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What Do You Consider The Worst Frame In The Game?


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Nah banshee is decent,she can boost the s**t out of everyones damage potential,has some semi cc silence,a massive cc ult so shes pretty decent

Her ult obliterates energy, has a relatively short range, and makes Banshee immobile.

Silence has utility, but the CC portion is mediocre since it can't be recasted.

Banshee also has low health and shield.

Only her 1 and 2 are great.

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I can't believe this thread is still going.

It's going to keep going so long as people believe there is such as thing as bad vs good period end of story don't even omg and that others opinions don't matter so long as they can somehow prove their point lol


Look what you have started xD


My take on the topic is every frame is bad except the ones that shoot boltor primes and tonkors lasers out of their foreheads.

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It's going to keep going so long as people believe there is such as thing as bad vs good period end of story don't even omg and that others opinions don't matter so long as they can somehow prove their point lol


Look what you have started xD


My take on the topic is every frame is bad except the ones that shoot boltor primes and tonkors lasers out of their foreheads.

Agreed, there can only be one true Meta.

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It's terrible that Limbo gets so much hate. Floating in and out of the Cataclysm provides nigh invulnerability while all abilities will still work. If more people knew how the rift worked (or change the mechanic entirely) and maybe we had a command wheel, it might be a little better. Come to think of it a customizable command wheel would be real nice. We already have the groundwork. Just make it linked to chat or something.  Anyway I love using him for Corpus spy missions and I love his "persona," for a lack of better words. My least favorite would be Zephyr. That's only because some of her abilities aren't quite as useful with parkour 2.0. Too much energy for what little you get. When i first built her I was hoping for a more flight based frame. Still waiting on a weather based warframe.

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I think it's more terrible that for some reason every time someone explains why they think Limbo is bad, the people defending Limbo just magically assume no one else knows how to play Limbo or what he does like they're some supreme intelligent gods. 

Maybe, just maybe, people actually do know how to play Limbo which leads to their justification of him being bad. 

Limbo isn't hard to play, neither is Warframe overall. Assuming someone dislikes a frame because they don't know how to play it is just a cop out and an insult to them.

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Will it depends on what you mean by worst.


Personality my least favorite frames would be:


Loki and Ash.


Not because they are bad (They are really good frames to have) but because it takes all the what little hardness the game has away. Ash from my point of view is a press four to win frame. Gladly they are going to rework him soon.(Many people will not be happy with that though.)


Loki on the other hand is in the same bloat as Ash. Someone further up in this thread said he is an "Easy Mode Fame" and personality agree with them. I always saw invisibility little overpowered just because you can completely go through a mission without being detected. The only frame I see using invisibility correctly is Ivara because you are forced to go slow and sneak around and if you try to run the invisibility breaks. Anyway I'm done with my little rant that been done so many times over.


One more thing! Limbo isn't bad he is just a troll.



Edited by Elivil
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Loki on the other hand is in the same bloat as Ash. Someone further up in this thread said he is an "Easy Mode Fame" and personality agree with them. I always saw invisibility little overpowered just because you can completely go through a mission without being detected. The only frame I see using invisibility correctly is Ivara because you are forced to go slow and sneak around and if you try to run the invisibility breaks. Anyway I'm done with my little rant that been done so many times over.


Endgame, everything is easy and overpowered. If you have everything you want, there isn't any challenge left. That being said, Loki is a hard warframe. Why? Because I, personally, am a beginner. I play for less than 50 days. I only have the basic mods. No primed stuff, no corrupted stuff, not even some of the rarer stuff (got Streamline like a week ago). Because of this, Loki is a very challenging waframe to play and I only utilize him in high level spy missions in order to farm for Ivara.

Even so, invisibility is no longer OP when it lasts like 15 seconds and costs 50 energy. If you want challenge, artificially handicap yourself. Remove a couple of those 50000% whatever mods and see how the game treats you.

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It's going to keep going so long as people believe there is such as thing as bad vs good period end of story don't even omg and that others opinions don't matter so long as they can somehow prove their point lol


Look what you have started xD


My take on the topic is every frame is bad except the ones that shoot boltor primes and tonkors lasers out of their foreheads.


