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High Damage



Enemies have very high damage and I want to know what is someone supposed to do about this I am playing with excalibur and I am getting alot of damage from the enemies like 2 shots kill I am not a noob or something but this is frustrating how do guys survive

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Are you fighting enemies that are too high leveled for you? Like Tower 3 Void? Or maybe Ceres?


Anyway, if you want to survive, you have to hunt for mods. EHP mods like Redirection (Gives you more shielding) and Vitality (Gives you more Health). 


You also want to get base damage mods and elemental mods to help out with said enemies that can 2 shot you.

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Warframe thrives on the concept of "a good defense, is a better offense".

Killing mobs before they have a chance to damage you.

Mobility and awareness are more important than how much damage you can take.


As a new player, it's typically advised that you get Rhino for his iron skin. This will give you a solid defense for a large portion of the early game-play. Without having to fuse up a vitality or redirection. (and the costs associated with doing so)


A good buffer while you gather mods and resources to flesh out your arsenal.

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the art of shooters video games= use the environment as your cover.


 in warframes case you should practice your cc and eluding skills before your offensive skill and keep moving around don't stay stationary.


 use whatever tools you have at your advantage recklessness is a no-no. practice precision and efficiency with and without mods or top tier weapons you'll get an overall understanding of your power and limitations.

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I am not saying that I don't have good weapons or mods I have some pretty high damage weapons and I am crafting better I also have mods like vitality redirection and vigor but it's still 2 hits kill 


What level enemies are you exactly facing OP?


Grineer have hitscan weapons and can easily drain your HP even if you keep on the move.


You could have gotten hit by a Ballista or Nullifier, both do heavy damage.


Needless to say when you get to enemy levels 70+ you will very likely be 2 shotted no matter what mods you run (Save for things like quick thinking and REALLY tanky frames like Valkyr)

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What level enemies are you exactly facing OP?


Grineer have hitscan weapons and can easily drain your HP even if you keep on the move.


You could have gotten hit by a Ballista or Nullifier, both do heavy damage.


Needless to say when you get to enemy levels 70+ you will very likely be 2 shotted no matter what mods you run (Save for things like quick thinking and REALLY tanky frames like Valkyr)

when I go to phobos it's fairly easy but ceres pluto and uranus is too hard

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when I go to phobos it's fairly easy but ceres pluto and uranus is too hard


Ceres, Pluto and Uranus are meant to be harder by default, Hence why they are towards the end of the Star chart, Even players who have experience can be downed pretty quickly on those planets if they don't pay attention and make use of the cover.


Two of them are also Grineer who have hit scan weapons which seem to slash proc you every second.

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Ceres, Pluto and Uranus are meant to be harder by default, Hence why they are towards the end of the Star chart, Even players who have experience can be downed pretty quickly on those planets if they don't pay attention and make use of the cover.


Two of them are also Grineer who have hit scan weapons which seem to slash proc you every second.

so even experienced players get killed easily too?

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If you get seen by a Ballista on Ceres, you are probably gonna die instantly unless you run a stealth frame or something that's got decent HP and/or shields.

so that's why people get loki luckily enough i am crafting him now 22 hours left so they get a stealth frame like loki and silent or high damage weapons and boom

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pluto is fine as long as you keep moving, but keep a fair distance when you kill detron crewmen, (white and gray suit) a few quick shots from their gun at close range can ruin your day, even if you get tanky like valkyr, saryn, chroma, etc.

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Have you read a guide?  For a game about putting bullets through skulls, Warframe has a bizarre amount of depth.  


This game is a brutal bloodfest on the new players, especially if you're stuck solo.  I wasn't able to take on level 16+ enemies until I was MR4 with a catalyst on a gun.  T3 void missions were impossible to reasonably succeed at until I was around MR9.


