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High Level Tenno Nukers, Why Are You Playing In Public?


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Came here to vent. Apologies.


I have been playing for quite a while now but I still get irritated every time I am in a low-level public mission then someone decides to pop in with their shiny [insert what you think is an OP Warframe here]. Fully pimped, going in one room to the next melting, squishing, and maiming everything (EVERYTHING!) on their path.


Bro! Why are you even in public? With your load out, you already decided that you want to kill all of them by yourself anyway...


Edit: I know the purpose of damage dealers in high level public. In fact I love you guys when you are there. I just wanted to point out that my frustrations are based on high-level player nukers who join low-level missions when they can solo it. Mental note: make title clearer next time.


Now I do ask why I always have to pull a level 4 player through the hardest sortie missions every day, doing practically NO damage, no kills and needs to be revived every single minute being a high risk for all others ?


In yesterday´s excavation we had a player like this, he finished with toadally awesome 25 kills where I had roughly 600 ?


What I want to say - why are you complaining about high level players on the one side when you need them on the other ?


And always remember to check these high level players gear in the lowlevel missions - maybe he is levelling a new weapon or whatever ? Playing Apollodorus with four people does spawn way more enemies than doing it alone, for example.


So you see, sometimes there might be a reason behind doing something.

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In few cases I think it could fall under high rank players doing these missions for their own reasons, but forgot to switch themselves to solo. So they get dropped in a pub mission, can't be arsed to quit and set to solo or wait for the new players to slug through the mission and they just go at it to get the mission out of their hair. 

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The only time I deliberately go public on low level nodes is the endless ones. I like to see how long the new players are willing to go with me, and if they stick it out long enough and are trying to pull their weight they end up on my friends list. I don't go out of my way to obliterate everything I see straight out of the gate, but when they start struggling I unleash everything I have at my disposal. If they go down, I do my best to pick them back up. Team play, even after the point that their damage output becomes laughable compared to the endurance of the enemy. It seems to be fun for them as well, or they are enjoying the free loot that rains down upon them along with all the delicious affinity. Either way, never had any complaints. Pug exterminates though? Nah. No point.

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Came here to vent. Apologies.


I have been playing for quite a while now but I still get irritated every time I am in a low-level public mission then someone decides to pop in with their shiny [insert what you think is an OP Warframe here]. Fully pimped, going in one room to the next melting, squishing, and maiming everything (EVERYTHING!) on their path.


Bro! Why are you even in public? With your load out, you already decided that you want to kill all of them by yourself anyway...


Edit: I know the purpose of damage dealers in high level public. In fact I love you guys when you are there. I just wanted to point out that my frustrations are based on high-level player nukers who join low-level missions when they can solo it. Mental note: make title clearer next time.


Are called Public because anyone can join them.

I may be one of these Nukers and I think I can actually help some lower players to achieve briefly the alert/mission of the moment.

Especially when there are some new players trying to farm something, I feel like I'm helping actually. There is so much grind in this game that some occasional speedup/boost won't hurt anybody, in my opinion.

I mean, I don't see anything wrong with that...and if someone wants to do these mission quietly...they can set to Invite/Friends/Solo too.

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How is that even a problem?

I mean, worst case scenario, low-level players will just have the mission handed to them on a platter. If you want to test your solo skills/teamwork with a friend - there are solo/friend only modes for that. 


And yeah, I sometimes enter low-level missions on potatoed/formaed frames with mods and guns to match. Mars Dark Sector comes to mind as an excellent source of Morphics/Gallium. Or maybe an occasional Jackal run when I want to help someone get their first Rhino. Oh, and I'm sure as hell guilty as charged for running low-level Spy missions - I mean, Ivara drop tables... Ugh.


So yeah, players with good equipment sometimes run stuff that is not a Sortie or t4 void endless or a raid. But 


a) no harm done

b) solo/friend only option takes care of that in two clicks.

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Came here to vent. Apologies.


I have been playing for quite a while now but I still get irritated every time I am in a low-level public mission then someone decides to pop in with their shiny [insert what you think is an OP Warframe here]. Fully pimped, going in one room to the next melting, squishing, and maiming everything (EVERYTHING!) on their path.


Bro! Why are you even in public? With your load out, you already decided that you want to kill all of them by yourself anyway...


Edit: I know the purpose of damage dealers in high level public. In fact I love you guys when you are there. I just wanted to point out that my frustrations are based on high-level player nukers who join low-level missions when they can solo it. Mental note: make title clearer next time.


It's complicated, the answer to this question.


My guess is they're leveling their focus points.  It's not 100% the player's fault, that DE made it so that we get more focus points by making "kills" with certain frames with lenses equipped.  It's another case of players trying to maximize their time played vs. progression.  The same players won't join solo missions, because there are less spawns.


I get it though.  It's not really fun at all following someone room to room and not doing any damage or having nothing left to kill, etc.


It's a catch 22 really...  In public games with randoms I pretty much expect people to play with a "anything goes" mentality, so if I find I'm in a group with players that annoy me I'll just leave the squad at the end of the match.


I'm not going to be a jerk and tell you to solo, but I will say that if you're not having fun in games with randoms, it's probably a good idea to find a clan with like minded players. 

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I don't know, because I can? because I need a specific resource? because there's an alert on that planet? because I want to help out newbies? There are several reasons, also soloing ir boring. If you don't like it, I think you are the one that should play solo, or go to the chat and recruit your own team.

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If somebody would be complaining about me being Apollodorus to get some levels order to start an alert completion spree to fully level up the thing what I haven't leveled up completely yet. I think it is safe to say that I am not in the mood to have Stalker coming after me.

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Some People are there for the Alert reward and will run the mission as fast as possible.

Some People are there to level there Gear/Frames.


