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[Poll] Are Sorties Worth It?


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Wow. I must say I am very surprised that when I voted, only 9% agree with me that sorties are worth it.  


RNG or not, any chance of getting my hands on a Legendary Core to max good Prime mod is more then a good reward in my book.


Being MR21 and 1600+ hours in Warframe, sorties are fairly easy for me.  Maybe I enjoy them because I don't mind a chance at a Legendary Core and I feel that it is just another daily that only takes about 40 minutes max?

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A somewhat different view from a solo player who hasn't played raids or conclave but dived into the sorties:


As a solo player these sorties are a chance for me to play with random players with their high level different warframes. I'm totally in awe when I see e.g. a Mirage in full swing. Even though I have all warframes except Nezha (yet), I haven't spent time to really get to know most of my warframes very well apart from leveling to 30. Not much experiece at team as well up till now.


These sorties made me go back and start playing mag prime, mirage and other frames again that I've seen in action and really got my attention. Overall the sorties have motivated me to try to become more versatile in using more warframes and their special abilities. Very refreshing and I'm enjoying myself even though it will take forma and time to get up to speed.


The sortie rewards are a bad system and I'm looking forward to the new token replacement.

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No. I think it was a messed up move to hide the lens behind sorties and was really just a way for them to make quick plat and once you get your lens, there chance to get something good is nice but it's kind of demoralizing to get a lens at all, let alone lens you don't need and what not. You should be able to farm for a lens somewhere else. 

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sorties are nice because of the high level enemies right out of the gate and the constantly changing missions and levels

they are god awful for their rewards and the token system while an extremely nice idea will not change this


as far as I understand it and putting it bluntly

instead of someone tossing trash at you randomly after a nice long sortie like we have now

we'll get coins we can use in the vending machine which is full of...the same trash, only we get to pick whether we'd like used tissues or bent up soda cans


that all said, I hope the token system goes over well and DE uses it in other places in the game too

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I don't much care for their difficulty, I always finish them. Since they were introduced I've done all except one (wasn't near my PC that day) and for some reason I still expect a decent reward at the end and never get one. The rewards are not good enough, what am I supposed to do with Karak parts? Nobody wants them.


Well, I guess its time for me to eat crow. Just got this today.




Are they worth it? You tell me. lol

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Not typically worth it for the time investment, and a lot of the conditions/mission-types are irksome.  It's not "forever" in terms of time, but considering how luck can be with random groups it can wind up taking a huge chunk of play-time.  Then there's the whole resetting everyday thing, so, you kinda *have to* push on through these 3 possibly annoying missions by a deadline.  It's different from something like a syndicate mission where you'd still have progress if you did 2 and skipped the Survival one.  Then the end rewards are of course, random.


Even with a token system, I'm not sure how motivated I'd be to push on through all three missions on a regular basis.  It's not that tokens wouldn't be a better way to do it, it's just that with DE I have the feeling that a Dera part would be 100 tokens or something like that, and that I'd get 2 for completing all three or some such.  That sounds exaggerated, but it seems kinda par for a lot of the grind stuff we already have.  You have the person that gets all the new prime parts in a single evening with a handful of runs, and the person that's been trying for months to get one missing piece or who still hasn't completed the Brakk years later.


Assume they switch to a token system, and you *only* get tokens.  If you could get a legendary core after completing the 3-mission Sortie set religiously for 50 days, then would that seem worth it in terms of time?  The percentage chance most drops are locked behind makes me wary of tokens given their usual sense of balance.

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You guys talking about the token system know that in the Stream DE just talked about maybe having tokens for weapon and warframe parts and then keeping the cores, potatoes, and lenses as random drops without even a guarantee that anything other than tokens will drop right?


Instead of getting Karak Wraith barrels you'll be getting tokens to buy Karak Wraith barrels.


As far as worth it goes I think it mostly is. It's the only way of getting lenses other than plat, though maybe it's better to just try to get parts to sell for plat to buy greater lenses. People talk about them being lenses they don't want, but if you use a bunch of different Warframes and weapons you need a ton of lenses, especially if you want to use more than one focus tree. The chance at Exilus Adapters, potato BPs, and Legendary Cores for half an hour to forty minutes of work that isn't that difficult seems fine to me.

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Not in the current state. Go through melee only defense, then enhanced armor interception and, finally, eximus survival for another unairu lens?


I do have high expectations for the token system though. This means I can actually get the stuff I want, without relying on RNG. Which is actually kinda out-of-place, considering all the other content of the game relying on RNG, but whatever.

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Hello everyone, 


I've talked with a number of people about Sorties, their rewards, and the whole design behind the Sortie system. Many people have different opinions on the Sortie system, and I would like to take a large sample of the community and offer a simple Yes-No-Maybe question:


In your opinion: Are Sorties (currently, in Season 3,) worth completing for the rewards that are offered?



You may consider difficulty, time-requirements, RNG, or any other variables at your own discretion in your choice. If you would like to leave a post here with your thoughts on the topic, feel free!


As always, thank you for participating - I am incredibly interested in the results.



if i play sorties for fun "nearly" everything is ok, if i play sorties for what i "could" get out of it i have the feeling i should throw immediately my computer out of the window or should leave playing sorties and never touch it again ,-)


i welcome that there is a chance for newer players to get cash for this and that

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When ever there is no more than 1 timed mission (defense, survival etc.) and the restriction on last mission allows me to use either dagger(covert lethality) or rifle mods(artemis bow) I think they are worth it because you can solo them in ~30mins.


in short: yes if I can solo them quickly in "auto-pilot", otherwise no.

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Generally not, but I'll still do them if all 3 can be done moderately fast and doesn't depend on me being paired with good players. Endless with radiation proc is a big "nope" for me. No thanks to that Karak Wraith part I don't need, not gonna waste an hour on that. I'd rather do something enjoyable.

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Im voting no.


But honestly I only do them if there are no Endless Missions in the lineup.


I dont see the point in actually performing a challenging set of missions for the chance at one thing I may want.


Until the Token Reward system is implemented, Im going to leave sorties well enough alone.

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With the way things are going, the token system will be something like this:


You'll have to input tokens into a slot machine.

Get 10 tokens for a chance at a Karak/Dera part, although you could also get neurodes or common cores (x3) - weapon parts will be a 5% drop.

Get 25 tokens for a chance at a potato, lens, or Nehza part, although you could also get uncommon cores (x5) - lens will be a 5% drop, Nehza part will be 2% drop, potato will be 1%.

Get 100 tokens for a chance at a legendary core, although you could also get rare cores (x5) - legendary core will be 0.4% drop chance.


I could also see our tokens decaying like argon crystals, so if you want to amass lots of them, you'll have to do the sorties daily or lose your progress.


(Note: I have no inside information about what the token system will be like, I'm just musing on the subject.  I'm sure it can't possible end up being this bad....can it?)

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Mmm...going to have to say no.


The present season in particular. I think I've only done two or three these last couple of weeks. Mostly, it's simply not worth the trouble. Grineer spy missions are a poison pill. Enhanced armor missions are simply far more trouble than they're worth. Your fellow tenno usually can't find their backside with both hands, a map, and a GPS and actively make everything more difficult.


Yeah, have to say no.


The token system might change my mind a bit, but wouldn't touch the other problems above which would still make doing sorties problematic outside of pre-made groups.  

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