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Operation: Shadow Debt Post 18.4.3 Feedback [Megathread]


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They should stop farmfest events... fomorian, acolytes, this is all about... farmfest...


Something in the likes of milestones would be better (75%, 50%, 25%, Kill) rewarding all players that fought them in the first place... that way, people would do so everyone gets some...


Farmfests on the other hand are all for selfish persons... they farm them to death, leaving nothing to people who couldn't even make it to the event...*

Dude, this is a "Acquire loot" type of game. Farming IS a big part of it.


Less farm = less reason to play


* Those get the "Burn Out Syndrome" along with Stress. I'm going after an Acolye, but I'm not going to stress myself in getting event mods because I learned my lesson the hard way:


Games are for my pleasure, the moment it becomes a chore, it loses it's purpose.

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What's wrong with this event?

4 quests give good rewards. 2 of them great resource chances. (Neurodes!)

The mods that drop that are common/uncommon are actually quite useful. Body Count. <3

The only problem I have is how they do distribute the search. I know it's to slow down the event for all, but what's the point of having them have location timers? Lol

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Dude, this is a "Acquire loot" type of game. Farming IS a big part of it.


Less farm = less reason to play


* Those get the "Burn Out Syndrome" along with Stress. I'm going after an Acolye, but I'm not going to stress myself in getting event mods because I learned my lesson the hard way:


Games are for my pleasure, the moment it becomes a chore, it loses it's purpose.

Amen Brother!

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Dude, this is a "Acquire loot" type of game. Farming IS a big part of it.


Less farm = less reason to play


* Those get the "Burn Out Syndrome" along with Stress. I'm going after an Acolye, but I'm not going to stress myself in getting event mods because I learned my lesson the hard way:


Games are for my pleasure, the moment it becomes a chore, it loses it's purpose.


And yet, this is a multiplayer game, with a community of tennos... people just farm for themselves and forget the rest of the community...

If everyone got some by everyone doing that... people would play so everyone (including them) gets the mods... 


Maybe, making it a mix...


Guaranteed rewards for all if milestones are hit, while allowing for drop chances...


If a Fomorian would grant the imperator vandal and large sums of cores depending on how fast it were taken down + lesser individual rewards... don't you think it would balance out and yet, everyone would end up winning? 

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So since we don't have this on console yet, can one of you fine PC folks put it into perspective for us? My only real relate-able instance are the Formorian alerts. I still have yet to get an Imperator Vandal receiver. It has been on twice since I started playing, I have run it tons of times each time, not to mention the time spent farming for the stupid Isotopes just to be able to run it. Have tons of R5 cores and multiples of bp and barrel.  I find this kind of repetition for an event to be counterproductive. While I don't mind running something multiple times during a community event, to go through an entire event twice and still come out without the complete weapon which is what I would consider the main drop for the event, is to say the least, annoying. 


From what I have read here, this kind of falls into the same category. I get that the mods everyone is looking for are rare drops, but the effort needed to get them seems a tad excessive on top of time consuming. Is that the point of contention? Time put in > than reward received? I use the time only because I saw someone state they felt it was unfair for the casual players or players who just don't have a lot of time to farm something over and over. I assume that would be quite a few people where jobs, school, family all reduce the number of hours you can spend playing. 

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And yet, this is a multiplayer game, with a community of tennos... people just farm for themselves and forget the rest of the community...*

If everyone got some by everyone doing that... people would play so everyone (including them) gets the mods... 


Maybe, making it a mix...


**Guaranteed rewards for all if milestones are hit, while allowing for drop chances...


***If a Fomorian would grant the imperator vandal and large sums of cores depending on how fast it were taken down + lesser individual rewards... don't you think it would balance out and yet, everyone would end up winning? 

*I cant believe I just read that. You are saying people should stop playing because others cant get what they are getting, sorry for this but: I want to play this game, I will play it.


** No. Would not work: Why give those mods AND add drop chances for them on top of that? Most players would just stop when the get the "milestone" they want. All events were made to encourage the players play it, this idea would take away that.


*** Has nothing to do with the topic, but I will answer anyways. The Fomorians are like alerts now, they were implemented into the game, you have 3 motivations to play those alerts: Cores, keeping the Relays up and, of course, the Imperandal.


As I said before, this is a game made in a "Aquire Loot" mindset, those who dedicate themselves in it will get what they want, those who dont are less likely. Now, I will agree on the drop chance of the Receiver being low, but then I rememeber: You just need to disrupt the core and leave, no need to damage it to get a reward. Its not a fair drop chance, but considering the low effort to get those rewards in the mission... It would mean low effort with big rewards.


Should the Fomorian Sabotage change to be more challenging and has more rewards aside from Cores and Parts, I would add the Imperandal parts as a separete reward from the rest, but as of right now...

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Stayed up for 10 hours last night grinding Angst for one rare mod. From 7 PM when I finished dinner and realized "Oh S#&$, she's down to 6% health!" to 5 AM when I just stopped. I completely gave up. You win, DE. Keep your mods, I don't want them. I'll play the last stage to get my Vulkar and skin and help my clan get a gold statue, but that's it. This isn't how an event should be. You can't honestly expect me to do this again for Violence and Malice?




I'm no longer playing RNG content. If this means the only way I play Warframe is by logging in and getting my login reward, so be it.

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So since we don't have this on console yet, can one of you fine PC folks put it into perspective for us? My only real relate-able instance are the Formorian alerts. I still have yet to get an Imperator Vandal receiver. It has been on twice since I started playing, I have run it tons of times each time, not to mention the time spent farming for the stupid Isotopes just to be able to run it. Have tons of R5 cores and multiples of bp and barrel.  I find this kind of repetition for an event to be counterproductive. While I don't mind running something multiple times during a community event, to go through an entire event twice and still come out without the complete weapon which is what I would consider the main drop for the event, is to say the least, annoying. 


From what I have read here, this kind of falls into the same category. I get that the mods everyone is looking for are rare drops, but the effort needed to get them seems a tad excessive on top of time consuming. Is that the point of contention? Time put in > than reward received? I use the time only because I saw someone state they felt it was unfair for the casual players or players who just don't have a lot of time to farm something over and over. I assume that would be quite a few people where jobs, school, family all reduce the number of hours you can spend playing. 

Once you see the potential of mods and know which one drops you will go crazy for it. That would make you go only for it. That's what happened to Torment as he was defeated before any other ones even came close to death. That basically makes this as a race against other tenno and when drop is as bad as 1.033% and people rage hard, So you can have a guess of how it's gonna be.

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