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Attacks From Fellow Tenno


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Troll them until you can no longer troll anymore...and then dig deep and push out a few extra troll reps.


A player is bothering you in a survival? Use up all the life support caps when things start to get tough. Screw up the enemy spawns so that life support is short. T-Bag them every time they fall and at the last second before they die...simply walk away (preferably in a crouching position while moving very slowly). You can always blame it on lag *wink wink hint hint*.


Playing as Frost in a Defense? Place your globes ALL around the map or simply don't place any at all!


It sounds childish...I know. But you will NEVER get rid of those with a terrible attitude. So if you can't get rid of them, why not at least have a little fun watching them squirm, kick and scream? If anything it's certainly a good laugh on youtube.


But in all seriousness, don't fret too much about what others think. You play the way you want to play.

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Nah, not this time, I dont believe you, not 1 point.


Ive been playing since pre U5 and I havent met a single person who said any of those things to me or my squadmates. Maybe some of those happened to you, like a choice of a frame in a raid, but normal pubs? Nobody ever cares about your weapon choices, frame choices or, lol, frame colors.


These threads always pop up from time to time, I mean really, I've been playing for 3? years now and I didnt experience a single thing you described in the entire thread.



For some reasons... In my 1.5k hours in Warframe, I never experienced the complains that OP stated...


same, seems exaggerated

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Troll them until you can no longer troll anymore...and then dig deep and push out a few extra troll reps.


A player is bothering you in a survival? Use up all the life support caps when things start to get tough. Screw up the enemy spawns so that life support is short. T-Bag them every time they fall and at the last second before they die...simply walk away (preferably in a crouching position while moving very slowly). You can always blame it on lag *wink wink hint hint*.


Playing as Frost in a Defense? Place your globes ALL around the map or simply don't place any at all!


It sounds childish...I know. But you will NEVER get rid of those with a terrible attitude. So if you can't get rid of them, why not at least have a little fun watching them squirm, kick and scream? If anything it's certainly a good laugh on youtube.


But in all seriousness, don't fret too much about what others think. You play the way you want to play.


While fun for you, chances are people like that would report you. And that may or may not end well....


I would do it though. 'Cause YOLO.

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Just block out voice chat. Problem solved.

Also OP if you want to know toxic just mention being female and see all the pigs come out of the wood work. Racism and similar comments I've seen come up as well.

Thankfully ignoring and reporting is super simple on any platform.

Also this is a general issue in online gaming and not restricted to one platform or game.

Edited by Sapphic-Sandra
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Squad member says "You do know it take energy for me to use my Effigy, right?"


Me:  Yup.  I'm just here for oxium.

Me: (again) I can tone it down if you want though.

Him:  I'm leaving.  If you don't know how Chroma works, I don't want to be in a squad with you.


A secondary tidbit about Effigy is that when it kills things, extra credits are dropped. But I'm going to side with you a bit due to the fact that it's more optimal to use Effigy in an infested mission, since they run to you, as opposed to a corpus mission. Maybe your squad mate wanted more credits from the Effigy kills.

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What I am amazed of is my god-like luck that I do not seem to run into these players at all. I hear loads of stories like yours, but for some odd reason I have never but once experienced anyone complaining to me about my choices. And I can not help but wonder, why there is such a huge gap of experiences? Surely they must be more common when so many have experienced it and yet, you'd also think I would have seen them too at this point. I find myself confused.

Though I do agree that I do wish we maintain a good, productive and a welcoming community that isn't there to throw around demands or slurs to someone else and for what reason? What I would ask from those players is, what is it that they hope to achieve with their obnoxious behavior? And what would they say if someone else was saying the same things about them? Would they then find it objectionable?

Honestly though for as long as you can maintain your own higher standards and keep having a bit more mature attitude towards the game and of others behaviors, I do not think you'll have much trouble in Warframe (or life in general). Just know that there will always be someone who will hate you for whatever reason (dislike, jealousy etc.) and that you can never please everyone. The best you can do for yourself is to follow the way you were raised to behave and not break your boundaries and standards so that in the end of the day, you can still go to look at yourself from the mirror and know that you were the bigger and better person there.

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I'm playing every day and i do not meet harassers often, in fact they are quiet rare for me. I guess you are just unlucky.

I play Rhino with Vaykor Hek and no one seems to complain... Maybe i'm not playing places where people would care. It gets job done in sorties, and everyone's happy there.

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Also, for me and I believe for many others WF is 99% positive experience.


And as far as I'm concerned, I'm annoyed at draco leechers who come there unprepared with single unleveled gun obviously planning to tag along the others. Sometimes draco noobs prevail and whole team loses game. That's when I'm really pissed and can direct several remarks, nothing insulting thou - "draco is no place for newbies" or "bring at least one proper weapon", which is totally justified.

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It seems to me the time of day and server makes a difference. There is a good amount of toxicity lately but you get that everywhere. I had to listen to ppl calling my Excalibur decor awful, and was a poor piece of trash Friday on the relay. Despite rocking proto armor, Pakal set, poor really with a 800 plat set? I didn't even say a word, just tried to get my new daily simaris target.

Region, Relay chat can both be quite toxic. In game it's not as bad, most toxicity comes from streamers. Had a guy playing playing Rhino on a Corpus Sortie 3 def yelling I was ruining his noob teaching stream bc I had 300 kills compared to his 8. Why he was teaching noobs on Sortie was beyond me..

All you can do is mute/ignore, and report if it's actually really horrible. Don't let it bum u out.

