run it unless hosting or in a premade.

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If a big chunk of Draco farming is people leveling forma'd weps back to 30 maybe the way in which forma is applied should be changed. (Maybe it should be changed regardless of Draco).

I would suggest that instead of having to re-level the weapon it simple go back into build mode for the same amount of time as its original build time, during which it is unavailable for use. At the end of that, rank 30 wep with applied forma.

Further, you could (not necessarily) increase the out of rotation time for each successive forma. Probably just keep adding the base time, so the sixth time you forma a wep it is out for 6x hours.

Ranking them up again is kind of silly.

I haven't been playing that long, though, so what do I know.

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Because once upon a time having a high MR meant something (Not skill, but a high MR meant you were dedicated to the game and invseted a lot of time. Now if you have a high MR you are catagorized as skilless skum that has never actually used 95% of the weapons in the game)

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Oh well, where to start. I will start by asking you a small question. What is Warframe progression? Beside crafting weapons, or crafting frames, in the end, there is nothing. There is no "meaningful'' progression in the game.


I'm quite curious about the "good content" you are talking about. Is it the Void, Raids? Syndicate? What is the content you are talking about? The only thing i can see the game is "collect X,Y,Z item for no other reason than collecting it.


There is clear progression in the game, that's one of the problem of the game.


I don't even like Draco and I'm sure that most people who run it don't too, but it's quick and allow me to use the frame/weapon that I crafted to it's full potential without running the same crappy exterminate mission again and again.


People ''abuse'' Draco because every other mean of getting decent exp (beside spy) is totally and utterly crap.

People seem to forget that Draco is only a symptom of a bigger problem.

With that i agree with you.

There is clearly a problem with the way people play this game.

And the progression system is focused almost exclusively on weaponry wich is a problem.


Even if i agree with you totaly on that.


Don't let your reppresed anger alter the way you speak to people and thank you for the elaboration of your thought.

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This is a logical fallacy, if pubs are not there for the farm, why are they there? What are they getting out of it? There is a whole star map full of fun, why come to the best farm spot in the system and run it in a way that activly reduces the farming efficientcy.

Anyways, that was why I don't run it unless hosting or in a premade.

Some people are just unlocking the node, helping someone complete the mission, or, they're having fun.  Being on Draco doesn't automatically mean that you are there for farming, and only farming. 

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