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What Do You Consider The Worst Frame In The Game?


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There is no such thing as bad frames, there are people who can't use them.

Oberon, Zephyr, Limbo and Wukong have their niches.

this x100.

Remember when Ember was the unanimous forum whipping frame for being the worst and useless? What happened? All DE did was make her 4 brain dead easy to use by removing duration. Now all of a sudden people cry about her being OP and call for nerfs.

She is the same frame as before, no real major buffs. Any good Ember player was able to spam her 4 (like any other frame) just as effectively as she can now. Only difference was that it took a bit more timing to activate it at the right times.

There were only and handful of good ember players, including me, who would try to convince players that she was far from the worst frame and could easily outkill others and CC- but no, the forum was convinced she was trash because she wasnt a p4tw simpleton frame.

I dont think there are truly any bad frames, just bad players with no clue. Like players who think Night Equinox is useless.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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Saryn Post-Nerf


Press 4 to win?



Oh dear!




Anyways onto topic:



Hydroid/Atlas/Volt/Mag/Loki/Banshee & Vauban





Hydorid: Ugly/Useless/Needs Rework & His powers bring out the pervs

Atlas: Ugly Design/I Hate Earth Powers

Volt: Waiting for a rework :3

Mag: Waiting for a rework :3

Loki: Ash Wanna-Be

Banshee: Ugly/ Need her skin/ Needs rework

Valban: Useless/Ugly/Ned's Rework

Edited by LegionCynex
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Oberon: Why do they hate me so much daddy? *sob* I thought they would like it when I healed them with renewal. They won't even accept me for LOR....

Caterhowlett16: (In a fatherly voice) It's not that they hate you son.... It's just that there's a frame that heals better than you do and only makes it LOOK like you suck.....

Oberon: Who's that daddy?


RhinoP and novaP: TRIN-I-TY! TRIN-I-TY! TRIN-I-TY! WOO!

*Oberon cries even more, Cater turns his head to the trinity drunk with power.*

Caterhowlett16:......b**ch......*turns to comfort Oberon* There there son, DE will surely rework you.

Oberon: They will daddy? Better than her?

Caterhowlett16: Of course they will... now lets go get some ice-cream. You wanna get some ice cream?

Oberon:.......Yes please...

Being a Banshee lover I know how you feel...

*Banshee hugs Oberon;

Don't worry pal, soon or later we are going the be shine and gold and all these suckers will worship us*.

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Limbo because warframe is a game where obtaining loot is the biggest goal in the game and all of his abilities prevent you from doing that.


"Gets banished by accident"




Solved. The issue is ignorance, not the frame itself.


Nova: Because the game isn't AoE'ish enough.


Trinity: Making difficulty in the game a joke since she came out.

Edited by HoakinBlackforge
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"Gets banished by accident"






Nova: Because the game isn't AoE'ish enough.


Trinity: Making difficulty in the game a joke since she came out.

Thats not the issue. The issue is simply that being in the rift prevents you from picking up loot. Thats just a bad mechanic imo. What if a limbo in your team has a very long and wide duration on cataclysm? You'll be screwed for a long while.

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Thats not the issue. The issue is simply that being in the rift prevents you from picking up loot. Thats just a bad mechanic imo. What if a limbo in your team has a very long and wide duration on cataclysm? You'll be screwed for a long while.

 Cataclysm can be turned of.


You havent played with limbo dont you?

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Atlas: (To be fair I only ranked him 0-30, no potato or forma)
Reasons why;

1. Looks like Bacon
2. Jordas Golem fight is boring like waiting for your Bacon to fry
3. Does not have distinctive Bacon smell that I'm so fond of

No but really I played Atlas - and in my history of playing this game since launch, he was the first frame that after levels 0-30 I decided I was going to flat out never play again unless Primed for Mastery Fodder.  I know I didn't give him the full potential of mods, potato or forma to make him better - so my opinion on him is biased and based on level 0-30 - but yeah, not an Atlas fan.  I found his aesthetic and powers to be crap quite frankly - he was just a fodder frame with nothing really useful about him - This is coming from a guy who formad his Oberon 5 times and actually enjoys it - as one of the most hated frames in the game.  

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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Guest (PS4)firefrost1138

I'm sorry. Can I change Excalibur opinion to Chroma? I absolutely HATED Chroma. I couldn't play him. I needed to get my mate to finish him off. I could only do 12 Levels of him before I just plain game up and said "Nup. Not playing him anymore". The only reason I still have Chroma is for when my mate comes over and doesn't wanna use my horrible builds

This. Absolute ball drag of a quest to get him and then about as clunky to use as nuts in a blender.

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I have and I'm aware of that. If another player is limbo and refuses to disable cataclysm you're still screwed. And as mentioned its still a bad mechanic.


And obviously a limbo user isnt going to be so stupid to not uncast cataclysm to avoid his team getting loot, or else hes getting banned.


I just pisses me off there is still people who judge warframes by a minor thing, despite how easy is to solve it. Anyone who knows how to play limbo with a team never leaves cataclysm for its full duration over a crowd of enemies.


This "best" or "worst" warframes threads need to be closed, because its about the player, not the warframe.

Edited by HoakinBlackforge
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And obviously a limbo user isnt going to be so stupid to not uncast cataclysm to avoid his team getting loot, or else hes getting banned.

I just pisses me off there is still people who judge warframes by a minor thing, despite how easy is to solve it. Anyone who knows how to play limbo with a team never leaves cataclysm for its full duration over a crowd of enemies.

This "best" or "worst" warframes threads need to be closed, because its about the player, not the warframe.

See its more about rift walk to me than cataclysm.

And despite this whole "all frames are good if blah blah blah" bs, there is something called statistical analysis.

A frame can be bad statistically and typically that means its bad.

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no bad frames, just bad players. Like using frost's snowglobe to cover the objective pre-rework in an infested defense where everyone is away from the globe.


for me frame I just can't use would be Limbo. Management sounds cool but I feel like I have to go to deep into micromanagement, which just doesn't suit me. Haven't used Nezha, Ivara, Trinity, and Nova so they're exempt from my thoughts

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