Edited by (PS4)GbHaseo
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"If a problem does not have a solution, maybe it is not a problem, but a fact, to be dealt with over time."

-Some government official in Isreal whose name I can't remember

There will always be salty players and noobs and leachers and edgelords. There's nothing you can do to make them go away. So use recruiting chat, play with your clanmates, get your irl friends ingame and skype with them, or go solo. If you don't like a player, leave the squad. If they leave because they hate your guts, great. Move on.

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One of the only areas where someone should be dictating loadouts is the raid. They require a well balanced team and most groups will require you to change to a suitable frame or wep.

I refuse to let the inside stike team for Jordas Verdict use Sonicors or Simulors as the Nerves will glitch if it gets hit by one.

I actually disagree with the needing certain frames and weapons(if it glitches the mission I understand not letting them use that) but if a player is good enough the can do it, but certain frames make it easier(it's the host's decision anyways)

And OP I say report them when needed, ignore when needed, and show them up every time, do so well in the mission they can't talk bad, if it's a survival don't go down till 20 minutes after them, spy missions speed run the vaults, if it's the void radiation proc yourself with a laser and kill them(so much fun).

Basically beat them at everything, laugh, and go on with your life

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Just ignore them :)

This is ignorant bliss right here, nothing wrong at all with just ignoring them or reporting them if they really bug you. Trust me your life is way better suited for people who actually care than wasting it on the ones who do not no matter how much it may bug us. Also if it really dose bug you you can always try to find new ways to counter such jerks in the future for future games, that could help millions if you do it right. IF.

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Also, for me and I believe for many others WF is 99% positive experience.


And as far as I'm concerned, I'm annoyed at draco leechers who come there unprepared with single unleveled gun obviously planning to tag along the others. Sometimes draco noobs prevail and whole team loses game. That's when I'm really pissed and can direct several remarks, nothing insulting thou - "draco is no place for newbies" or "bring at least one proper weapon", which is totally justified.



99.9% of all my negative experiences in warframe have been in draco.

If I didn't have to run it here and there to quickly lvl something up for a sortie or such I would never go there.


people take farming waaaaay to seriously.

Probably 1 in ever 3 games on there and you'll run into somebody who is just very angry at the world.


also I've gone there with people, including myself, with everything unranked except a secondary and did just fine. You totally can win draco with unranked things. 

correct me if I'm wrong because I usually never ever farm, but isn't that the whole purpose of draco?

Edited by Atlas.0-5
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Nah, not this time, I dont believe you, not 1 point.


Ive been playing since pre U5 and I havent met a single person who said any of those things to me or my squadmates. Maybe some of those happened to you, like a choice of a frame in a raid, but normal pubs? Nobody ever cares about your weapon choices, frame choices or, lol, frame colors.


These threads always pop up from time to time, I mean really, I've been playing for 3? years now and I didnt experience a single thing you described in the entire thread.


And here we have the "Classic" I've never seen or heard it so it never happened to you. Such a cheap statement I really shouldn't even comment. 


 I have much better things to do than lie about it, no reason to drudge it up except for the deteriorating warframe in game community. I could screenshot every comment, harasser, etc.. that comes along to show you but again not worth it. I've been playing for near as long as you and I'm sorry but no, I'm not the one lying here, you are. I don't believe for ONE single moment you haven't experienced this. 


Back to  the "Classic" I've never seen or heard it so it never happened to you. 


Which in case could apply to me now, BUT I can provide proof this happens if need be, can you provide proof it doesn't?

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surprised this isn't locked since it's to do with Toxicity.


1. people may complain about your weapon choice for 2 reasons; you're either A, not killing stuff because your weapons aren't killing stuff, or B: you're killing a lot of stuff and they aren't getting a look in, so they will complain about it. don't let this dictate what you use, especially if it's a weapon you like very much.


2. Loki is the best frame for Spy, or at least the one that you can get away with if you're not good at Spy missions, but saying no to frost is stupid. he's a great defensive frame, the only reason people might complain there is if you keep putting globes over entrances and stuff, which can irk people.


3. this one confuses me most; are we REALLY so petit as to judge people by their Warframes Colour? oh and yes, that includes the many of you who say red and Black is "Edgy" in a negative way.  I've seen plenty frames where I think "nah, doesn't look that good" but to them it does. anyone who is this petit deserves a landslide punch to the face.


4. definitely the most common one. it's amazing how much some people care about their stats at the end of a mission. don't get enough kills, they'll call you a leecher. get too many, they complain. don't even bother trying to find a grey area, it isn't worth it.


5. Lol, if they really cared that much about energy, they'd bring a Trinity. again, please radiation proc yourself and blast them with a Hek, they kinda deserve it.


thankfully, I haven't met many sour kids or other undesirables online, but I feel sorry for those who do.

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I actually had it happen to me last night during the Moblie Defense for the new rare resource. I brought in an Ash and kept using Bladestorm whenever there was a huge group of enemies to keep the point safe, and I didn't notice somebody was insulting me until one of my Clan mates said something in the chat. I look at the squad chat and one guy was just mad that I would kill enemies near the point. The other two players asked if they were mad, and one tried to remind him that it is a game and calm down.


Frankly I laughed because the point is to defend the unit from damage. The other player was playing hallway hero more than I (I would run out into a hallway, gather the drops, then run back into the room) and still got mad. I now see why some folks like trolling others in this game because some players can't relax and take the game for what it is and if somebody is killing more than they are, it isn't fair.

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