In any case it's a PUG, four random people in a mission, some times its a good experience , sometimes not.

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Because its a Multi player online game



He's in public because he can...?

I mean you could go into solo just as easily as he can so...


MR2 enters mission in public, he does not have the gear to solo it.

MR21 enters mission in public, blasts through it ruining the fun for new players although he can perfectly do it solo.


Do you see the difference? New players do not affect or help the veteran, it literally makes no difference, hence the only reason a veteran would blast through low level missions on public would be to show off, to basically be a $&*^.

Your argument is invalid.

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MR2 enters mission in public, he does not have the gear to solo it.

MR21 enters mission in public, blasts through it ruining the fun for new players although he can perfectly do it solo.

Do you see the difference? New players do not affect or help the veteran, it literally makes no difference, hence the only reason a veteran would blast through low level missions on public would be to show off, to basically be a $&*^.

Your argument is invalid.

You would have a point... If I didn't regularly carry low MRs through Sorties and other high level content they shouldn't even be attempting, even Raids. If I have to put up with them dying every minute in a Sortie or Raid and risk losing to continually revive them, then they can handle me using the extra players in game that they provide, to farm Neural Sensors more effectively. I doubt they were complaining too strongly after being carried through 35 waves of Io and having Vulpine Mask drop for them all. In fact I recall them thanking me for the game. Edited by Zilchy
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I would normally ignore this kind of stuff since I consider it whining.


If I'm in a low level map, chances are it's either because there's a drop I want peculiar to that map/faction, or I'm there because of forma releveling.


Now, I don't normally bring warframes to these maps that are geared for mass destruction. I don't favor those 'frames to begin with (I like shooting stuff) and much prefer playing support/control 'frames. I do use Valkyr a lot to level weapons, but mostly that's because a) I like her, and b) she has some recourse if that quicky Apollodorus run morphed into an hour plus marathon (it does happen on occasion).


Fact it, I'm probably going to out kill you if you're a new player simply because I know the map, know how the enemies behave, and just plain have more experience shooting stuff in the game. Just the way of it. There's no kill stealing in this game for two reasons: a) shared experience, b) if it was your kill, you'd have killed it.


Why not do it solo? Sometimes I do, but often it's just because it's a multiplayer game and I like seeing other players around me--as long as they aren't being total jackhats. Even a fair degree of that it tolerable and I know where the quit button is if it's not.


So, yeah. If I'm there it's for reasons that don't have anything to do with the other players there and chances are I'm planning on leaving fairly soon. However, I would encourage people to ask questions if you see something that confuses or interests you. Veteran players are a resource newcomers really should take advantage of when you see them.

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You would have a point... If I didn't regularly carry low MRs through Sorties and other high level content they shouldn't even be attempting, even Raids. If I have to put up with them dying every minute in a Sortie or Raid and risk losing to continually revive them, then they can handle me using the extra players in game that they provide, to farm Neural Sensors more effectively. I doubt they were complaining too strongly after being carried through 35 waves of Io and having Vulpine Mask drop for them all. In fact I recall them thanking me for the game.

Ran into a low MR on a PUB Sortie the other day and they kept dying. After much conversation, it came about that they felt they were up to the callable because they had been shown the game to be too easy.

Basically, they thought they were ready because they'd seen other people blasting away the enemies with ease and they didn't know about modding nor have the correct mods in the first place.

Plowing through low level content is giving some new players the wrong idea that everything in game is stupid easy.

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Ran into a low MR on a PUB Sortie the other day and they kept dying. After much conversation, it came about that they felt they were up to the callable because they had been shown the game to be too easy.

Basically, they thought they were ready because they'd seen other people blasting away the enemies with ease and they didn't know about modding nor have the correct mods in the first place.

Plowing through low level content is giving some new players the wrong idea that everything in game is stupid easy.

Unfortunately most of them are too impatient regardless, I've seen tons of MR15+ who have no idea how to play and have power levelled their way in the game. They don't have maxed mods or weaponry etc and little idea how to play each frame.

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Ran into a low MR on a PUB Sortie the other day and they kept dying. After much conversation, it came about that they felt they were up to the callable because they had been shown the game to be too easy.

Basically, they thought they were ready because they'd seen other people blasting away the enemies with ease and they didn't know about modding nor have the correct mods in the first place.

Plowing through low level content is giving some new players the wrong idea that everything in game is stupid easy.


Oh man...  I played the first 20-30 hours or so not knowing there was modding menu..   Was funny back then.  XD

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As a high level player i apologize for the frustration you are experiencing and understand why this is upsetting. Now while the previous statements about "speed running" and "farming" and such are more than true. This is something that can't be helped and is somewhat rude to tell all high level players to just not play in public. All i can really say is ither A: Find a group of people that you play with dedicated-ly B: Leave the mission when this bothers you, rejoin and hope for a different group. C: Deal with it (i know it's not really an option sorry >.<) Or D: solo everything yourself.

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As a high level player i apologize for the frustration you are experiencing and understand why this is upsetting. Now while the previous statements about "speed running" and "farming" and such are more than true. This is something that can't be helped and is somewhat rude to tell all high level players to just not play in public. All i can really say is ither A: Find a group of people that you play with dedicated-ly B: Leave the mission when this bothers you, rejoin and hope for a different group. C: Deal with it (i know it's not really an option sorry >.<) Or D: solo everything yourself.

Why isn't "make a team to farm and try to avoid using PUG as loot fluff" not listed?

Both parties could try being considerate of each other. :x

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Why isn't "make a team to farm and try to avoid using PUG as loot fluff" not listed?

Both parties could try being considerate of each other. :x

Because the nukers aren't the ones complaining. And I don't see how it is possible to tell every nuker to play differently just because someone doesn't like their perfectly legal gameplay.

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