Well there are frames that are better than others.

All frames have the potential to be viable/decent, but not all have the potential to be good/top tier.

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It's terrible that Limbo gets so much hate. Floating in and out of the Cataclysm provides nigh invulnerability while all abilities will still work. If more people knew how the rift worked (or change the mechanic entirely) and maybe we had a command wheel, it might be a little better. Come to think of it a customizable command wheel would be real nice. We already have the groundwork. Just make it linked to chat or something.  Anyway I love using him for Corpus spy missions and I love his "persona," for a lack of better words. My least favorite would be Zephyr. That's only because some of her abilities aren't quite as useful with parkour 2.0. Too much energy for what little you get. When i first built her I was hoping for a more flight based frame. Still waiting on a weather based warframe.

Actually, when he first came out, I was a die hard supporter of Limbo. I tried everything, claiming there had to be something he was good at. I could work the rift near flawlessly (still maybe could, but I'd be rusty). Problem is, that's all he does, and he doesn't defend well, which is what he's supposed to be.

He's a defense frame that can't defend. He can capture and exterminate well, and he won't die in a survival, but his offerings to a team are lackluster.

And if you think he's so good, why are you afraid to let DE take a look at him? I'd love to see them make him as viable/strong for his role as they did to Excal and Valkyr.

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Actually, when he first came out, I was a die hard supporter of Limbo. I tried everything, claiming there had to be something he was good at. I could work the rift near flawlessly (still maybe could, but I'd be rusty). Problem is, that's all he does, and he doesn't defend well, which is what he's supposed to be.

He's a defense frame that can't defend. He can capture and exterminate well, and he won't die in a survival, but his offerings to a team are lackluster.

And if you think he's so good, why are you afraid to let DE take a look at him? I'd love to see them make him as viable/strong for his role as they did to Excal and Valkyr.

Best Rescue Frame NA/EU.

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In term of mechanics


He contains many many many outdated mechanics.

In term of feeling regards numbers and overall performance


In term of redundancy


Literally rhino mock up

In term of failed attempt


Revisited just made you press 1 less frequent than before that's it.

Toxin stacking is not exponential even there're many targets to bounce around.

No armor negation is the worst thing for dmg frame given that it has no high multiplier.

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She is still awesome, she is not a nuker anymore, but a HUGE AOE debuff frame, with correct damages and a STUN


Just build her max range first, and spread the debuff everywhere on the map.

But I want to melt faces off, not tickle there balls with my poisnous ones. It's personal preference I guess. I really did try to like her and the viral proc is nice but I just prefer old Saryn :/ 

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If they aren't good, they are bad.

It's that simple.

What if one option is so superior to other 4,5 or 6 options? I would say, in the case of a game, that this one option does way more damage, than the others.

Her ult obliterates energy, has a relatively short range, and makes Banshee immobile.

Silence has utility, but the CC portion is mediocre since it can't be recasted.

Banshee also has low health and shield.

Only her 1 and 2 are great.

You litteraly have no idea how to play with her, don't hate on something, that doesn't fit your playstyle.

As to her ult being bad... I don't know. Say that to the teams I carried through all those MD and Interception sorties.

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Limbo.... is complicated.  He needs very specific tools.  You should pretty much ALWAYS be running a redeemer with him.  Yes, really, autoknockdown from banish sets it up for its extremely fast and utterly insane ground finishers amazingly well.  It also uses no ammo.


Beyond that, you need some explosives.  Preferably something like a Tonkor, maybe with firestorm (whatever the +radius mod is).  Kohm works great too (or maybe Phage if you're scared of ammo management...).  You need this for his larger rift cast, and in conjunction wih rift surge, he can do some serious clearing duty even on larger groups of enemies.


Secondary weapon is up to you, but I would reccomend something with serious ammo efficiency and burst damage (if you ran with a Kohm-like primary) like Lex Prime or Rakta Ballistica, or something with a crapton of status and some spray, like a Tysis with punch through and high fire rate/clip size (if you ran with the Tonkor/etc).


