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Why Do People Despise Draco?


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The hate for Draco stems from the type of players it breeds, people join Warframe and their friend proceeds to take them to Draco to power level. Then said people take frames there to level and in 6 waves their frame is leveled. This leads to people having no idea how to play properly and survive because they didn't take time to learn the ins and outs of their frames and weapons and know only the draco meta. I see them all the time crying about not having a frost or some other meta frame in something as simple as an odd.

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As the title states clean and simple, why do the majority of players hate on Draco and want it gone? I see it as an easy way to level your crap gear and get back to the good stuff while also getting circuits and other useful items. Then again my "friends" chastise me for using nothing but my Carrier prime as well despite it being legit like any other sentinel so I don't put much faith in them XD. Now back to the subject at hand please tell me why you hate/Love Draco so I can get a better idea please.

The problem is not in Draco. People should ask why Draco is a thing for first. When you give 10 exp points to a player who is having fun with the game , not exploiting easy tactics and then give 10000 points to the one who farm it using those tactics ... you give a direction to the game ... that macro-afk farmer or lazy players are rewarded, those who actually "play the game" do that for their wish and are rewarded in the sameway. So it is just a system to promote laziness and exploit.

But I repeat it, you will not solve anything removing Draco. There will be always a loot/exp cave. The system must be changed, normal gameplay should be adjusted to be on level with draco , stealth mechanics for example , were a great move in this sense.

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There's nothing wrong with finding the quickest way to do something, the problem is that the quickest way is ten times faster than any alternative like Appolodorus or Elara because affinity and affintiy sharing is weird and because interception gives out so much more affinity than any other mission.

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The problem is not in Draco. People should ask why Draco is a thing for first. When you give 10 exp points to a player who is having fun with the game , not exploiting easy tactics and then give 10000 points to the one who farm it using those tactics ... you give a direction to the game ... that macro-afk farmer or lazy players are rewarded, those who actually "play the game" do that for their wish and are rewarded in the sameway. So it is just a system to promote laziness and exploit.

But I repeat it, you will not solve anything removing Draco. There will be always a loot/exp cave. The system must be changed, normal gameplay should be adjusted to be on level with draco , stealth mechanics for example , were a great move in this sense.

You should also keep in mind just the general layout of leveling in the first place, it's pretty well know that this game is basically just a metric ton of grind and repetition (and note most instances are heavily unrewarding), so at some point it bound to get stale and people will start seeking out ways to avoid these aspects the best they can. The best example I can think of when it comes to grind and repetition running rampant is in the leveling system, where hitting max rank (level) does not reward you with the full capabilities of that item, you have to forma it half a dozen times more and re-level it from dust to glory again and again until it is up to snuff, which can quite easily become a drag, the resetting of capacity with each reset doesn't aid the endeavor much either as it locks you into lower level experiences as well to progress which I don't imagine many enjoy.


But as you said, the issue isn't so much to do with Draco but the conditions by which it is made able to thrive. You don't blame the players for wanting to avoid unpleasant content in a game, you blame the unpleasant content.

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It's one of the better places on the star map. It gives a lot to the camper or normal play style. If I wanna sit around spamming the heck out of my abilities I can get a ton of exp. If I wanna play normally it's the only good map that gives me a small kill box, don't have to run around a large area to kill things and spawn is pretty high.

More maps should be more compact with higher spawns.

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As the title states clean and simple, why do the majority of players hate on Draco and want it gone? I see it as an easy way to level your crap gear and get back to the good stuff while also getting circuits and other useful items. Then again my "friends" chastise me for using nothing but my Carrier prime as well despite it being legit like any other sentinel so I don't put much faith in them XD. Now back to the subject at hand please tell me why you hate/Love Draco so I can get a better idea please.


Some of the gears you call crap might be way better and pleasant than you think.

taking a shortcut with draco will make you miss ALOT of good content.


And people who talk against carrier often use weapon with high amo consuption.Because carrier will use vacuum even if you don't need it and consume whole amo pack and energie/healt orb.

Edited by angias
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Because it clearly highlight everything wrong with the game.

Would you mind to elaborate this a little bit more?


