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Throwing Melee Charge Has Been Broken Forever


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     I want to use throwing melees more but the stupid half-step is so irritating. It does a normal melee as if you tapped the melee button before actually throwing the melee, this results in an unwanted half step that can make you walk off any ledge you might be on, which I'm usually on one when I use the charge attack.


     Please DE, change thrown melees to melee AFTER a tap rather than as soon as the melee button is pushed, so that we can use a charge attack without a stupid half step. (and the fact that my frame can't throw without swinging it first is kinda immersion-breaking for me too.)


EDIT: forgot to add that it used to be this way for quick melee before they started adding charge attacks back into the game. It's been this way for equipped melee though for a while (over a year I don't really remember exactly when it started)

Edited by Ironlixivium
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     I want to use throwing melees more but the stupid half-step is so irritating. It does a normal melee as if you tapped the melee button before actually throwing the melee, this results in an unwanted half step that can make you walk off any ledge you might be on, which I'm usually on one when I use the charge attack.


     Please DE, change thrown melees to melee AFTER a tap rather than as soon as the melee button is pushed, so that we can use a charge attack without a stupid half step. (and the fact that my frame can't throw without swinging it first is kinda immersion-breaking for me too.)


EDIT: forgot to add that it used to be this way for quick melee before they started adding charge attacks back into the game. It's been this way for equipped melee though for a while (over a year I don't really remember exactly when it started)


They are aware of the issue, but it's more complicated than they thought.

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I only started using them again after unlocking Ivara and her Navigate ability. Without that, its nowhere near as great as it was. I do recommend using a throwing build with Ivara, much fun indeed, though you may want to slow your projectile speed down as much as you can for control-ability, so spoiled strike and no fury should help (I think)

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yes its very annoying trow over hand.... i like old trow much more


Both backhand and forehand throw animations are now doable depending on which moment in combo you hold attack.


I don't like initial swing in both thrown weapons and Redeemer gunblade, I hope DE will finally fix this especially it used to work at least in full stance.

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I'm not surprised. Thrown melees still have the "you can't catch me" orbit issue that is probably a year old by now. 


Pretty sure that's caused by a projectile speed that's too high.....it might help if you take off whirlwind but yeah it's still an issue.


spoiled strike and no fury should help (I think)


No, unless they added something recently there's no way to slow the flight speed, but whirlwind and the kestrel augment speed it up


yo, they buffed the throw speed or something, my glaive now throws in 0.9 seconds when it used to take 1.5


Yeah, that's great, but it would throw even FASTER (like it should) if instead of hitting the air in front of us before throwing we throw our boomerangs like competent space ninjas.

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