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Coming Soon: Devstream #68


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Can we be expecting any colourblindness changes in the near future. Its something that I've been pushing for for a long time, and it doesn't seem, at least from the outside, that anything is really being done to try and improve the experience for those that suffer from colourblindness. Is there anything currently in the works, or is it something that you are actively looking at trying to improve.


Relevant Forum Thread: https://forums.warfr...-personal-view/

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I'm curious [suddenly] about one thing which is environment/weather system:

Sometimes we can see the rain on Ceres, sometimes we can't. Sometimes you're adding the fog in Sortie, TA and other special missions. I remember you mentioned you'd like to see various environmental hazards, like sandstorm on Phobos and so. While these possible environmental hazards are awesome, i think it would be good to see different weather w/o dangerous conditions as well, like:

Snowfall / winter storms in Tundra tilesets;

Fog and rain on Earth / in Jungles;



Not sure if it's even possible to implement real-time weather changes in WF, but it could be done like Day/Night cycles and it would make the game very immersive with little details like these.

Have you, guys, thought about this?

Edited by Thundervision
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ETA on EU-East/West servers? 


Every time I'm playing Sorties I end up with Russians and it's hard to communicate with them since I don't know Russian and they don't want (or know how) to speak English. An ETA would be much appreciated!

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I have just remembered that I wanted to write about this...


Wiki, as an external thing to the game, managed by somebody else than a developer, should not be the only source of "sufficient information". This also applies to the lore; even when you introduce some new elements into the lore they are usually not black and white (we have no idea what have we seen or what some things means, even after the reveals).


Do you intend to try to somehow make the game more self-contained when it comes to help and tutorial systems, as well as when it comes to lore?

I know that this has a huge impact on new players, especially if they are not able to easily establish contact with the community or get used to the wiki use.

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