Because the way you show this is one of his favorite thing(wich is draco) represent everything you hate about the game.


We all have the right to have different opinion.But giving a comment so radical without the tiniest explanation make your comment useless.


If you want to say something please clarify your reasoning.


That will alow people who actually love draco to not simply ignore your argument.




And What is wrong with draco is not the ridiculous amount of xp you get from them it's the way people abuse it.

Edited by angias
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Would you mind to elaborate this a little bit more?


Because the way you show this is one of his favorite thing(wich is draco) represent everything you hate about the game.


We all have the right to have different opinion.But giving a comment so radical without the tiniest explanation make your comment useless.


If you want to say something please clarify your reasoning.


That will alow people who actually love draco to not simply ignore your argument.




And What is wrong with draco is not the ridiculous amount of xp you get from them it's the way people abuse it.

Oh well, where to start. I will start by asking you a small question. What is Warframe progression? Beside crafting weapons, or crafting frames, in the end, there is nothing. There is no "meaningful'' progression in the game.


I'm quite curious about the "good content" you are talking about. Is it the Void, Raids? Syndicate? What is the content you are talking about? The only thing i can see the game is "collect X,Y,Z item for no other reason than collecting it.


There is clear progression in the game, that's one of the problem of the game.


I don't even like Draco and I'm sure that most people who run it don't too, but it's quick and allow me to use the frame/weapon that I crafted to it's full potential without running the same crappy exterminate mission again and again.


People ''abuse'' Draco because every other mean of getting decent exp (beside spy) is totally and utterly crap.

People seem to forget that Draco is only a symptom of a bigger problem.

Edited by Alphafox
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The issue with draco and all the affinity farm spots before it is that it highlites that the core gameplay loop in Warframe isn´t fun for a lot of people when done as effiecently as possible (I would argue for evryone but someone is bound to say that he enjoys it despite obviously just liking the rewards not the gameplay) and since most have a desire to do things the most efficient way they feel forced into playing in a way they don´t like.


So it isn´t that people who want the draco situation changed want to ruin other peoples fun rather they want that the most efficient way to be fun to play for them. Of course this may mean changing mechanics around that some people do enjoy but making evryone happy all the time just isn´t possible.

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I always PUG Draco on my Ash P, so I am not sure what meta everyone is talking about. I see tons of different frames in use.


The "meta" is usually present in pre-formed parties due to it requiring a team-composition, most commonly using an EV-based Trinity, RJ-based Excalibur, and a Frost.

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Because I hate seeing MR 18s, 19s and 20s not understanding the basics of the game. I've had to explain basics like modding and stats to friends of friends who just rank up stuff on Draco all day (and still they'll keep putting stretch on Trinity so Blessing covers a greater area ¬.¬). Plus let's not forget the mentality of grinding away (slightly faster) on Draco, then complaining that you've maxed your gear and there's nothing to do in the game... as opposed to playing the game and enjoying it.

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the not understanding the basics  can be put to players who simply don't give a fck to do that and just wants to breeze through the game like every other game they have ever played<< not everyone is inclined to be a die hearted player  which is their right and no one else to dictate.

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I find it funny that people that play Draco could care less what the rest of the players are doing but there are some real zelots out there that

tell outright lies to pursue this agenda that a single node in the game is responsible for everything that is wrong in the game.

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It's not like your forced to use the Draco method. If you don't like it and you rather grind multiple missions for your gear then go ahead. It appears to be more of a self pride type of thing. I don't care if people use it or not. If you like crazy variety while leveling or just grind the same boring mission over and over, either way just enjoy the game.

Edited by (XB1)Astray TurnRed
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why is it so bothersome to you what others do to enjoy this boring game is the real question?


 reminds me of the old people that hates on the younger generations simply because they are laughing and having a good time.

why is it so bothersome to you how other people complain ? Less hypricsy would be a good change wouldn't and more consistency should be preferred.
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why is it so bothersome to you how other people complain ? Less hypricsy would be a good change wouldn't and more consistency should be preferred.


I think it has to do with the complainers trying to change the Draco way in which DE might listen, so people going after the complainers are trying to defend their playstyle from the complainers in order to keep it the way it is. No hypocrisy is detected. 