Warframe is not easy, it BECOMES EASY, after you've got Streamline/Fleeting giving you 75% efficiency, Rank 6 or 7 Redirection and Vitality, Intensify and Blind Rage or Transient Fortitude, possibly all three, and reactors on all your main frames, and catalysts on all your main weapons.

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It may be worth running missions in random groups (or asking in the recruitment channel) to see how other people play.  As the above have said, in those missions there are long range hitscan enemies that can one-shot a tank, let alone a balanced excalibur.   (Holy wars about good/bad frames not welcome here)


I run using frost (1500+ shields) for most missions on those plaents and can still be 2 shot on those missions.  It's even worse in the sorties, where blue globes can kill you with 2 pulses from the other side of a wall.


Warframe is quite involved, and just running blindly towards people firing works well at low levels - not so well at higher levels.  We're supposed to be ninja, so use the terrain and speed to do things.  You will also find (or at least I do) that using one of the enemy detect mods will help a lot - since you will know if death awaits through the next doorway.  Take things slowly to learn the tilesets (e.g. on a corpus lift, I know what will be the other side of the door when it opens) - speed will come with practice.


It would be a good idea to look through the forums (and other websites) for builds for excaliber, you may find that you're missing something.  (Or even post your build in here for people that know more about that frame than me to comment on).



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Well some mobs do like to one/two shot you but most of the time they are avoidable. The only time I go down is when I get a text and I stop paying attention to the game.


Generally how I fight is taking damage is pretty much optional unless you get lazy and think you can survive the hit.


Ways to avoid damage, use cover(best tactic on ext where people dont shoot you in the back). Run/Jump/Roll around its harder for them to hit you and you take way less damage all you have to do is learn how to shoot while doing this(should be simple enough). Use CC abilities(most common), alot of abilities, Rhino stomp, vauban Bastille+Vortex, Nyx chaos are good examples of removing aggro or just stun locking whole rooms. Another way is to kill without being seen. They cant kill you if they cant see you so Exalted excal, Polarizing Mag and any others with a number 4 skill that does damage. Loki can also be amazing at avoiding damage, with basically perma invisibility and hushed invisibility augment you can use your guns all you want and they wont be alerted, caution if you play with people because you could get caught in the crossfire. You can also build loki to disarm people and he has enough range that you can make sure mobs never even take a shot at you and all you have to do is doge a few people with sticks while you kill them.

Last but not least if all the above is way too complicated then you can always cop-out and just play Valkyr and have god mode.    

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Its relative but yes, anyone can be killed fast by snipers at higher levels.   What higher levels means depends on gear and experience, but when the enemy reach about level 50-75 even top players can't take too many hits.   You know how you can hit the bad guys for 30k, 50k, whatever damage with your sniper rifle or bow?   They can't quite do that, but they can certainly ruin your day.

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What level are your Redirection/Vitality/Steel Fiber? If your level is anything to go by, I would assume that they are no higher than R5. You will want to max these out soon so that you can maximise defence. But honestly, past a certain point, durability takes second place to utility and mobility.

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Survivability with Excalibur is easy mate but it requires some decent mods maxed out. Until you have then make good use of cover and know what you can survive, choose your engagements wisely and use Radial Blind for defense. Steel fiber is very useful but I prefer using P Flow/Flow, Quick Thinking, Rage plus lifestrike on my melee. Keep Exalted Blade activated whenever you need to defend, I'm not saying spam the ability but using it gives you about a 70% damage reduction passive block for any incoming fire in front of you, just watch out for rockets etc behind you. With those mods the procedure is simple, keep Exalted Blade active and use Radial Blind for defense and to make killing easier.

You shouldn't run out of energy if you occasionally allow a less dangerous enemy to hit you(lancers, normal troops etc). Quick Thinking will sap energy to keep you alive and you'll regain it through Rage. Then simply focus your melee and regain your health with Lifestrike. Once you get used to doing this and using Radial Blind often, you will find surviving is not difficult.

Edited by Zilchy
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