Limbo is a sniper weapon... in frame format.  He should virtually ALWAYS be killing the high priority or extremely dangerous targets, and as such he needs serious burst damage.  The fact that he's stuck in the rift means he needs serious ammo efficiency as well, or a huras/shade to collect things outside of the rift safely.


Hydroid and Oberon:


I get the feeling that Oberon is probably actually very good now, however, like certain other frames, he may have to minmax one or two abilities in a single build.  The wierdness with him comes with how his abilities interact with mods and augments... the only things I can think of that come even remotely close with the mind-screwiness of their optimization are Nekros mainer builds, and certain maso/blessing or maso/maso Trinity builds.  I for one cannot handle trying to think through exactly how to optimize his healing spell to push death timers backwards and simultaneously do either good CC or damage with him...


For Hydroid, I think he's good, I think he's strong, but his Tentacle-field 4 used normally comes in second in trolliness only to Banish/Catacalysm, and 2-3 other abilities used intentionally to troll.  His Surge-wave is pretty interesting for movement and CC, but I just... dunno?  It seems like it could pair really well with his pool as well.. but then you need some way to clear his pool?  Sometimes I just think all the disliked frames have amazing synergy.  Volt+Limbo pretty much fixes Limbo's problems with defense missions and then some, Limbo would also be pretty much perfect for clearing Hydroid's pool, as would Oberon, etc.





#1:  Ash.  He literally does nothing but damage.

#2:  EV Trinity with minimum duration... mother of god it's so, so bad.  You just made 2/3 of her best abilities effectively useless, and her 1 was useless to begin with.  To top it off, you could have just taken a sniper or other burst damage weapon and done EV+kill to get out all that energy just as fast if not faster, and still had some duration.

#3:  Exalted Excal, Wukong.  Bleuuughhh.




#1:  Sane Trinity builds.  Aka anything that isn't full EV min duration.

#2:  Banshee.  Best damage frame in the game, because she gives everyone damage amp out the wazoo, strips armor, and makes Trinity instagib enemies with the first tick of EV if they cooperate builds.  Oh yeah, she also has an unholy shizzleton of CC and utility on the cheap.  The downside?  No easy defense except dodging like a boss and trying to keep up as much speed as possible to lower enemy accuracy.  (Nexuiz here we come!)

#3:  Ivara.  It's just... ehrmagerd.  She's got a fixed version of desecrate, a unique version of invisibility, a channel RANGED weapon 4 that could scale like crazy, and a 1 that just makes all of my dreams about jack of all trading wet themselves.




Limbo (the REAL assassin-frame).  Equinox (my backup Trini with deeps and CC, <3), Mirage (deeps and CC and uniqueness out the wazoo), Nyx, Saryn, Hydroid, Loki, potentially Nezha (don't have yet), Mesa, Nekros.




Vauban, Zephyr, Chroma, Ember, Frost, Mag, Volt, Nova.




Rhino (no one plays him right, ever.  Too many Rhini-cripples that never got weaned off him running around).  Atlas (press 1 2 win, shizzy petrify, worse Volt/Frost, ult is wut.  Maybe He'll come off this list eventually with changes, I dunno.)

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Honestly I have a soft spot in my heart for Oberon but sadly in his current state he's practically useless since most of his abilities are easily outclassed. I also think Mag and Limbo would be great frames if DE didn't make them in such a niche frame state. For example the only thing I use Mag for anymore is either farming Triton on Neptune or Corpus Sorties. Then Limbo is ok I guess but I just don't like most of the abilities available.

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Limbo is a sniper weapon... in frame format.  He should virtually ALWAYS be killing the high priority or extremely dangerous targets, and as such he needs serious burst damage.  The fact that he's stuck in the rift means he needs serious ammo efficiency as well, or a huras/shade to collect things outside of the rift safely.




Sadly, Snipers suck in this game, and it is not a joke or anything.

They do suck right now in terms of every aspect when compared to a gun that outputs half their damage but at 4x the fire rate.


I did suggest before that Limbo be turned into a more assassin frame, doing away with the huge bubble, but making most of his skills revolve around him being in the Rift. 

Edited by YasaiTsume
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