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if you know that joining a public game comes with  HIGH % OF PLAYERS BEING TOXIC WHY DO IT TO YOURSELF?


 whining about things you cant change is outright silly.


 I hate RNG in this game how it is<< been trying to get a few mods since they were released in this game << to name a couple , four riders, vengeful revenance,  even though I tried for hours  on attempts for months etc I have no qualms with the game nor the urge to  whine about it either... it is what it is as this is purely for me to relax  and have a good time just playing.


 crying about  whatever within the game especially what others are doing is just sad, truly sad.



Free keys.


Farming mods and items is one thing, we're fine with it hence why we never compare it to Draco at all. Handling people who uses Draco and is spreading cancer to even your clan/alliance chat without any context whatsoever is another. Gets annoying after a while seeing people in the clan not wanting to do the runs for it and getting flamed for not following said player's orders.

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I think it has to do with the complainers trying to change the Draco way in which DE might listen, so people going after the complainers are trying to defend their playstyle from the complainers in order to keep it the way it is. No hypocrisy is detected.

hypocrisy is all over it . If people actually feel there is a problem then people should be allowed to say it . To them it's a real problem and of course you can debate it sure but turning around and saying let people play how they want than have some consistency and let people complain about what they want . Periode if you have that mentality than show by example.
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hypocrisy is all over it . If people actually feel there is a problem then people should be allowed to say it . To them it's a real problem and of course you can debate it sure but turning around and saying let people play how they want than have some consistency and let people complain about what they want . Periode if you have that mentality than show by example.


The people saying play what you want are defending both sides of it.  They are basically saying you leave us alone and we leave you alone. The complainers are the assaulters on that philosophy by trying to mess up the balance, so again, there is no hypocrisy. It's people trying to defend their way from people who want to take it away. You can still defend yourself and hold the let bygones be bygones belief. It's not hypocrisy. 

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People hate on Draco because it's like a 180 on what the newbie experiences first getting into warframe (that is, actually moving around, gunning down hordes of dudes as we move through a level, leveling up equipment and mods, etc.)  Somewhere along the way, it stops being about having fun, and more about hyper-efficiency because who plays just to play?  Gotta get them prime parts and that MR...  Speed running normal missions or CC spamming an endless and crying about the game being too easy in either case, or too hard when a wrench is thrown into the hyper-efficient system.  Draco is the latter, it fosters brain-dead game play and rank devaluement.  I'm making that a word now, "devaluement."  Cause convenience.


Draco specifically though renders any and every declaration that the MR system matters and is proof of skill or knowledge effectively false.  Players need only have the weapon on their hip or back for it to gain proximity affinity.  They don't even need to actually use it to rank it to 30 and toss it as garbage without even giving it a try.  A player can be sitting pretty at MR 15+ within days of creating an account, abusing draco, and maybe a hefty sum of platinum.


So basically to some people if you're abusing Draco, you're not really playing, and are actually only exacerbating the problems Warframe has, especially regarding difficulty curve of enemies and RNG (since if we can beat enemies effortlessly with CC spam, super guns, and are willing to go hours into an endless, DE will balance around that...)  DE knows Draco is a problem for game play, but they also know removing it just moves the goal post to another node.  Eventually they'll have to either remove all endless or make them piss easy with very few spawns.  Neither scenario seems very awesome.  


In my opinion, Draco IS one example of where the game goes horribly wrong and turns from awesome space ninja shooter to CheeseGrinder 9000: The Novapocolypse.  However, I recognize Draco is only useful to people for the rapid affinity gain, and I'm fine with just running alerts, syndicates, or throwing darts at a board for the mission I'll run to acquire my affinity and happy fun times, I play solo after all.  Other people farming Draco doesn't bother me personally... I just recognize it's not doing the game nor the community - especially the newbies looking at a mostly empty starchart - any good.



This. I've seen countless people end up thinking that Draco is the end game and ignoring most of the map and then burning out. The players who continue to enjoy the game hate draco as it's the distilled accumulation of the grind and efficiency issues, or non-issues, with warframe.


But what do I know. That's just my opinion.

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